1. Collectibles
1.1. Citizen E Locations
1.2. Diary Page Locations
1.3. Alligator Egg Locations
1.4. Mayan Statuette Locations
1.5. Mushroom Locations
1.6. Precious Stone Locations
1.7. Assassin Coin Locations
1.8. Voodoo Doll Locations
1.9. Bayou Fever Locations
1.10. All Pocket Watches
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Poison – Use berserk poison to force an enemy to kill 5 enemies.
2.2. Machete – Kill 5 guards in 15 seconds using only the Sugarcane Machete.
2.3. Human Shields – Block 10 shots or firing lines with a human shield.
2.4. Hangman – Perform 10 predator moves using the Whip.
The Truth
Kill all Citizen E and experience the true ending.
There are a total of 4 Citizen E Collectibles in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD. Finding all of them will earn you the “The Truth” trophy / achievement.
You have to beat the main story to make all of the Citizen E appear. When you get close to one of their locations, you will hear a voice and a part of the map will turn green. The citizens are in the green area and you need to kill them with the hidden blade. Use eagle vision to locate them.
Two of the citizens are part of the main story and cannot be missed. They are not included in this guide. You have to beat the main story before this trophy / achievement can be unlocked. You have to beat the main story before this trophy / achievement can be unlocked. One is in Sequence 2, Memory 6 and one at the very end of the story after seeing the fake ending.
Collect all diary pages, alligator eggs, Mayan statuettes, and mushrooms.
There are a total of 30 Diary Pages, 12 Alligator Eggs, 10 Mayan Statuettes, 10 Mushrooms in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD.
To check how many you have already found, go to “Inventory” – “Items” in the pause menu.
Diary Pages #1 and #30 unlock automatically while playing through the story! There is absolutely no way to miss them. They cannot be picked up like the other pages — instead they will just be placed in your inventory automatically without any notice.
There are 15 collectable pages in New Orleans, 9 in The Bayou, 4 in Chichen Itza.
The first egg is picked up automatically in DNA Sequence 2, Memory 4. It cannot be missed and has to be picked up as part of the story.
All alligator eggs are in the Bayou area, on small islands in the swamp. Each egg is protected by its alligator mother. You need to kill her to get to the egg.
Two of the statuettes can only be obtained in DNA Sequence 4 / Memory 6 & DNA Sequence 6 / Memory 1. Memories can be replayed at any time by accessing the “Database” – “DNA” section in the pause menu. All the other statuettes are located in Chichen Itza. You can either collect them when you go there during the story, or fast travel back via the harbour in New Orleans.
To make the mushrooms appear, you must first complete a side mission called “Bayou Fever”. It will be marked on your map with a skull-symbol after completing Sequence 2, Memory 6. It’s near the town in the north of the Bayou, just a little bit west of the fast travel point.
All of the mushrooms are in the Bayou area. They are on trees. Use eagle vision to spot them more easily.
Persona Collector
Collect every persona-specific collectible.
There are a total of 10 Precious Stones (Lady Persona), 10 Assassin’s Coins (Assassin Persona) and 10 Voodoo Dolls (Slave Persona) in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD.
To check how many you have already found, go to “Inventory” – “Items” in the pause menu.
All of them are located in New Orleans and can be acquired by charming certain men.
Only the lady persona can pick up these specific collectibles! Since the lady cannot climb, you will sometimes have to use ladders to get on rooftops and then drop down to your target.
Seven coins can be found in New Orleans and the remaining three the Bayou. You need to knock out the people holding the coins and then loot them.
Only the assassin persona can pick up these specific collectibles!
Five dolls can be found in New Orleans and the other five are in the Bayou. You need to pickpocket houngans to acquire the dolls.
Only the slave persona can pick up these specific collectibles!
Bayou Fever
Complete every Bayou Fever mission.
There are a total of 9 Bayou Fever Victims in Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD. Finding all of them will earn you the “Bayou Fever” Trophy / Achievement.
To make the Bayou Fever victims appear, you must first complete a side mission called “Bayou Fever”. It will be marked on your map with a skull-symbol after completing Sequence 2, Memory 6. It’s near the town in the north of the Bayou, just a little bit west of the fast travel point.
To cure the patients you must knock them out with your fists and then give them some medicine.
One Watch is not Enough
Collect all the pocket watches.
There are 10 different pocket watches. You can buy all of them from any smuggler in the Bayou. They will cost a total of 165625 écu. To get that much money you should make use of your ships in the New Orleans headquarters and trade goods regularly. You can pickpocket people or search for treasure chests while your ships are busy. Main missions and side missions also give you a bit of extra money and you should be able to get 100.000 écu by completing all of them.
After buying all pocket watches, you have to leave the smuggler shop before the trophy / achievement can unlock.
Use berserk poison to force an enemy to kill 5 enemies.
You will unlock the berserk poison in DNA Sequence 3, Memory 4 “Vanishing Slaves”. In the same memory is a great place to get this trophy or achievement. Some enemies will be guarding a convoy and you need to kill them. Shoot the guard in the white suit. With a bit of luck he will kill the other guards. If he dies before making 5 kills, you can pause the game and restart the checkpoint.
You can replay this memory at any time by going to “Database” – “DNA” in the pause menu.
Kill 5 guards in 15 seconds using only the Sugarcane Machete (without using the Chain Kill).
The fort in the north-western corner of New Orleans is a great place to do this. There are 4 guards at the gate and another one is patrolling the area behind them. Run through the gate (they will automatically start to chase you) and throw a smoke bomb once you have 5 enemies at one spot. Be sure the sugarcane machete from the beginning of the game is equipped in your weapon wheel and kill the guards.
This particular location works at any time during and after the story.
Human Shields
Block 10 shots or firing lines with a human shield.
To use a human shield, you need to press X (PS3) / A (X360) while enemies are aiming at you and have a yellow triangle above their head. A great place to farm these kills is the Place d’Armes in New Orleans. There are many enemies in this area. Start a fight and keep countering attacks until they start shooting at you. Keep countering and repeat this until the trophy unlocks. If you don’t get 10 kills in one run, then go back to the Assassin headquarters or fast travel to another area to make the enemies respawn.
You can see how many Human Shield kills you have done by going to “Database” – “Stats” – “Fight and Kills” in the pause menu.
Perform 10 predator moves using the Whip.
The best place to do this is the Place d’Armes in New Orleans. That’s the area in the middle of the map where lots of guards are stationed. To perform a predator move you must be on a beam and press Triangle (PS3) / Y (X360) + pull down the left stick. Climb on the gallows in the middle of the area and repeat this 10 times to get the trophy / achievement.
The Whip will unlock after completing Sequence 4, Memory 4. You cannot get the trophy before this point in the game.
To see how many predator kills you have done, go to “Database” – “Stats” – “Fight and Kills” in the pause menu.
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