1. Collectibles
1.1. All SECURITY-COM Locations
1.2. All Shopping Terminal Locations
1.3. All Nanomachine Locations
2. Story-Related
2.1. Big Bo Rescue (Chapter 5-4)
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Transport Takedown – Destroy the Iron Whale’s four engines.
Data Retrieval Complete
Collect all SECURITY-COM in Campaign.
Security-Com are the classic collectibles in Binary Domain. They look like glowing books and are placed on the ground only. There are a total of 40 Sec-Com.
Interactive Timeline in YouTube Video Description!
Shop Master
Access all shopping terminals.
It is strongly recommended to do this on your first playthrough and combine it with the ‘Skill Master’ Trophy / Achievement (All Nanomachines).
There are a total of 38 Shopping Terminals. You will run into most of the terminals when following the path of the story. They are really easy to see since they are relatively big and red colored. However, some of them are very easy to miss when you are busy with fighting enemies (especially the terminals during boss fights).
The good news is, that the ones you already found will be handed over to all your future playthroughs. The bad news is, that there is no way to see how many you found already. Once you find and enter a terminal you do not have to buy anything. The game will save your progress immediately after you entered the terminal. You can also do this via chapter select (unlocked after beating the story) to go back and open the remaining terminals. You can quit to the main menu right after opening the terminal, your progress will be saved.
Skill Master
Get all nanomachines within 1 playthrough in Campaign.
It is strongly recommended to do this on your first playthrough and combine it with the ‘Shop Master’ Trophy / Achievement!
Getting all nanomachines is easier as it sounds. The only tricky part is, that you need to get all of them during one playthrough. There are a total of 6 nanomachines that can be collected. The rest needs to be bought from shopping terminals. Each chapter has its own nanomachines. Make sure you save some money to buy them. There is no way to go back if you missed a nanomachine!
Big Bo Rescue
Save Big Bo from the Cerberus.
This is story-related and can only be done in chapter 5-4 (chapter 5, act 4). After going out to the rooftop you will encounter a dog robot called cerberus. After taking him out and fighting the next couple enemies Rachel will give you a rocket launcher to destroy the giant dish. You will see a cutscene where the robotic dog will come back to life and attack Bo (the black dude of your team). Go back to where you came from and shoot the robots head until it is dead.
Transport Takedown
Destroy the Iron Whale’s four engines.
The first chance to get this is in Chapter 1-3. Soon after the waterslide stage you will see a dropship flying in – the Iron Whale. You will have about 30 seconds to shoot the engines while the Iron Whale is dropping new enemies. Once all 4 engines are burning, the Iron Whale will crash. Don’t worry if you missed this, you can return later via chapter select.
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