1. Collectibles
1.1. All Collectible Locations
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Brilliant! – Shoot an airborne grenade during Blacksight
2.2. Collateral Damage – Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion
All Collectible Locations
(Phonograph Cylinders, Newspapers, Photographs, Documents, Inspect Items, Inspect Objects)
There are a total of 77 Collectibles in The Order: 1886 – 16 Phonograph Cylinders, 10 Newspapers, 11 Photographs, 16 Documents, 10 Objects, 14 Items. You have to find and inspect all collectible locations to unlock the following 5 trophies:
Inspector First Class [Gold]
Archivist [Silver]
Well-read [Silver]
Detail Oriented [Silver]
Power of Observation [Silver]
None of the collectibles are missable! You can search for missing items via chapter select at any time during the story or after beating the story. Your progress does also carry over when starting a new game.
Unfortunately, there is no tracker for the collectibles, except for the Phonograph Cylinders (these can be viewed in the “Archive” of the pause menu, but you don’t have to listen to them to unlock the trophy). Because there is no tracker it’s almost impossible to figure out what you are missing, so be very careful that you don’t miss anything. Just to be safe you should always view both pages of every photograph and document and inspect all objects with the left stick.
It doesn’t matter on which difficulty you are playing. The collectibles can all be found on easy difficulty or any other difficulty! Almost all of the collectibles are in areas where no enemies are spawning.
The game also contains lots of story-related objects that cannot be missed (doors, ladders, rubble blocking the way, weapons and other gear you are forced to pick up to progress in the game). The unmissable story objects are not inlcuded in this video guide series to minimize spoilers and because they are obtained automatically as part of the story.
There are 16 chapters in total, but many of them do not contain any collectibles at all. The following chapters do not have any collectibles: Prologue, chapter 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16.
Text Guide for all Collectible Locations:
The Order: 1886 Collectible Locations Text Guide
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Shoot an airborne grenade during Blacksight
To get this trophy you must press L1 to activate Blacksight and shoot a grenade in the air. You can throw one of your own grenades (doesn’t have to be a grenade thrown by enemies). There is a great spot for this in “Chapter 3: Inequalities ; Scene: The Puppet Queen”. Load up this scene via chapter select and you should automatically have a grenade in your inventory. Throw it and immediately press L1 to activate Blacksight, then press R2 to shoot it.
It should automatically aim at the grenade, but if it doesn’t you can use the right stick to switch between targets. There’s also a grenade on a wooden box where this sub-chapter starts. It works with all grenade types in the game (smoke grenades and frag grenades).
Collateral Damage
Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion
An extremely easy spot for this trophy is in “Chapter 8: Under Siege ; Scene: A One Man Army”. Here you have to use a rocket launcher to kill waves of approaching enemies. Immediately after you take control of the rocket launcher, aim to the bottom right and there will be a group of 3 enemies behind a broken fence. Shoot them and the trophy will pop.
If you don’t get it on your first try you can either restart the checkpoint or wait for other groups of enemies. Just wait until 3 or more enemies are close together and then take your shot. There are plenty of opportunities for this when you have the rocket launcher.
You can load up this scene in chapter select anytime.
Luxi says
Great guides! :D
Luxi says
You rock!!! :D
Jesse says
Played to the campaign when it came out and im now going to platinum it!! These guide are great
Probably a dumb question but once I find the collectibles can I quit out of the level and it’ll still save what all I’ve found?