Yakuza Like a Dragon Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 6/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 70 – 100 hours
- Offline Trophies: 63 (1
, 1
, 3
, 58
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None, everything can be completed in Premium Adventure
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty selection in first playthrough, don’t need to do NG+ or higher difficulty for trophies in the Western release
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Premium Adventure takes place after the story is completed
- Release Date: November 10, 2020
Welcome to the Yakuza Like a Dragon Trophy Guide! This is the 8th main series game in the Yakuza series made by SEGA’s Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Like a Dragon is meant as a fresh start for the series, with a new main character and cast set in a new primary location, along with a massive overhaul to the battle system, turning the game into a turn based RPG. Because of this it is a great point for newcomers to jump in and try out the series without feeling the need to go through prior games. This is also generally the most player friendly Yakuza game to platinum overall, as you don’t need to do 100% of an arbitrary list like most prior games, and don’t need to touch most of the typical series minigames if you don’t want to for fun. The most time will be spent getting through the story and completing side quests/substories, then working to be able to complete the two post story extra dungeons.
Step 1: Complete the Story
The first step for game will just to be completing the story. Nothing is missable, so you can do as much or as little of the side content as you want as you progress. There can seem like a few difficulty spikes in major story battles, so you can stop and grind level a bit during the story if you want. The only majorly recommended time to do this though is during Chapter 12 once you have access to the battle arena, as that is a very easy spot to grind and gives lots of money and gear.
Step 2: Complete Remaining Side Content in Premium Adventure
After completing the story you will be in Premium Adventure, which is just the name for post story play in the Yakuza series. Everything will be available to you and you can change time of day whenever you want, allowing you to clean up all Substories, Part-time Hero objectives, minigames, etc.
Step 3: Complete the Two Post Story Dungeons
The last major step is completing the two dungeons you gain access to in Premium Adventure. Final Millenium Tower is available first and isn’t too bad to complete after just finishing up the remaining side content and grinding one job to max level, but True Final Millenium Tower will require more grinding to basically max your characters and be very set up for it. If you can get through that, you have the platinum totally in the bag.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Substories Guide
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Please Find My Cat Quest Guide (Cat Locations)
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Part-time Hero Missing Person Quest Guide
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Kappture the Kappa Quest Guide (Kappa Statue Locations)
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Honk-Honk Locations Guide
Yakuza Like a Dragon Trophy Guide
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The New Dragon Obtained all trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Yakuza Like a Dragon to unlock Platinum. | ||||
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For the Family Completed Chapter 1. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 1. |
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Rock Bottom Completed Chapter 2. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 2. |
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Heroes and Villains Completed Chapter 3. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 3. |
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Soap on a Rope Completed Chapter 4. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 4. |
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Smoked Completed Chapter 5. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 5. This chapter introduces you to Part-Time Hero, weapon crafting, and business management activities. The end of the chapter prompts you about your character level before you leave, recommending you be a minimum of level of 15. You’ll fight two waves of level 17 enemies, but nothing overly difficult. |
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Ignition Completed Chapter 6. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 6. The start of this chapter is a large dungeon you have to fight your way out of. The first fight is just Kasuga with the Freelancer job, then you get the rest of the team and go through the dungeon. Make sure you check for silver safes for extra gear and items. While going through dungeons unless you’re blocked on a path you can always go back to healing spots if you need to, which allows you to cheese through pretty hard. After getting out of the dungeon you will deal with another enemy gauntlet, then at the end fight a group of 17 – 19 level Seiryu. Nothing overly difficult after getting out of the dungeon, just make sure you’re healed before going in. |
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Three Spiders Completed Chapter 7. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 7. In this chapter while in the Geomijul hideout, make sure to check around all over for items. There a many hidden on dead-end paths and places you don’t need to go to progress. Safes in this area typically have useful gear which will be better than what you have on everyone if you weren’t grinding to craft gear. After you go up some stairs and Nanba says something about a bug going into his ear, there will be a healing machine in a room to the left. After a lot of exposition, you have a fight again Joon-gi Han, except you do it without Nanba. If you’re still using Hero job on Kasuga, save his MP for using Hero’s Compassion for group healing, as Joon-gi has a special attack that does damage to everyone in the party at once. Put everything you’ve got into him with the other two characters though because you get fully healed after the fight with him. After that, you’ll have to fight your way back out of the area against more groups of the Geomijul, but after Joon-gi they shouldn’t be an issue. After these fights the rest of the chapter you won’t have Nanba in your party, so better to just finish it out instead of working on any substories or anything. Once you go to the tower, the chapter is over. |
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The Statesman Completed Chapter 8. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 8. When you go to Bleach Japan you fight one guy outside, then when you go in you fight a group of four level 24 Liumang enemies. After them, you fight Mabuchi who is a level 25 enemy. This is the last fight of the chapter (it’s a short one) so throw whatever you want at him. If he does Resolute Counter, don’t attack until his next turn, just use that opportunity to heal or buff party members. If he gets in a loop where he continually does the counter move you’re basically set because you can just attack him in between turns when he drops it. You can still use Poundmates with Kasuga if you want and he won’t do counters against that. After you beat him you’ll just have to go into the other room and look at a picture for some story, then the chapter is over. |
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Time to Talk Completed Chapter 9. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 9. When you fight the crane, you do about a third of the health bar then it boots the guy out, then you whack him for a bit then he gets back in. You can go get food and supplies right after the fight, so don’t worry about saving MP or anything. After that, you go and fight the Omi Alliance again inside Geomijuhl. You might want to try leveling more or getting some better gear before going in, because you fight the guy from the crane again as well as Nanba and a couple of level 25 Bleach Japan enemies. The room you fight in is small, so starting out doing area attacks should hit basically everyone at once and let you get the couple Bleach Japan enemies and potentially Nanba out of the way quickly. Ishioda is the main issue because he pulls a gun every so often and shoots one character, which can deal almost 200 damage total when it hits, so you will want to try and keep all the characters above half health if possible going into his turns. |
