Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 9,5/10 (because of “Mein Leben” permadeath mode, you have to beat the game in one sitting without dying on highest difficulty, checkpoints/manual saves are disabled)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 hours+ (entirely depends on how many attempts you need for “Mein Leben” permadeath mode)
- Offline Trophies: 51 (1
, 2
, 10
, 38
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 5 (Crippled but Able, I’m Machine Enough, Kick It, Taste of Your own Medicine, Ghost)
- Glitched trophies: Ghost
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat the game on “Mein Leben” difficulty (permadeath mode, if you die you have to restart from the beginning, has to be done in one sitting because checkpoints/manual saves are disabled).
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2 (3+ recommended)
Welcome to the Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Trophy Guide! This is a very challenging platinum! Unlike previous games, the trophy for beating highest difficulty cannot be cheated by just replaying the last chapter. In fact, there isn’t even a traditional chapter select in this game. The highest difficulty is called “Mein Leben” and it’s a 1 life permadeath mode without checkpoints or manual saves, based on the difficulty “I am Death, Incarnate!”. It has to be done in one sitting without leaving the game (you can put the console in rest mode though). You can’t back up the save games in this mode because it doesn’t create any in the first place. It’s also the hardest Wolfenstein to date because there are lots of heavily armored enemies and you often get swarmed by enemy groups from all sides. The game features 387 collectibles but luckily the 150 readables aren’t needed for trophies (you only need 237. There is no chapter select but you can still revisit all areas relevant for collectibles after the story.
Step 1: Play through Game on any Difficulty + Side Quests + Missable Trophies
First, you should beat the game on any difficulty to unlock “Mein Leben” (playing on the lowest difficulty will unlock it). Only for the trophy “I’m Machine Enough” you must play the mission “New Orleans” on “Bring ’em On!” difficulty.
Try to kill as many commanders as possible and pick up their enigma codes. The enigma codes let you replay missions after the story. Don’t worry if you miss an enigma, they can be farmed infinitely after the story. Picking them up now saves time and reduces the grind later.
After the story, you can still revisit all areas relevant to collectibles, none of them are missable. This allows you to keep farming perks and doing miscellaneous combat trophies. You can revisit areas by interacting with the command console in the “Eva’s Hammer” hub area.
Be sure to do all side quests that you come across. They are all found in the “Eva’s Hammer” hub area, so be sure to look for them between missions (check your map for quests and talk to everyone). Also work on maxing out all perks. You can farm all perks by reloading the last save. So if you find a good perk farming spot, just keep farming kills there and reload the game.
There are 4 missable story trophies. These should be your top priority on this playthrough!
Missable Trophies:
The following trophies are missable (chronological story order):
- Crippled but Able
- I’m Machine Enough — Do the Panzerhund ride in mission “New Orleans” on Bring ’em On! difficulty.
- Kick It
- Taste of Your own Medicine
Step 2 (After Story): Decipher Enigmas, Get All Collectibles, Shooting Range
After the story you can deciper enigmas at the Enigma Machine to unlock missions for replay. This is done in Eva’s Hammer hub area. See: Where to Find Enigma Machine & How to decipher Enigmas. Afterwards, interact with the command console to replay whatever mission you want.
Now Übercommander Death Cards will become available and you can work on finding all collectibles! If you don’t have enough enigma codes you can farm them infinitely by replaying missions and killing the commanders in them. The mission “Mequite” is great for farming them, it has 2 commanders at the start of the mission.
There are the following collectibles:
- 15 Max’s Toys
- 10 Records
- 50 Gold
- 16 Übercommander Death Cards
- 75 Starcards
- 50 Concept Art
- 21 Weapon Upgrade Kits (needed to fully upgrade all weapons)
See: Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus – All Collectible Locations
The 150 readables aren’t needed and can be skipped.
Along the way you’ll earn the following trophies for deciphering all Enigmas and killing every Übercommander: Sightseeing, Puzzler, Ghost, Coming Back for More, Across the Board.
You can still farm combat trophies and perks by replaying missions (such as finding 1000 helmets from fallen enemies). The shooting range is also still available in Eva’s Hammer (hub area). So if you haven’t already, do the two shooting range trophies now. They will be slightly easier once you’ve fully upgraded all weapons.
Do note that your collectible progress gets wiped when starting a new game.
Optional Step: “I am death incarnate!” Playthrough (Practice for Mein Leben)
It is HIGHLY recommended that you do a few practice runs on “I am death incarnate!” before attempting Mein Leben difficulty. Play through the game once, twice, or even 20 times until you know everything inside out. This will also give you an opportunity to mop up trophies you may have missed.
Step 3: “Mein Leben” Difficulty Playthrough
After beating the game for the first time (any difficulty), you unlock “Mein Leben” difficulty in the main menu. This is a 1 life permadeath mode without checkpoints or manual saves. It has to be done in one sitting without leaving the game! It’s based on “I am death incarnate!” difficulty. If you die on Mein Leben you must restart the game from the beginning. Unfortunately, you can’t get this trophy by just replaying the last chapter. It has to be an entire playthrough from scratch.
