Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty contains 99 Collectible Locations. This collectibles guide shows all collectibles in each Main and Side mission sorted by recommended level order. Everything needed for 100% game completion and all trophies is included here. There are the following types of Collectibles:
- 31 Tablets –
- 23 Shitieshou –
How Precious!
- 22 Health Upgrades (7 Dragon Vein Crystals and 15 Dragon Vein Essences) –
Pots and Potions
- 21 Golden Cicada Shells –
- 2 Keys
None of the collectibles are missable! You can pick up everything after the story by replaying the relevant missions. Collectibles register as soon as you pick them up, no need to finish the mission. Tablets are found in the wild as glittering gold loot and can be returned to the villager found in the hut opposite the straw silo in the center of Mt. Tianzhushan (hub area). The Shitieshou are small panda cub demons that can be fed with any equipment piece for a random reward in return. Once they’re fed they move to the bamboo area in Mt. Tianzhushan. The Health Upgrades are needed to extend the number of Dragon’s Cure Pots and how much health you can restore per use. Golden Cicada Shells are found in the wild as glittering gold loot and can be returned to the Hermit found atop the tallest tower in Mt. Tianzhushan. Once you find all 20, he then drops a tablet. The 2 Keys are necessary to access an NPC’s house found in Mt. Tianzhushan and find a Dragon Vein Essence.
Village of Calamity
Two Chivalrous Heroes
- Dragon Vein Crystal: after the Zhuyan boss fight halfway through the level, continue up the cliffs and you’ll meet Zhu Xia, a blacksmith. Go past her and continue on to reach the county office building. On the floor.
- Golden Cicada Shell: after the Dragon Vein Crystal, leave the building and immediately turn right to find a platform you can climb up to reach the rooftop. Continue along the rooftop and straight ahead at the split, then left at the first chance.
The Yellow Heaven Burns
- Dragon Vein Essence: from the second Battle Flag in the level, go up the ledges. Continue on and you’ll eventually find a Changgui enemy, next to which is a chest with it.
The Valley of Crying Wraiths
- Golden Cicada Shell: after the Battle Flag near the Changgui, continue up the cliff where a Warlock enemy is. Cross the bridge behind and drop down the hole in the second bridge.
- Shitieshou: much later in the mission, after climbing up a ladder and raising a Battle Flag, continue down the hill to find it on your right.
- Dragon Vein Essence: immediately after the Shitieshou, in the same area where two Changgui are wandering.
The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven
- Shitieshou: inside a corner building full of pots and crates in the village.
- Golden Cicada Shell: on a rooftop in the village, close to the shortcut ladder.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: after opening the fort gate behind a Battle Flag, in one of the side rooms, on bench.
- Tablet (Great Sage Mentor’s Note): as you walk up the stairs behind the pyre, on a ledge on the right side.
The Flying Swallow of Heishan
- Shitieshou: from Battle Flag 1, continue through the battlements until you reach the big gate at the end. Before entering the gate area, check the area right of the gate with the wooden structures. Here you can find the Shitieshou.
In Search of the Immortal Wizard
- Shitieshou: next to the Battle Flag found after the lake with the Shuigui.
- Golden Cicada Shell: when you enter the red corruption cave, walk along the very first branch you see to get to it.
- Tablet (Despairing Taoist’s Note): from the Golden Cicada Shell’s location, jump over the branch in front of you and then climb up the ledges to eventually reach an area with this tablet.
- Dragon Vein Essence: continue along the branches behind the tablet’s location to get to it.
- Taoist’s House Key: from the last Battle Flag, continue up the branch and check behind the left stone lantern.
Shadow of the Sacred Mountain
- Shitieshou: after raising the Battle Flag that was guarded by a Changgui, continue down the stairs and you’ll find it in a small wooden alcove on your left.
Fall of the Corrupted Eunuch
- Golden Cicada Shell: a bit into the mission, you’ll reach the lit part of a bridge. From here, head downstairs using the stairs. Defeat the two Huoshu then enter the prison cell in the corner to find it.