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Illuminations Completed Chapter 10. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 10. After the dialogue at the beginning and fighting the group of Bleach Japan Yakuza, Joon-gi Han joins your party. Before continuing you can obtain a better weapon for him if you want because he starts with a really bad base level one. You can find a good one in a safe in the restaurant you fight through though if you just want to wait. When you go to the next story point you fight a group of Liumang, then Zheng with two more guys, though he isn’t very much to deal with. You fight through three more groups of enemies before entering the restaurant, and you can leave the area and heal again before entering. You can also just leave the building if you want, but it respawns the groups of enemies outside. On the second floor after the fight with the chefs there is a healing spot, along with a bunch of items to grab and the above mentioned safe with a weapon for Joon-gi in the second room. When you go up to the next floor you fight the manager by himself, followed by a tiger. The tiger is weak to Joon-gi Han’s gun skills, so focus on keeping him alive and giving him more MP so you can keep using them on the tiger. On the top floor you have another fight with Mabuchi, along with four Liumang. The same strategy applies as before for Mabuchi, take out the other guys first, then do healing or buffing when he is using Resolute Counter. He doesn’t counter if you use ranged attacks on him, so skills like Joon-gi’s gun-based ones are fine to use at any time. After that fight Nanba rejoins the party in place of Saeko, and you have to fight Ishioda again along with 7 other Omi enemies. Don’t worry about them though, as Nanba has a new special which does fire damage to every enemy, and it should take out all the other enemies at once as soon as you use it. Ishioda isn’t as bad then on his own, just remember he does the gunshot attack so try to keep everyone’s health up. After this fight, the rest of the chapter is story progression. |
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The Dragon Stirs Completed Chapter 11. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 11. The first major fight of the chapter is against a level 33 and three level 32 security guards. They shouldn’t be much issue if you’ve been fighting enemies around the area during this chapter, just use area skills to take them out quickly because you can heal yourself right after this. After going to Otohime Land and going through some dialogue, you’ll be fighting through some consecutive groups of Omi enemies. The first group will be a level 33 enemy and four level 32 enemies. If you have Nanba in your party still using his special again on these guys should take out the level 32s quick, then you just have to focus on the level 33 on his own. The next group will be the same, but then with an extra level 34 enemy. The same thing applies again, use Nanaba’s special to take out all the grunts, then you only have to focus on the highest level guy. This one shoots a gun like Ishioda did the times you fought him, so make sure to keep the group’s health up. He’s weak to Joon-gi Han’s gun skills, so use them as much as you can. After defeating that group you don’t get a break in between, you immediately go into fighting a level 32, a level 33, and a level 36, who is the blue guy in the suit with the large knife. Using Nanba’s special once more should immediately take out the two grunts, then you only have Matoba. He is resistant to knife and gun attacks, so using Joon-Gi Han’s attacks against him like other high level enemies isn’t as useful. He is weak to fire and electric, so you can use Nanba’s other fire attacks on him as well as Joon-gi Han’s Stun Gun attack. After the fight is done the chapter will be over. |
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End of an Era Completed Chapter 12. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 12. For the start of this chapter, you need to acquire a total of 3 million yen to help fund a political campaign. There are some somewhat quick ways you can go about doing this depending on what you’ve done for side content up to this point. For starters, you can make a quick 1.5 million just selling the Italian Ring and Swiss Watch items that are in your inventory. You gain these as drops during Chapter 11 from the story fights and they don’t have any purpose other than to be sold for, so that will get you halfway there. After that, you could do either of the Part-Time Hero Support quests “Kappture the Kappa” or “Please Find My Cat 1 & 2” for 2 million each. The Kappa quest is there automatically in the Part-Time Hero menu when you unlock it, but for the Cat one, you need to actually go into the Part-Time Hero office which is the northernmost building on the map with the turn-in icon, and go upstairs to the office. In Sotenbori after you gain access to the Battle Arena, it will be in your best interest to beat the entire thing before continuing the story. It is a very good place for grinding, which you will want to do because there’s is a decent jump up in enemy level for the end of this chapter, and on the ending 5 floors you can get repeats of good gear items to outfit the party with, along with a very good weapon for Kasuga along with a large chunk of money (about 2 million for the 5 floors + an extra million per if you sell the repeats of the Electric Whip you’ll likely get). When in the arena if you die you just get booted outside without a game over or anything, so you don’t need to worry about losing money from facing the higher level enemies. Getting to level 50 with your main group would be recommended for an alright time with the rest of the chapter, but you can do as little or as much grinding as you want. Inside Omi HQ your goal is basically just don’t get caught. Move around the hallways avoiding the sightlines of the guards. If you get spotted you have to fight a guard who is around level 35~. If you fight three guards you get booted back to the start of the area and have to make your way through again with the guards respawned. When you reach the end of the path, you’ll fight two level 47 Omi and one level 48 Omi. After that, you have a fight against Goro Majima and Taiga Saejima both at level 50. The fight starts out with just Majima, who will summon a set of 3 clones when you take out a quarter of his health. He is weak to fire, and the clones are weak to gun attacks, so if you have Joon-gi Han in your party currently he’s very useful for getting rid of the clones quickly. When Majima is at half health Saejima will come in to help out. Both resist knife attacks, while Saejima is resistant to normal attacks too, and his only specific weakness is fire. At a certain point, Majima and Saejima will do a team attack that will damage everyone in the party and deal around half of Kasuga’s health bar no matter what, so make sure you have Kasuga relatively healthy the whole fight. After you take out Majima, Saejima is basically just a giant damage sink until you can take him out. If he deals a large amount to anyone get their health back up, so that you don’t get stuck trying to revive and heal everyone at once. After those fights you’ll have some story then be back in Sotonbori. Take the taxi to Omi Alliance HQ again when you’re ready. After the cutscenes, you’ll have to fight through two groups of Omi Alliance members. The first group will be two level 48 enemies, and four level 47 enemies. Compared to the fight before against Majima and Saejima these should basically be a piece of cake. Right at the start use your group attacks to take out the majority of the group, then you should be left with one of the level 48 enemies who you just need to break down on his own. He’ll guard a lot, but is weak to blade attacks. The second group will be five level 47 Omi, and a single level 50 Omi. The same goes for this group, use group attacks right away then you should only have one guy left (I used Zhao’s group special attack and it instantly knocked out everyone to my surprise after how much damage the guy in the first group took). After this fight you’ll have more story then the chapter will be over. |
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Fate of Our Fathers Completed Chapter 13. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 13. After the story at the start of the chapter, you are supposed to go to Isezaki road where you fight five level 48 Omi and a level 50 Omi enemy. You can use your most powerful group attacks here to take out the enemies, you can heal again right after before more fights. After some more story, you’ll get your money back from Hoshino that you gave in the prior chapter and you’ll be tasked with going to the Election Admin Office to use that 3 million to register for the election yourself. Before going there though, you’ll get a text from Kamulop about some Poundmates he has for sale. If you’ve been sitting on your Tojo Clan Crests, you should go and buy these if you can. After more story, you’ll be given a van to campaign with. You then head to Jinnai station on foot, where you’ll fight the same group of five + one Omi enemies again. After that fight, you are tasked with heading to Seiryu HQ. Inside you’ll first have a fight with another group of five + one Omi, who you can take out quick with group attacks like before. Finally you will have the last fight of the chapter against Sawashiro who is level 53. He starts out using a sword, then switches to a cane when you get his health down a third, then both the sword and cane at about the final quarter. He is weak to knife attacks, so having both Zhao and Joon-gi Han in your party is very recommended for this whole fight. During the second phase with the cane, he will do a move where he continually spins it around himself, and you don’t want to attack him while he’s doing this, use it as an opportunity to heal. Once he moves to the final weapon, he uses an ability that causes him to regenerate 1000 HP on his turn, so you need to keep slamming him as much as you can. Using Zhao and Joon-gi Han’s knife-based specials do a lot of damage, so is likely your best bet, then use Kasuga and your other character to heal and replenish MP. If you have an extra turn with Kasuga calling in either of the two new Poundmates you obtained from finishing the last chapter is a good idea. |
