Centuries of Glory Burned Away is the 8th main mission in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of the Centuries of Glory Burned Away Main Quest.
Recommended Level: 43
Region: Tyranny
Requirement: having completed The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass
Reward: Heatproof Ice x1, Rank 5 Steel x2, Wolf Fang Club x1, Bronze Liubo Dice x1, Tenghse’s Jade, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu reinforcements, Guidance of the Constellations,
Heroes Will Rise
Battle Flag 1
From Battle Flag 1, head right to find Tiger Seal x3. Now return to the Battle Flag and continue downstairs and along the road until you can enter a building via some rooftops.
Here, kick down the water pot to clear the way.
Drop down and kill the Fanatics in the area, including the one throwing fire bombs from the roof. Then, continue on and into the room with a chest. Exit the building and you’ll find Battle Flag 2 on your left.
Battle Flag 2
Left of the Battle Flag is Luoyang Townswoman’s Last Words tablet. Be careful of the ambushing Huoshu before picking it up that’s hiding behind the wall.
From the tablet’s location, head left to enter a street with a patrolling soldier and an archer.
Once you see the soldier, head left again and past the fire to find a Golden Cicada Shell.
Opposite the Golden Cicada Shell, in a dead end, is a Shitieshou.
Now continue into the building where the archer was and climb up the ladder, then turn around to find Marking Flag 1, which is basically above the archer’s location.
Now exit the building from the other rooftop and kick down the water pot, then perform an aerial surprise attack on the big Huoshu below.
If you check the road that was blocked by the fire, you should see a dragon in the distance. Do not go down this road just yet. Instead, return to Battle Flag and face it. Now, head all the way to the right to find Marking Flag 2.
Now go down the central path to reach a corrupted area. At the entrance are two Demonized Officers. Try to lure one without altering the other. Taking on one at a time is much more feasible than doing them together. Once you’ve killed either, you can sneak up on the other one from the side for a stealth strike.
Facing the temple entrance, if you head left you’ll be able to spot a Marking Flag at the end of the hallway. However, for the time being, you can’t access it as it’s trapped by fire. We’ll get to it later. Enter the temple and get rid of the spear-wielding Corpse Demon who is controlling the corruption. Once he’s dead, raise Battle Flag 3.
Battle Flag 3
Past the bridge you can find Colorfully Shining Well Writings tablet.
We can now head down the road with the dragon we unlocked earlier. The next section can be very stressful if you don’t take down the dragon. So, this is exactly what we’re going to do and simultaneously nab Heroes Will Rise: first off, continue down the road (there’s only one way to go here luckily) and you’ll eventually reach Battle Flag 4.
Battle Flag 4
At the Battle Flag, equip your most powerful ranged spells. Then, retreat and stand under the wooden walkway that was just before the Battle Flag. From here, cast your spells to whittle down the dragon’s health. Once his health is 3/4 down, he will leave the area and you’ll get Heroes Will Rise. This can last a bit depending on the strength of your spells, your Virtue levels and your Morale Rank. Just keep at it and retreat when he’s about to summon lightning bolts from the sky. When he leaves, you can explore the area less stressfully.
Return to Battle Flag 4 and go up the rooftops opposite it, then kick down the water pot.
Now drop down and go back up to the rooftops again. Now walk along the rooftops, past where the dragon’s tail was until you can drop down again to find a ladder. Climb up this ladder and drop down for Marking Flag 3.
Now go back up the same way and down the ladder and climb up the rooftops opposite the ladder. Continue along them to find a water pot you can drop down.
From the water pot location, you should see a ladder to your right. Go down this ladder to find Dragon Vein Crystal.
Then, go back up and exit the area. Continue on the main path until you see some broken bridge stairs on your left. Opposite the stairs is the door leading back to Battle Flag 3.
Rest at Battle Flag 3 and then head left and up the ledges to drop down a water pot giving you access to Marking Flag 4.
Now continue up the opposite way until you see a hole in the wall. Drop down the hole to get to Marking Flag 5.
Now drop down to the side to find a small side alcove with a Demon Spider and a Golden Cicada Shell.
Now continue along the water and into the tunnel to eventually reach an area with some Shuigui.
At the very end of the water section is Marking Flag 6.
Now go up the stars and raise Battle Flag 5.
Battle Flag 5
Continue along the path until you can go over some broken rooftops and you’ll be invaded by Niu Fu.
Let him come to you, defeat him and then vault over the hole in the wall that is opposite the broken rooftops from before.
Go up the path to find Marking Flag 7 and a shortcut.
Now go to the main square where you ‘ll find a Corpse Demon controlling the Battle Flag’s corruption. Then, raise Battle Flag 6, the final one for this mission.
Battle Flag 6
Left of the Battle Flag, all the way at the back, is Marking Flag 8, the final one for this mission, protected by a Suanyu.
Facing the Marking Flag, climb up the rooftop on your left and drop down inside. In the corner you can find Civil Officer’s Last Words tablet.
Taotie Boss Fight
Taotie is a massive abomination with the face of a man and the torso of a sheep. To prepare for this boss fight, prioritize any Water Divine Beast and Spells and its main element is fire. This boss fight has three phases. He may look daunting, but really he is not.
- Phase 1: Phase 1 starts with three crystal projectiles shot directly into the arena. These can be deflected. After, aim to destroy the crystal corruptions at one of his legs. When he stomps his legs, deflect them or dodge away. Always target his legs and when his Spirit gauge is depleted, perform a Fatal Strike on his eye.
- Phase 2: after stabbing his eye, continue chipping away at the crystals on his legs until he drops down again. When he does, use the crystal corruption platforms around his body to get to his back and perform another stab.
- Phase 3: during Phase 3, stay close to him and be ready to deflect his belly-flop. When he scampers off or rolls across the arena, quickly dodge away. When you’ve depleted his Spirit gauge, climb up the head and perform a Fatal Strike on the mouth to end the fight.
What’s actually hard about this fight is not the boss per se, but finding a way to consistently hit him. This boss fight can feel quite chaotic and like you’re hitting nothing sometimes, but as long as you aim at his legs and stay close to him during the phases, it won’t pose too much of a challenge.
This finishes Centuries of Glory Burned Away main quest in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
Next Quest: The Lost Sacred Artifact
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Walkthrough.
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