Yakuza Like a Dragon has 52 Substories (Side Quests). Completing all of them unlocks the Stories of the Streets trophy or achievement. This guide will walk you through all Substories (side quests) in the game. Substories are extra side quests you can participate in throughout the game for various rewards. You’re introduced to them early on in the story and there are a handful you are required to do for main story progression, but most are found around the game world from interacting with people or approaching certain map areas.
None of them are missable and they can all be completed after the main story in Premium Adventure. Some have various prerequisites to being able to do them, such as Kasuga having his Personality stats at specific levels or from completing other minigames and objectives. All substories in the game take place in Yokohama (Isezaki Ijincho), so for any that are said to start in chapters where you’re not in Ijincho you can travel back to do them.
01 – A Can-Do Attitude
Chapter 3 – Yokohama
Reward: Can Quest minigame
Story related. This substory introduces you to the Can Quest minigame in Yokohama.
02 – Who’s That Sujimon!?
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Sujidex phone app
Story related. This substory introduces you to the Sujidex app, where unique enemies are registered when you defeat them.
03 – A Golden Opportunity
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Binding accessory
Look at the woman and police officer standing by the river on S Sakura River St.
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After listening to their conversation speak to the police officer who wants your help catching a man who’s been relieving himself into the river. Walk away from the area, then go back to the south end of of S Sakura River St. when a blue text icon appears to find a group of dudes who all appear to be relieving themselves. To spot the correct one, select the guy second from the right.
You’ll get in a fight with him, then after you beat him the officer from before will come arrest him, rewarding you with a Binding accessory.
04 – One Man’s Trash
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Flame Amulet accessory, Benten Pawn open for business
Started by walking down Misaki St., by the building with the pile of trash in front.
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Come back to the same spot later and there will be two men you can look at outside who you can look at. After some conversation, you should agree to help Kondo deal with the owner of the store. Answer how you want to Gomi, your answer will raise one of your social stats. After that you’ll have to fight Gomi, knocking some sense into him. He agrees to get the shop cleaned up, and you’re rewarded with a Flame Amulet accessory.
You also then have access to Benten Pawn, where you can buy items or sell any non-valuable items for money.
05 – A Trip to Pound Town
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Poundmates access
Story related. Automatically occurs on your way back to Otohime Land during the story. Introduces you to Poundmates, which is the summon feature in this game.
06 – It’s the Thought That Counts
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Sacrifice Stone
Look at the man and child standing by the river on S Sakura River St.
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The kid drops a handkerchief, go over and give it to the man, who then wanders away. You can then find he later on E Central Street. Speak to him and he’ll ask Kasuga if he has any ideas for a gift. If you answer “the latest video game console” first you’ll get an increase in Style personality, then can answer “handmade goods” for the correct answer. The old man asks you to help him build a bookshelf, grabbing him some wood and nails. You can go over to the Bar District on the West side of the map to continue.
Here you can find a group of men doing karate, and they agree to give you the boards they’re using if you have a substitute for them to train on, so you get into a fight with them. They’re all level 12 and there’s 5 of them, so they can be a bit tough if you are doing this right away in chapter 4 without buying any gear or anything, but otherwise not bad. After they’ve been dealt with you obtain the boards, and have a new spot to head to at the south end of Central St.
Here you can find a group of thugs harassing a man, and Kasuga wants to take the nails that one of the thugs has stuck in a baseball bat, so you get in a fight again. The thug with the bat takes a bit of a beating and can cause Bleed status with the bat, but the other two are relatively weak so aren’t to hard to deal with if you beat the prior fight. You can now go back to the original spot on S Sakura River St. to meet with the old man again and give him the supplies. After some dialogue, Kasuga offers to get some food with the old man, so you can head over to the south end of Isezaki Road.
Interact with the garbage bags to find the bookshelf tossed in the trash. Jinnai heads off again, and you can meet him back near the original spot again by the river. The kid’s Dad will come by and get into a fight with you. After the prior two fights, the Dad is nothing special. After the fight, you’ll be given a Sacrifice Stone as a reward and the substory will be completed.
07 – Baby Don’t Cry
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Patriarch Gondawara in Poundmates
South end of Ohama St after you have unlocked the Poundmates feature, interact with the two men on the sidewalk.
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Choose to help out, then you’ll have to fight the Yakuza who was harassing the guy. During the next bit of dialogue select the option “Have a heart-to-heat with your wife.” to increase Kasuga’s kindness stats. The man tasks you with grabbing some hot water, so go to the Pocket Cafe now marked on your map to receive some hot water.