- Tablet (Prisoner’s Last Words): face the Battle Flag 2 at the bottom of the prison where the purple-glowing water is as if you were to return to the beginning of the area and head left. Continue along the prison cells until you can enter one with a hole in the wall. Vault over this wall, kill the Huoshu and then grab the tablet.
- Dragon Vein Essence: face the Battle Flag the same way again and enter the room on your left, past the ladder. Go around this room to find a door to unlock and find a Marking Flag. Exit the prison cell and flank the left side until you reach another locked door behind the big rock. It’s inside this room. Requires Luoyang Dungeon Keys found in a room near the Battle Flag in the purple glowing water.
- Tablet (Magnate’s Note): after defeating the Baishe boss, continue through the mission as normal. You’ll eventually reach a scroll library with a Battle Flag. From the Battle Flag, go up the stairs to eventually find a small bookcase you can vault over leading you to a room with a ladder and a hole in the ground. In the same room, hidden behind some destructible crates.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: when you get to the courtyard with the ponds, face the Battle Flag and the temple entrance, and head all the way to the right corner of the room to find it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: on the rooftop above the Battle Flag.
- Shitieshou: face the Battle Flag and the temple entrance. Then, turn around and continue past the bridge to find another white-painted ledge you can climb on. Continue along the roof to find it.
Escape From the Capital
The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass
- Tablet (Sun Jian Soldier’s Letter): you’ll eventually have to clear an encampment to uncorrupt a Battle Flag guarded by a big axe-wielding soldier. As soon as you enter the camp from the main entrance, check inside the first tent on your left.
- Dragon Vein Essence: from the same camp, man the ballista right of the Battle Flag and destroy the wooden barricade on the scaffolding in front of you. Then, climb up the platforms to reach the chest with it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: from the chest, drop down and head left. You’ll eventually reach the battlefield with a Changgui demon perching on a ledge on your left. Drop down into the chasm and you’ll find it at the end.
- Tablet (Coalition General’s Diary): in the middle of the battlefield on a corpse, where you have to fight the mini-boss in order to be able to raise the Battle Flag in front of the main gate.
- Shitieshou: from the Battle Flag in the middle of the battlefield, make your way up the left battlement. When you reach the top, go right to find in a building opposite the Zhuyan.
Centuries of Glory Burned Away
- Tablet (Luoyang Townswoman’s Last Words): left of the second Battle Flag, near an ambushing Honshu’s location.
- Golden Cicada Shell: from the tablet’s location, head left to enter a street with a patrolling soldier and an archer. Once you see the soldier, head left again and past the fire to find it.
- Shitieshou: opposite the Golden Cicada Shell, in a dead end.
- Tablet (Colorfully Shining Well Writings): in the courtyard area where you have to uncorrupt a Battle Flag guarded by a Corpse Demon, near the pond bridge.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: after disposing of the lightning-summoning dragon, return to the nearby Battle Flag. Go up the rooftops opposite it, then kick down the water pot. Now drop down and go back up to the rooftops again. Now walk along the rooftops, past where the dragon’s tail was until you can drop down again to find a ladder. Climb up the rooftops opposite it and continue along them to find a water pot you can drop down. From the water pot location, you should see a ladder to your right. Go down this ladder to find it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: you’ll eventually have to drop down a hole in the wall to reach a Marking Flag on a small platform in the water. From the platform, facing the end of the canal, drop down to the left to find a small alcove with it.
- Tablet (Civil Officer’s Last Words): left of the final Battle Flag, all the way at the back, is a Marking Flag. Facing it, climb up the rooftop on your left and drop down inside. You’ll find it in a corner.
The Lost Sacred Artifact
- Shitieshou: you’ll eventually have to drop down into the water. Continue along the water to find it, behind the stronger version of a Shuigui.
Darkness Over the Hanshui River
- Golden Cicada Shell: from the start of the mission, head right, defeat the Shuigui and then drop down from the top of the wooden shipwreck at the end to land on a platform with it.