Useful Tips, Tricks & Guides:
- All Collectible Locations (Gold, Starcards, Übercommander Death Cards, Concept Art, Max’s Toys, Records)
- Where to find Enigma Machine & How to decipher Enigmas
Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Trophy Guide
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The New Colossus Obtain all trophies. |
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Unlock all other trophies in Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus to earn platinum. | ||
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Déjà Vu Make the choice |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Carrying the Torch Use the power armor |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Enemy Within Stop the Nazi signal from Section F |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Amazing Grace Recruit Grace’s group |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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It’s Fricking Space Aliens! Find Area 52 |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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R.I.P. Kill dad |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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All the Gains! Get a new body |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Sermons and Moonshine Recruit Horton’s group |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Venus Travel to outer space |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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The Ausmerzer Capture the Ausmerzer |
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Story-related trophy, unmissable. | ||
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Starting a Collection Find at least one of each collectible item |
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For this, find one item of each collectible type:
Collectibles get marked on the map via yellow icons after defeating the Commander in the area. The Übercommander Death Cards are found by using the Enigma machine and hunting down Übercommanders. Each Übercommander drops a card. This is best done after the story. The enigma machine is found in the “Eva’s Hammer” area (the hub area that you visit between missions and after the story). There’s a chair by the level select console that you can sit in to decipher enigmas. See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations |
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Toy Collector Find all of Max’s toys |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Audiophile Find all records |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Golden Boy Find all gold |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Terror-Billy Collect all Übercommander death cards |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Meet the Cast Find all starcards |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Art Aficionado Found all concept art |
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See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations | ||
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Tinkerer Upgrade a weapon |
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See trophy “Gun Nut”. | ||
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Specialist Fully upgrade a weapon |
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See trophy “Gun Nut”. | ||
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Gun Nut Fully upgrade all weapons |
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To upgrade weapons you must find weapon upgrade kits. These are found in fixed locations throughout the game. For example, one is found in the shooting range. The upgrade kits have a gear icon on them.
There are the following weapons:
The locations of all Weapon Upgrades are covered in the collectible guide. See Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus All Collectible Locations |
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Revolution Beat the game |
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Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Bring ’em on! Beat the game on “Bring ’em on!” difficulty or higher |
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See trophy “I am death incarnate!”. | ||
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Do or die! Beat the game on “Do or die!” difficulty or higher |
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See trophy “I am death incarnate!”. | ||
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Call me Terror-Billy! Beat the game on “Call me Terror-Billy!” difficulty or higher |
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See trophy “I am death incarnate!”. | ||
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I am death incarnate! Beat the game on “I am death incarnate!” difficulty or higher |
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The difficulty level “I am death, incarnate!” is available from the beginning. Unlike previous games, you cannot earn this by just replaying the last chapter. There isn’t even a traditional chapter select this time (just post-story free roam).
Select this difficulty when starting a new game and play through it without changing difficulty. This also unlocks the difficulty-related trophies for all lower difficulties. |
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Mein leben Beat the game on “Mein leben” difficulty |
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Mein leben difficulty is unlocked after beating the game for the first time (on any difficulty, the lowest difficulty does suffice).
This is a permadeath mode without saves or checkpoints. If you die, you have to restart the game from the beginning!!! It is based on “I am death incarnate!” difficulty. Unfortunately, it cannot be cheated by replaying just the last chapter. This difficulty can’t even be selected in the pause menu (it only goes up to “I am death incarnate!”). The only way to select it is by starting a New Game. There are no checkpoints so you cannot back up your save game either. It has to be done in ONE SITTING without leaving the game (however, you can put the console in rest mode). Die once and you must replay everything from the start. Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus is possibly the hardest game in the series. There are lots of heavy-armored enemies and at certain sections you get swarmed by enemies from all sides. This is going to be extremely challenging. The game isn’t so short either, it takes around 10 hours. It’s highly recommended that you do at least 1-2 test runs on “I am death incarnate!” to get a feel for enemy spawns, ammo conservation and remember where to find health items. |
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Max a Perk Max a perk |
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See trophy “Max all perks”. | ||
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Max all perks Max all Perks |
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You max out perks by repeating certain combat tasks over and over again. The perks have up to 5 levels. You can farm all of these via checkpoint restart. However, it has to be done in one playthrough (when starting a new game you lose them). You can check your progress at any time in the pause menu. Below is a list of all perks and their upgrade requirements.
Stealth Perks:
Chaos Perks:
Tactic Perks:
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Bull Rush Ramshackles tackle a charging Supersoldat |
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At the start of chapter “A New Suit” can choose between 3 upgrades: Ramshackles, Constrictor Harness, Battle Walker.