After that, you can head back to where you were before. After you talk to the man you will get into a fight with some guys who are all around level 13 – 15, so make sure you’re healed going in. When given the option, choose to drink and you increase Kasuga’s Passion stats. Then the substory will be complete, and you’ll unlock Patriarch Gondawara as a selection in Poundmates.
08 – Old Cinema Paradiso
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Seagull Cinema open for business
North of E Tsurukame Highway, there are two men standing in front of the theater you can look at.
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The men will leave and the owner will come out and talk to Kasuga about the theater, and you can accept his offer for a free screen. This will then introduce you to the “don’t fall asleep in the theater” minigame. This minigame is basically whack-a-mole, where you hit the face buttons and d-pad to get rid of the rams trying to put you to sleep.
Completing each movie raises your personality stats on the first completion. Finish this first minigame without falling asleep and you will complete this substory, and you can now watch more movies at the cinema whenever you want.
09 – Persimmon Premonition
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Tosanoyama in Poundmates
In the Bar District after unlocking Poundmates, go into the small park area in the western corner.
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A cutscene will play where a father and daughter talk to Kasuga about how she thinks she will die if the persimmon falls off the nearby tree. Leave the area (going into the clothing store just to the south is enough) then return to the park where you can speak to the father again. Leave the area again, then when you come back there will be a sumo ramming against the tree.
You’ll have to fight the sumo wrestler to stop him ramming the tree. Leave and return twice more, each time you’ll have another opponent to fight, the second one being a guy shooting at the persimmon, and the last a teenager nailing a voodoo doll to the tree. Each opponent is level 14, so shouldn’t be a huge issue even if doing this substory as soon as possible. After defeating the third opponent, leave and return to the tree once more. You’ll have some dialogue, then as a reward you will gain Tosanoyama (the sumo you fought before) as a selection in Poundmates.
10 – Fast Times at Ounabara
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Ounabara Vocation School open for business
On the West side of the blue building on the map, just North of Jinnai Station. Walk in front of the building and you’ll be stopped by a man.
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Answer him however you want, then you’ll get taken over to the Ounabara Vocational School by another man who comes along. After some info, you’ll have the ability to take the Sports Tier 2 Exam as a free trial, and if you pass you gain points towards your personality stats. The questions and answers for these exams appear in a random order, so you can’t specifically follow a step by step guide for each one. You are told the correct answers after the exam though, and you only need 3/5 to pass, and there’s no bonus for a perfect score. The correct answers for this first exam are:
Cross Country
Battle of Marathon
After you pass this first exam you will gain points towards your personality stats, and will now be able to take more vocational exams for a monetary fee each time.
11 – Certified Underdogs
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Tranquil Tenugui accessory, Ikari hireable at Ichiban Confections
After unlocking the company management minigame in Chapter 5, and when you have completed 10 tests at Ounabara Vocational School, go up to Ikari out front.
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Ikari will moan a bit about how he can’t get hired, then you’ll have to fight a couple of business men. After the fight, Ikari gives you a Tranquil Tenugui accessory, then becomes available for hire at Ichiban Confections. Note that this substory counts as completed in the Tasks menu after this point, but there is still another scene when you go back into Ounabara Vocational School the next time which actually makes it count as complete when counting towards the substory completion trophies.
12 – How to be a Part-Time Hero
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Part-Time Hero access
Story related. This occurs automatically in Chapter 5, introduces you to the Part-Time Hero mechanics.
13 – Nowhere to Go But Up
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Weapon and gear crafting access
Story related. This occurs automatically in Chapter 5, introduces you to gear crafting mechanics.
14 – Something Worth Protecting
Relationship substory
Reward: Sumire Sawa hireable at Ichiban Confections
This relationship substory is for Sumire the Blacksmith. To finish it you first need to spend a total of 22,500,000 Yen to upgrade the Romance Workshop to level 4, and you will need a total of 16 Bonzai trees to give to her. Bonzai Trees can be made by either combining Pine Trees you either grow or buy for 2,000 Yen, or just outright buying the completed trees for 25,000 Yen each from the flower vendor in Hamakita Park. If you’re feeling super lazy you can just buy the Bonsais outright for 400,000 Yen total, or buy 144 Pine Trees for 288,000 Yen and then have the Bartender at Survive combine them for free. You can only hold 100 Pine Trees at a time though, so doing this you would have to make two trips.
When you want to give her the Bonzai you choose the option to chat with her instead of doing anything with the shop. You need to level your Passion stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, then the second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. The first time you’ll give her one Bonzai, the second 5, and the third 10.
