1. Collectibles
1.1. All Collectible Locations
1.2. All Secret Areas
2. Story-Related
2.1. Old Habits Die Hard (Chapter 5: The Forsaken)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Hail of Glass – Shoot a bottle in mid-air with an arrow
3.2. Child of the Shadows – Finish a single chapter without alerting anyone
3.3. Obsessive Compulsive – Steal all loot and collectibles in a single chapter
3.4. Focus on the Tasks at Hand – Pick a pocket and a lock using the focus ability
3.5. Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock – Pick a lock with masterful speed
3.6. Health Hazard – Kill or knockout 10 people using the environment
3.7. Modesty Denied – Score an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map
What’s Yours is Mine
Complete all collectible sets
There are a total of 82 collectible locations in Thief. Finding all collectibles will earn you the What’s Yours is Mine trophy / achievement. You will also get a reward of 30,000 gold after the last collectible has been found.
One collectible is obtained automatically during the prologue and cannot be missed. The rest is scattered across all main missions, client jobs and the open world (The City).
Finding all collectibles in the first chapter will also unlock “Two-Faced” – Uncover Lyegrove’s secret.
To see how many collectibles an area contains, you can open up the journal (D-Pad up), go to Player Progression and Statistics. There you’ll see how many collectibles and loot items you have found in the current chapter and how many there are in total. Furthermore, there’s a section called “Collectibles” in the pause menu, which lists each collectible by its name and breaks them down into categories. That makes it easier to find missing collectibles.
Also make sure to buy enough Rope arrows before each mission. They are often required to reach hidden areas.
You will also be shown an overview at the end of each chapter, which tells you how many items you have recovered. You can then replay the chapter immediately if you missed something. You can also replay chapters at any given time by returning to their starting point in the open world.
Finders Keepers
Discover all secret areas
There are a total of 73 secret areas in Thief. Finding all of them will earn you the Finders Keepers Trophy / Achievement.
Whenever you enter a secret area you will hear a metallic sound in the background. In some cases you also need to interact with certain collectibles, objects or loot to trigger this sound. Do exactly what is shown in the video. If something is being picked up, you need to pick it up too. An area only counts when you hear the metallic sound! Be sure that music is enabled in the options and lower the Voice Volume & SFX Volume. This will make the metallic sound appear louder.
Unlike collectibles and loot, the secret areas are not listed in the statistics. There is no way to see how many you have already found. It’s highly recommended to start a new game from scratch and to keep a check list. If you do indeed miss an area and don’t remember which one it is, then you have to start all over again.
Also create a manual save game every time you discover a new area. The game does not save this progress automatically. So you either have to reach the next checkpoint or create a save game by yourself. If you die before saving the game, you have to visit the secret area again.
Here’s a breakdown of how many hidden areas there are per chapter:
Prologue: 0
Chapter 1: 0
Chapter 2: 7
Chapter 3: 5
Chapter 4: 4
Chapter 5: 5
Chapter 6: 5
Chapter 7: 4
Chapter 8: 2
The City: 41
Old Habits Die Hard
Find all the secret stashes in Moira
Chapter 5: Forsaken
“Moira” is the Asylum in the fifth chapter. There are five golden pocket portraits you need to collect for this trophy / achievement. They are all hidden in the very beginning of this chapter, where you need to search for the key to the female ward.
Hail of Glass
Shoot a bottle in mid-air with an arrow
You can find a bottle in Clock Tower Plaza of the open world. It’s in front of a shop called “Reynard’s Coffeehouse”.
Equip the bottle and aim into the air right above you. After throwing the bottle you have 1,5 seconds before it hits the ground. Shoot an arrow when the bottle is close to hitting the ground. The closer the bottle, the better your chance of shooting it.
You might also want to move around a little if standing still doesn’t work for you (e.g. taking a step to the left or right to adjust your aim). If you know the bottle often lands to your right, then take a step to the right.
Be sure to create a save game before throwing the bottle. So if you miss your shot, you can quickly reload the game and try again.
Child of the Shadows
Finish a single chapter without alerting anyone
The best place to do this is Chapter 1: Lockdown. This chapter is very short and has few enemies. The eye-symbol above an enemy’s head may never turn fully red. If it does, they enter combat mode and you are being spotted. If this happens, immediately reload the last save game.
Always stay in the dark, don’t shoot any arrows and don’t knock out any enemies. Stay crouched all the time and use the shadow dash to get from one dark area to another when enemies are not looking your way.