- Tablet (Brocade Sail Pirate’s Scribblings): much later in the mission, when you reach land again, you’ll have to defeat a Shuigui going to and fro on a small puddle. Behind it is a pier you can walk along to reach a white-painted ledge guarded by a Demonized Officer and a Warlock. Kill them, then climb the boat. Go lower deck and in the back you’ll find this in a small chest.
- Shitieshou: go back and go past the gate guarded by two Fanatics. Uncorrupt the Battle Flag and then check the buildings opposite it to find it.
- Dragon Vein Essence: from the mission’s final Battle Flag, head left and grab the item at the end. Then, turn around to find a small wooden balcony. Double-jump to it and enter the hut to find a chest with it.
- Tablet (Xingyang Townswoman’s Diary): return to the Battle Flag and this time head right. Right after the broken half of the barricaded bridge, enter the house on the left to find it.
Tyrant’s Final Banquet
- Tablet (Meiwu Fort Guard’s Note): after Battle Flag 2, continue along the rooftops. Watch out for the ambushing Ninja at the bottom of the ladder. Continue along the same set of rooftops and head for the corner.
- Golden Cicada Shell: after being invaded, continue into the second fort section, then use the rooftops to get to it on a small rooftop above the entrance.
- Tablet (Meiwu Fort Jailer’s Note): from the Battle Flag in the cave, head downhill and defeat the Demonized Officer patrol. Immediately after the Demonized Officer, you’ll reach a fork, with a path going uphill and one leading to a big arena. Go uphill, but watch out for the Demonized Officer hiding around the corner, then grab it from the cabinet.
- Shitieshou: still in the caves, you’ll eventually reach a room guarded by a Zhupolong. This is right where he is. Hard to miss.
- Dragon Vein Essence: same area, on a hanging rope cage above the Shitieshou.
- Tablet (Entertainer’s Diary): from the Battle Flag in the bamboo garden, climb up the fence that’s opposite the bridge.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: run along the fence to be able to sneak up on the axe-wielding soldier. After killing the axe-wielding soldier, continue along the fence and reach the corner, then vault over it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: a bit later, after defeating a Fengxi mini boss and raising the Battle Flag, you’ll reach an area guarded by a Changgui. Climb up to very top of the roof to find it.
Fate of the Entertainer
- Shitieshou: from Battle Flag 2, in the bamboo garden, flank the left side past the statue to find it.
- Tablet (Entertainer’s Scribblings – Part 1): now defeat all Demons, including and especially the Changgui and the Demonized Officer. Then, climb up the stairs to the left to find it.
- Dragon Vein Essence: on top of the pond bridge near a patrolling Changgui.
- Tablet (Entertainer’s Scribblings – Part 2): from Battle Flag 3, you’ll find it on your way downhill to the boss.
War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely
- Shitieshou: halfway through the mission, you’ll have to kill a spearman controlling a Battle Flag’s corruption. Then, continue past it and branch off to the left as soon as you can. In an alley to the left you can find a soldier guarding it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: continue along the scripted path and when you get to a split, head right, then right again to find a spear-wielding soldier protecting a chest. Kill the soldier, then open it to find it.
- Golden Cicada Shell: you’ll eventually reach a room in the sewers with two terracotta soldiers on top of a platform guarding a chest. Inside it is the shell.
- Dragon Vein Essence: after the next Battle Flag, you’ll have to drop down to drain the canal. After draining it, return to the ladder that you used before to get to this area and drop back down into the sewers. From the bottom of the ladder, get past the two stone soldiers to get to a canal that you couldn’t cross earlier. Drop down, then back up again to find it atop some rubble.
- Taoist’s Backyard Key: in the sewers area with there three Shuigui. From the entrance of this room, check the first hallway on your left.
The Uninhibited Heart
- Tablet (Indulgent Military Advisor’s Diary): next to Battle Flag 2.
- Dragon Vein Essence: from the tablet’s location, drop down the ladder and head all the way to the right to find a drained canal with a Zhupolong. Dispose of it and then climb back up to the other side to find a chest with it.