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The Torch is Passed Completed Chapter 14. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 14. As soon as the chapter starts you have a fight against a level 52 Omi and five level 51 Omi. You’ll be at full HP/MP because it’s a new chapter, so take them out with group special skills, then you can heal right after. Head over to the Bleach Japan office when you’re ready to fight group with five level 53 Omi and a level 54 Omi. This is another fight where you only have these enemies then nothing after, so don’t worry about holding back. After that, you are supposed to head over to Geomijul where you fight Kiryu. Kiryu is interesting in that he won’t attack female characters, so if you have Saeko and Emi leveled and kitted they can be useful here. At the minimum, it would be worth switching Saeko in for Nanba if you’re using him, as Kiryu is resistant to Physical, Knife, Gun, and Fire attacks which means he resists most of Nanba’s Homeless job skills. Having Saeko on the idol job would be preferable if you have it leveled and you can then use that for healing, and if you have the Idol Ice weapon leveled use that as the only thing Kiryu is weak to is Ice. When Kasuga comments on Kiryu switching stances he’ll start actively avoiding and counter while you are doing attacks, so you’re better if you can do unblockable or ranged ones. When he switches stances again he won’t dodge any attacks, but he tanks everything and can’t be knocked down. Finally, he’ll switch stance once more at the last quarter of health, where if attacked normally he’ll sometimes just knock the attacker down as soon as they hit him, so best to keep going with unblockable attacks and just healing with Saeko. After that fight you’ll have to head to a marked spot on the map, then when you try to enter the door you’ll have a series of fights. The first one is against a group of six level 55 Omi, easily dealt with using group attacks. Only the large guy with the bat should be able to last a full cycle of group attacks, so then you can just beat on him with the group. After that fight, you’ll be inside the building and walking around, so you can heal anyone who needs it before going into the next room. The next group is four level 53 Omi and a level 54 Omi, so they’re overall weaker than the group outside and should be able to be taken out before any of them even get a turn. You are walking around again after that fight, so make sure to heal before going through the final door. Inside you’ll fight a level 57 Ishioda and a level 55 Mirror Face. Try and take out Mirror Face first, then worry about Ishioda. Mirror Face is weak to knife attacks, so you can focus on him with Joon-gi Han and Zhao if you’re using them. Ishioda is weak to elemental attacks, so focusing him with Joon-gi Han’s stun attack is a very good idea. Ishioda will counter after any attack that doesn’t knock him down, even ranged and debuff-based ones, so if you can get him stunned you’re in a very good spot. Remember he has his gun attack which does a large amount of damage, so try and keep everyone’s health up. At around half health he’ll do an attack which inflicts fear on all characters and increases his attack. If you’re using Hero job on Kasuga try and use the status clearing group special as soon as you can to get fear off everyone, then keep working on Ishioda. After the fight is done, you’ll get some story and the chapter will be over. |
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Thank You Completed the final chapter. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This trophy is awarded after you complete chapter 15, the final chapter of the game. You start this chapter in Kamurocho, but can take the taxi out if you need to. If you’ve not been using it you should go through the end of the Sotenbori dungeon a few times with Kasuga on the Freelancer job, because you need to use that job for the final fight right at the end of the story, and it might be a little difficult if you’ve not used it since changing to the hero job. At this point you also gain access to the Kamurocho sewers, which is the other grinding location in the game. It is more lucrative than the Arena, but much more dangerous and you can game over in it, unlike the arena. After some story the game tells you that going into the Millennium Tower is the point of no return, meaning you’re locked into until the story is finished. Get yourself prepared beforehand, then head in when you’re ready. Fights inside have enemies ranging from level 57 up to 60 at the final boss. There’s not a whole lot of exploration, so just make sure to check side rooms and take out all enemies in each area before advancing. You should also level a decent amount during the trek, so you shouldn’t use your larger healing items unless you absolutely need to. You also can’t abuse the healing boxes in here like you could prior, once you go up a floor you can’t go back so keep that in mind. When you reach the floor with the two “Arminator” enemies that’s right before the section with the final bosses, so make sure you heal before using the elevator. Your first fight is against Tendo, who is resistant to all physical attacks types, so stick to elemental stuff if you can. He can be poisoned, so either using Joon-gi Han’s special or calling in Nancy from Poundamtes early is a good idea because it is guaranteed damage on every one of his turns, which adds up as this fight goes on for a while. Until you get him below half health he doesn’t do a lot of damage, but just try to keep everyone relatively healed. Dragon’s Descent/Dance looks like a scary attack and the game prompts you to guard against it, but he normally gets it off ahead of the people it’s aimed at and doesn’t seem to do that much damage, so it’s not worth stressing over. When he’s at half health he pulls out brass knuckles and does more damage, along with a move that will one-shot a character if he performs it. The charge move is called God’s Warning, and the group will remark on it the first time he does it. Here you need to put whatever strongest attacks into him that you can to knock him out of the charge up. If he aims this at Kasuga you want to, if you’ve not used it prior, immediately use his “Peerless Resolve” move if you’re on the Hero job, because this stops you from being one-shot by it. The move Devil’s Awakening looks similar but is just a charged attack at whoever he is aiming at that only does marginally more damage than Dragon’s Descent. After the fight you have a bunch of story, then you fight against Aoki and a group of seven Omi. You aren’t healed after the Tendo fight, so the start of this might be tough if you weren’t staying healed before. The Omi enemies are about the same strength as the ones coming up the tower so you can take them all out relatively quickly with group specials. Aoki takes more of a beating, but nowhere near the level of Tendo before him, so this fight is easy in comparison as long as you can get rid of the Omi enemies quickly. He will call in more Omi as the fight progresses, so just keep trying to deal with them first. Aoki is weak to electrical and physical attacks, which makes him take a lot of damage if you’re using physical group specials to take out the Omi enemies. When Aoki gets low enough on health he’ll run away. The group tells Ichiban to chase after Masato on his own, so go heal on the machine then go up the stairs. This is the part where you are forced to play as the Freelancer job, and why you should have leveled it some before going into the Millennium Tower. Compared to the fight downstairs this is even easier though, as Masato doesn’t really seem to do a lot of damage. Keep using your physical skills on him until you drop his health all the way, then you’ll have the only actual cutscene quick-time event of the game and be finished the story. |
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Stories to Tell Completed 10 substories. |
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This trophy is awarded after you complete any 10 substories. | ||||
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Stories to Live Completed 20 substories. |
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This trophy is awarded after you complete any 20 substories. | ||||
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Stories of the Streets Completed 40 substories. |
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This trophy is awarded after you complete any 40 substories.