Explore the area and take alternative routes where you don’t have to deal with any guards.
Obsessive Compulsive
Steal all loot and collectibles in a single chapter
The best place to do this is Chapter 1: Lockdown. It’s a very short chapter and only contains 60 loot items and 4 collectibles. All of these objects are very close together and you can easily locate their locations by activating focus vision. Loot & Collectibles will then be highlighted in blue color.
Just be sure to search all lockers, drawers and safes.
You will also have to take some hidden alternative routes and climb up some walls. Some collectibles are also hidden behind doors. So every time you open up a door, close it behind you and take a look if there’s loot on the ground.
Don’t worry if you miss an object. You can either backtrack a little, or hit the start-button and choose “Load” – “Chapter Start”.
In your journal (D-Pad up) under “Player Progression” – “Statistics” you can see exactly how many objects you have picked up.
The trophy / achievement only pops at the end of the chapter and not immediately after finding the last item!
Focus on the Tasks at Hand
Pick a pocket and a lock using the focus ability
To do this you must first upgrade the Focus ability “Dexterity” to its maximum level. You can buy focus upgrades from the Beggar’s Queen in the most northern part of The City.
After you’ve upgraded Dexterity, head to the glowing gate around the corner to start Chapter 2 (can be replayed at the same location if you’ve already beaten it). In the beginning of chapter 2 is a guard with two pockets and a locked door. Activate focus vision and pick the guard’s pocket, as well as the lock of the closed door.
You can then pause the game and click “Return to the City” to get back to the Beggar’s Queen.
Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock
Pick a lock with masterful speed
You can do this at any door in the game that has 3 pins. Save your game before interacting with the door. Now try to pick the locks and remember the correct combination. Before unlocking the third pin, reload your save game. You’ll be back in front of the door and just need to enter the same combination as before. Do this in under 3 seconds and the trophy / achievement should unlock.
If you fail, you can reload your save game every time.
Note: If you’ve already opened the door shown in the video, you can return to the clock tower (your hideout) and it will get locked again.
Health Hazard
Kill or knockout 10 people using the environment
The best place to do this is in chapter 3. After entering the brothel, go down the hallway on the right. There’s a big machine in the middle of the room. That’s the opium machine. It will knock out everyone in the entire brothel and immediately grant you the trophy or achievement. To do this you need to manipulate the machine with the wirecutter. In the same room is a locked door. Pick the lock and you’ll come to a room that leads to the area behind the opium machine. There’s a panel on the wall. Open the panel and cut the wires. Now return to the room with the machine and pull the lever to knock everyone out.
You can buy the wirecutter from merchants in the City. Merchants are marked with a white bow & arrow symbol on your world map. You can replay this chapter at any time.
Modesty Denied
Score an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map
This is easiest on the map “House of Blossoms” in the “Chain & Gain” Mode. This is a very small map with tons of loot items right next to each other.
Start by stealthily knocking out / killing all guards on the entire map. Taking out guards will deduct some points at first, but in reality it makes the whole process a lot easier and is the key to success. The goal in this challenge mode is to collect all the loot in very quick succession. The quicker you collect everything, the higher your multiplier and the more points you will get. With all of the guards out of the way, you can focus on the loot and collect it without any disturbance. The loot always spawns in the same place, so you can remember the locations. Again, the goal is to collect all the loot quickly without losing your multiplier. Simply go in every room, use focus vision for a short moment to highlight all objects and pick everything up. Then move on to the next area until you have a chain count of at least 150. This will pretty much guarantee more than 5 million points, as long as you pick everything up quickly enough and maintain your multiplier. This should take you 18-20 minutes.
Don’t ever let your chain count break! It breaks if you haven’t collected anything for a minute.
Once you’ve collected everything, go to the green door between the first and second floor. It will end the level and you will get a huge point boost for your high chain count. Before leaving you’ll only have around 2 million points, but once you finish the map you’ll more than double that due to the extra points.
Also keep in mind that almost all guards carry pockets. So be sure to loot all of them (after taking them out).
Luke Gill says
something to prove can you tell how you got 700 point on chapter 8 of thief
M says
Currently (2023-11-28) the PlayStation store has “Thief: Master Thief Edition” for sale for $3.74. It includes all the DLC. I platted the regular version of this game back in 2018. Does anyone know if the Master Thief Edition (like a lot of GOTY editions) is a separate trophy list? That is, can I earn a second Platinum from this? Thanks.