In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK), there is a secret method to repair weapons and shields. The game never tells you about it and it’s quite obscure to find. You have to drop a weapon or shield in front of an Octorok enemy, found throughout Eldin region. It will suck in the weapon and spit it back out, which repairs it.
Step 1: Find Octorok Enemies
Octorok Enemies look like rocks, sucking in air and spitting fireballs at you. They are found throughout Eldin region in fixed positions. Here are a few locations where they always spawn:
Octorok Location 1
Octorok Location 2
Octorok Location 3
Step 2: Let Octorok Eat Your Weapon
Drop the weapon or shield you want to be repaired close to the Octorok. Walk away to not scare the Octorok. It will suck in your weapon, then you see sparkles around the Octorok for a few seconds, then it spits out your item. This fully repairs the item AND adds a random bonus upgrade. These upgrades can be things like more damage, durability or critical damage. Be careful to not get hit by the weapon when it gets spit out. Either guard with a shield or hide behind a rock.
Important: You can only repair your weapon once per Octorok every moon cycle. After you get a cutscene of a new “Blood Moon” happening, the Octoroks will reset and you can use them once again for repairs. However, by going to 3 different Octoroks you get 3 repairs per moon cycle. If a weapon flashes red it’s about to break and you should switch to a different weapon. Don’t let your best weapons break, keep them for repairs.
Step 3: Pick up Repaired Weapon
Pick up the weapon the Octorok spits out. It will be fully repaired! Scroll over it in the inventory to see the random upgrade you got. Rinse and repeat every moon cycle.
Fuse your strongest weapons with your best fusion materials. In the inventory you can press Y-Button to filter by fusions strength. Repair them after every blood moon at the Octoroks. Enjoy your infinite weapon repairs!
If you get stronger fusion materials you can remove old fusions and add new ones – see how to destroy fused materials.
That’s all there is to know about repairing weapons and shields in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. For more tips & tricks check Zelda TotK Srategy Guide.
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