1. Collectibles
1.1. All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Collectibles, Logs, Guards, Cells, Drones, Trials)
1.2. All Rune Trials
2. Story-Related
2.1. A Toe into Madness (Mission 1)
2.2. Shoot it Until it Dies (Mission 9)
2.3. Outnumbered? No Problem (Mission 11)
2.4. Who’s Next? (Mission 13)
All Collectible Locations (Secrets, Collectibles, Data Logs, Elite Guards, Argent Cells, Field Drones, Rune Trials)
There are the following collectible types in Doom 2016: 79 Secrets, 26 Collectibles (Dolls), 49 Data Logs, 36 Elite Guards (Praetor Upgrades), 12 Argent Cells, 12 Field Drones, 12 Rune Trials. That’s a total of 226 items. Finding all locations is required for the following 13 trophies / achievements:
Specialist [Bronze / 20G]
IDKFA [Gold / 50G]
Hot Swapper [Silver / 30G]
Historian [Bronze / 25G]
Every Nook and Cranny [Silver / 30G]
Argent Overload [Bronze / 15G]
Argent Fiend [Silver / 30G]
A Gift from Beyond [Bronze / 15G]
The Circle is Complete [Silver / 30G]
Tinkering [Silver / 15G]
Overclocked [Gold / 50G]
Momentum Shift [Bronze / 25G]
IDDQD [Gold / 100G]
Doom Collectible Guide Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRr5L69yg_kGnSJw_fwjGHHx-Bo0OOjb8
You can get everything via chapter select at any time. For two of the trophies “Overclocked” & “Argent Fiend” you have to find all Elite Guards & Argent Cells in one campaign playthrough. You are allowed to get them via chapter select after beating the story, just don’t start a completely new game until you have all of them.
All collectibles (except for dolls & data logs) let you upgrade your gear. This makes them an important part of the game. The Praetor Upgrade called “Full View” reveals the collectible locations on the map (except for Secrets). Some are still hard to find because you need to use switches that aren’t marked.
The secrets will give you weapon upgrade points. You don’t need every single secret to fully upgrade everything. It’s okay if you miss a few of those.
As soon as you pick up a collectible it will be saved instantly and you can exit the mission without having to reach the next checkpoint. You don’t have to pick it up again when you die.
In chapter select you can see how many collectibles you have found per level. The Data Logs are tracked separately in the “Codex” menu of the pause screen (they aren’t tracked in chapter select).
Full Collectible Overview:
Doom 2016 Collectible Overview & Timeline
The Circle is Complete
Earn all Runes
There are a total of 12 Rune Trials. Each one of them unlocks a rune that you can use in the campaign. These runes give you gameplay bonuses (e.g. more ammo drops, enemies drop armor on glory kill etc.). By using runes you can level them up and increase their effect. You must max out all of them for the “IDDQD” trophy / achievement.
#1 – Vacuum – 0:05
#2 – Dazed & Confused – 0:47
#3 – Ammo Boost – 1:23
#4 – Equipment Power – 2:16
#5 – Seek and Destroy – 2:51
#6 – Savagery – 3:49
#7 – In-Flight Mobility – 4:27
#8 – Armored Offensive – 5:04
#9 – Blood Fueled – 5:51
#10 – Intimacy is Best – 6:41
#11 – Rich get Richer – 7:24
#12 – Saving Throw – 8:23
A Toe into Madness
Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare
For this you need to complete the first mission on Ultra-Nightmare. This is a hardcore mode without checkpoints. If you die you respawn at the very beginning of the game. Luckily, there’s no trophy for beating all missions in this mode, you only need the first one.
On this difficulty you die in 3-4 hits and you gain very little health and armor from pickups. Best thing you can do is bait the enemies. Try to let them come to you one by one and stay as far back as possible. Use the alternate fire of the pistol to zoom in. A charge shot with the pistol can kill some enemies in 1 hit.
The smallest enemies are easily defeated with melee attacks. This will drop more health than shooting them and saves ammo.
Also make sure you buy the “Explosive Shot” mod for the shotgun at the field drone. It lets you fire a grenade that kills most enemies on a direct hit. Plus it has really good range and splash damage to kill multiple targets at once.
Shoot it Until it Dies
Defeat the Cyberdemon
Cyberdemon is the first boss in Doom. You fight him at the end of mission 9 (Lazarus Labs).
This video shows the fight on Ultra Violence difficulty (hard). For the trophy the difficulty does not matter.
