Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower is a location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). It’s a fast travel point that unfogs a region on the map. This guide shows the solution how to activate the tower.
Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower – Location
This tower is in the southwest of the map. It’s in a desert area. It’s best to go there at night when the weather isn’t hot. You can make a campfire by putting wood + flint on the ground, hit the flint to light the fire. Then sleep until night and the heat will be gone. This makes it easier to explore the area.
Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower – Solution
The Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower’s console is sparking and broken. The repairman is on the elevator in front of the tower, down the cliff. You can talk to him and he’ll say you must attach some counterweights on the hook at the top to raise the elevator. To the left of the tower are some square-shaped blocks. Use Ultrahand to attach 3 of them on the metal hook on the scaffolding directly in front of the tower. In Ultrahand you can hold and
to push the block far enough. After sticking 3 blocks together they will be heavy enough to raise the elevator. Talk to the repairman on the elevator and he’ll fix the tower for you.
For all other Skyview Towers refer to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – All Skyview Towers.
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