Ride the Giant Horse is a Shrine Quest in The Legend of Zelda: Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). It unlocks Ishokin Shrine. This guide explains where to find Ride the Giant Horse location to unlock the Ishokin shrine.
Ride the Giant Horse Shrine Quest Location (Ishokin Shrine)
Ride the Giant Horse Shrine Quest Solution (Ishokin Shrine)
- Head to the starting location marked on the map above and activate the shrine. Once it is activated you will see the crystal is on the hill in the distance where the campfire smoke is coming from:
- Make your way up where you will see a man named Baddek looking at the crystal:
- Baddek wants you to get him a giant horse. The horse he wants is the Giant White Stallion. Head to the Highland Stable to the East:
- At the stable the guy behind the counter will tell you of the rumors of a horse god at the end of Horse God Bridge located to the Southeast of the stable. Head to that location:
- At the area marked above you will encounter the Giant White Stallion:
- Crouch down and sneak up behind the horse and stand up to Mount the horse. Feverishly tap
to soothe the horse:
- Once it has been soothed register the horse if you want but take it to the man Baddek, where the crystal was on the hill:
- Speak to Baddek when you get back and he will tell you that its an even bigger horse than he imagined and that you should have the crystal:
- Dismount the horse and return the crystal to the shrine to access your rewards:
The shrine itself doesn’t have any puzzles, it’s a “Rauru’s Blessing” reward shrine. Go inside, open the chest, and interact with the green gate at the end to complete the shrine.
For all other Shrines refer to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom All Shrines.
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