1. Collectibles
1.1. All Weapon Upgrades
1.2. All Audio Diaries | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. 9-Irony
2.2. Counterattack
2.3. Master Protector
All Weapon Upgrades
This video shows you the locations of all 14 Power to the People stations. Where you can find the stations: Ryan Amusements = 2 stations; Pauper’s Drop = 3 stations; Siren Alley = 2 stations; Dionysus Park = 2 stations; Fontaine Futuristics = 2 stations; Persephone Outer = 1 station;
Inner Persephone = 2 stations.
Rapture Historian
Here I show you the locations of all 128 audio diaries. It doesn’t matter if you miss a few of them or can’t find them because you just need 100 diaries for the trophy / achievement. Every Part includes all diaries of a chapter, there are 9 chapters in total. [Part 1] = Adonis Luxury Resort = 7 Diaries; [Part 2] = The Atlantic Express = 8 Diaries; [Part 3] = Ryan Amusements = 19 Diaries; [Part 4] = Pauper’s Drop = 21 Diaries; [Part 5] = Siren Alley = 20 Diaries; [Part 6] = Dionysis Park = 15 Diaries; [Part 7] = Fontaine Futuristics = 17 Diaries; [Part 8] = Persephone Outer = 5 Diaries; [Part 9] = Inner Persephone = 17 Diaries. If you follow my guide and don’t miss a diary you’ll get the trophy / achievement in Part 7.
This can only be earned in chapter 3 – Ryan Amusements. That’s the one where you kill your first big daddy and your first big sister. I know that I spelled Achievement wrong in the beginning of the video and I’m sorry for this.
For this trophy you just have to grab the projectile of an enemy and throw it back on him using telekinesis. The best enemies to do that are leadhead splicers because they will throw a kind of bomb on you after you hit them a few times. The place I show you in this video can’t be missed – these are the first enemies in Pauper’s Drop.
Master Protector
The place I show you in the video can be found in chapter 5 “Siren Alley” but I show you the location on the map and how you can get to this point easily. Step 1: Kill all enemies in this area. Step 2: Use trap rivets to save the area. Step 3: Use Cyclone Trap to save the area. Step 4: Use Mini Turrets to save the area. Step 5: Get cover and wait. It’s important to place the turrets at the end because they explode after a while. Make sure that you’ve distance to the turrets because they could explode during or after the fight.
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