For this trophy you need to choose the Ramshackles. At the next enemy encounter there’s a Supersoldat (heavily armored guy carrying a heavy weapon). Those guys sometimes rush towards you. When the Supersoldat is rushing towards you, run into him. The Ramshackles are activated automatically when you run. They let you tackle enemies while running. It’s best that you make a manual save as soon as you see the Supersoldat. Getting the timing down is a bit tricky. You run back and forth and wait for the Supersoldat to come rushing at you. It will tackle him automatically and unlock the trophy. If you chose a different upgrade, you can still find the Ramshackles after the story in the area “New Orleans – Bienville Street District”. When replaying the mission you have to pick up the Ramshackles automatically to progress, they are marked on the map. |
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Snakebite Perform a Constrictor Harness takedown |
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At the start of chapter “A New Suit” can choose between 3 upgrades: Ramshackles, Constrictor Harness, Battle Walker.
For this trophy you need to choose the Constrictor Harness. This will let you crawl through tight spaces under walls. While crawling through a tight space you can perform a stealth takedown with the Constrictor Harness to earn this trophy. If you chose a different upgrade, you can still find the Constrictor Harness after the story in the area “Manhattan – Nuclear Bunker”. When replaying the mission you have to pick up the Constrictor Harness automatically to progress, it is marked on the map at the end of the area. In the same location you can easily earn the trophy. Just after picking up the Constrictor Harness you can crawl under a cart to the location of the Übercommander. Wait under the cart until the Übercommander comes walking your way and then do the stealth-takedown (must remain hidden under the cart). |
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The Sky is the Limit Perform a Battle Walker takedown |
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At the start of chapter “A New Suit” can choose between 3 upgrades: Ramshackles, Constrictor Harness, Battle Walker.
For this trophy you need to choose the Battle Walker. It’s activated by double pressing the jump-button. While the battle walker is active you must press An easy spot is in area “Manhattan – Nuclear Bunker” (can be replayed after the story). As soon as you see the signal of the Übercommander at the top of the screen, there will be a single soldier patrolling a catwalk above you (in the moving doors section). Activate the battle walker and do the melee takedown on him. It doesn’t have to be a stealth-takedown, he is allowed to see you. If you chose a different upgrade, you can still find the Battle Walker after the story in the area “Venus – Transporthalle District”. When replaying the mission you have to pick up the Battle Walker automatically to progress, it is marked on the map. |
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Kick It Kill Hitler during the Aerostat Audition |
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*Missable Trophy* Main Mission: Venus This can be done in chapter “Venus”. During the audition, when Hitler lies on the ground, you have to stand up and walk past him. Press R3 to kick him as you walk by. |
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They did Nazi that Coming Stealth kill 10 enemies in a row |
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There are always opportunities for sneak kills when commanders are nearby. The easy way to get this is by making a manual save after every stealth kill. If you get detected, reload the last manual save. This way it will keep your stealth streak. You have to stay crouched and sneak up to enemies from behind to perform a melee kill (10 times in a row).
This cannot be farmed via checkpoint restart. |
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Hard Headed Collect 1000 helmets |
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Helmets are often found throughout the game, sitting on boxes etc. You can collect them to gain 10 armor to protect yourself from damage. An easy method is to make a manual save before picking up a helmet, pick it up, reload the save, rinse and repeat. You can still farm this after the story by revisiting areas (via the area select in Evas Hammer). An easy area to farm this is “Manhattan – Penthouse District”. There are lots of helmets scattered around the area. Collect them and reload the save, repeat until the trophy pops. It’s best to keep this trophy for last to minimize farming. You’ll collect lots of helmets automatically throughout the game and while going for other trophies & collectibles.
Beware that starting a completely new game wipes your statistics. This has to be done in one playthrough / through post-story area select. |
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I’m Machine Enough Beat the Panzerhund ride without killing anyone on “Bring ’em On!” difficulty or higher |
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*Missable Trophy* Main Mission: New Orleans The Panzerhund ride takes place in chapter “New Orleans”, right after the objective “Climb the ladder”. Be sure to set the difficulty to Bring ‘Em On in the pause menu before completing this objective. As soon as you drop into the sewers the trophy will unlock. Remember you can run on foot and don’t have to ride the panzerhund until the end. |
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Coming Back for More Visit every District |
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First, you must decipher all enigmas.
See Where to Find Enigma Machine & How to decipher Enigmas. Now you can interact with the console next to the enigma machine to travel to the locations you’ve unlocked. decipher all enigmas and hunt down the Übercommanders in all districts to unlock this. There are 16 Enigma Decryptions / Übercommander Locations in total. Upon deciphering the first enigma and traveling to the first district you also unlock the trophies “Sightseeing” and “Puzzler“. |
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Across the Board Complete the Killboard |
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For this you must beat the story and use the enigma machine to track down and kill all Übercommanders. The enigma machine is a chair you can sit in, found in the hub area (Evas Hammer / Hammerfaust). It’s in the same room where you select chapters for replay. You must find enigmas by killing & looting normal Commanders. Then use the enigma machine to decipher enigmas and reveal the locations of Übercommanders. The killboard can be found in the command center of Evas Hammer. There you see pictures of who’s dead or alive. One target is killed automatically at the end of the story. After killing 15 Übercommanders you unlock a new area called “Riverside” where the final Übercommander is located.