After giving her the last set of Bonzai, you’ll get a short scene when you try to leave. You’ll have to fight a group of five level 17 enemies, then the substory will end and Sumire becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections.
15 – Ijincho’s Safety Net
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Business Management becomes available, Omelette at Poundmates
Story related. This occurs automatically in Chapter 5, introduces you to business management activities. When you complete the initial tutorial and complete the substory you gain Omlette for use in Poundmates.
16 – The Crawfish Caper
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Nancy-chan in Poundmates
Interact with the crawfish on the ground in the middle of Sunrise Bridge.
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After Kasuga tosses the crawfish in the river, an old man runs up and explains how the crawfish was apparently quite sentimental to him. Kasuga agrees to live for it, so after the conversation is done you can go down Sunrise Street to the marked spot.
You’ll go down the stairs to search for the crawfish in a first-person perspective. The correct crawfish isn’t any of the ones in front of you, it’s directly to the left of the stairs you just walked down. Grab it, then head over to the other side of the river to meet the old man again.
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Turns out the old man wants to eat Nancy, and Kasuga doesn’t want that. In exchange for not eating Nancy, you need to bring the old man a Premium Sushi Set. If you’ve not happened across one before now you can purchase them at Poppo (Jinnai Station) for ¥2,000.
When you have one return to the man and give it to him, and he’ll give you Nancy to keep, and you can now call Nancy-chan in Poundmates.
17 – A Love Worth Fighting For
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Kiyoe Shirakawa in Poundmates
Started by interacting with the soup lady, just north of the homeless area by Tsurukame Bridge.
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One of the men gets into an argument with you, and you have to fight one of the homeless guys. After that conversation is done, leave the area and come back later to find the man who got knocked out the first time standing just around the corner from the soup kitchen area. Kasuga agrees to talk to the lady for Kuroi, so speak to her, then Kuroi again. Leave the area once more, then when you come back you find Kuroi talking to the lady. When he comes over and talks to you, choose the first option “Clothes” to increase your Style stat. He’ll leave, then for the next part, you need to meet him over at the central part of Jinnai Station.
Kuroi will be over there handing out tissues, and Kasuga will just observe him. After that, you can meet him back over in the homeless area. He’ll automatically go to get some new clothes, then you will have to meet up with him again during the daytime by the homeless area. Kuroi asks where you think he could take the girl on a date, and you should respond with the third option “The Theater” for a boost to your Style stat. Now when it’s nighttime, meet Kuroi over by Seagull Cinema.
After speaking with Kuroi, you’ll get into a fight with a level 15 enemy. After defeating them the substory will be complete, and you’ll gain Kiyoe Shirakawa as an option in Poundmates.
18 – Home Run Heroism
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Old Fountain Pen accessory, Hanayama available for hire at Ichiban Confections
Started in the circular area by the river between Fukutoku Bridge and Tsurukame Bridge by approaching the group of men. Available after you unlock business management through substory 15.
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When you get the dialogue option, choose to help out. You’ll then need to go over to Hamakaze St. to find Anzai.
Go near the group of men, then you’ll have to fight off two guys who were trying to beat up Anzai. After the fight is over, head back to the first spot to meet with Hanayama again. You’ll be approached by a reporter who wants to help out with the situation. When you’re ready, meet over at the Rose Blossom on the south end of Ohama St.
After some discussion, you’ll have to deal with a group of six level 15 enemies. After winning, the reporter gives you an Old Fountain Pen accessory, then you can go back over and speak to Anzai in the same spot as before. After a bit of discussion Hanayama will come by too, then the substory will be finished and Hanayama will become available for hire at Ichiban Confections.
19 – Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble
Chapter 5 – Yokohama
Reward: Mysterious Blush accessory
Started in the south-east corner of Yokohama, approach the entrance to the marked alleyway.
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There is a man in a predicament who needs your help getting to a clothing store. Your route is blocked off, so you just need to walk along making sure to go around the people splashing water. When you reach the store, select the third option “It’s a long story” as a response for an increase of the Passion stat. After this, you can go back to the same spot again later and speak to the man again to complete the substory, and receive the Mysterious Blush accessory.
20 – Tables for One
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Maximum Mittens accessory, Noboru hireable at Ichinan Confections
Inside the Wette Kitchen restaurant, go upstairs and approach the kid sitting at the table.
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You’ll go outside and fight a level 17 enemy who was harassing the kid. After some dialogue, you can leave the area and come back to find the kid standing outside. After keeping him company again, you need to head over near the Bar District to interact with a man outside a store.
