1. Walkthrough
1.1. Master Tactician– Complete 100% of the tactical challenges
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Just a Box – In Guerrilla mode, complete a sequence without being detected
Master Tactician
Complete 100% of the tactical challenges
Completing all of the tactical challenges will earn you several weapon attachments, as well as the ‘Master Tactician’ Trophy / Achievement (Complete 100% of the tactical challenges).
There are a total of 12 missions. Each one has 3 tactical challenges. If you die after completing a challenge you do not have to do it again, it will stay saved after the first completion! You can do the tactical challenges over multiple playthroughs or in Mission Selection. The chosen difficulty does not matter (only for the challenges that are tied to a difficulty – Mission 4, 6, 9, 10).
You do not have to reach the end of the mission to make the tactical challenge count. You can drop out after reaching the next checkpoint. The enemies have the same motion pattern on every difficulty.
This walkthrough was captured on Elite Difficulty (Solo) with 0 deaths.
Just a Box
While in Guerrilla mode, complete an infiltration sequence without being detected
This can be done in the first wave on any map in Guerilla Mode. Just crouch and move slowly to activate the stealth camouflage. Don’t get too close to enemies when they are looking into your direction. They might spot you otherwise. The map “Airstrip” is perfect to get this because there are only 4 enemies. Break their neck from behind or shoot them with a silenced weapon. The difficulty settings do not matter.
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