There are a total of 22 bonuses in Beyond: Two Souls. Finding all of them will earn you the “Explorer” silver trophy.
These collectibles can only be located and obtained with Aiden. You can see which ones you have already found by going to Additional Content – Bonus in the Main Menu. Each bonus has a specific name and they are all listed in the order in which they appear throughout the story.
You can get every bonus through chapter select. After finding one, you can leave the game immediately. There’s no need to reach the next checkpoint. Your progress will always be saved immediately and automatically.
To acquire a bonus you need to get near them with Aiden and press L1.
The last two bonuses cannot be picked up. They will unlock automatically after beating the final chapter of the game. If you follow this guide from the beginning, you will get the trophy after finishing the story. If you have already finished the story, then you can collect everything via chapter select and quit to the main menu after finding the final bonus.
#1 (Design Pack #1) – The Experiment – 0:05
When you gain control of Aiden for the first time (in the room where you need to guess the correct card), fly through the wall on the right side. You will come into the room where the scientists are monitoring the experiment. The first bonus is in the corner at the end of this room.

#2 (Design Pack #2) – The Embassy – 0:38
Behind a wall, from where you enter the party in the very beginning of the chapter (first floor).
#3 (Beyond Two Souls Trailer) – The Embassy – 1:02
In the sheik’s office (second floor). When you enter the room it’s on the right side.
#4 (Design Pack #3) – First Interview – 1:37
From where the chapter starts, fly through the wall to your right. This bonus is just a couple of meters away from where Jodie is sitting.
#5 (Design Pack #4) – Hunted – 2:04
After the fight with the dogs you will have to escape the police by getting a motorbike. The bonus is in the same area where the motorbike is located. It’s behind the Sheriff’s car, on the side of the road (behind a broken tree).
#6 (Design Pack #5) – My Imaginary Friend – 2:34
This bonus is in the bush in the garden.
#7 (The Casting) – The Condenser – 3:04
You can find this bonus in the very beginning of the chapter, after entering the building you need to go right before reaching the elevator. You should come to a very dark room that looks like a small cafeteria. The bonus is behind the counter in this room.
#8 (Design Pack #6) – The Condenser – 3:33
When you come to the frozen corridor with all the dead bodies, you need to open a locked door that requires a keycard. On the left side of this locked door, in one of the research rooms, is this bonus collectible.
When you leave the shelter of the homeless, this bonus will be in a corner to your left.
#10 (Design Pack #7) – Homeless – 4:41
When you need to collect money with Stan, cross the street and go to the Supermarket. Now keep walking down the street until you come to a man that offers you $10 for “going to the alley with him”. Go to the end of the alley (you don’t have to accept his offer) and you will find this bonus in the snow.
#11 (The Origins of Beyond Two Souls) – First Night – 5:17
Fly through the wall of Jodie’s room where the entrance door is located. You will now come to the room where the scientists monitor your behavior. In the corner at the end of this room is the bonus.
#12 (Design Pack #8) – Like Other Girls – 5:48
This bonus is in the bar, in the restroom. To get to the bar you must escape the DPA without being detected. When the security guard sees you (inevitable), you must press X to make Cole speak. After that you need to get into the trunk of Cole’s car to escape unnoticed.
#13 (Visual Arts in Beyond Two Souls) – Navajo – 6:11
After riding the horse for the first time, you will have to follow Jay to a herd of sheep. When you dismount the horse, go to the wooden fence behind the sheep. The bonus is behind this fence, but you need to get really close with Jodie, so that Aiden can reach it.
#14 (Design Pack #9) – Navajo – 6:48
At the funeral, when you carry the blanket, this is on the left side of the area near some bushes.
#15 (Performance Capture in Beyond Two Souls) – The Dinner – 7:24
In the bathroom of Jodie’s Apartment, next to the toilet. You can get this after Ryan arrives.
#16 (Design Pack #10) – Night Session – 7:46
This bonus is in the corner of the room where you have to find the kid’s book.
#17 (The Gameplay in Beyond Two Souls) – The Mission – 8:20
After killing the first two soliders in this chapter, you will have to leave a building. After leaving the building, you will automatically switch to Aiden to scout the area. This bonus is on one of the rooftops in front of Jodie.
#18 (Design Pack #11) – The Mission – 8:49
At the end of the chapter, when you get to the tall tower where your target is located, you must fly up to the balcony to find this bonus on the second floor of the building. It’s right above the room where all the enemies are meeting.
#19 (Design Pack #12) – Norah – 9:26
This is in room 38 of the mental institution. It’s in the same corridor where you find Nohra’s room, but on the opposite side.
#20 (Design Pack #13) Dragon’s Hideout – 10:11
In the very beginning of this chapter you need to scout the area with Aiden to find shelter. From where Jodie is standing, go straight until you reach the end of the area. Here, at the very end is the last collectable bonus in an old, destroyed house.
#21 (The Dark Sorcerer) – Beat the story to unlock this – 10:47
The last two bonuses unlock automatically when beating the story. Cannot be missed.
#22 (Design Pack #14) – Beat the story to unlock this – 10:47
The last two bonuses unlock automatically when beating the story. Cannot be missed.
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