After some dialogue, you’ll get into a fight with a level 17 enemy who stole the glove. After the fight, the mother will give you the Maximum Mittens accessory. You can then return to Wette Kitchen to conclude the substory, and Noboru will become available for hire at Ichiban Confections.
21 – Dumpster of Demise
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Intimidation Manual, Shige-San hireable at Ichiban Confections.
Parking lot across the street from Romance Workshop. Approach the pile of trash and help the guy out.
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After talking to him leave the area (walking across to the workshop is far enough) then come back and talk to him again. He gives you a choice between three vague options (or nothing) which all give you an item (none of them are that useful at the point you’ll already be at in this chapter). Leave and come back again, and after speaking to him you’ll be attacked by a pair of level 17 Yakuza. Defeat them, then Shige-San will give you an Intimidation Manual, as well become available for hire at Ichiban Confections.
22 – An Act of Kindness
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Pearl Earrings accessory
By the road running between the two parts of Jinnai Station, approach the girl holding the box.
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She asks for a donation, and you should choose to give her 10,000 Yen. When suggesting a new location for her to go, select the third option “Near the Popular Eatery” to get a boost to your Intellect stat. After some more dialogue, she’ll head home, then you can find her at this spot again after leaving and coming back. When you can select what to say, choose the second option “Listen up!” to get a boost to your Confidence stat. For the next part, head over to the building at the intersection of Ijin Alley and Ijin Street.
Look at the two people talking on the corner, then you’ll have to fight one level 18 enemy. After winning the fight and some more dialogue, you can go back over to the restaurant to find the girl again. She will give you a Pearl Earrings accessory and the substory will be complete.
23 – Warmest Wishes
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Megumi available in Poundmates
Approach the girl just to the North of Akaushimarua (Isezaku Road), (if you’ve finished Substory 22).
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She leaves and you have some discussion with her parents, then you can come back later to meet her again. She says her Dad has been meeting people around Central St., and you can then head over there to see what’s up.
You’ll deal with a group of level 17~ thugs, then speak to her Dad more. They need a million yen for the surgery now, so you need to save that up to give to them. When you have it, take the Taxi to the hospital, which will be the bottom option on the list. When you’re back in Ijincho go back to the same spot above to talk to the family and finish the substory, and Megumi becomes available in Poundmates.
24 – Fifty Shades of Play
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Ecstasy Rope accessory, Mr. Masochist available in Poundmates
Corner of the parking lot of Ohama St, approach the group of women.
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After some dialogue the women all leave, then you can go just to the south around the corner to find some people standing outside a club, and they tell you about Mr, Masochist. After that, you can find him in Fukutoku Park beating up a tree.
Respond to him with his correct name for a boost to your Intellect stat. When he asks, agree to fight him. You can just turn Auto Battle on for this, you’ll do zero damage to him and he’ll do zero damage to you no matter what so only hit him with normal attacks. After a bit he’ll stop you, then go sulk on the swing. After that, you can go to Poppo (Tsurukame Highway) to find the dominatrix from earlier.
After talking to the girl, you can then talk to the old woman who turns out is Mr. Masochist’s mother. Choose to bring her to him, then he’ll get yelled at by his mother. When you try to leave the area, you’ll help stop some people who were trying to attack Yumiko. You’ll fight three level 20 enemies, then you’ll receive an Ecstasy Rope accessory, and Mr. Masochist will become available in Poundmates.
25 – A Fading Star
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Bullet of Memory accessory, Il Yu-Jin available in Poundmates
Go inside the Eomeoni’s Vow restaurant to start this substory.
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After the scene, go over to Bar Rodriguez in the Bar District to find the man again.
Choose to intervene, then you’ll have to fight him outside. After the fight during the dialogue, choose the second option “Il Yu-Jin” to give his name, which raises your Intellect stat. After that Kasuga wants to get him some water, if you don’t have any on hand you can puchase Suntory Mineral Water from the blue vending machines you can find all over. The closest ones are around the left side of the Dragon Kart building, just North of where you were talking to Il Yu-Jin. After more dialogue he’ll leave, then you can find him on the corner of Hyakkei St.
Approach him and choose the first option to intervene, and you’ll fight a level 20 enemy. Once finished you’ll receive a Bullet of Memory accessory, and Il Yu-Jin can be selected in Poundmates.
26 – The Masked Murderer
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Profance Wristband accessory, Jiei-san available in Poundmates.
Approach the group of people standing on the road between Eomeoni’s Vow and Hyakkei St.
