1. Collectibles
1.1. All Hidden Bottle Locations
1.2. All Gold Bar Locations | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
2. Story-Related
2.1. Get Off the ground (Mission 2 – Schöneberg Convoy)
2.2. Fish Tank (Mission 4 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum)
2.3. Kilroy was Here (Mission 7 – Tiergarten Flak Tower)
2.4. High and Mighty (Mission 9 – Kreuzberg Headquarters)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Hide and Hope – Complete a level without being shot a single time
3.2. Every Bullet Counts – Complete a level with 100% accuracy, using only rifles
3.3. Front and Center – Get a scoped headshot over 150m
3.4. Deadeye – Snipe an enemy through his eye
3.5. Mousetrap Fuse – Use a trip mine to kill an enemy
3.6. Double Dose – Snipe 2 people with one shot
3.7. Cooking Off – Snipe a grenade on an enemy’s webbing from 100m
3.8. Fuel Tank – Destroy a tank by sniping the fuel supply
3.9. Ear Plugs – Snipe an enemy while your rifle fire is masked by a loud sound
3.10. Potato Masher – Kill 100 enemies with explosives
3.11. Pass the Buck – Get a sniped ricochet headshot
Jungle Juice
Find and snipe all the hidden bottles throughout the game.
There are a total of 37 hidden bottle collectibles in Sniper Elite V2. This video contains all their locations. It’s recommended to do the first playthrough on easy difficulty and snipe all of the bottles while playing through the game. On your second run (Elite Sniper difficulty) you can collect all of the Gold Bars. Every time a bottle has been shot it will be saved immediately! If you die or restart the checkpoint you do not have to shoot it again. There is a mission select in the main menu that allows you to replay any chapters to mop up missing collectibles.
Gold Rush
Find and retrieve all the stolen gold bars
There are a total of 100 Gold Bar Collectibles in Sniper Elite V2.
After collecting a Gold Bar it will be saved and you don’t have to collect it again if you die. All missions can be replayed at any time to mop up missing Gold Bars.
Get Off the ground
Kill everyone in the convoy from ground level, except for Kreidl
This is story-related and can only be done in Mission 2 – Schöneberg Convoy.
At the very end of the mission you will have to plant two explosive charges and shoot one of them to stop the incoming convoy. Quickly kill the highlighted mission target and go back to the ground level where you came from. Take out all of the soldiers and avoid the attacking tank.
This works best on the easiest difficulty (Cadet). On higher difficulties you should stay in cover all over the time.
Fish Tank
Send the tank into the river by blowing up the bridge
This is story-related and can only be done during Mission 4 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum.
After planting two explosive charges on a bridge and reaching the top of the museum, you will see 3 incoming tanks. The tanks will try to cross the bridge with the charges. Shoot one of the charges as soon as the tanks are on the bridge. You can reload the checkpoint if you fail.
Kilroy was Here
Make it through the tower to the winch room without being spotted
This is story-related and can only be done in Mission 7 – Tiergarten Flak Tower.
The trophy / achievement relevant tower section starts when you get a new objective that says ‘Find a path to the roof’.
Stay in the dark and make use of cover to avoid being seen. Do not run when enemies are nearby. It makes too much noise and they will be alerted. You will have to kill a bunch of enemies while going through the tower. Always use your silenced pistol (Welrod) and shoot them in the upper body or head. It should kill them with one single shot.
If you have been spotted reload the last checkpoint and try again. There are two checkpoints in the tower.
High and Mighty
Wipe out the Elite Russian Sniper Team from the rooftops
This is story-related and can only be done during Mission 9 – Kreuzberg Headquarters.
There are a total of 8 enemy snipers that need to be taken out. After obtaining a map during a cutscene, you will be inside a building. Go up to the rooftop and look where the shots come from to locate the snipers. If you have trouble shooting them then switch to the easiest difficulty (Cadet) and mark them with your binoculars.
Hide and Hope
Complete a level without being shot a single time
The best spot to get this and ‘Make Every Bullet Count’ at once is Mission 1 – Prologue. Only use your sniper rifle and no other weapons! You will only have to kill 4 enemies in this mission. You start with sniping the general (forced event) and exit the building where you will snipe two soldiers in a courtyard. Now make your way to the next area with enemies. Wait until the patrolling guard stops in the right corner of the area. Then you move slowly to the other side, go upstairs, kill the guard that comes out of the door and run straight to the missions end.
Reload the checkpoint if you have been spotted or missed a shot. Play on the lowest difficulty (Cadet) to make it even easier.
Make Every Bullet Count
Complete a level without being shot a single time
The best spot to get this and ‘Hide and Hope’ at once is Mission 1 – Prologue. Only use your sniper rifle and no other weapons! You will only have to kill 4 enemies in this mission. You start with sniping the general (forced event) and exit the building where you will snipe two soldiers in a courtyard. Now make your way to the next area with enemies. Wait until the patrolling guard stops in the right corner of the area. Then you move slowly to the other side, go upstairs, kill the guard that comes out of the door and run straight to the missions end.
