In Tom Clancy’s The Division you can collect and use different ammo types. This can be incredibly useful when going to the Dark Zone.
Incendiary and Explosive Bullets are great for increased damage.
However, the game doesn’t do a good job at explaining how to use these items.
It’s quite simple: On PS4 / Xbox One hold D-Pad to the right (Directional Buttons).
If you hold D-Pad to the left with a grenade equipped you can cycle between different grenade types.
Holding D-Pad down will give you access to Emotes. And pressing D-Pad up lets you mark enemies.
You can see all your available consumables and grenades in the “Pouches” tab of the Inventory. Make sure to save the best stuff for the Dark Zone.
Canned Food (increases healing effect by 40% for 30 seconds)
Energy Bar (instantly removes all negative status effects)
Water (increases damage dealt to elite enemies by 20% for 30 seconds)
Soda (reduces cooldown on all skills by 30% for 30 seconds)
Incendiary Bullets (have a chance to light target on fire for extra damage)
Explosive Bullets (have a chance to deal area of effect damage)
EMP Grenade
Flashbang Grenade
Fragmentation Grenade
Incendiary Grenade
Shock Grenade
Tear Gas Grenade
Alex S says
You’re absolutely right ! As some one who considers this game GOTY worthy, they didn’t do a good job of explaining any of this. I kept picking up Incendiary rounds and almost thought of them as junk. Or maybe just to sell. Then I kept picking them up which made me google this to see if I am able to use them. And learned how to toggle grenades and use food and water. Which I didn’t know I could even do until see your article. Thank you ! Luckily, I’m not that far into the game and only on Level 13. Enjoying the hell out of his game and kudos to Ubisoft. It’s so addicting. Cheers !
Alan S says
I totally agree regarding the lack of information provided by Ubisoft. I am really enjoying the immersive nature of the game and have reached level 27 without being aware of most of the information you have given which means I am either very good or very lucky. Thanks for the info,it will make a big difference to my gameplay.