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Speak to the man after the group leaves, and he’ll tell you about the masked murderer. Agree to help, then you need to wait until nighttime, where you can then walk down the road leading north of Eomeoni’s Vow restaurant.
Kasuga will go to investigate, then you’ll get into a fight with the masked man. After clearing up the misunderstanding you’ll receive a Profane Wristband accessory, and Jiei-san becomes avaiable in Poundmates.
27 – The Miracle of Spice
Chapter 7 – Yokohama
Reward: Umeko hireable at Ichiban Confections, Miracle Kimchi purchasable from Miracle Kimchi Merchant
South end of Hyakkei St, approach the hunched over woman.
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The woman seems to be having some issues getting across the street, but there’s nothing you can actually do for her now before she heads off. After that, go over to Sakura Lane to where a man will sprint by, then you’ll talk to an old man about some Kimchi.
You’ll get the Miracle Kimchi, and need to find some people to give it to. The first two are by Jinnai Station and in Hamakita Park.
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After interacting with both those people, you can head back to where you met the old woman originally and give her some of the kimchi too. When you give it to her you’ll get an increase in your Passion stat. After speaking to her, head back over to where you found the kimchi guy originally. After speaking to him the substory will end, and the old woman Umeko will because available for hire at Ichiban Confections. You can also now purchase consumable Miracle Kimchi from the old man, which increases turn speed when used.
28 – Tour Guide Turmoil
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Fancy Microphone weapon, Technique Booster consumable, Ayami Ishida hireable at Ichiban Confections
Just north of la chatte blanche, look at the girl and man by the railing.
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The girl asks for your help to do a tour, which you should accept. The girl tells you some info about the tour that you’re supposed to remember, then when you’re ready meet her over at the archway by The Bun Sauna restaurant.
If you want a refresher on the info for her, you can pick the second option. If you’re ready to go, pick the top one. For this you should pick the bottom option in all three places (Red Dragon, Blue Sign, Ultra Packed Super Bun) for an increase to your Passion, Intellect, and Style stats. After some more dialogue you’ll get into a fight with a single level 24 enemy. After that you’ll be done the tour, and Ayami will give you a Fancy Microphone weapon, then her parents will come by and give you a Technique Booster consumable. Ayami Ishida then also becomes hireable at Ichiban Confections.
29 – The Michio Minefield
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Ono Michio Figure
Go into the area with the gazebo in the south-east corner of Chinatown.
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The man will tell you all about the Ono Michio souvenirs he has. When he shows you the fake, select to press the button twice for an increase in your Confidence stat. The man then gets Kasuga to help find the real ones from the fake ones for him. If you pick up fake ones you’ll lose health, so try not to do that. The easy way to tell the reals from fakes is to look at the arms. The real ones do have sleaves (like the left image) and the fake ones don’t (like the right image).
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After you find all seven correct ones you’ll be given an Ono Michio Figure (doesn’t do anything useful) as a reward, then the substory will be complete.
30 – Fauxno Michio
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Def Boom Box accessory, Hironaka hireable at Ichinban Confections, Ono Michio available in Poundmates
Beside The Bun Sauna store, after completing substory 29. Interact with the person in the fake Ono Michio costume.
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There will be a small scene, then you’ll get into a fight with the fake and a few other enemies. After you do you’ll receive a Def Boom Box accessory, Hironaka will become available to hire at Ichiban Confections, and Ono Michio becomes available in Poundmates.
31 – Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Court Tongs accessory
Directly in front of Meng Wu restaurant, walk near the front.
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The initial event will just be dialogue, then the woman talking to the two chefs leave. Leave and come back (or try to enter the restaurant) and you’ll get another scene. When prompted agree to help the father out. Leave and come back and you can find Yuta outside the store. When prompted choose the second option “Polish up your skill!” for an increase to your Kindness stat. Leave and come back once more and you’ll get into a fight with two level 24 Chefs. After that, the substory will be finished and you’ll receive a Court Tongs accessory.
32 – Forget Me Not
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Walk along the front of the large building on Carriage Highway and you’ll be stopped by a girl in white.
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The girl says she remember Kasuga from way back, and you agree to go do something with her. When you have the choice, choose “Go to an Arcade”. At the arcade, you’ll need to win her a prize out of the claw machine, which will give you an increase to your Kindness stat. After that, you’ll get into a fight with three enemies, then some more scenes and the substory will be complete.
33 – The Traffic Census Sensei
Chapter 12 – Yokohama
Reward: Battered Tally Counter accessory
Speak to the man sitting just to the East of Sunlight Palace looking at the road.
