This Fallout 4 Vendor Exploit / Glitch gives you Unlimited Money, Bottle Caps, Ammo, Weapons, Armor and Miscellaneous Items.
It works like this:
Step 1: Buy all rounds of one ammo type from Vendor (e.g. all his .308 rounds).
Step 2: Sell back one of the rounds you just bought.
Step 3: Sell back all remaining rounds you just bought.
Step 4: One round glitches and stays with you, keep selling it until the vendor’s money is depleted.
Step 5: Keep buying back all of the Vendor’s rounds.
Step 6: Buy whatever you want and accept trade (for example buy ammo or a weapon/armor you like).
Step 7: Sleep for 24 hours and vendors will have their money back.
Works with any vendor! Repeat as many times as you wish.
This exploit was tested with patch 1.01 on PlayStation 4 (date: November 10th, 2015). It is very likely to be patched out in future updates. If you are planning on using this glitch, DO NOT download any new patches for the game.
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