In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) you will sometimes go through thunderstorms where you accumulate electric charge around you and get hit by lightning. This guide explains how to avoid getting hit by lightning.
You can tell when you are about to get hit by lightning when there are yellow sparks around you. They will buzz faster the closer you are to getting hit.
The solution is very simple: Unequip your weapon, shield, bow from the menu. Metallic items attract lightning. After unequipping this gear, you will never get hit by lightning again!
You can keep armor equipped. While in a thunderstorm you will also notice the inventory displays yellow electric symbols over all your gear that attracts lightning. Some wooden weapons, such as torches, are safe to use since they aren’t made of metal.
That’s all there is to avoiding lightning strikes in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Just unequip your gear and you’re safe!
For more tips and tricks check out the Zelda TotK Strategy Guide.
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