- Shitieshou: eventually you’ll reach a room with a lightning-summoning Warlock. Use the pillars in the room to get to a hidden alcove with a long ladder you can climb up. At the top is the Shitieshou.
The Way of the Warrior
- Golden Cicada Shell: from Battle Flag 1, continue on until you get to a broken branch leaning out. From here, drop down to the left and wade through the muddy stream to get to a side area defended by a Zhupolong. Defeat it and then grab the shell by the tree.
- Shitieshou: you’ll eventually reach a village. In here, cross the bridge and raise the Battle Flag. Diagonally opposite the Battle Flag on a small ledge is the Shitieshou.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: you’ll eventually have to defeat a big terracotta soldier and raise a Battle Flag. Once you have, in the chest behind it.
Lu Bu, Mightiest Among Men
- Shitieshou: later in the mission, you’ll enter a round room with a big statue in the middle. Get to the top and you’ll meet an axe-wielding soldier. Across from where he is stationed, on a platform on the back of the statue.
- Dragon Vein Essence: after draining the area, continue on and defeat the Zhupolong. Raise the Battle Flag and go past the two Shuigui. Enter the building with the human soldiers and when you reach the exit, turn right and right again, flanking the water. Continue on to get to this health upgrade.
- Golden Cicada Shell: when you reach the top of the wall overlooking the wooden fort, drop down and make your way to the staircase. Go up the stairs and head left to find it behind a wooden structure.
Behold the Glaive of Righteousness
- Tablet (Cao Cao Soldier’s Note): much later in the level, you’ll get to a foggy area. Once you do, continue along the main path to find a Changgui. Defeat it and then climb up the long ladder that was behind the Changgui and cross the bridge. At the end of the bridge, go left and kick down the shortcut platform. Now climb up the white-painted ledge and head left to find it.
- Shitieshou: from the tablet, climb up the wooden scaffoldings and head to the rooftop, then drop inside it (not where the Demonized Officer is, but immediately below the rooftop). Once inside, use the broken platforms to get to it.
- Dragon Vein Essence: climb the same ladder you used to get to the tablet’s location, but this time head right. You can find this past two soldiers.
- Golden Cicada Shell: in the same general area is a wandering Suanyu. Near the Suanyu’s patrolling route is a small tower you can climb up. Then, grab the shell from the branch.
- Tablet (Yan Liang’s Note): continue on until you reach a corrupted area with a Warlock casting spells from a platform above. Get to this platform to find it.
- Tablet (Tomb Robber’s Letter): in the underground area, in a room with a red crystal at the entrance.
- Golden Cicada Shell: you’ll eventually reach a room with two big sword-wielding terracotta soldiers guarding a door. Ignore them for now and climb the ledges. At the top, you’ll notice a hole in the ground with a ladder going down. This leads you to a shortcut ladder that, in turn, leads you back to the Battle Flag in the area. Activate the shortcut and then go back up and kill the Houshu near the red crystal. Behind the red crystal you can find the shell.
- Dragon Vein Crystal: now you can go and take on the two big terracotta soldiers which shouldn’t be too hard to take down. Open the door and immediately turn left. Flank this side and get to the other side of the room to get behind the Leishi demon wielding a hammer. Grab it from the tomb behind him.
The Assault On Wuchao
- Shitieshou: before a Battle Flag, in the same hallway where you fight against a Leishi.
- Dragon Vein Essence: after raising the Battle Flag near the Shitieshou, go into the room with the crystallized corruption and watch out for the ambushing spiders on the ceiling. Then, open the chest.
Let’s Make Our Armor Shine!
- Shitieshou: from the second Battle Flag, climb up the nearby ladder to get atop the boat, then continue down the pier on the other side. Here, defeat the solider and then unmoor the raft. Continue along the pier to eventually climb up a ladder. Get around to find a Marking Flag. Continue to the very top of this boat to find the Shitieshou.