Substories function as side quests for Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Like previous Yakuza games, you gain access to more as you progress the story and interact with more characters. Some you only need to go to locations or talk to people to start, but some require Kasuga to have minimum levels on his Personality stats before they can be completed. There are a total of 52 substories in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, so for the platinum, you don’t actually need to finish all of them if you don’t want to. |
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Friends in Low Places Maxed Nanba’s Bond Level. |
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Bonds are basically the friendship levels you have with each of the main party members. They are advanced by doing various things with the party members, like eating at restaurants, doing Party Chats, completing battles, and watching movies. When the Bond level progress reaches a certain point you go to Survive bar and do an event with that character to raise their bond to the next level. During the events, you can respond to questions from the other members and some responses raise Kasuga’s Personality stats a small amount, but all events progress regardless of what answers you give.
Nanba’s bond advances normally until you reach level 2. To reach level 3, you need to wait until Chapter 10 of the story. Once you reach the point before level 5, you’ll have a fight with just Ichiban against a level 20 enemy and two level 18 enemies. Because of the fact you effectively can’t do this fight until at least Chapter 10 or 11, it shouldn’t be much of an issue at all even though it’s just Ichiban. After the fight and some more dialogue, you’ll max out your bond with Nanba and earn this trophy. |
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Friends on the Force Maxed Adachi’s Bond Level. |
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Adachi’s bond advances normally the whole way through. Once you reach the event point before level 5, you will have a fight with just Adachi against a level 19 enemy. After you beat them you’ll max out your bond with Adachi and earn this trophy. | ||||
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Friends Like Sisters Maxed Saeko’s Bond Level. |
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Saeko’s bond advances normally the whole way through. Once you reach the event point before level 5, you will have a fight with just Saeko against four level 19 enemies and a level 21 enemy. After you beat them you’ll max out your bond with Saeko and earn this trophy. | ||||
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Friends With Familiar Faces Maxed Joon-gi Han’s Bond Level. |
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Joon-gi Han’s bond advances normally the whole way through. Once you reach the event point before level 5, you will have a fight with just Joon-gi Han against four level 36 and one level 39 Jingweon mafia enemy. After you beat them you’ll max out your bond with Joon-gi Han and earn this trophy. | ||||
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Friends in the Gang Maxed Zhao’s Bond Level. |
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Zhao’s bond advances normally the whole way through. Once you reach the event point before level 5, you will have a fight with just Zhao against a level 32 Mabuchi, level 30 Zheng, then four level 28 other enemies. Mabuchi uses the same tricks as always during this fight, so just be aware of that and don’t attack him when he is in Resolute Counter unless you’re using skills. After you beat them you’ll max out your bond with Zhao and earn this trophy. | ||||
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Friends From Work Maxed Eri’s Bond Level. |
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Eri’s bond is unique from the others because it doesn’t advance from normal events. Her Bond only goes up from you reaching the new Corporation tiers in the Business Management minigame. After you reach the first objective rank in business management you will have an event with Eri at Survive, where she will join your party and can be used in battle. After that her bond is raised further automatically by reaching the next objectives in business management until you reach rank 1 where her Bond will automatically raise to the maximum level. You will earn this trophy at the same time that you earn the trophy Presidential Power for becoming the top company in Yokohama. | ||||
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Food for Thought Viewed more than 20 Table Talk scenes. |
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Table Talk scenes are the talking-head dialogue bits that you can appear when you eat at restaurants and order certain items depending on who you have in your party. These only appear at the restaurants in Ijincho, not the ones in Kamurocho or Sotenbori. There are also 42 of these total, so you don’t even need to have half of them appear. The easiest way to get them is to wait until Chapter 11 when Zhao joins and you can have everyone available in your party, then just go to restaurants and order most of everything off the menu as you’re going around the city. You can use this to heal in between fights, and ordering everything off the menu will complete a Part-Time Hero challenge per restaurant and trigger all food combinations buffs at one time for that restaurant. You can view the number of Table Talk scenes you have seen under Challenge > Adventure in Part-time Hero and looking near the bottom at the Table Talker objectives. | ||||
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A New Legend Raised Part-time Hero Member Rank to Senior Hero. |
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Senior Hero rank is what you will reach when you obtain 70 stars in Part-time Hero. | ||||
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A New Hero Raised Part-time Hero Member Rank to Executive Hero. |
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The levels in Part-time Hero are determined by how many stars you have, which you gain from competing quests in the Support and Rescue categories in Part-time Hero. Your star count doesn’t reset at each level, so for this trophy, you need to first reach Veteran at 150 total stars, then Executive at 300 total stars.
300 total stars isn’t a huge amount to get without going out of your way for delivery or rescue quests. A lot of the delivery item quests you can get done just through normal gameplay picking up items, and all of the SOS Rescue quests are marked on the map for you to complete when they are available. The “Special Delivery” set of quests involves you getting Pocket Tissues for a man stuck in various bathrooms. In this Yakuza game the only way to actually get Pocket Tissues is by purchasing them from the prize vendor for the Can Quest minigame. You need a total of 21 Pocket Tissues for this chain of quests, which requires 4200 total points for trade to the Can Quest vendor. The “Missing” set of quests involve you finding a person around Ijincho and speaking to them. You can find the locations of all five here: Yakuza Like a Dragon Part-time Hero Missing Person Quest Guide “Please Find My Cat 1 & 2” involved finding cat around Ijincho that got lost from the Part-time Hero office. You can find the locations for all of the cats here: Yakuza Like a Dragon Please Find My Cat Quest Guide (Cat Locations) “Kappture the Kappa” involves taking pictures of 10 Kappa statues around Ijincho. You can find the locations for all of the Kappa statues here: Yakuza Like a Dragon Kappture the Kappa Quest Guide (Kappa Statue Locations) |
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Awakening Dragon Reached level 10 with Kasuga. |
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This trophy is awarded when Kasuga reaches level 10. | ||||
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Rising Dragon Reached level 30 with Kasuga. |
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This trophy is awarded when Kasuga reaches level 30. | ||||
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Like a Dragon Reached level 50 with Kasuga. |
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This trophy is awarded when Kasuga reaches level 50. This is the level that you will basically reach just finishing out the story. The dungeon in the final chapter has enemies that are level 60 at the end, so you will at least reach level 50 just from story progression. | ||||
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Ryu Ga Gotoku Reached level 70 with Kasuga. |
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This trophy is awarded when Kasuga reaches level 70. Level 70 won’t be reached until after the story unless you purposely do a lot of grinding. You will need to be well over this for the platinum though, as the first extra dungeon in Premium Adventure has enemies that go up to around level 80, and for the True Final Millenium Tower dungeon, you want to basically be at the level cap of 99 and have most of the jobs on each of the characters leveled to max for the extra permanent stat bonuses.
