1. Miscellaneous
1.1. Tread Lightly – Liberate any Outpost without triggering an alarm
1.2. From A Distance – Kill a target from 60m or more with an arrow or bolt
1.3. Two Birds – Using a sniper rifle, kill 2 targets with a single shot
1.4. Quad Kill – Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with a single explosion
1.5. Custom-Fitted – Buy all attachments and paint schemes for a single weapon
1.6. Changing Lanes – Perform a Vehicle Takedown from the passenger seat of a vehicle
1.7. The Sky Is Falling – Perform a takedown from a Buzzer
Tread Lightly
Liberate any Outpost without triggering an alarm in any mode (Campaign only).
There are a total of 24 Outposts. You can liberate any of them without triggering an alarm. Search for the alarm switch in an Outpost and disable it by pressing Square (PlayStation) / X (Xbox). Now you just need to kill the remaining enemies. It does not matter if the enemies see you or not. They are just not allowed to ring the alarm. If you hear the alarm then kill yourself and you should respawn somewhere near the Outpost and can try it again.
It works best on the easy Outposts near the beginning of the game because they only have one alarm switch. Kyra Tea Weigh Station (coordinates X: 344.5, Y: 379.0) is great for this!
If you’ve already liberated this Outpost you can replay it any time via the “Outpost Master” icon on your world map.
From A Distance
Kill a target from 60m or more with an arrow or bolt (Campaign only).
First of all you should buy the Recurve Bow from a weapon locker. Also buy and equip the Marksman Sight. It’s a very useful attachment for long range shots. Now search for some enemies and put a marker on their location on the world map. Walk away until the marker shows a distance of 60+ meters and take the shot while the enemy is standing still. The Rochan Brick Co. Shipping Outpost (coordinates X: 393.6, Y: 503.6) is near the starting area of the game and one of the best locations to get this done early. There are two enemies out in the open, standing completely still.
If you’ve already liberated this Outpost you can replay it any time via the “Outpost Master” icon on your world map.
Two Birds
Using a sniper rifle, kill 2 targets with a single shot (Campaign only).
This can easily be done at the Rochan Brick Co. Shipping Outpost (coordinates X: 393.7, Y: 503.5). There are two enemies standing right next to each other. They are standing completely still and are easy targets.
Buy a sniper rifle and get close to them, but avoid being detected. Now when they are perfectly lined up you shoot them both in the head. Most enemies in the game have body armor and shots to the torso won’t kill them. So make sure you do a headshot.
If you miss your shot or only kill one enemy, then get yourself killed and you will respawn at the outpost again. If you’ve already liberated this Outpost you can replay it any time via the “Outpost Master” icon on your world map.
Quad Kill
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with a single explosion (Campaign only).
To do this you will need to buy an explosive weapon. The RPG-7 works best (costs 160,000 Kyrad Dollars). Now go to the Rochan Brick Co. Storage Outpost (coordinates X: 440.4, Y: 543.0) and set off the alarm. Wait for the reinforcement cars to arrive. In the car without a turret are 4 soldiers. Shoot this vehicle with your rocket launcher before the soldiers get out. Alternatively you can also plant some C4 and group up some enemies, then blow it up. If it doesn’t work on your first try, then simply get yourself killed and you should respawn somewhere around the Outpost and can try it again.
If you’ve already liberated this Outpost you can replay it any time via the “Outpost Master” icon on your world map.
Buy all attachments and paint schemes for a single weapon (Campaign only).
For this trophy / achievement you will need 200,000 Kyrat Dollars. Money is very easy to get in this game. Just loot some corpses or open loot chest and you will have enough money within a couple of minutes.
Now go to a weapon locker or merchant and select a weapon that doesn’t have any attachments, for example the AK-47. You will only need to buy the 6 paint schemes. The weapons that don’t have any attachments are the cheapest option.
