Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower is a location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). It’s a fast travel point that unfogs a region on the map. This guide shows the solution how to activate the tower.
Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower – Location
This tower is in the northeast of the map.
Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower – Solution
The console inside the tower is missing. It’s being carried by the monster flying around the tower. You must shoot down this monster. The easiest method is to attach a Keese Eyeball (Bat Eye) to an arrow, which causes the arrow to automatically home in on the enemy. Hold >
to combine attach the Keese Eyeball to an arrow and shoot it in the direction of the monster. If you don’t have a Keese Eyeball check if you have another type with homing capabilities, such as Fire Keese Eyeball or Octorok Eyeball.
Pick up the dropped console with Ultrahand and put it inside the tower where the console would normally go. Then the repairman at the tower will automatically talk to you and he fixes it. Now you can activate the tower.
For all other Skyview Towers refer to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – All Skyview Towers.
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