The fight is relatively easy. In the first phase he uses mostly rockets which you can easily dodge by running in circle around the boss. When he uses the laser beam just do a double jump to the side.
A great weapon to down him quickly is the Heavy Assault Rifle with the Micro Missiles Mod. The missiles do a lot of damage quickly.
When his health is depleted he will respawn again with a full health bar. This time he throws some projecticles at you. Do one jump (not a double jump) to dodge them. There’s also a checkpoint at the start of the second phase.
When the second phase starts use the BFG right away to take away a lot of his health. Then use the Heavy Assault Rifle or Plasma Rifle to finish him up and remember to dodge the projecticles.
Outnumbered? No Problem
Defeat the Hell Guards
Hell Guards is the second boss in Doom. You fight them at the end of mission 11 (Necropolis).
This video was captured on Ultra Violence difficulty (hard). The fight consists of 2 phases.
In phase 1 you fight only one of the hell guards. He has a shield and you can only damage him when the shield is down. Use a weapon that deals lots of damage with each hit (I used the Gauss Cannon with Precision Bolt Mod and tried to get headshots).
When he jumps at you there will be some fire on the ground. So make sure you jump when he does to evade the attack. Basically, all attacks the Hell Guards throw at you can be evaded by double jumping (in both phases of the fight).
In the second phase there are 2 of the Hell Guards at once. But they don’t use shields, so you can kill them very quickly. When the second phase starts, use the BFG on the two enemies. This will take away a large portion of their health.
The Heavy Assault Rifle with Micro Missiles mod deals a lot of damage. Plus it will make the enemies drop health and ammo. Just go around them in big circles and shoot the rockets at them. This will kill them very quickly.
Who’s Next?
Defeat the Spider Mastermind
Spider Mastermind is the endboss in Doom. You fight her at the end of chapter 13 (Argent D’Nur).
This video shows the fight on Ultra Violence difficulty (hard). For the trophy the difficulty does not matter.
This boss has a lot of health. You should go into this fight with full ammo for the BFG. There are 2 more ammo pickups in the boss fight area.
Shoot the boss with the BFG in the brain. This will stun her. Quickly switch to your most powerful weapon and shoot the brain. While she is stunned from the BFG you have a few seconds to deal huge damage. With a total of 5 BFG hits in the face and some weapon attacks you can take away over half her health in a minute.
The chaingun with the “Mobile turret” mod works great for shooting the boss while stunned. It deals the most damage.
For the rest of the fight you can use the Gauss Rifle with “Precision Bolt” mod. Just make sure you always aim at the brain. Hitting the legs doesn’t do much damage.
The boss uses several different attacks:
Lasers – evade by crouching/jumoing
Melee – only used when the boss comes close to you. Keep your distance on higher difficulties. On easy this doesn’t matter much.
Electric Floor AOE attack – will electrify the entire room. You must climb a pillar to stay safe. Deals lots of damage if you don’t go to safety.
Plasma Rifle – will shoot at you. Easy to evade, just walk around the boss in big circles or double jump to the side when she shoots at you.
There is no checkpoint during this fight.
Doomguy666 says
Just an FYI – the “The Circle is Complete” trophy is glitched.
To earn the trophy, you must earn all the runes through a single campaign play-through.
If any runes are earned through the Rune Trial Menu outside of the campaign, “The Circle is Complete” trophy becomes glitched.
This means you will be forced to start a new campaign play-through on a separate save slot.
Complete the rune trials as you come across them in the campaign and you will be fine. Just whatever you do, do not skip them to be done later in the Rune Trial Menu.
As of April 2020 this glitch has still not been patched, and is unlikely to be patched despite numerous requests made to Bethesda by many trophy/achievement hunters.
This glitch exists across PS4 Trophies, Xbox One Achievements and Steam Achievements.
The cause of the glitch is believed to either be related to the Arcade Mode Update or SnapMap/Multiplayer corrupting the trophy, however neither cause has been confirmed as the true reason.
Chris says
If anyone would like to boost the blood bath trophy message send a friend request iTz_bru7aLz
Alejandro says
Looking for players to boost all the dlc multiplayer trophies, add me on psn
Jared says
Are you still looking? I am trying to put together a group to do a late night session.
Jared says
Anyone available to help me boost the Spectre multikill and a gold medal in multiplayer? I suspect this can be done in one match if I get all the kills and I can reciprocate for you.
I have basically all the others, just taking time to unlock the tiers. Thank you.
PSN: EightyTwoInc