Don’t worry if you’re short on enigma codes. You can farm them infinitely after the story by replaying the area “Mesquite”. Also see Where to Find Enigma Machine & How to decipher Enigmas. For the Übercommander Locations see Collectible Guide. |
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Complete Package Acquire all Contraptions and Contraption upgrades |
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There are 3 Contraptions. You get to choose the first one at the start of mission “A New Suit”. Luckily, they can all be found after the story by revisiting certain areas.
After the story they are found in the following locations:
When replaying these districts you’ll have to pick up the contraptions automatically on your way to the Übercommander. They also get marked on the map when you go near them. |
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Plus Package Upgrade a Contraption |
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See trophy “Complete Package”. | ||
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Make a Point Achieve the highest score in the Shooting Range |
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The shooting range is found in the hub area “Evas Hammer” (“Hammerfaust” in German version). You visit this area between missions. The first opportunity for this is during chapter “A Reunion”. It can still be done after the story in free roam. To see the required score, check out the board at the entrance of the shooting range. You must beat the highscore. The score changes over the course of the game (anywhere from 375-450 points). Now head to the shooting range downstairs. You can see targets at different distances going from side to side. Simply hit each target once. It doesn’t matter if you do a headshot or destroy the target, just hit it anywhere with 1 bullet. The further away the target is, the more points it gives you. To beat the highscore you should hit every single target. Aim at the middle of the range and let the targets slide into your line of sight. This way you just need to aim at one point and fire a bullet when a target slides in. Use hipfire only. The Sturmgewehr (Assault Rifle) works well as it’s the most accurate. There are infinite supplies of ammo in the shooting range (pistol ammo is downstairs, all other ammo upstairs). You can restock before each try. |
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First Loser Achieve the second best time in the Killhouse |
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The killhouse is found on the top floor of the shooting range in “Evas Hammer” (the hub area). You can do this after beating the story, it’s not accessible from the start. To see the target time, check the board at the entrance of the shooting range (should be 0:48 but it can differ). Now pull the sparking lever (still upstairs in the shooting range) to enter the killhouse. It’s an obstacle course with training targets. Shoot all the training targets and beat the course as quickly as possible. Hit the screen at the end to lock in your time. If you miss a target you get a time penalty. I found it easiest with a shotgun but any weapon will do. There are infinite supplies of ammo in the shooting range (pistol ammo is downstairs, all other ammo upstairs). You can restock before each try. |
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Crippled but Able Perform a takedown while in the wheelchair |
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*Missable Trophy*
This can only be done at the very start of the game. You will be sitting in a wheelchair. Drive up to an enemy an press R3 to melee him. If you missed it you can easily get it by starting a new game. |
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Hail Mary Throw a hatchet and kill an enemy from 30m |
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Over the course of the game you will frequently find hatchets that can be thrown. Ideally, this is done in stealth on an enemy that is standing still. There are lots of opportunities for this throughout the game. Make a manual save and throw the hatchet at an enemy from a distance. There’s no good way to see the distance to the enemy so you’ll have to guess. | ||
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Sightseeing Visit a District |
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See trophy “Coming Back for More”. | ||
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Puzzler Decipher an Übercommander’s location using the Enigma Machine |
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See trophy “Coming Back for More”. | ||
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Retro Play Wolfstone 3D |
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You can play Wolfstone 3D in the hub area “Evas Hammer” (in German version: Hammerfaust). You go to this area between missions.
Go to the upper floor of the diner. There you find an arcade console in the middle of the room. Start the arcade game to unlock the trophy. |
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Taste of Your own Medicine Destroy a Zerstörer with an Übergewehr |
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*Missable Trophy* Main Mission: Ausmerzer |
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Ghost Finish a District without triggering an alarm |
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*Missable Trophy – doesn’t unlock when replaying a district*
First, you must decipher an enigma code using the enigma machine is found in “Evas Hammer” area. See Where to Find Enigma Machine & How to decipher Enigmas. Enigma codes are acquired by looting dead commanders. After deciphering an enigma code you can interact with the console next to the enigma machine to travel to the district you’ve unlocked. Complete the district without a commander causing an alarm. When a commander is nearby it will show a circle with their distance at the top of the screen. You can make manual saves and if you cause an alarm, reload the save. You can replay districts but it won’t unlock the trophy on replay. The reason for this is that a different commander spawns that won’t count. So get it on first playthrough of the district. Reloading the save game is fine though, so make a manual save before starting a district. Glitched Trophy: There are many reports of this is not unlocking despite staying unseen. There are two possible solutions; try in another district, or start a fresh save file (delete all your other saves). Reinstalling the game can also help. |
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Keep Playing Wait for the game to resume after the credits |
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Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the story. | ||
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Sidetracked Complete all side missions |
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Side missions are found in the hub area called “Evas Hammer”. You visit the hub area between main missions.
Always look for new side quests between every mission. They are marked on the map (press Touchpad). Simply talk to everyone whenever you visit this area. None of the side missions are missable, you can still do them after the story. The quest for finding all 15 Max’s Toys Collectibles & the 3 quests for finding the contraptions are also required. You get those items automatically when following the Collectible Guide. |
Frankie Drums says
I’m a completionist, I 1k’d the first two games, and I won’t be buying this due to Mein Leben.
