Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower is a location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). It’s a fast travel point that unfogs a region on the map. This guide shows the solution how to activate the tower.
Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower – Location
This tower is found in the southeast of the map.
Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower – Solution
When you arrive, there will be thorns all around the tower. You must burn them with fire. To make fire you can attach Fire Fruit to your arrows (aim bow with > press
to select Fire Fruit). Alternatively, can place a flint+wood on the floor and hit the flint with a sharp melee weapon to make a fire. The trouble is that it’s always raining around this tower, which extinguishes any fire before it can burn the thorns. The trick is to burn the thorns under roofs, those don’t get wet. When directly in front of the tower, burn the ones under the small roofs to enter the courtyard in front of the tower.
The door to the tower is also covered by thorns and those don’t have a roof. Luckily, there are two building stations here with lots of wooden planks. Pick 3 of the biggest planks and stick them together to one very long plank. Use Ultrahand ability to place this over the tower entrance, from one scaffolding to the other. This will block the rain, now you can burn the thorns. Then open the door and activate the console inside.
For all other Skyview Towers refer to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – All Skyview Towers.
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