- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 7-10 hours with guide / 30+ without
- Offline Trophies: 34 (1
, 1
, 30
, 2
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None
- Glitched trophies: Nothing
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Trophy Lists: 6 (PS4 & Vita Crossbuy for Europe, North America & Asia each) – you can platinum it on PS4 & Vita and buy it from both regions (by making new regional PSN account) to earn multiple Platinums
Welcome to the WORD SEARCH BY POWGI Trophy Guide! Quite a rare Genre these days. And it can be played in Coop with up to four players – earning trophies for all participants.
If you’re missing a word or just want to ease through all the trophies – well, you came to the right place. Find all solutions below.
Step 1: Play all Puzzles
This game features a total of 324 puzzles – 27 categories with 12 puzzles each. Solve all of them and you should be nearly done with the Platinum. Each puzzle has between 15-24 words you have to find.
Step 2: Replay any Puzzle for miscellaneous Trophies
Improve your time and find all terms alphabetically, by length and the diagonals first.
Congratulations on your new Platinum!
If you enjoyed this game – check out the other POWGI titles as well. We have guides for all of them:
- Word Sudoku
- One Word
- Mixups
- Crossovers
- Word Wheel
- Wordsweeper
- Fifty Words
- Tic-Tac-Letters
- Word Maze
- Just a Phrase
- Epic Word Search Collection
- Crypto
These games are also a lot less time-consuming than this one.
Carlos says
We happy few now ?
Lino says
Yes, make the trophies guide for “We Happy Few” :-)
You are the best at making trophy guides!
Braedyn says
Yes, We happy few guide, please
Ariost says
Yes, pretty pretty please powerpyx, We Happy Few!
PowerPyx says
We Happy Few is work-in-progress, not complete enough for publication yet. Probably sometime later this week.
Warlord99956 says
Great guide so far! When will the rest of the puzzles be added? Thanks
dalailama1989 says
Just added a few more; now at 20/27.
Should be done by friday, I hope 🙂
Lino says
How much time do you miss to complete the “We happy few” guide?
David K. says
The time needed to platinum this game is quite long. I would say 2-3 Minutes per quiz turns out to be realistic (with guide). There are over 300 of those, so you will spend around 700-1000 minutes at last to finish this. So this is no quick platinum, in case you think about getting the game because of that. And I cannot understand how 7 hours should be possible.
Thank you for the good guide, without it you would certainly need 10 minutes + per quiz.
Sean Humphries says
I’m doing 3 mins average per quiz without the guide, actually found with the guide longer because of it all being orange, hard to make out individual directions ?
Jon says
Anyone experience errors with this game on PS4? After completing about 10 trophies when I select a square to add my letter it doesn’t keep my selected square but jumps to a particular square only. This has meant I can’t complete any more puzzles?!
Jerzyna97 says
I have a question. I just bought the game and i played a little bit on my Vita and got some trophies, then i started it on PS4
But even though the version says PS4, the trophy list says PS Vita, and i tried to do the trophies that i got at my Vita but they didn’t unlock on PS4 for a separate trophy list. Is the trophy list separate or shared? Am i doing something wrong?
dalailama1989 says
PS4 and Vita have separate trophy lists, so playing on both devices results in two trophy lists.