Richard says
you’re an idiot
i underastand you like 100% on all games, but not buying a game just for some useless pixels on the screen it’s a bit stupid
like if someong gives u money according to how many 100% u have
Joker says
I agree with Richard, people like you who skip a game over a virtual trinket that does nothing other than give the feeling of accomplishment are pathetic. So you don’t play games for their story then?? So you’re just a trophy whore who buys games just to 100% then? That’s pathetic. Sure it’s ludicrous that none of us will be able to 100% this game thx to this but that isn’t a justifiable reason to skip a whole game just for one vritual trinket.
Jim says
What does it matter how people play the game or whether they buy it? I pretty much always get 100%, know I won’t get this trophy and will still buy it, but it’s cool if people choose not to do so. Their choice. Trophies offer an alternative way to play a game and if that’s what someone’s playing the game for, they could probably find a better way to spend their money and enjoy their time. Loosen up and stop name calling.
FE16 says
You arnt missing much tbh. In my opinion, The new order is far superior to this game.
Daniel says
Always have and will hate the idea of putting a permadeath mode in a game, just not fun at all. Was actually looking forward to platting this but now I think I’ll just stick to platting Assassins Creed Origins instead.
swotam says
Well that’s unfortunate, I was really looking forward to this considering how much I liked the first two games, but as a trophy hunter and a gamer I’m not going to support a game on day one where devs put this sort of thing in. It’s the principle of the thing.
I’ll pick it up some day in a sale, but on Friday it looks like I’ll just be playing Assassin’s Creed Origins.
Excellent looking guide by the way PowerPyx.
danTheMan says
Disappointing difficulty trophy. Shame, had planned to get this over Creed. I to have changed my mind.
Will try at some point though.
Joshua says
Seriously guys? Not buying a game because of the trophies? I’m confident that I will have no issue with this. I platinumed the new order and old blood both on the ps3 and ps4. Completed them both without dying on the hardest difficulty. The trophy is in fact annoying but it makes for a great challenge for us true wolfenstein fans/gamers.
Amazing guide as always PowerPyx!!
Maxime says
Thanks you. While some devs gives away trophies, others want their players to have a challenge. The fact that it’s in one setting though is kind of a bummer.
Lyrmat says
I totally agree with you; bunch of pussy wining gamers not buying a game because of it’s trophy difficulty FFS.
Can’t people just play the game and enjoy it?
I can’t wait to play it
Alex Henry says
No it’s actually impossible. I’m convinced. This trophy won’t be achieved if they don’t patch it. Really disappointed in the devs.
Kyle says
Will you’re video guides include the readables? I know they aren’t required for the trophy, but I’m still really looking forward to clean this game out completely
Kazem says
It is bufoon why i must play over 10 hour all at once ?
I never play it I will play assassin’s
By the way gj PowerPyx
Luke says
For “I’m Machine Now” can you be playing on a lower difficulty and change it to “Bring em on” on the Panzerhund for the achievement (then change it back)?
Also how do saves work, can you manually save often (to make your own chapter select kind of thing) or is it only autosaves?
joshua says
In regards to changing the difficulty for ‘I’m Machine Now”, yes, yes you can in fact change the difficulty once you reach that area.
Like most bethesda games, there is autosave (checkpoints) and manual saves. You are able to make as many as you want, no restrictions.
Luke says
Thanks for the reply Joshua, that is certainly good to hear.
I wish every game had Manual Save, Quick Save & Quick Load (like Dishonored 2) at least on the easy difficulties.
whiteriver087 says
damn ,I can accept dying 100 times on the highest difficulty,but 1 life?hmmm……
Beatriz Sousa says
Pre order cancelled because of “Mein Leben”. Shit trophy list
royal freeman says
that’s sad
Captain says
what you canceled your pre order because of the trophy list is shit? are you even a gamer? You care more about virtual trophies than to play an amazing game? that shit is sad. you are not a gamer
Mike says
Looool. And this is Bronze trophy. Do they really joke on us or what?
This trophy is 100% mistake!!!
Judithpa says
Is look like they’re making fun of trophy hunter. ?? I loved the last 2 one, sadly I will pass this time. No enough time for sit down for 10 hours straight.
Captain says
you have rest mode on xbox one and ps4 you dont need to sit there for 10 hours straight
Timbo says
Very annoyed by Mein Leben trophy however this hasn’t stopped me buying the game. I can live without another platinum I’ll buy it for the awesome ride.
kwekken says
Your totally right, the previous games where wonderful experiences, And when I see all these people bitching about a ‘ímpossible’ platinum and not buying the game for that. It’s a shame. I’m somewhat a hunter myself but this game is 2 awesome to pass.
Mike says
They must to add few manual saves between chapters, like it was in Evil Within 2! Not everyone have so much time and nerves to sit non-stop 10 hours near TV with the possibility of losing all progress in any moment. This trophy is unacceptable!
Tyler says
You could always just pause the game and put the system in rest mode. Keeps the game running however you leave it. Assuming you’re on PS4. If you’re on Xbox then I have no idea if you can do anything like that aside from just pausing the game and leaving your console on.