For level grinding there is basically two stages. When you reach Chapter 12 and go to Sotenbori you should grind the final 5 floors of the Battle Arena over and over again. You can go through the whole thing and do this during Chapter 12, and would then be recommended you do that up to level 50 at least to finish the story, or 60 to prepare for the second grind stage. The Arena is very safe to grind through because if you die you don’t game over or anything, you’re just booted back outside and can go back in from one of the floor checkpoints. It also gives a large amount of money if you’re running the final 5 floors over and over (up to 3 million or so each time if you sell the extra items you can receive). When you reach Chapter 15 you can then enter the Kamurocho Sewers dungeon, which is the second grinding place and what you can use all the way to level cap. The enemies here go up to level 60, so being at least level 60 yourself would be recommended before working on this (and even with the group at 60 some of the enemies inside are tanks). The way sewer works is that it is a two-floor dungeon with a set floorplan and enemy layout. Every time you enter it respawns new items inside that you can pick up, with 4 gold safes at the end that you could grind if you want for equipment items. For level grinding, you want to complete the first floor, then go down to the second. On the second floor there will be 4 specific enemy groups you want to defeat, because they have an enemy in them called an “Invested Vagabond”. These enemies when defeated award 450,000 XP and 400,000 Job XP (plus whatever xp you get from the other enemies in the group). This means that these enemies alone will push you up full levels when you start out grinding, and keep it moving relatively quickly even into the 80s and 90s. The trick with them though is that they have relatively low health, but incredibly high defense, so when you first start out grinding them you’ll likely be doing a single point of damage each time you hit them. So the trick for them is to use attacks that multiple times, such as Joon-gi Han’s “Rapid Shot” skill and Zhao’s “Dragon” skills (the ones that you tap When grinding these enemies, there is a route through the dungeon you want to take. If you wanted to you could finish it each time for items, but if you’re aiming to grind to level 99 they’re not really necessary for the final dungeons for trophies. Follow the below route on the map to hit all 4 enemy groups, which are the spots with the large red circles. Taking this route you fight two groups of enemies before the first group with a Vagabond, then one more fight in between each of the other three. Then follow the path back and head to the first floor to heal and save, then repeat as many times as you want. Note if you take the ladder out of the first floor at any time you’ll have to go through the first floor again to reach the second. Once you’ve finished a job set with each character, switch them out for new jobs on each one. While going through jobs you will want to equip the job XP increasing items on the characters that can use them. You’ll have a few of these through story progression, but you will want to buy more of the available ones from a special vendor in Ijincho. To find this vendor, you first need to have switched Kasuga to the “Foreman” job at least once so that you can break boards on areas. Then, go to the end of Sunrise St. by the Part Time Hero vendor to find a breakable wall that has the vendor Fumie behind it. Buy a few of each of the generic job items, then any you need of the unique ones if you need to.
For getting through True Final Millenium Tower you will want to do at least 4 or 5 jobs on each character to max level (99). You could do more if you want, and this then allows you to not worry so much about gear on the characters (won’t need to go out of your way to craft anything specific, can just use purchasable or dropped items). This grinding is what takes up a large chunk of the plat time at 20 – 30 solid hours. |
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Sound Character Raised one of Kasuga’s personality stats to max. |
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This trophy is awarded when you raise any of Kasuga’s 6 Personality stats to the max level of 10. | ||||
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Super Human Raised all of Kasuga’s personality stats to max. |
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This trophy is awarded when you raise all of Kasuga’s 6 Personality stats to the max level of 10.
Your Personality stats are raised from doing various things in the game. Because of this, this trophy is basically one of the last things you should worry about. Best way to raise your personality the rest of the way if you need at the end of the game is buying the “Rise Up!” item from Dragon Kart for 2500 rings. This adds +50 points to every personality category, so should inch you the rest of the way after you’ve finished everything else you need to do. The major things you should finish first before worry about this are:
After you have done all of those at the very least you can worry about raising the stats more. There are a few avenues you can go about for doing this. The three major ones would be doing Challenges, grinding Honk-Honk purchases, or buying the Stat raising item with Dragon Kart rings. Challenges is the most varied but would involve playing a lot of other minigames and doing things you wouldn’t otherwise need to do. Grinding Honk-Honk is rng because there isn’t a way to guarentee the NPCs show up, but it’s pretty mindless. Grinding Dragon Kart is somewhat involved, but if you like the minigame this is probably the most fun option. You need 2500 each time to buy the stat raising book for an increase of +50 to each stat each time you use it. |
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Job Hopper Changed Kasuga to three different jobs other than his starting job. |
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This trophy is awarded once you have change Kasuga to any three jobs other than Freelancer or Hero at Hello Work. | ||||
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Life Experiences Changed Kasuga to eight different jobs other than his starting job. |
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This trophy is awarded once you have change Kasuga to any eight jobs other than Freelancer or Hero at Hello Work.
Early in the story you’ll get access to job changing at Hello Work, which allows you to change Kasuga and other party members to jobs other than their default unique ones. Kasuga gains access to more job changes by leveling along with reaching specific levels in his Personality stats. When looking at the job change menu at Hello Work you can see the requirements for each job. To change to all possible jobs, Kasuga needs the following Personality levels:
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Career Counseling Changed all four party members to jobs different from their default jobs and won a battle. |
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After gaining access to job changing at Hello Work, you need to change the jobs of all four of your active party members to something other than their default job and win one battle with them. This is most easily done as soon as you get the option to do it, while all the enemies in Ijincho are still low level. After you’ve done this you can change back to the old jobs. | ||||
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Professional Raised 1 job’s rank to max. |
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This trophy is awarded when you raise any job with any character to level 30. | ||||
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Master of Trades Raised 3 jobs’ ranks to max. |
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This trophy is awarded when you raise any 3 jobs with any characters to level 30. | ||||
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Jack of All Trades Raised 7 jobs’ ranks to max. |
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This trophy is awarded when you raise any 7 jobs with any characters to level 30. These trophies say “max” which is a change from the description in the original Japanese release, but you still only actually need to raise jobs to level 30 thankfully (max level for jobs is a gigantic grind). This also isn’t 7 jobs with one character, it’s any job with any character, so if you stick with the same jobs on all your characters through the story you’ll likely be maxing out the job ranks around the same time. If you stay with the same jobs and don’t use the bonus XP items you will likely just reach level 30 around character level 60~ on each character. | ||||
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Romance of the 10 Pieces Made 10 pieces of gear at Romance Workshop. |
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You are introduced to Romance Workshop early in the story, and it is where you can craft and upgrade gear to use with your party. This trophy says “made” as if you have to craft items, but it seems to also count upgrading weapons. So craft or upgrade any items 10 times total to earn this trophy. | ||||
