In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair one of the collectible types is Tonics. This guide shows all their locations. There are 66 Tonics, none of them are missable and can be collected even after beating Capital B. Tonics allow you to change your gaming experience, by either making it easier or harder or by applying some visual changes to the game. Tonics are found only in the Overworld, either in the wild or by solving clues given to you by swinging signs. After finding a Tonic, you need to purchase it from the Tonics menu accessible by hitting /
. To purchase a Tonic, you need Quills, the in-game currency found in Chapters. For the Platinum trophy / 1000 Gamerscore, you need to purchase them all. Tonics cost lots of Quills and to get them all you need to replay Chapter 1 and/or 2 to get as many as you can in as little time as possible. After purchasing a Tonic, you can use it in any level as many times as you want. Below is a list of all Tonics. The list is numbered according to the Tonics Menu. When you meet Vendi for the first time, she’ll give you Catchee (going from left to right, this is Tonic #1).
How to farm Quills for Tonics
Thanks to the multiplier system, there’s a very easy and fast way to quickly purchase all Tonics. As soon as you can afford them, purchase the following tonics: Less Checkmates (Quill Bonus +1), Googly Eyes (Quill Bonus +0.5), Quill Magnet (no Bonus awarded, but it makes it considerably faster to get all Quills in a chapter), and Quillspolsion (enemies die in an explosion of Quills, increasing the total amount). This set of Tonics gets you to a multiplier of 2.5 (the multiplier is set to x1.0 by default). Now, replay Chapter 1 “Capital Causeway” with these four Tonics equipped. The level has around 600 Quills (including the ones in the secret locations). With this multiplier, it’s around 1,600 Quills per run. Each run takes 10 minutes done at full speed (you should be familiar with the level by now). The chapter is very easy and fast to complete, plus the background soundtrack is great, so you won’t get bored. Alternatively, you can replay Chapter 2 “Factory Fright” which, with the multiplier enabled, gives you even more quills (around 3,000 per run = 900 x 2.5). Just know that this level is slightly more difficult than “Capital Causeway”, but after playing the game for hours you should have no problems with even just one Checkmate.
Tonics Locations
- Catchee: given to you after meeting with Vendi at the beginning of the game.
- Thick Skin: In the same area as Chapter 6, head north-west. Here you’ll find a hidden path going through some trees. Walk to the end of it to get the Tonic.
- More Checkmates: South-east of the sign near Vendi is a bomb berry bush. Grab a bomb and use it on the nearby rocks to unlock an underground path. Go underground and use another bomb to destroy a lonely rock sitting on a ledge.
- Less Checkmates: enter the shipwreck with the book and roll against the wall to drop the Tonic from the shelf.
- Ticktockticktock!: accessible only after saving all bees. When you have saved them all, go back to the area where you can access the Lair and jump on the new set of tents on the right.
- Tick…Tock…: this Tonic is only available once you’ve rescued enough Bee Team Guards. As you rescue more and more Bee Team Guards, they will set up climbable tents in the area next to the Lair, allowing you to explore new paths. The first path that opens up is to the left. Climb up the tents and head north to find the Tonic.
- Slow-Mo: to the left of the lake is Pagie sitting atop a trunk. Complete its challenge to make a path out of the rest of the trunks.
- Tri-Twirl: after lowering part of the Overworld as a result of completing the Pagie challenge found near Chapter 3, you’ll get to an area with flower seeds. Use the picture below to identify a water bomb and bring it back to the seed found in the second picture. Continue up the bricked path and then drop down below to find the Tonic.
- Super Buddy Slam: after unlocking the third switch in the shortcut hub area, the Tonic will be dropped in the middle of the room. Refer to Tonics #19, #20 and #21 for more information on the other switches.
- Super Sonar: in the same area where you collected Upside Down, talk to the sign and then head back to the main forest area with the blue enemies and the cage with the Tonic inside. Buddy-slam right in front of the cage to reveal the key that opens it.
- Tough-Twirl: north-easy of the lighthouse area is a hole in the ground. Buddy-slam on the spot illustrated below.
- Torpedo: after filling the river bed with water in the lighthouse area, drop the bridge down and then use a bomb on the sandcastle near the bridge to reveal a sign. The patch of sand the sign refers to is south of here. Use the picture below to know exactly where to look.
- Googly Eyes: south-east of Gasping Glade, near the river gate.
- Broken Controller: to access this tonic you need to unlock the cage with the key inside north of Gasping Glade for 1,000 Quills. Then, use the key to open the gate that leads you to the river bed area. First, kill all enemies to get the key that unlocks the yellow gate. Second, do the same with the purple key. Now, swim under the ledge with the pile of rocks to go get one and cast it at the switch to access a green key. Use the green key to open the green gate with a bomb berry bush behind. Cast a berry bomb at the rocks that prevent the water from running and get the Tonic hidden behind the stone NPC.
- Run Faster: position the crate in the lake next to the waterfall and freeze the lake. Then, enter it and jump on the flowers to reach the Tonic.
- Run Even Faster: all the way to the right in the secret area is a fake wall you can blow up with a berry bomb.
