1. Collectibles
1.1. Ghost Hunter
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Blink of an Eye – Kill 5 enemies in 3 seconds.
Ghost Hunter
Discover 50 dead ghosts.
There are a total of 62 Dead Ghosts in Destiny. Finding 50 of these collectibles will earn you the “Ghost Hunter” Trophy / Achievement.
They are saved automatically and instantly when you pick them up. Once found, they will be gone from the game world. Finding the ghosts is also going to increase your Grimoire score.
None of them are missable! You can pick them up in free roam or during story missions at any time.
This video guide shows everything in free roam.
(17 Ghosts)
– MOON –
(9 Ghosts)
– Venus –
(14 Ghosts)
– Mars –
(18 Ghosts)
– Tower –
(4 Ghosts)
Blink of an Eye
Kill 5 enemies in 3 seconds.
Location: Earth
Chances are you will unlock this trophy or achievement automatically while playing through the game, but if you want to get it out of the way or have trouble obtaining it, then load up the free roam on earth (Patrol Cosmodrome). A bit north of the starting point is a group of five low-level Vandals. If you are playing as a Titan or Warlock then use your super move against them. This should kill all of them at once. If you are playing as a Hunter then throw a grenade and shoot the enemies quickly (preferrably with a rocket launcher).
iambecause says
Hey Robert, I’ve seen that your guide on Destiny hasn’t yet been completed.
I just wanted to say if you need any help on getting the plat or missing trophies I’m here to help.
I’ve already helped so many with it and it’d be a pleasure!
Come be a fellow Guardian 🙂
MPSchmidtler says
Little late now but if this offer is still open, add MPSchmidtler