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Romancing the Forge Fully upgraded Romance Workshop’s equipment. |
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Fully upgrading the forge takes a total of 22,250,000 Yen for all 4 levels. This seems like a very large amount starting out, so don’t worry about this early in the game. Once you are at the end of the game you can either grind money from general enemies while level grinding, repeat the final cycle of the Business Management minigame once you have reached top rank (gives 3 million yen each time), or running the final 5 floors of the Sotonbori Battle Arena (around 2 million from enemies + another 1 million or more selling bonus items). However you decide to do it, when you have the total amount and want to burn it you can go upgrade the shop all the way, earning this trophy. | ||||
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Gear Fanatic Collected over 100 pieces of gear. |
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This trophy is awarded for collecting over 100 pieces of gear. | ||||
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Gear Hoarder Collected over 200 pieces of gear. |
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This trophy is awarded for collecting over 200 pieces of gear. In the context of these trophies “collect” just means to obtain 200 pieces cumulatively. Duplicates count, and you don’t need to have the 100/200 on you at one time, so you can sell old gear you don’t need and these trophies will still be awarded correctly when you reach the cumulative total. | ||||
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I Wanna Be the Very Best Registered over 100 Sujimon to the Sujidex. |
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This trophy is awarded when you register 100 Sujimon in the Sujidex. | ||||
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Gotta Catch ‘Em All Registered over 200 Sujimon to the Sujidex. |
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This trophy is awarded when you reach 200 Sujimon registered in the Sujidex. The count for these trophies is based on the number in the Sujidex at the top, not the number displayed in Part-Time Hero for the challenges, the count seems to differ for these. Unless you are avoiding enemy encounters or don’t touch the Sotenbori Battle Arena at all, these two trophies are effectively story related, because you should get through at least 200 of the 252 total enemy types while progressing the story. | ||||
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Pound It Called for Poundmates 30 times. |
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Poundmates is this game’s version of a summon system like other RPGs have, where in exchange for a monetary payment you can summon various characters to help you during battle. You gain more options in Poundmates through story progress and side content, and each time you get a new character as an option you can call them in for free the first time. For this trophy, you just need to call any character in a total of 30 times. You can view you progress towards this by viewing Challenge > Battle in the Part-time Hero menu and checking the Pound Town challenges. You’ll be awarded this trophy at the same time you earn the Pound Town Resident challenge completion. | ||||
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Heir to the Legend Beat the Sotenbori Battle Arena. |
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During Chapter 12 you gain access to the Sotenbori Battle Arena, which is a series of 30 floors with groups of enemies on them that you fight for rewards. The first time you clear a floor you get a one-time reward, then each floor also has a repeatable reward for doing something specific like winning in a max number of turns or not using healing abilities. For this trophy you need to get all the way through, beating all 30 floors at least once. You can leave at any time, and you get checkpoints every 5th floor (meaning 1st, 6th, 11th etc). The battle arena is actually very safe to grind because of this, along with the fact that you don’t game over when you are knocked out, you’re just booted to the entrance. You can go nearby to heal at the restaurant and grab some more healing items, then go right back in at a checkpoint floor. It is highly recommended you at least earn this trophy, if not grind quite a bit, when you unlock the battle arena in Chapter 12, because it makes the rest of the story much more manageable. | ||||
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Fulfiller of Dreams Completed the last dungeon in Premium Adventure. |
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This trophy is awarded for completing not the “last” dungeon as it says, but the first of the two extra dungeons you gain access to in Premium Adventure. The enemies in this dungeon go from level 61 at the bottom, all the way up to 80 at the final two boss fights. The layout of this dungeon is just the Millenium Tower from the story again, so you can keep that in mind while looking for items.
Before going in it would be recommended that you grind yourself to at least max level on a single job before going in. If you’ve already leveled up to basically max level through all jobs using the Kamurocho Sewers then this dungeon should be relatively easy, you can just skip to looking at the final boss info if you want. If not, the list below includes the enemy list along with their specific weaknesses. You should also go deposit a large portion of your money at an ATM in a Poppo before going in, because you can’t retry for normal fights, but can on the final boss in exchange for a large chunk of what you’re currently holding. During the dungeon, you can leave at the end of each floor if you feel you won’t be able to make it through the next section so you can keep your rewards up till that point because if you fail during (aside from the last boss) you just get a game over. Floor 1 Floor 2 Level 53 Mister Six & Level 50 Grand Slammer Level 51 Scarredface & Level 52 Chinese Mafia Officer Level 70 Thought Entity Saejima Floor 3 – This floor has a healing box on it Level 60 Juggle-O & Level 54 Maneating Loan Shark Level 58 Scarred Yakuza & Level 57 Undertaker Level 62 Forsaken Samurai & 2x Level 57 Nameless Floor 4 Level 64 Edison of Anarchy & 2x Tinkersman Level 75 Thought Entity Majima Floor 5 Part 1 Level 67 Bohemeriach, Level 66 Bedeviler, Level 66 Biker Vanguard Level 69 Ultimate Champion & Level 68 Ghillie Maneating Floor 5 Part 2 – This floor has a healing box on it Level 80 Thought Entity Tendo Floor 6 – This floor has a healing box on it Top Floor When he has about 1/8th of health left he’ll do the Malicious Grin move which will cause fear in everyone, then will follow up with the Essence of Orbital Laser attack that Kasuga can get, which will paralyze everyone as well as dealing a large chunk of damage. Make sure going into that final health threshold you have everyone healed up if possible to stop getting one shot, then try and unparalyze people after. If you can’t defeat him before his next turn he will do an Effigy attack which is the one shot move, and why you should have cast peerless resolve with Kasuga earlier. You’ll get a large reward once you’ve beat him, then gain access to True Final Millenium Tower. |
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Make That Money Exceed 10 billion yen in capital for Kasuga’s company. |
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This trophy is awarded once you have 10 billion Management Funds at once in Ichiban Holdings. You will need to just grind this out after earning Presidential Power, because while working on that you will need to spend your capital to raise the share level. After reaching rank 1 and completing the minigame there will be better businesses you can buy to increase your monetary gain each period, along with being able to hire Eri as an employee, but this isn’t necessary. Just keep running through the minigame until you have a total on hand of 10 billion yen at Ichiban Holdings to earn this trophy. | ||||
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New Digs! Moved Kasuga’s company into a new office. |
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This trophy is awarded after you reach rank 50 in the Business Shares ranking. You are required by Nick to move headquarters, and this will automatically happen after the story scenes. The location for the minigame will then change over to a building in Chinatown. | ||||
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Presidential Power Raised Kasuga’s company into the top company in Yokohama. |
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This trophy is awarded once you become the top company in the Business Rankings, which is the end goal for the business management minigame. You start out at rank 150, then with the short tutorial bit increase yourself to rank 100 before the game stops holding your hand through it after the first cycle.