Changing Lanes
Perform a Vehicle Takedown from the passenger seat of a vehicle (Campaign Co-op only).
For this trophy / achievement you must buy the “Vehicle Takedown” skill and play together with a friend in Co-Op. With the skill equipped you must be on the passenger seat while your friend is driving the car. Your friend has to pull up to an enemy vehicle and then you need to press the right stick to perform the takedown.
It’s slightly random where enemy vehicles are spawning. They spawn most frequently around enemy fortresses and outposts, but there are lots of random convoys too. Alternatively you can do it in the reinforcement wave of an outpost. Let the guards activate the alarm and some reinfocement vehicles will come in.
The Sky Is Falling
Perform a takedown from a Buzzer (Campaign only).
To do this you must buy the “Vehicle Takedown” skill! Now get into a Buzzer (small helicopter). One can be found at the first outpost in the game which is called “Khilana Bazaar” (coordinates X: 305.0, Y: 422.8). You have to search for an enemy vehicle or convoy. They spawn most frequently around hostile outposts and fortresses. There are lots of convoys between the Kyrat International Airport and Noore’s Fort in the western corner of the map.
Fly next to the driver’s door and press R3 / the right stick to perform the takedown. This only works as long as there’s a driver in the vehicle.
Beware that there is another skill called “Death from Above” that lets you perform a takedown when jumping / falling onto an enemy. Doing such a takedown will not give you this trophy or achievement! It has to be a vehicle takedown!
Denys says
Hello anyone for co op trophy ??
Stitch says
Hey! I’m up for these! DM me on the PSN. Stitchs
Marx says
Denys are you still up for the multiayer trohies i want to get the game aswell can we help each other?
Adam says
Anyone up for the coop trophy
Radomír Kostka says
Me I would like to get these.
ginXYXjaeger says
Hey i need help for the coop trophies anyone can help me?
add me on PSN ginXYXjaeger
GameOVER says
Hello I need help for both co-op trophies.
I play far cry on ps3
My psn id: Isgameoverbaby
Add me if u can help and need help with those 2 then dm me on psn.
Fadomas says
Add me to do the coop trophies and whatever you need Psn is Fadomas ?
Joe says
Add me for the coop trophies. Include that in message so I know it’s for this game
Psn: colossus816
Ine says
Alsof looking for Coop and multiayer trophies…anyone ???
PSN : voetje21
James Clarke says
Hi looking to do the co op trophies and the mp one game tag is Cmpunk178 from the UK and on most nights
NASHMAN459 says
Yooo im looking to do the mulitplayer and coop trophies
James Clarke says
Hi looking for people to do far cry 4 Renaissance Man. Need 4 other people for the trophy as got someone else already waiting too do it. My game tag is Cmpunk178 from UK on most nights
DetektivColumbo says
Hello, I am trying to get both co-op trophies, anyone who would be willing to help me?
PSN: DetektivColumbo
Time Zone: Europe CET
Thank you very much 🙂
Alex says
I’m late to party, but could use so co-op help… Gay-_-Robot433 hmu & let’s game.
Tiago says
Someone to do co-op trophy? Add Tiago_FA_1893
Chris says
I’m game for co-op trophies for this and helping you get yours as well.
AaronTaha says
Need help with changing lanes and brother in arms trophies. Psn: aarontaha
Yazen says
can some one help me with co op trophy ?
PSN: Bankai00Zangetsu
Hotellsix says
I need help for changing lanes and brother in arms trophies. We can help each other.
PSN: HotellSix
HotellSix says
Can you help me with Co-op trophies?
psn: HotellSix
Guy Bertou says
PSN: guybertou
Is there anyone who want to get these co-op trophies?
Would like to get them also.
Please help.
John says
Looking for someone to help me with the online trophies.
My PSN is WakeyGamer89
b0nd2005_chubby says
Hey, you still play the game? need your help, add me b0nd2005_chubby
Sevnine says
Looking for co op trophy help