Upland Zorana Skyview Tower is a location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). It’s a fast travel point that unfogs a region on the map. This guide shows the solution how to activate the tower.
Upland Zorana Skyview Tower – Location
This tower is in the east of the map, in Lanayru region. It’s on a mountain. You can almost entirely glide to it from Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower. Then just for the last bit you need to climb some rock walls.
Upland Zorana Skyview Tower – Solution
When you reach the tower, the gate will be blocked by goo. Grab Splash Fruit from the small trees surrounding the tower. Open Inventory > select Splash Fruit > Hold > press to return to game >
to place it near the goo. Melee attack the Splash Fruit and it will release water that melts away the goo. Now you can open the gate and activate the tower. While you’re here, also do Side Quest: Mired in Muck, from the guy stuck in the goo directly in front of the tower.
For all other Skyview Towers refer to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – All Skyview Towers.
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