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The man says he’s trying to count traffic but is being prevented from doing that by his crippling tendonitis. Agree to help, then you’ll be tasked with keeping track of some objects as they go by. Each time you count correctly you’ll receive some money and an increase in your Confidence stat.
The first set of things you need to count is the number of men who walk by. Answer with the second option “4 Men”.
Go back to his spot on the chair and talk to him to do some more counting. This time you’re counting how many women go by, and should answer with the third option “7 Women”.
Go back to the spot and you’ll count for him a final time. This time you have to count both men and women, and should answer with the first option “5 Men, 6 Women”.
After that, you’ll receive your last bonus along with a Battered Tally Counter accessory, and the substory will be complete.
34 – Bros Till the End
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Swordsman’s Sash accessory, Take the Striker in Poundmates
South-east corner of Hamakita Park, approach the group of bikers.
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After the initial scene, speak to the biker in purple. Choose to help out, then you’ll have to leave the area and come back to talk to them again (the blue map icon might have appeared right away, but you still need to leave and return to progress). After talking with the group you need to head over to the middle of West Central St.
Interact with the bike outside of the building, then you’ll go inside and fight a group of three Yakuza. Once you beat them you’ll complete the substory, and receive a Swordsman’s Sash accessory and Taka the Striker becomes available in Poundmates.
35 – Preparing to Suck
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Sojimaru hireable at Ichiban Confections
Inside Sesil Cafe, you’ll be stopped automatically when you go inside.
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The professor is designing a giant robot vacuum for use by the city to “clean it up”. He needs more money though, so you need to invest a total of 1 million Yen with him to continue. He hangs out inside Sesil Cafe, and you can invest whatever amount you want to him at your leisure. After you give him the million yen, you’ll have a marker on your map by Carriage Highway that you need to head to, where you’ll then receive an email from the professor.
The email tells you to go over to the north of Jinnai Station to see the new vacuum model.
When you get there, the professor asks you to help test the vacuum. And by test, the game actually means fight, because you have to fight the vacuum. The professor explains you have to hit the arms which are the weak point, and you do actually have to aim specifically at the arms. Area attacks don’t seem to work, it just does chip damage, so if you want to use abilities use single targe ones specifically on the arms. After the arms are destroyed, you have to attack the battery until the vacuum is defeated. The substory is complete, and Sojimaru becomes available for hire at Ichiban Confections.
36 – Whispers of the Underworld
Chapter 9 – Yokohama
Reward: Chau Ka Long’s Armory open for business, Chau Ka Long available in Poundmates.
To start this substory, over by the man standing by the river to the West of Kinka Pharmacy. You need your Confidence stat at level 4 first.
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When prompted, choose the first option “What’s up here?”. He’ll take you down to an area where you can play some of the gambling games that are traditionally in each Yakuza game. After that area is open, go speak to Iroha in Survive to actually proper start the substory.
She tells you to head over to Chau Distribution to speak to the guy there (if you are past a certain point in the story this will actually be named Zhou Long Distribution).
When you speak to him, respond correctly with the second option “Lau Chau Chau Ya” for an increase in your Intellect stat. You’ll then fight three men outside to prove yourself. After beating them, the actual weapon vendor tells you to meet him over in the spot where the gambling games were. If you have your Confidence at level 7 then the store will become available. You need to purchase a weapon from him (items don’t count, the Sacred Branch weapon is cheapest), then speak to him once more to finish the substory, and Chau Ka Long becomes available in Poundmates.
37 – Ringleader Roundup: Bear Blues
Chapter 10 – Yokohama
Reward: Chief’s Towel accessory
First, you must approach the man on the West end of Hamakita Park.
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He hands you a flyer about the animal circus, which you can then find on the East side of the park.
When you get over there, you’ll have to fight an actual Bear. The bear is level 29, but compared to the tiger you fight before this in the story it’s not that hard. The bear resists physical and is weak to fire, so if you have Nanba in your party you can take out most of its health with a couple of his new special attacks you now have. Defeat it so that it goes back in it’s cage and the Ringmaster gives you a Chief’s Towel accessory.
38 – Ringleader Roundup: Tiger Takeover
Chapter 10 – Yokohama
Reward: Medal of Honor accessory
After completing substory 37, leave and come back to the same spot later. Speak to the ringleader again, and this time you’ll be fighting the tiger in the cage. This one is like the one you fight during the story, but shouldn’t be as much of a hassle now. It’s weak to fire and guns, so using Joon-gi Han and Nanba is a good idea. After beating it you’ll be given a Medal of Honor accessory.