Decisive Battle of Guandu
- Tablet (Disheartened Yuan Soldier’s Note): from Battle Flag 1, drop down below and you’ll find it in your path.
- Tablet (Yuan Zhao Assassin’s Note): after raising the second Battle Flag, you’ll have to walk up some crystallized branches to reach an area with a wandering Changgui and a Demonized Officer defending the main. Defeat both, then go past where the Demonized Officer was to reach a house where you can find this tablet.
- Golden Cicada Shell: when you reach the statues, head behind the second one on the right to reach a small hidden ledge with a this shell.
- Tablet (Cao Cao Army Prisoner’s Note): proceed up the crystallized branch to reach an encampment. Get to the very top of the encampment to find another crystalized branch leading you to it.
- Dragon Vein Essence: you’ll eventually reach a Zhuyan going to and fro. Near the Zhuyan is a house with a Huoshu hidden behind it. Go past him down the ledges to reach a house with a chest.
- Shitieshou: after the last Battle Flag post first boss fight, drop down into the area below it to find this Shitieshou.
- Golden Cicada Shell: behind the Shitieshou.
Heirloom Seal of the Realm
- Shitieshou: from the start of the mission, open the gate and head left. Continue along the street until you can fight a Warlock. Climb up the platform near the Warlock to find an opening. Climb through it, then go to the very end of the other side to find it.
The Crouching Dragon Roars
- Tablet (Blindfolded Boy’s Note – Pt. 1): right at the start of the mission, in the house behind you.
- Tablet (Blindfolded Boy’s Note – Pt. 2): same house as the tablet above.
- Tablet (Frightened Merchant’s Note): in plain view as you make your way through the village.
- Tablet (Villager’s Note): from the previous tablet’s location, continue up the stairs until you get to a fork with some stairs leading up and a series of platforms on your right. Go all the way to the right past the final platform to find this tablet.
- Tablet (Yellow Turban Bandit’s Note – Pt. 2): continue up the stairs to find it.
Let’s Make Our Halberds Shine!
- Shitieshou: you’ll eventually reach a village. Get to the very end of the village until you see three dogs guarding it.
Mt. Tianzhushan Hidden Village (hub area)
- Golden Cicada Shell: base of the village’s tallest tower.
- Tablet (Pining Woman’s Note): behind a house left of the Battle Flag.
- Dragon Vein Essence: requires Taoist’s House and Backyard Keys, found in In Search of the Immortal Wizard and War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely respectively. Once you have notes Keys, enter the woman’s house in the Village and continue along the ledges in the back to find it.
- Tablet (Golden-Cicada-Obsessed Hermit’s Scribblings): spawns after giving the Hermit all 20 Golden Cicada Shells. He drops it on the same rooftop he’s on. If he doesn’t, reload the area from the Battle Flag and it should be there.
These are all the Collectibles in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
All Collectibles by Type:
- Walkthrough – All Missions & Battle Flags
- All Collectible Locations
- Shitieshou
- Tablets
- Dragon Vein Crystals & Essences (Health Upgrades)
- Golden Cicada Shells
- Wizardry Spells
- Boss Guide (All Bosses)
- All Divine Beasts
- Trophy Guide & Roadmap
joker says
As someone plat nioh 1 , nioh 2 and sekiro still the game 5/10 difficulty??
Luwen says
Imo Wo Long is way easier than Nioh 1/2 and Sekiro.
Especialy in terms of combat and boss design. If you platinumed Nioh 1 it will feel like a breeze
Dynamite says
Can you find the items which wasn’t picked up in ng+,too? Because i dont want to replay on normal
FranciRoosters says
Yes, you can.
Arenafighter says
Can I see somewhere what is collected or not??
So when I miss one Panda ore anything else?
Bucky says
Is there any way to see what ones I’ve already gotten? Kinda like the kodama icon in Nioh 2’s map section.
FranciRoosters says
No, they’re not tracked unfortunately.
Killbomb says
Thanks for the guide. Was kind of a pain finding the bears and the Dragon Pot upgrades I missed but I got it done.