The minigame isn’t overly hard but throws a lot at you at once so can feel like a bit much to work out before you get the hang of it. The one biggest thing for getting through this minigame is always caring for your employees before going into the board meeting part of the minigame. Care before the board meetings is most important because having your team be at full happiness level before the meetings gives you the best chance of success, and later in the minigame the only way to push share price and advance ranks are from doing well in the board meetings. Note you can back out and save before any periods or board meetings if you are worried about performance, so use that to your advantage and reload if you have a bad board meeting. When setting up businesses and staff you want to try and keep all your Product, Service, and Notability levels as close to blue as possible, though it isn’t an absolute requirement as long as you make profit from each business. If you want you can leave the business management minigame for later on after you finish substories, because many of them give you access to good staff members to hire in the minigame. For the first section when you are aiming to reach rank 100 you are basically handheld through what to do. When given the chance to buy another business, purchase Yamashita Assembly Hall No. 1, then if you haven’t yet complete substory 18 to gain Hanayama as a hireable employee. You can upgrade him a bit then put him as the only employee on that business and he can run it by himself. Ichiban Confections you should have Tome Kamataki, Ai-san, and Omelette from what the tutorial lead you to do, and you can upgrade them along with the business a bit, making sure you start in the blue on each bar. Make sure to care for the group before going into board meetings, and these four will get you through the first section. For the second section, you are aiming to hit rank 50, and don’t get any more tutorial help. You are able to purchase two more businesses now, with two good ones being Yokodo Bookstore and Mr. Brillio. When looking for employees you should only aim for R rarity ones now, with two useful ones you could find being Hiro-chun and Kirayama. If they come up offered between business days, you can recruit Shun Osada and Miyakuni to spread out in your businesses for better results. When going through the shareholder meeting if you hired Miyakuni put her in as the fourth person in your character deck to help get through. This section you’ll also want to start watching for when you can use your For the third section, you are aiming to reach rank 20 and no longer have a time limit set by Nick. Your number of owned properties increases by 1 again, and you can hire up to 40 employees. When looking for employees now you will want to try and hire SR rarity ones, and this is where the substory related ones come in handy as they are all SR rarity. You are going to have to replace some of your businesses now with new ones too so that you can make larger amounts of money. The three to aim for in this step are from the lowest price: Shochu Speciality Imokko-chan, Karaoke GonGon, and Cat’s Servant. Buy Shochu first in your newly available slot, then likely sell Yamashita Assembly Hall No.1 and replace it with Karaoke GonGon. You can wait a bit on Cat’s Servant because of how expansive it is, and swap it in for Mr. Brillio. Hire some new SR rank employees to fill out your new stores, then start doing business. For shareholder meetings, you can stick with Tome Kamataki, Omelette, Miyakuni, and Hanayama, but start promoting them so they can be higher level (and training them if you get the chance). For the fourth section, you are aiming to reach rank 10 but have a time limit again of 8 periods set by Nick. You now have the final building slot available, and will need to work on filling that and replacing some other businesses. The ones you start getting now will be helpful to the end of the minigame. In order from the lowest price, they are: PDCA Trading Company, Shokichi Camera, and Waipu Production. You might not have enough money for any of these yet, and if you don’t you can borrow some from the bank if you really want. Watch out for any hiring opportunities for SSR rarity employess, because you will want to start getting a couple hired and starting to be leveled. Otherwise, you just keep working through the ranks, upgrading businesses. The minigame at this point becomes very self-explanatory and self-sustaining. At rank 11 you’ll have another shareholder boss fight. For the final section, you will be aiming for rank number 1, with it taking as long as you need. The last business you would want to buy now would likely be Grande Blu Marino replacing Karaoke GonGon, then work with the businesses you have to get them all to max level. Purchasing this business should be the tenth one, and award the Aggressive Executive At the same time, you will also be awarded the Friends from Work |
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Aggressive Executive Bought up over 10 companies. |
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This trophy is awarded for purchasing companies 10 times in the business management minigame. This counts each business cumulatively, as you can only own 5 at a time (not counting Ichiban Confections which you can’t sell). You should earn this trophy when you are in the final section of the minigame working towards the number 1 share rank. | ||||
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Man About Town Played over 10 minigames. |
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This trophy is awarded for playing any 10 minigames that are available in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.For other trophies you aren’t actually required to play 10 unique ones, so for this trophy, you’ll also have to try out some of the many others like the SEGA Arcade games or some of the various gambling minigames. Just starting and playing a bit (or immediately losing) is enough for this trophy. | ||||
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Certified Genius Obtained over 10 certificates from the vocational school. |
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The Ounabara Vocational School is a location in Ijincho where you can take 5 question quizzes on various topics for a monetary fee. Passing these tests with at least 3 of 5 questions correct gives you a large boost to one or more of your Personality stats. There are a total of 21 tests (with the final one requiring you get all 5 questions correct to pass), so for this trophy, you only need half of them.
There isn’t really an easy way to do a guide for these tests, as each time you take them it gives you 5 questions from a possible 10+ with a randomized answer order. The best way to do these is to save before paying to take one, then if you don’t manage to get 3 correct answers note down what the correct ones are when it tells you after the test is done. Reload your save, then take it again watching for the questions you got prior. For most tests you have 30 seconds per question (with a couple having up to a minute) so you can sometimes get away with searching for answers on the internet if you need to. |
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Pop the Cork Beat all Dragon Kart cups and rival races. |
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This trophy is awarded for completing all 4 Dragon Kart Cups as well as the 6 Rival Races that you do for substories.
For the first three cups, you just need to win the prior cup to compete in them, and can do these all starting in the same chapter Dragon Kart is introduced in. For the final two Rival Races and the Dragon Cup you won’t be able to participate in until Chapter 15 in the story. The Cups races are all fairly standard, and you have a bit of room for error as they are three races with the cup winner based on point total after the three races. Just try to stay ahead of the group and use boosts and you’ll be alright for them all. Cerberus Cup & Pegasus Cup – use the fully upgraded Navy Fang kart For more info on the Rival Races, you can check out the substory guide and look at substories 41 – 46 : Yakuza Like a Dragon Substories Guide |
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Can Quest Hero Beat all the can-collecting courses. |
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Very early in the story, you are introduced to the Can Quest minigame, which is basically a minigame where you ride around on a bike and pick up cans while avoiding rival collectors and obstacles. For this trophy you only need to complete each of the three courses, points/rank doesn’t matter. | ||||
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Sleep Sheep Slapper Watched all the movies at the theater without falling asleep. |
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At the Seagull Cinema after completing Substory 08, you can go in any time and watch movies by yourself or with a friend. “Watch movies” actually means stop Kasuga from falling asleep, because you need to do the sheep whack-a-mole minigame through 10 total movies with an increasing level of difficulty. Rank you get on each doesn’t seem to matter for anything, and for this trophy you only need to finish each movie, so if you aren’t great at the minigame just focus on getting through it. The largest difficulty increase the game throws at you as the movies progress is it starts including Chickens in groups of Sheep, and sometimes throws the 5 hit Sheep in with groups too. Later movies will use Rush Mode a lot more, but this didn’t feel a lot harder overall compared to the more included Chickens. After you have got through all 10 movies with any rank you will be awarded this trophy. While doing this it would be recommended you always watch with a friend, as that contributes to a challenge and sometimes gives a Kindness stat boost when the movie finishes. | ||||
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Playing With Fire Entered into intimate relationships with over two female characters. |
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The requirement for this trophy is finishing any two of Substories 14, 47, 48, 49, 50, or 51. For more info on these, you can view the substory guide: Yakuza Like a Dragon Substories Guide | ||||
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Honk-Honk Hero Found all the people who will give you a honk-honk. |
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» Yakuza Like a Dragon Honk-Honk Locations Guide | ||||
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Fight on the Sidewalk! Someone got run over by a car in battle. |
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While traveling around in Ijincho you’ll notice that there are large roads with cars actively driving on them. For this trophy you need to knock an enemy into the street and have them get run over by a car, damaging them. If you don’t manage to get this accidentally through the story while fighting, you can go near any of the large roads such as Carriage Highway, Yokohama Blvd., or W Tsurukame Highway and just fight enemies until you manage to knock one into the road. | ||||
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Treasure Displeasure A creep crawled out of a safe for the first time. |
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When in either the Ijincho or Kamurocho sewers, every time you finish a floor you have a chance of getting a safe that you can open for a reward. Sometimes an enemy will jump out of the safe instead of giving you a reward. This seems to be a guaranteed occurance with the first safe you find in the Ijincho Sewers during Chapter 6 of the story. | ||||
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Victory of the Millennium Beat the True Final Millennium Tower. |
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This is the second of the two extra dungeons you get access to in Premium Adventure. Originally added in DLC in the Japanese release, this is now a requirement for the platinum that you gain access to after you beat the Final Millennium Tower dungeon. To beat this dungeon you will need to have your characters basically maxed out all level 99 in most of their jobs due to the permanent stat bonuses the job leveling gives, which is a large grind to reach before you want to start this tower.
