1. Basics
1.1. How to Use Fast Travel
1.2. How to Reveal all Collectible Locations on the Map
1.3. How to Use Consumables & Incendiary/Explosive Bullets
1.4. How to Increase Contamination Filter Level
1.5. How to Get and Use Phoenix Credits
2. Roadmap
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Virus Scanner Locations –-> For unlocking Collectibles on World Map!
3.2. Shut that door – Close a car door while in cover
3.3. Master Craftsman – Craft a High-end item
3.4. Hardened Combatant – Complete a mission in Challenge mode
3.5. The Final Curtain – Uncover the fates of Gordon and Aaron
- Platinum Difficulty: 2/10
- Offline trophies: 0
- Online trophies: 51 (1x
, 3x
, 5x
, 42x
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 (1 x to reach level 30, 1 x hard after reaching level 30)
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Know No Fear, United We Stand, Skillz (they unlock for some people but not for others)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat all missions on hard at level 30 and one mission in challenge mode
- Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats available
Step 1: Beat all story- & side missions on normal difficulty + complete encounters and collectibles
The fastest way to level up is beating Main Missions & Side Missions on normal difficulty. On normal you can kill enemies much quicker, which results in a higher XP gain per minute than hard difficulty (at least on the first playthrough). On hard you get better rewards, but it takes much longer to complete the mission.
You also gain a lot of XP by finding the 293 Collectibles. Buying the Canine Unit of the Security Wing unlocks a perk called “Intel Discovery”. This perk reveals all collectible locations on the map after the side missions and encounters have been completed.
Completing Encounters is also useful for upgrading your Base of Operations and gives small XP bonuses. Your first main goal is to reach level 30. You will get a lot of trophies along the way without trying.
Step 2: Complete all missions on hard difficulty after reaching level 30 + Co-Op trophies
After reaching level 30 (the max level) you must complete all main mission on hard for the “Know No Fear” trophy. You may want to team up with other players for this. It’s much easier with a squad of 4 players. For the trophy “Networking” you must complete 20 missions as part of a team anyway, so it fits in perfectly here. Also take care of the other co-op trophies in this step if you haven’t already. The co-op trophies don’t need a lot of teamwork, you can easily do them with random people via player search and they should come naturally over the course of 20 missions.
Step 3: Do darkzone trophies + equip superior or high-end items in every equipment slot + craft high-end item
Equipping purple or yellow gear in all slots unlocks the “Bling! Bling!” trophy and it’s the best preparation for challenge mode. In PvP you can gather DZ Credits to buy high-end weapons or find them in loot containers (can be opened with keys that are randomly dropped by enemies and rogue agents). The hardest Darkzone trophies are for killing a named Elite enemy and a total of 10 named enemies. These enemies are especially hard and you may want to play in a group for this.
By now you should have enough crafting materials and blueprints to craft a high-end item for the “Master Craftsman” trophy.
Step 4: Complete one mission in challenge mode
This is for the “Hardened Combatant” trophy and should be the last thing you need. Make sure you have good equipment before attempting this. Play in a full squad of 4 people to make it easier.
There are 10 Virus Research Medical Encounters in Tom Clancy’s The Divison. They require you to find a bunch of Virus Scanners in contaminated areas.
Completing all encounters and side missions is needed to unlock the collectible locations on your world map. You also gain 60 supplies per encounter which you can use to upgrade the medical wing. To access these areas you must increase your filter level by buying Medical Wing upgrades. There are 3 upgrades that increase your filter level: Virus Lab, Hazmat Unit, Pharmacy.
In this video I show you the locations of all Virus Scanners (from the lowest level area to the highest level area, south to north).
TIMELINE (with district names):
#1 – Chelsea – 0:05
#2 – Chelsea – 1:25
#3 – Garment District – 2:50
#4 – Clinton – 4:14
#5 – Flatiron District – 5:34
#6 – Kips Bay – 7:09
#7 – Kips Bay – 8:43
#8 – Murray Hill – 11:01
#9 – Turtle Bay – 12:17
#10 – Midtown East – 13:57
Shut that door
Close a car door while in cover.
This is super easy and can be done anywhere on the streets of New York City. When you see a car with open doors press X (PS4) / A (XB1) to take cover behind it. Now simply walk around while in cover and you will close the door automatically.
Master Craftsman
Craft a High-end item.
You can find a crafting station in the base of operations. Crafting a High-End material will suffice, it doesn’t have to be a weapon or gear item. They can be crafted from the beginning on. There’s no need to get any blueprints. All you need is 5 blue crafting materials of any type and it will let you “convert” them into one high-end material (Weapon Parts / Tools / Electronics / Fabric).
The quickest way to get enough materials is to deconstruct items from your inventory. It’s also possible to convert green materials to blue ones, then the blue ones to yellow (high-end) ones. Simply deconstruct everything you don’t need. For the trophy “Deconstructive Criticism” you have to deconstruct 100 items anyway and will get more than enough materials.
Hardened Combatant
Complete a mission in Challenge mode.
Challenge mode (the hardest difficulty) is unlocked after reaching level 30. All enemies will be elite and level 32. This is the hardest trophy / achievement. You should definitely do this with a full squad of 4 people and have superior or high-end items in every slot. One of the easiest missions for this is “Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint”. It’s an early mission and some enemies have only pistols. Most importantly, there are no enemies with flamethrowers or shotguns.
Challenge Mode Tips & Tricks:
– Best weapon setup is Sniper Rifle (primary, with Repo Reaper Talent) + SMG (secondary). Aim for the head!
– At least 1 person should use the riot shield and a pistol. With a fully upgraded security wing the shield repairs itself, making you pretty much invulnerable.
– Revive teammates quickly before the enemies finish them off. The riot shield gives you perfect protection while reviving an ally out in the open.
– Use talents that give you ammo (on pistol kill and on skill kill). Because the enemies have so much health you will run out of ammo quickly. Another reason why the pistol + riot shield combo is perfect here.
– At least one player should have the Support Station & First Aid mods that revive downed allies.
– Don’t play aggressively. Never rush into the enemies. Stay as far back as possible (use Sniper Rifle).
– Remember where the ammo crates are.
The Final Curtain
Uncover the fates of Gordon Amherst and Aaron Keener.
After completing all story missions (essentially beating the story) a new side quest will unlock in the Chelsea district. The quest is called “Unknown Signal”. It’s really short and you just need to go inside a building and activate an ECHO collectible. This will give you the last Virus Report and unlock the trophy.
Parsa says
I need a partner co op for the platinum trophy
Psn id : parsa-joker77
tommy says
can u help me parsa-joker77 dark zon trophy
Seth says
i need help with this platinum well as the division 2. add me PSN:Sethydooo
Arashiyama_24 says
Hey mate! I can help! I’m only a beginner but we can still play and complete co-op trophies.
PSN: Arashiyama_24