1. Story-Related
1.1. Point Counter-Point (Deathstroke Boss Fight)
1.2. Flawless Display (Shiva Boss Fight)
2. Miscellaneous
2.1. Point to Point – Glide across Bridge without touching ground
2.2. Free Flow Fifty – Reach x50 Combo
2.3. One of Each – Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo
3. Predator Challenges
3.1. Breaking In
3.2. Easy Money
3.3. Checking Out
3.4. Quiet Waters
3.5. Wrecking Crew
3.6. Hard Time
3.7. Breaking In Extreme
3.8. Easy Money Extreme
3.9. Checking Out Extreme
3.10. Quiet Waters Extreme
3.11. Wrecking Crew Extreme
3.12. Hard Time Extreme
Point Counter-Point
Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter
You will fight against Deathstroke during a story mission, relatively early in the game. Every time he attacks, you must press triangle (PS3) / Y (X360) to counter.
Also attack Deathstroke with Batman’s normal strike. Doing so might initiate a QTE where you need to press the counter-button when it’s displayed on the screen. If you press the button too early, or too late, your counter attack will fail and you will get hit.
In case you are being hit, pause the game and choose “restart”. The entire fight will start from the beginning and you can try again.
WARNING: This trophy / achievement is missable! If you miss it, you must start a new game and play until you reach the Deathstroke boss fight.
Flawless Display
Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage
Shiva is one of the Assassin’s on the Most Wanted list. After playing through the story, go to the Gotham Merchants bank in “The Bowery” district. The starting point of Shiva’s quest is not marked on the map. Listen for a crying baby and inspect the abandoned baby buggy in front of the Gotham bank to start this quest. You will now have to complete a series of tests for Shiva. It doesn’t matter if her ninjas or other enemies hit you while doing this. After completing everything, meet up with her in Sheldon Park (marked on your map). You must complete the fight without taking any damage. One good tactic is to jump, hit an enemy once and jump again. When jumping, the enemies won’t have a chance to hit you. In the last phase you should activate your shock gloves to take out the enemies more quickly.
In case you are being hit, pause the game and choose “restart” to try it again.
WARNING: This trophy / achievement is missable! If you miss it, you must start a new game and do Shiva’s side quest again.
Point to Point
Glide across Bridge without touching ground
To get this trophy / achievement you must use the Grapnel Gun and glide across the Gotham Pioneers Bridge. That’s the big bridge connecting the south and north of Gotham City. You can do this at any point of the game while being in free roam (even after finishing the story). No upgrades are required. Start at one end of the bridge and keep shooting your Grapnel Gun at the wires to stay above ground. After shooting the Grapnel Gun, you must also activate the Accelerator by pressing double-X (PS3) / double-A (X360) to avoid touching the wires. You may not land at any point while crossing the bridge! If you do, you have to restart.
Free Flow Fifty
Reach x50 Combo
This can easily be done in the first combat challenge “Intensive Training”. Enemies won’t have armor or shields in this challenge. Play till round 4, so there are enough enemies to build up a x50 combo. There’s a very easy trick to never get hit. Land one standard strike, then jump over an enemy and repeat. None of the enemies will be able to hit you. It takes a little longer than countering and fighting the normal way, but it’s much safer and easier to do. Do not perform any combo attacks or finishers, so the enemies will stay alive longer.
If you have already unlocked the Shock Gloves you should activate them to get a x2 multiplier with each hit.
One of Each
Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo
There are 5 different gadgets that you need to use. They are all unlocked automatically while playing through the story. The following gadgets have to be used in one combo, without ever losing the combo multiplier:
1. Batclaw Slam — PS3: L2+Triangle, Square / Xbox 360: LT+Y, X
2. Explosive Gel — PS3: L2+Square / Xbox 360: LT+X
3. Concussion Detonator — PS3: L2+Circle / Xbox 360: LT+B
4. Glue Grenade — PS3: R2, R2 / Xbox 360: RT, RT
5. Batarang — PS3: L2 / Xbox 360: LT
There are a total of 12 Predator Challenges in Batman Arkham Origins. Earning 3 medals in each of them is required for the “Medalist” trophy and achievement. These challenges automatically become available when playing through the story. To unlock the six extreme versions you need to beat campaign challenges.
Certain abilities and gadgets are needed for some of the medals, so it’s highly recommended to complete the story first and buy all of Batman’s upgrades.
• Smash Landing – Smash through a weak ceiling onto an enemy to take him down.
• Explosive takedown – Take down an enemy with a propane tank using the remote claw.
• Grate Moves – Perform a takedown while crawling under a floor grate.
• Venting Anger – Perform a takedown through a vent cover.
• Blast Zone – Take down an enemy by exploding a weak wall.
• Hang Time – Perform an inverted takedown from a vantage point.
• Friends Fly Free – Pull down two enemies simultaneously while hanging from a ledge.
• Chaos Theory – Perform an inverted takedown from a vantage point on a thermal enemy.
• Knockout Smash – During a silent takedown perform a knockout smash to take down the enemy instantly.
• Skull Cracker – Sneak up behind two enemies and perform a double takedown.
• Over the Ledge – Hang from a ledge and pull an enemy down.
• Zip and Out – Perform a zipline takedown on an enemy (upgrade required).
• Smash and Grab – Perform an inverted takedown through a weak ceiling from a vantage point.
• Mined your step – Detonate a mine as an enemy walks over it with the mine detonator (upgrade required).
• Extinguished – Attach an enemy to a fire extinguisher with the remote claw and perform a silent takedown on any enemy caught in the smoke.
• Blast Zone – Take down an enemy by exploding a weak wall.
• Take the Bait – Attract an enemy with the Sonic Batarang and take him down (upgrade required).
• Chaos Theory – Perform an inverted takedown from a vantage point on a thermal enemy.
Challenge 7 – Breaking In Extreme
• Fall Guy – Take down an enemy from a walkway with the batclaw.
• Vantage Mastery – Take down an enemy from a tightrope.
• Window Pain – Perform a takedown through a glass window.
Challenge 8 – Easy Money Extreme
• Armor Piercing – Take out the armored enemy first.
• Mined your step – Detonate a mine as an enemy walks over it with the mine detonator (upgrade required).
• What goes up – When an enemy climbs to the top of a ladder, detonate explosive gel to send him flying back down.
Challenge 9 – Checking Out Extreme
• Round the Bend – Use corner cover to hide and take down an approaching enemy.
• Over the Ledge – Hang from a ledge and pull an enemy down.
• Breaking and Entering – Perform a takedown through a weak wooden wall.
Challenge 10 – Quiet Waters Extreme
• Extinguisher – Attach an enemy to a fire extinguisher with the remote claw and perform a silent takedown on any enemy caught in the smoke.
• Have A Nice Trip – Slide into an enemy and then knock him out on the ground.
• Don’t Touch That Dial – Take down the enemy carrying the jammer backpack last.
Challenge 11 – Wrecking Crew Extreme
• Weapon Jam – Disrupt an enemy’s gun with the disruptor and take him down when his gun jams.
• Fists of Fury – Take down an enemy with a beatdown.
• Scare Tactics – Appear out of nowhere to surprise a terrified enemy.
Challenge 12 – Hard Time Extreme
• Sonic Boom – Use the sonic shock batarang to take down an enemy (upgrade required).
• Smash Landing – Smash through a weak ceiling onto an enemy to take him down.
• Confiscated Weapon – Disarm an enemy with the batclaw and take him down (upgrade required).
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