- Roll Faster: enter the alcove behind the lake’s waterfall and kill all enemies to uncage the Tonic. To be able to enter the alcove, the lake must not be frozen.
- Roll Even Faster: all the way to the left in the secret area is a hidden bomb berry bush. Buddy-slam as shown in the picture below, then enter the nearby alcove and move the crate to access the Tonic.
- Spider-Cham: after unlocking the tents that take you to the Tonic called Tick…Tock…, grab a bomb from the bomb berry bush to blow up the stone wall near Chapter 2 and the waterfall. Enter this tunnel to find a new Tonic. Don’t forget to activate the switch.
- H2Go: after the Pagie challenge that gives you access to the switch that operates the bridge with the book on top, you will have access to a new area to the right as well. Here is a bomb berry bush. Grab a bomb and cast it at the stone blocks preventing you from entering the area below. Don’t forget to activate the final switch.
- Snow Problem: when you first reach the lake area with Nimbo the Cloud, use a water berry on the flower seed to make a fire berry bush appear. Grab a fire berry and cast it at the stinging plant in front of the bricked door. Grab the tonic and don’t forget to activate the switch as well.
- Sounds Like Secrets: unlock the key cage once you have 1,000 Quills found near the underground entrance left of the desert area. Use the key to unlock the door near one of the talking vents. Access the area and place the pipe piece back to its place. This will cause the other pipe pieces outside to come out of their locked positions. Use a water berry to quench the nearby fire, then head outside. Now you can enter the chimney. Finally, grab the Tonic from the shelf.
- Secret Sonar: buddy-slam on the triangle of rocks below multiple times to lower some ledges and access the Tonic.
- T.W.I.T. Coin Banker: after the first Pagie challenge, the ledge in front of you will lower. Then, go back to Vendi to collect this Tonic.
- Quill Banker: buddy-slam on the first honeycomb next to Queen Phoebee.
- Quill Magnet: from the door you came out from when you first visited Shipwreck Creek, head north to find a sign. Talk to him. To reveal the Tonic you have to ask the cannon to turn around and have him shoot at the bridge to lower it. Then, buddy-slam on it.
- Quillsplosion: in the area where Chapter 11 is (you can warp to it from the map), use a water berry on the seed above the entrance.
- Flower Hour: in the forest area with the three blue enemies and the cage, take the tunnel on the right. Drop the crate down below and let the fans carry it around. Then, push it on the switch to deactivate the two fans above it. Now you’ll be able to walk up the path as indicated by the arrow below and collect the Tonic at the end.
- 4th Tonic Ssslot!: can be collected after giving Trowzer 30 T.W.I.T. Coins at his place.
- Res Colours: use the swing below in the swings area to access it (Ropeburn Bridge chapter).
- Res Resolution: in the same area where you unlocked the State Change for Ropeburn Bridge, on a ledge near a swinging platform on the left of the area.
- GB Colours: climb the shipwreck in Shipwreck Creek and flick the helm to reveal a hidden platform that leads you to the Tonic.
- GB Resolution: talk to the sign north of the shipwreck in Shipwreck Creek and then go buddy-slam onto the towels. That’s where the first game started if you haven’t played it.
- VHS: on a ledge on the right of the second swing area. Use a swing for momentum.
- Derorrim: enter the area right of the shipwreck in Shipwreck Creek.
- Upside Down: in the forest area, in the building next to the No Yooka sign. Enter and roll against the wall to drop the Tonic.
- Painted: south-west of the lighthouse is a sign telling you that there is a Tonic underwater. To get this Tonic open your map and hit
on the spot indicated by the map below. Swim to the Toni to collect it.
- Felt Tip Outline: when the lake isn’t frozen, move the crate as shown in the picture below to easily access the sign. The sign refers to the shadow created by the flag closest to the lake. Buddy-slam on the shadow to reveal the Tonic.
- Rainbow: one of the tree trunks north of the area with the red flags is a stump with a handle. Drag the stump into the hole north-east of the trees (Pagie area) to easily reach this Tonic.
- Dot Matrix: after talking to the fisherman in the lighthouse area, enter the area he was standing in front of and make your way up the river. When you reach the exit, jump in the water and swim towards the bottom to access the Tonic on the platform.
- Comic: use one of the pipe pieces to roll into a small window and access the Tonic in the desert area.
- Gritty Comic: buddy-slam the right-hand post of the fence in front of Nimbo the Cloud in the lake area.
- Shadow Stingdom: first, you need to find the sign for this tonic and give it 50 Quills. To access the sign, you need to first lower Trowzer’s second paywall. Then, enter the forest, interact with the Pagie and complete its challenge to defog the area. Use a bomb berry on the stones on the right blocking the path leading to the bridge. Here, take some fire berries and throw them at the stinging plants found north of where you are to access the sign. Now use the pictures below to identify the area where the Tonic is.
- Spotlight: buddy-slam on the circle of light shown below. You’ll find it above the very first door in front of where Trowzer’s house was.