FE16 says
That would defeat the purpose of Mein Leben. What they have to do is follow the DOOM 2016 way and everyone would be happy.
Miguel Alonso says
I am not buying the game either. I will start with AC and wait for a sale in this one.
joshua says
For everyone who is waiting for a collectible guide, just like previous Wolfensteins, most collectibles appear on the map. A POI/Point Of Interest is what it is called. It can be any of the 7 collectibles in the game. If you can confirm that it is correct PowerPyx, i’d appreciate that.
Happy platinum everyone!
joshua says
oh apologies, you have in fact already confirmed it as said for “starting a collection”.
Chesterfield says
Well, that was some bullshit. I’m getting the game today anyway, obviously, but I’m very disappointed they put a permadeath trophy in there. They really don’t want anyone to Platinum the game?
Corn says
Getting platinum SHOULD be something that’s difficult and truly something to show off. Getting 100% on games that are easy to do so is stupid. Absolutely no one will be impressed by it.
James Kearle says
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a completionist. I’m on xbox, so I have 114/121 games at 100% gamer score (INCLUDING ALL DLC). So yeh, it means a lot
However, I’m not going to skip on this potential GOTY just because of the worst achievement of the year. I can still get 90% with relative ease, and I don’t get why people are skipping because of 1 achievement. If all the achievements were ridiculous, yeh I’d get it then.
Ian says
I love the irony of all the other people saying they are completionists and trophy hunters but then complaining that it’s too hard for them ? if they are so good at gaming they should see it as a challenge. It’s like claiming to be the best driver in the world then complaining because the guy your racing against doesn’t have a slower car than you ?
Jack Moor says
Not buying a game because it’s bad, buggy, or loaded with microtransactions I can understand. But refusing to support a fantastic and fun game solely because one of the trophies is too hard and you won’t be able to get your precious platinum is pathetic. You guys are some of the whiniest, most entitled little bitches the gaming community has to offer.
BocaProwler says
There is nothing wrong with the consumer deciding not to purchase an item with their own money, regardless of whether or not you agree with their reasoning.
I’ll buy the game because I loved the first one, but that is one stupid trophy requirement.
Bocabitch says
It’s only stupid if you’re a whiny bitch.
Captain says
Yeah a consumer can buy whatever but nah pretty much you have no life. if you dont want to buy a game because a virtual trophy is nearly impossible to get. its beyond pathetic.
JH-0604 says
The trophy: Starting a Collection is glitched for me. It didn’t appear after I get at least one of every collectible item.
Dark says
Yep, that and “ghost” randomly glitch ok playthrough for some reason. Only fix is to load an early save and attempt again or start a fresh save.
Dark says
Ulver says
Guys sign this petition “Change the Mein Leben trophy in Wolfenstein II”. Might be worth a shot.
Aldex says
Appreciate you sharing the petition pal, thank you.
imKane says
By the way.. NONE OF THE COLLECTIBLES ARE MISSABLE, they can all be mopped up post story, and the ones that dont add up are in a secret area called riverside where the last uber commander is located
PowerPyx says
But there are collectibles at the start of the game that you can’t go back to (the starting area). Unless they respawn elsewhere or there’s a secret way back after completing the killboard, I don’t see any way to get back to them.
Dark says
Just so you know, there isn’t a “New game bug”. You can still load saves from your other playthrough if you press square at the main menu to change progression slot.
Daniel says
Everyone go sign the Petition “Change the Mein Leben trophy in Wolfenstein II” (Just copy and paste into google and you should find it) we are almost at 150 signatures, I know it’s not a lot but hopefully if we all spread it round forums and social media we can gain more quickly.
Chris says
I will NOT sign & i hope it doesn’t change. It shouldn’t be changed. If you can’t platinum due to lack of skills or lack of time than you shouldn’t be a trophy hunter. If all platinums are easy, then getting platinums are no longer fun imo. Sorry, but i stand for very hard trophies!!!! Great hardcore gamers should have trophies that separate us from casual & not very good gamers. But, if you can’t do it than you don’t deserve it period!!!!
Joker says
People who call themselves gamers here and yet skip this game over one virtual trinket are truly pathetic and are not gamers at all. Ya just trophy whores, not even hunters at all who only care for trophies and nothing else from a game. Me as a gamer and a trophy hunter, I love this game, the story and characters are amazing and yeah it sucks that I’ll be missing one trophy thx to this difficulty but story comes first over virtual trinkets.
Ulver says
Not everyone thinks like you. Each have their own preferences and likings, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is no reason to call names just for that.
I personally am looking forward to buying this game, but I too am disappointed by the unrealistic requirement they have put for “Mein Leben” trophy.
Yusuf says
Are side missions missable?
Noah says
Thank god! Finally some devs with balls. Atleast not all devs are taking the challenge right out of 100% nowadays. I dont get all these cry babies whining over the difficulty. This is how all 100% should be HARD! Not just time consuming. Going to enjoy this one.
LoveAnimation says
Noah Making a trophy that very few people in the world will be able to get is going way too far in my opinion.
Everybody should be able to do everything in games even if the difficulty is different for different people.