Reload the checkpoint if you have been spotted or missed a shot. Play on the lowest difficulty (Cadet) to make it even more easier.
Front and Center
Get a scoped headshot over 150m
You can get this together with ‘Deadeye’ with your first Sniper Rifle shot during the Prologue in the very beginning of the game.
After a short cutscene you will have to shoot Eisenberg. Aim on the left side of his head and with a bit of luck you will shoot his eye out which will give you the ‘Deadeye’ trophy / achievement. Since this counts as a headshot it will automatically unlock the ‘Front and Center’ trophy / achievement. You can also reload the checkpoint if you fail.
Playing on easiest difficulty (Cadet) greatly improves your accuracy!
Snipe an enemy through his eye
You can get this together with ‘Front and Center’ with your first Sniper Rifle shot during the Prologue in the very beginning of the game.
After a short cutscene you will have to shoot Eisenberg. Aim on the left side of his head and with a bit of luck you will shoot his eye out which will give you the ‘Deadeye’ trophy / achievement. Since this counts as a headshot it will automatically unlock the ‘Front and Center’ trophy / achievement. You can also reload the checkpoint if you fail.
Playing on easiest difficulty (Cadet) greatly improves your accuracy!
Mousetrap Fuse
Use a trip mine to kill an enemy who is trying to assault your position
Your first chance to get this is in Mission 1 – Prologue. After killing your main target with the Sniper Rifle you will have to go all the way back from where you came from. There is a spot where you previously had to plant a trip mine (a forced tutorial event in the beginning of the mission). Once you reach that area, throw a stone near the trip mine and a guard should run down the stairs, straight into the mine. You can reload the checkpoint if it didn’t work.
Double Dose
Snipe 2 people with one shot
Your best chance to get this is in the very beginning of Mission 2 – Schöneberg Convey.
Silently take out the first enemy. There will be two other enemies on the street in front of you. One of the soldiers will be walking towards the other one. Once they are perfectly lined up shoot them both with one single bullet. You do not necessarily have to give them a headshot.
Playing on easiest difficulty (Cadet) greatly improves your accuracy!
Cooking Off
Snipe a grenade on an enemy’s webbing from 100m
One of the first good locations to get this is in Mission 2 – Schöneberg Convoy, where you encounter your first large group of soldiers. After running through a building and taking out a single soldier you will drop down to some sort of corridor. Stay at the end of the corridor and aim towards the group of soldiers. One of them should be standing in the middle of the wide open area. When he is facing you, shoot a couple of centimeters below his left arm (from where you are looking you must aim right). Aim as if you were trying to make a grazing shot. With a bit of luck you will hit the grenade. If not then reload the checkpoint and try again.
Playing on easiest difficulty (Cadet) greatly improves your accuracy!
Fuel Tank
Destroy a tank by sniping the fuel supply
The earliest opportunity to get this is at the end of Mission 2 – Schöneberg Convoy.
Shortly after killing the mission target Kreidl, a cutscene with an incoming tank will begin to play. At the back of the tank are two small boxes with red blinking lights. Shoot one of the red lights to make the tank explode.
Ear Plugs
Snipe an enemy while your rifle fire is masked by a loud sound
The first chance to get this is in the very beginning of Mission 3 – Mittelwerk Facility. Once the missions starts you will be in front of a watchtower. Inside the watchtower is a soldier and next to the tower is a speaker. The speaker will make some noise every 15 seconds. Once you see some sort of white shockwaves in the top right corner of the screen you kill the soldier in the watchtower. Reload the checkpoint if you fail.
Potato Masher
Kill 100 enemies with explosives
The best location to farm 100 kills quickly is in Mission 4 – Kaiser-Friedrich Museum. After obtaining the Mosin Nagant you will exit a building and see four Russians standing close together at the end of a street. One of them will have a grenade on his webbing. Shoot the grenade and all four soldiers will get killed. Each one counts towards this trophy / achievement. Restart the checkpoint (it will keep your kill statistics!) and repeat the process over and over again. If you start with 0 explosive kills you should be done after 15 minutes. This should automatically earn you the ‘Cooking Off’ trophy / achievement.
Pass the Buck
Get a sniped ricochet headshot
A fantastic location to get this is in Mission 8 – Karlshorst Command Post. After destroying the moving tank in the very beginning of the mission you will go inside a building. Lots of soldiers will run down a corridor, towards your position. Look through your sniper rifle scope and make sure that the upper vertical line overlaps the head of your target. Shoot the floor a couple meters infront of the moving soldier and with a bit of luck the bullet will bounce off and give him a headshot. The difficulty level does not matter for this. Reload the last checkpoint if you fail.
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