The tower and enemy layout is the same as before, the enemies are all just now level 99 so will hurt a lot if you aren’t leveled up. The final boss is still against Amon, but this time he’ll summon copies of the Thought Entity enemies you fought on the way up, which makes the fight harder than just dealing with him. |
Yes says
Good stuff, man! I’d say Yakuza 6 was the easiest game in the series to platinum. How would you compare its difficulty to this one?
JKatarn says
I would say this is pretty easy too, no high skill based mini games standing in your way like what judgement did. And very enjoyable too! I noticed powerpyx said 70-100 hours is needed to plat but honestly it never felt like a chore for me.
JDawg says
I told myself there’s no way a roadmap is already posted with next gen launch week but look at this! Amazing work!!
PowerPyx says
AND all PS5 Launch Games getting Trophy Guides & Roadmaps too =)
My favorite time of the year!
Thomas2400 says
Just one small note ”Welcome to the Yakuza Like a Dragon Trophy Guide! This is the 7th main series game in the Yakuza series ”
It’s actually the 8th main series game, 6 is the 7th because of 0, other than that fantastic guide XD
PowerPyx says
You’re right, including Yakuza 0 it’s the 8th game. Has been corrected, good spotting!
Thomas Falcon says
dumb question but if i buy this for ps4 can i wait and play it on my ps5 and earn all the trophies there like normal?
Gage says
You can play it on PS5 with Backwards Compatability. The proper “next-gen” upgraded version doesn’t come out until March, and if you own a PS4 copy you get that version for free, though they’ve stated that currently there won’t be save transfer to that version.
Max Searle says
How come time time has been reduced to 60-80 hours from 70-100 from the last time I looked?
Gage says
I have made an error in understanding, it’ll actually be 70 – 100 hours because you need to grind each job type for the extra permanent stat bonus they give. Which takes like 20 – 30 hours.
Matt says
Is this genuinely a good place to start as a newcomer to the series? Thanks for the guide 🙂
SmoothieHotdog says
I’d say this is the second best place to start if u are new to the series, the first one being from Yakuza 0, because this story have very little connection to the older games, just recurring characters and references to older games really.
Robhermes says
Well, on the one hand yeah, because even if they share the same universe, all this arch is new and you wouldn’t be missing any critical piece of info to follow it. On the other, as someone who went through the whole saga this year, I’d recommend playing them in order, from 0 to 6 and then this one. If you start with Like a Dragon and then go back to the others, some mechanics might feel obsolete.
SmoothieHotdog says
Are u going to make a list of places for Food for Thoughts?
Nyx says
So I beat the millennium tower but didn’t get the achievement and the final tower didn’t unlock either. Is this a known glitch or did I just get unlucky?
Miky says
Hi, I’m about to face the tower during the premium adventure and reading your post worries me XD
Out of curiosity, did you finish the sewer dungeon in Kamurocho?
I know it doesn’t hit but maybe being the second dungeon there is some problem with the tower because it doesn’t see the completed one. (I’m trying to figure out why it didn’t come out)
Randomman says
Did you figure this out?
Kiari says
Man about town trophy is bugged for me, not sure if there’s a work around.
kasuga says
Me too, completed all the other trophies but couldn’t get this. Anyone have any idea?
littlejay says
I’m seeing fewer people needing more than one job at 99 for the True Tower. You need the lightning skill from rank 18 fortune teller, ice skill from rank 10 Host/Hostess, and the first skill from rank 24 foreman. The new update shows when an enemy is weak to an attack. Having weapons at 5+ sounds more important.
Norfarwell says
I’m pretty sure job stats aren’t permanent when you change job. Some skills are permanent (2 per job) but not the stats. So i think grinding most jobs at 99 is a waste of time except for some useful skills for example all the elemental skills the healing cocktail of host and the regen skill of musician. So i think you dont need to grind to level 99 with every job but only with your main job and the other jobs to the level of permanent skills which depends on the job
Cody says
I’m sorry but you’re wrong about that. When you look at your job skill list, every time you earn the “MP +10” (for example) it’s universal between your jobs. You’re right; not all job skills are inherited. But, any stat gains that are gained through job skills and not the normal leveling up will carry over to other jobs.
Rudy says
Well, there is actually one glitched trophy. I reached a 5 LVL bond with Saeko and did her quest but the achievement did not pop up. But on other hand, I got Adachi san bond achievement.
Julien says
Hi, for the trophy about maxing out jobs it pops at 30. Do we really need to go level 99 for beating the tower? 30 is not enough as considered as the max?
Jamie says
Hi, I have just received this game as a gift for Christmas from my brother. Why is it a 6/10 when it looks so straight forward. I have never played a yakuza game either. Thank you
TrophyCheese says
true final millennium tower is genuinely brutal.
Jiren says
‘Jack of all trades’ trophy is bugged.
Vainne92 says
Same for me, even maxed out an 8th job still no trophy.
Legend says
I was able to plat in 59 h 59 min 45 sec very close to 60hours. Although I wasn’t trying to speed run I took my time finishing all the sidequests. You don’t need to lvl up all the jobs to get all the stats bonuses. I only got 1 job to max and around 4-5 jobs to lvl 30-35. For the final battle use miracle kimchi it comes in clutch. When it wears off reapply it. It also possible to kill the thought entities before they use their poundmove if you burst through their hp before it becomes their turn. I was able to do this for one of the thought entities the other seem to be too tanky to burst.
Legend says
To add my weapons were at the normal Ex the highest was ex+2. You don’t need to grind excessively. Just take your time. There is one element of rng though and it’s from the laser attack. If you have bad luck and get paralyzed and also have your turns skipped because of it you will wipe out. I had bad rng the first go but was able to restart and didn’t get screwed the second time.