1. Collectibles
1.1. All Intel Locations
2. Story-Related
2.1. Bro Code Violation (Mission 2 – Triton Outpost)
2.2. Keep on Truckin’ (Mission 3 – Sheng Island)
The Inspector
Collect every piece of Intel in the game.
There are a total of 57 Intel Collectibles in Fuse. Finding all of them will earn you the “The Inspector” trophy / achievement and reward you with bonus XP. They are scattered across all 6 story missions. The four Xenotech intel reports are obtained automatically in the first mission. If you miss an intel you can still get it via mission select.
Note: You can press the left stick to display your current objective. The video guide also shows the objective in the top left corner whenever a new collectible scene starts. This will help you figuring out if an intel is nearby.
Bro Code Violation
Perform a stealth takedown on the Raven soldier at the urinal.
Location: Mission 2 – Triton Outpost
Shortly after fighting the first groups of enemies in mission 2, you will automatically come to restroom. You cannot miss this place. It’s part of the story path. In front of the urinal is a soldier. Sneak up to him and take him out silently by pressing Triangle (PS3) / Y (X360) from close range.
Keep on Truckin’
Destroy all of the trucks at the bunker defense.
Location: Mission 3 – Sheng Island, Checkpoint 3 – A Bad Breackup
At the end of the third mission you will breach into a bunker. After clearing it of enemies, reinforcements will arrive. There will be a total of 4 trucks. Use one of the turrets to destroy them. You can still do this after the defense is over. If you have already completed this mission you may select the third checkpoint in level select directly.
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