This is impossible for most of us.
Chris says
^^^^ Type of gamers who need to stop gaming. If you are afraid to learn a game inside & out to Master it to be able to platinum it, why do you even trophy hunt? I get sick of hearing cry baby’s. “This trophy shouldn’t separate gamers, due to the difficulty”, that’s where you’re wrong. Trophies are meant to CHALLENGE the player beyond what they are normally used to. If you want a hold your hand type game, then go play lego games!!!! Then you say “All players should be able to 100% everything”, you can. You can beat the full game & get ALL collectables. Trophies, is just that. Trophies are there to show you mastered the game. If you can’t master the game, you don’t need the platinum!!!! You sound like the cry babies back when they tried to get easy mode put into the Soul series lmao. If it’s to hard for you…….. Move on PERIOD. This has nothing to do with opinions. Trophies was invented with challenge in mind, not the other way around.
FE16 says
I’m death incarnate should of been enough. Mein Leben is just taking the absolute piss and should be changed asap.
If they leave it as is, it will and is hurting sales, DLC sales and Wolf 3
LoveAnimation says
Feels like the Trophy difficulty should be a 10/10 because very few people in the world will probably beat that difficulty and be able to get the platinum.
STFU says
People like Noah are the main ones boasting and grandstanding about how achievements are supposed to be hard, yet I bet if I checked his profile, he has like a 30% completion rate and his only platinums are the easy as fuck ones like Barbies Tree House or some shit.
Chris says
They’re supposed to be hard. Why the fuck do i wanna brag on a trophy 100% of gamers can get? That’s dumb. Like trophy hunters tend to go for the fastest & easy platinums. That’s fine. But, i don’t care if you have 2k+ Platinums & they’re all easy ass games. I only care for the hard trophies you have obtained. The ones i know you had to sweat your ass off to get. Ones that made you replace a controller or two. Ones that gave you nightmares!!!! Them trophies is what makes trophies worth it. Otherwise it’s a waste of time.
Noah says
ICE_CREAM_MAN619. check away.
FE16 says
Can’t agree with you Chris, trophies should be challenging but remain balanced at all times.
Mein Leben is at its current state, on console, impossible without glitches, bugs, etc. There are just way too many things that can go wrong at any minute that will kill your run.
The best thing to do would be to leave the mode as is, so all the true hardcore/ crazy people can try their luck and change the trophy requirement to something like DOOM 2016.
FE16 says
You are right, his trophy collection isn’t very good tbh.
Ati says
Dear powerpyx when will you release the collectible guide (video) ?
Meinleben says
No one on ps4 or xbox has gotten this. On pc I can see with trainers or hacks. On console its 3x harder without a mouse or kb. This is a ridiculous achievement. Ill mop up as much as I can. Yet I know mein leben ill never get unless a patch. I’m a completionist but this is absurd.
Frank Manion says
Honestly, the last two games weren’t even that difficult on the hardest difficulty. I can’t imagine that it has changed that much. I just picked this up today after getting the Assassin’s Creed Plat. I will definitely attempt it. There are way harder trophies out there that people get everyday. I’m ready for the rage that I will probably have to muster to get this. Not like its a souls game that you have to beat without dying.
FE16 says
Believe me, it’s much much difficult than the other games. The previous games were not only less difficult but much superior in everything but graphics.
I think beating the game on, “I’m death incarnate” should of been the hardest trophy and not Mein Leben. You die almost instantly and can’t even see it coming, you have to cower to corners like a little B if you wanna stand a chance, specially on the final BOSS.
FE16 says
This trophy needs to be changed, not the mode.
Leave Mein Leben for all the crazy people that think they have a chance and change the trophy to something like DOOM 2016, where you had to beat the first level on the hardest difficulty, the equivalent of Mein Leben , and boom trophy.
Everyone happy + sales will probably double.
Frank Manion says
I seriously doubt that sales would double due to adjusting a trophy. Might as well either get it or get over it. They are not going to change it. I just got the game and checked the trophy list. The trophy has already been popped by some. No Platinums yet. I imagine whoever has completed it on Mein Leben just needs to get the rest of the collectibles or something. The Platinums will probably start showing up within the next 24 hours. It also takes time for the PS Network to update the trophies.
FE16 says
I know and tried to find the player but nothing. Chances are it’s the developer with an auto unlock or something.
Captain says
People listen up they did this to troll people who decided to do the glitch on the new order and old blood. I am the one guilty of this. They decided to purposely to not patch new order and old blood. So they decided to purposely troll people to getting the platinum in new Colossus. The evidence is clear, no chapter select and making Mein Leben a bronze trophy.
FE16 says
You can still get the uber trophies by chapter select. Trust me, I did it 2 weeks ago when I bough the double pack…. digitally.
I think it’s a bronze cuz there will be something like the 999 mode that would make this a bit more doable or maybe there are many glitches that we don’t know about. There are a group of players on the PS4 finding many ways to completely avoid encounters, despawning and sections as we speak.