- Yooge Head: South of Vendi is a sign. You need 10 Quills for him to give you the clue. Then, buddy-slam the fern opposite Vendi.
- Yooman: found under the bridge in the same area of Chapter 6.
- No Tailee: talk to the sign north of the desert area. He gives you coordinates as to where this Tonic is. follow his direction to the letter. The Tonic is reveal if you buddy-slam the upper left-hand corner of this small area.
- Cartoony: in the lighthouse area is some sand with three blue enemies scurrying around. Under them are moving dunes of sand. Buddy-slam on one of these to reveal a Pagie. Complete its challenge to lift the rest of the wooden dock. Walk on it until you see a pile of explosive rocks. Cast some rocks at the sharks to save the shopping cart who will reveal a Tonic.
- Shadow Puppets: roll against the tree below.
- Golden Try: awarded to you upon completing the Impossible Lair on first try without bees. This can be achieved on a new save if you’ve already collected at least one bee. This is NOT required for the Platinum trophy.
- Chameleon Colours: east of Chapter 14, up some stairs is a bridge. Use the switch to reveal a hole in the ground a jump inside. Use the crate to get to the bomb berry bush, grab a bomb and destroy the stone blocks to access another crate. Use the crates to lower the platform with the Tonic.
- Blockbuster Film: in the same area where you bombed the stone to drop the switch that activates that State Change for Chapter 3 is a sign. To find the Tonic he refers to, simply buddy-slam the ground directly below you to the right.
- Arthouse Film: next to the ice berry bush is a Tonic moving underground. Buddy-slam it to make it emerge from the ground.
- Saturated Film: in the “giant”‘s cave is a sign telling you to buddy-slam below a vine that sprouts flower. Use the image below for reference. It’s in the desert area.
- Gritty Film: all the way to the right of the desert area where the bridge switches are is a secret area that can be accessed if you position the bridges as illustrated below. Enter the area and buddy-slam on the right patch of grass (the eye of the giant).
- Vintage Film: after unlocking the gate in the forest, go through the tunnel and drop the crate to move it onto the switch that lowers the bridge. Cross the bridge, then talk to the sign. Give him the required quills for a new clue. Then, go north from here and buddy-slam on top of most north fan as shown in the picture below.
- Sepia Film: in the desert area, next to the small talking pipe, is a Tonic moving underground. Buddy-slam on one of the moving patches to reveal it.
- Black & White Film: after finishing Chapter 7 “Production Path”, you’ll be on the other side of the gate. Walk up the trunks to get to this Tonic.
- Noir Film: south of Vendi, all the way to the south, is an area with a crate. Drag the crate near the hole in the wall, then activate the switch near Chapter 2 (where the waterfall is) to make the water flow in the opposite direction, then go back to the area where you moved the crate. Jump on the crate to enter a new area. Exit this area to find the Tonic on top of a red and wooden platform.
- Negative Film: once you’re able to stop the cart in the Secret Area with the crate, use the cart and the crate to access the Tonic in the bottom left-hand corner.
- Cinematic Ratio: left of Chapter 5 – Gasping Glade is a sign. The solution to its clue is shown in the picture below.
- TV Ratio: in Shipwreck Creek, talk to the sign in the bottom left-hand corner. Then, buddy-slam the patch of grass right behind him to reveal the Tonic.
- Largee Head: Buy the “Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack” DLC (cannot be found in-game).
- Glow Worm: Buy the “Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack” DLC (cannot be found in-game).
- D.I.S.C.O: Buy the “Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack” DLC (cannot be found in-game).
- Yooka 64: Buy the “Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack” DLC (cannot be found in-game).
That’s all Tonic Locations in Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
More Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Guides:
- All Overworld Bee Team Guards Locations
- All T.W.I.T. Coins Locations
- How to Unlock all State Changes
- Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Banjo says
18: Roll even faster – ground pound the area south east of the bombable rock. Its on the same platform as the rock so dont fall down.
25: Quill Banker- ground pound the first honeycomb near the impossible lair book.
41: Comic- Move the pipe near the chapter 9 book to the south east corner near an open window. Roll into it to get the tonic.
FranciRoosters says
Thanks for this!
Matthew says
It should also be mentioned that in order to move the crate where tonic 18 roll even faster is, you have to grab it from the top.. where you can’t even see the green bar indicating you can grab it… very cheeky Playtonic Games.. I was stumped for a bit but happy I figured it out on my own.. shame the guide doesn’t mention it though.
FranciRoosters says
Will make the edit soon. Thanks for the input.
Reader says
You missed a tonic it’s called D.I.S.C.O. it’s after Shadow Stingdom and before Spotlight , I don’t remember how I got it thought.
PowerPyx says
It’s part of the DLC “Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack”. It cannot be found in the game world. The DLC was not published at the time this guide was made. Thanks for pointing this out, I added this and the other DLC tonics to the end of the guide now. They must be purchased (includes these tonics: Largee head tonic, Glow Worm tonic, D.I.S.C.O tonic and the Yooka 64 tonic).
Daniel says
Thank you.
I’m from Brazil. Good work.
See ya.