39 – Ringleader Roundup: Chimp Calamity
Chapter 10 – Yokohama
Reward: Doll of Torment accessory, Clare-chan hireable at Ichiban Confections
After substory 38, leave and come back to the same spot later. You’ll first need to walk just to the South by the construction workers by the loader to trigger a scene involving some workplace safety violations, then go back over to the ringmaster. What happened in the prior scene should give you a hint as to what was going on, but now you’re fighting a chimpanzee in the loader. The loader resists gun and knife attacks but is weak to electricity, so you can hit it with normal physical or elemental attacks, then continually use Stun Smash with Joon-gi Han for large damage. Once you defeat it you’ll be given a Doll of Torment accessory by the ringleader, Clara-chan becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections, and this set of substories will be finished.
40 – Welcome to Dragon Kart
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: Dragon Kart access
Very north end of Yokohama in the part, walk up to the Dragon Kart building.
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Dragon Kart is a fleshed-out Kart Racing minigame that you can take part in. Win this first race to complete the substory and unlock Dragon Kart to play whenever you like.
41 – Two-headed Bomb
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: 300 rings, Rumble Crasher available for purchase
After winning the Cerberus Cup in Dragon Kart, leave and come back to have the option to do this special race. You’ll be racing against Naoki and Hamanoimi for this single race. Fully upgrade the Navy Fang kart and you should be able to win relatively easily. It’s the track that’s the third one from the Cerberus Cup except it’s foggy, so make sure to watch the two path corner and keep hitting boost spots while watching the minimap. If you want to practice you can play the track in Time Trial mode.
42 – The Rocket Girls
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: 300 rings, Rapid Phantom available for purchase
After winning the Pegasus Cup in Dragon Kart and finishing substory 41, leave and come back to have the option to do this special race. You’ll be racing against Ai and Matsuko for this single race. You could either use the Navy Fang kart or Golden Phalanx for this, up to you basically because this takes place on Explosion Boulevard in fog, which is the third race from the prior cup with the explosive barrels. You can survive hitting two barrels at once with the Phalanx, but it’s slower, so if you are confident you can avoid the barrels then you can use the Navy kart. Try to avoid taking the final boost pad before the finish line, as that will typically put you right into one of the lines of barrels. You can also shoot the barrels before you hit them, and grabbing rings refills your kart health.
43 – The Data Drifter
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: 300 rings, Ignition Shadow available for purchase
After winning the Phoenix Cup in Dragon Kart and finishing substory 42, leave and come back to have the option to do this special race. You’ll be racing against just Suguru for this single race. Use the maxed out Rapid Phantom kart for this, and you’ll be racing on Pain Circuit in fog. Nothing specific about this one, just make sure to watch the minimap and avoid major obstacles.
44 – Biker Blitz
Chapter 4 – Yokohama
Reward: 300 rings
After finishing substory 43, Akira will be able to be challenged to a race to the right of the Dragon Kart Building. Use the maxed out Rapid Phantom kart again, and you’ll be racing on Sky Highway foggy. Nothing specific again for this one, just make sure you’re picking up the boost powerups and hitting ever boost pad you can, and using the air tunnels to jump over the ground obstacles.
45 – One Hell of a Racer
Chapter 15 – Yokohama
Reward: 300 rings, Dragon Cup available to race
After finishing substory 43, then coming back to Dragon Kart in Chapter 15 or Premium adventure, Jin is sitting on a bench across from Dragon Kart and can be challenged. Use the maxed out Rapid Phantom kart once more, and you’ll be racing on Winding Cross foggy. Jin uses one of the slower karts, so just try to get ahead and use boosts as much as you can and this should be an easy race.
46 – The World is my Racetrack
Chapter 15 – Yokohama
Reward: 500 rings, Rising Dragon kart available for purchase, Pop the Cork trophy
After finishing the Dragon Cup, speak to the Dragon Kart organizer to race him. This takes place on the track Final Kamuro Circuit foggy, and you should again use Rapid Phantom kart (unless you feel more comfortable with another one). The main goal for this race is to get ahead of Dragon Fighter and stay there because he has a better kart than you do currently so is a bit faster. Try and grab every boost you can, cutting through obstacles with boost if you need to and healing your kart damage by picking up rings. If he gets ahead of you make sure to grab the lightning power up midway through the track, because that’ll hit him in front no matter how far he is and slow him down. Winning this race finishes all the Kart Racing substories, and awards the trophy Pop the Cork.