Rum says
I’ve read all the comments and I want to say a thing. I’m a trophy hunter too and I still remember the satisfaction I got when I beat Dead Space II with three saves, when I conpleted the challenge in The Witness before the end of the song after the patches, when I beat The Evil Within in Akumu Mode… . If you are a real gamer buy this game, enjoy it and prove yourself, complete it in Mein Leben difficulty and when you’ll see this shiny platinum you’ll be pride of yourself, and you’ll remember this game forever. Let’s earn this platinum.
Sorry for my mistakes in English, it’s not my mother tongue,
FE16 says
I understand and I too have DS2 platinum, in fact, I have all of them but this trophy it’s simply too much.
They are asking you to play for 5+ hours on one go and or leave your console running on sleep mode for God knows how long…. it’s not good on any front.
Again, the problem isn’t so much the difficulty but the accessibility do to time. Not everyone has 3 hours to play, let alone the 7+ that it takes to do this…. CAREFULLY.
Best way to fix this trophy is to go the DOOM 2016 way and make the trophy pop by beating the first level on Mein Leben. That way we trophy hunters can get the platinum/ 100% and the hardcore 0.01% can still try their luck in this mode.
Everyone happy.
DanteIshimura says
The Mein Lieben trophy of whatever its called does indeed look like its more about the devs/publishers wanting to rub such a task in the face of gamers.
4-10hrs it is said to complete this mode successfully and for a bronze trophy. Now argue what you will on if trophies are worth buying the game or not, but personally I think the devs/publishers are giving the gamers the finger with this particular trophy.
1: Sitting for that long playing a game constantly starring at the screen cannot be good for your eyes. Even long movies can be a chore when you’ve been staring at the screen for 3hrs + and video games are far more demanding on the eye as you cannot take your eyes off the screen for a second.
2: Without a save feature I wonder how many gamers attempts will be ruined by the grame freezing/crashing or the console crashing.
3: As I said, the fact its a bronze trophy seems more like its the devs/publishers giving gamers the finger whilst laughing at them. So all I can do to counter that is laugh, give the finger and save my money.
But for those that feel like they could be missing out or wreck their completion streak. Just buy the game pre-owned for as cheap as you can and play it on a second account. That way none of your money goes to the publisher, your completion streak won’t be ruined and you can still get to enjoy the story on a different account on a different difficulty setting.
FE16 says
100% agree with you but I still have hope they might do something.
If they do or don’t, don’t matter to me too much because they might be laughing now, but I will laugh in the end when Wolf3 gets announced and once it releases you’ll see how it will struggle to sale more than 100K copies…. ACCROSS ALL PLATFORMS.
I did have 2 Mein Leben runs go to shit because the game crashed and at this point I’ve pretty much given up until they nerf it.
To those on the fence of getting this game, don’t bother…. It’s not as great as the reviews say and it’s garbage compared to the previous 2.
Leo says
why 9.5 difficulty? 10/10 this game is one of hardest platinum at all times
Mike K says
I have played this game and enjoyed the challenge of beating the whole game on I am death incarnate picking up the collectables and all the other trophies and I am starting the DLC on I am death incarnate. I know I will never have the time to do mean Leben but to me it doesn’t matter I have thoroughly enjoyed this latest game in the series and am thankful for your great guide Powerpyx. I have read the comments above and I have some tough trophies and some that are easier as many gamers do but whether I can do a no save no dying mode or not does not make me think right I’m not going to buy that game as I like games and I like doing as many of the challenges that come with them as possible
Leo says
Sidetracked is a missable trophy . I collected all the toys before realising there was a quest available and now when I go the location where the quest giver (Gizela Balog) is supposed to be, she isn’t there. max toy’s side quest is missable
Lambo says
Ghost trophy, is easy to get in the Riverside Ubercommander mission. There’s only one commander and he’s at the very end. The great part to this mission is you fight enemies in the bunker. The commander is actually on the surface after you climb the ladder. He’s far enough away that all the gunfire doesn’t alert him. After you climb the ladder to the surface do a manual save in case you screw up alerting him while going for the kill. You can ignore the big Nazi robot mech unit.
Lambo says
A great mission to farm Enigma codes is Manhattan Penthouse. There are three guards along with the commander. Guard 1 is on your level looking over the railing. Stealth kill him from behind. Guard 2 patrols the floor below wait till he walks to the corner near the bottom of the left stairs. Sneak up behind and kill him. Leave Guard 3 and head into the room behind the stairs to see the Commander sitting on the couch. Do a manual save and use a silent pistol head shot to take him out. Grab the Enigma code then reload your save and repeat or as long as you want. Each time you kill the Commander you get another code piece.
Matthew says
Pretty frustrated that you didn’t state the Ghost trophy is in fact MISSABLE. I know this is old, but damn. Would’ve been nice knowing up front not to clear all commanders or else I can’t unlock this. Having to start yet another new game.
PowerPyx says
Hmm I thought it was just glitchy, as you can replay the level and a new commander spawns. But it indeed looks like the commander that spawns on replay doesn’t count for unlocking the trophy. Not entirely sure if this is just a glitch or intented to be missable. But you’re right, this needs some clarification in the guide. I’ll add a note.