In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair one of the collectible types is Bee Team Guards. This guide shows where to find all their locations. They are your shield in the Impossible Lair. There are 48 Bee Team Guards in total. 40 of them can be collected at the end of each Chapter’s level, the remaining 8 ones are found in the Overworld. Some of them are found by taking specific paths in the Overworld, others are found after finding the secret exit in specific levels. Secret exits are colorful portals you can access to leave the level earlier and will warp you to the Bee Team Guard in the Overworld. The levels with the secret exits need to be played twice, once to find and leave the level from the secret exit, a second time to collect its Bee Team Guard. Below you’ll find the locations of the 8 Bee Team Guards found in the Overworld. The names are the names of the actual bees taken from the Beettalion tab in the Options menu for easy reference.
- Overworld Bee #1: play “Chapter 5 – Gasping Glade”. Towards the end of the level you’ll see a jumping enemy by a green door. Don’t enter the door, but wait for a moving platform by the goo edge. After a couple of minutes, you’ll be able to mount it and it’ll carry you to the secret exit.
- Overworld Bee #2: buddy-slam the roof of a ledge in the fans area.
- Overworld Bee #3: found above the entrance to Chapter 7 “Production Path” and “Production Path – Panic”. To access it, you need to go through the secret exit found in “Production Path – Panic” as shown in the picture below.
- Overworld Bee #4: towards the end of Hazard Hangar (Chapter 14), you will have to climb a netted lift. When the lift goes up, don’t climb down. Instead, remain attached to the net to find a blue quill on the right. Collect all quills to reveal the Secret Exit.
- Overworld Bee #5: enter the hole in the ground revealed by lifting the bridge east of Chapter 14. Move the crates to create a new path and then use the edge of the lifted bridge to access this area.
- Overworld Bee #6: easily collected by avoiding its level altogether. In the beach area of the Overworld, grab a bomb near the switch that activates the bridge. Then, go stand on the bridge and cast the bomb at the switch. As the bridge goes up, try to move on one of its edges and then jump onto the platform where the Overworld bee is.
- Overworld Bee #7: from the platform all the way south-west of the lighthouse you need to make a well-timed jump to the area with the palm trees. Continue north to find the bee.
- Overworld Bee #8: unlock the key cage once you have 1,000 Quills found near the underground entrance left of the desert area. Use the key to unlock the door near one of the talking vents. Access the area and place the pipe piece back to its place. This will cause the other pipe pieces outside to come out of their locked positions. Use a water berry to quench the nearby fire, then head outside. Now you can enter the chimney. Enter the new area, then roll under the ivy to find an Overworld Bee.
That’s all of the Bee Team Guards in Yooka Layle and the Impossible Lair. Now that you have all 48 you can take on the Impossible Lair!
More Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Guides:
- All Tonics Locations
- All T.W.I.T. Coins Locations
- How to Unlock all State Changes
- Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Mehappy says
Will this page still get updated since you’re missing some guards. Same goes for the tonic page, you’re sometimes referring to a picture while there is not a single picture on the page.
PowerPyx says
Yes, still work-in-progress.
FranciRoosters says
The guides will be complete by the end of this weekend.
Olivia says
Wait never mind, I was trying to jump UP onto the edge, then jump from there. Instead you jump AS the bridge is raising. I got it! Thanks!
David Adamski says
I can’t do the junp South West of the beach, tried it 100 times I just can’t make it
FranciRoosters says
Keep trying. You need to jump while Yooka and Laylee are midair but still close to the platform you jump off from. Try roll-jumping.
Pachimarain says
There’s still a “correct” way to collect Overworld Bee #6. In Queasy Quay-Climb, a cage full of quills will fall a few seconds after you push down the lever. Take the interval of the few seconds and roll-jump into the pipe on the right to get to the portal (better use Slo-mo). Anyway, thanks a lot for the guides.