47 – Girl of my Dreams
Relationship Substory
This relationship substory is for Saeko. To first access it, you need to have her bond at level 5, and have Ichiban’s Style stat maxed out at 10. When you do, talk to her in Survive to initiate this substory conversation. When you can give a response, choose the bottom options “Is there anyone you like right now?” for an increase to Ichiban’s Confidence stat.
48 – Shared Vision
Relationship Substory
This relationship substory is for Eri, who joins your party after reaching Rank 100 in the business rankings, then speaking to her at Survive. To access this substory, you need to get her bond level to 5, which is done by becoming the Top Corporation in the rankings and also have your Kindness personality stat at level 10. When you do, speak to her first at the Ichiban Holdings office to start the substory, then again at Survive to finish it off.
49 – Certified Lover
Relationship Substory
Reward: Certificate of Completion item, Moyakoshi available to hire at Ichiban Confections
This relationship substory is for Miyakoshi at Ounabara Vocational School. To finish it you first need to have passed all 21 tests at Ounabara Vocational School, and you will need a total of 16 Bouquets of Lilies to give to her. Bouquets of Lilies can be made by either combining single Lilies you either grow or buy for 1,600 Yen, or just outright buying the completed bouquets for 25,000 Yen each from the flower vendor in Hamakita Park. If you’re feeling lazy you can just buy the bouquets outright for 400,000 Yen total, or buy 192 single Lilies for 307,200 Yen and then have the Bartender at Survive combine them for free. You can only hold 100 Lilies at a time though, so doing this you would have to make two trips.
When you want to give her the Bouquets of Lilies you choose the second option instead of the one to view the test menu. You need to level your Intellect stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, then second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. The first time you’ll give her one bouquet, the second 5, and the third 10.
After giving her the last set of bouquets, you’ll get a short scene with her where she gives you the Certificate of Completion item (this doesn’t actually do anything), then the substory will end and Moyakoshi becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections.
50 – Pillow Chat
Relationship Substory
Reward: Iroha Yanagi hireable at Ichiban Confections
This relationship substory is for Iroha at Survive Bar. To finish it you first need to have had at least 16 Party Chats ( when walking around where the party members talk to each other), and you will need a total of 16 Bouquets of Roses to give to her. Bouquets of Roses can be made by either combining single Roses you either grow or buy for 1,800 Yen, or just outright buying the completed bouquets for 25,000 Yen each from the flower vendor in Hamakita Park. If you’re feeling lazy you can just buy the bouquets outright for 400,000 Yen total, or buy 160 single Roses for 288,000 Yen and then have the Bartender at Survive combine them for free. You can only hold 100 Roses at a time though, so doing this you would have to make two trips.
When you want to give her the Bouquets of Roses you choose the top option instead of the one to review previous party chats. You need to level your Charisma stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, the second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. The first time you’ll give her one bouquet, the second 5, and the third 10.
After giving her the last set of bouquets, speak to heer again. You’ll have a short scene, then the substory will end and Iroha becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections.
51 – The Real Me
Relationship Substory
Reward: Ririka hireable at Ichiban Confections
This relationship substory is for Ririka at Hello Work. To finish it you first need to change Kasuga to all of his job types at Hello Work (only main game ones, not DLC ones), and you will need a total of 16 Bouquets of Pansies to give to her. Bouquets of Pansies can be made by either combining single Pansies you either grow or buy for 1,400 Yen, or just outright buying the completed bouquets for 25,000 Yen each from the flower vendor in Hamakita Park. If you’re feeling lazy you can just buy the bouquets outright for 400,000 Yen total, or buy 240 single Pansies for 336,000 Yen and then have the Bartender at Survive combine them for free. You can only hold 100 Pansies at a time though, so doing this you would have to make three trips.
When you want to give her the Bouquets of Pansies you choose the option to chat with her instead of doing job selection. You need to level your Confidence stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, the second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. The first time you’ll give her one bouquet, the second 5, and the third 10.
After giving her the last set of bouquets, leave Hello Work and come back when the substory bubble appears. You’ll have a short scene, then the substory will end and Ririka becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections.
52 – The Lone Survivor
Relationship Substory
This relationship substory occurs after you have completed substories 14, and 47 – 51. Go up to the second floor in Survive, where a scene will occur. Respond however you want to the question, then outcome is the same. After everything is done, Kasuga will get a boost to his defense stat, and the substory will be complete.
That’s all 52 Substories and their solutions in Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon.
More Yakuza Like a Dragon Guides:
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Please Find My Cat Quest Guide (Cat Locations)
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Part-time Hero Missing Person Quest Guide
- Yakuza Like a Dragon Honk-Honk Locations Guide
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