Until Dawn PS5 Remake contains 125 Collectible Locations (36 Totems, 79 Clues, 10 Interactables).
This guide is updated for the 2024 PS5/PC Remaster and it can not be used for the PS4 version, because almost all collectibles have a new location. For PS4 version guide refer to Until Dawn PS4 Collectible Guide.
Finding all Collectibles unlocks the following Trophies & Achievements:
- You Opened Their Eyes
– The group found all the clues from the Mystery Man Clueline
- The Fateful Descent
– The group found all the clues from the 1952 Clueline
- It’s Shining
– Find all the new interactables across Blackwood Mountain
- An Omen?
– The group found all 36 totems on the mountain
You can also pick up missing items via episode select after beating the story. Episode select allows you to go back and change your decisions. For It’s Shining you must collect them all in one playthrough. but for the other collectibles you use episode select to save characters from dying, but will have to replay all episodes from that point on.
#1 Death Totem 1: As soon as you have the possibility to control Beth, do not interact with the laptop on the kitchen island. Instead, go straight out through the door on the left and go through a second door, and then downstairs. The totem is in front of the fence at the end of the path.
#2 Interactable: – Inside the House, do not interact with the laptop on the kitchen island yet. Instead go behind the fireplace, in the small room behind it there is a camera on the table, which is one of the new interactables.
#3 Interactable: Go to the kitchen island inside the House. The laptop is a new interactable.
Chapter 1
#4 Guidance Totem 1: When you enter the location you have the cable car station to your right. Go left here and stick to the left side. The totem is on the broken part of the fence behind the car.
#5 Mystery Man Clue 1 – Wanted Poster: It’s on the right side of the cable car station.
Chapter 2
#6 Mystery Man Clue 4 – Axe Holder: Shortly before you enter the building, the axe holder is to your left on the house. You can not miss it.
#7 Mystery Man Clue 2 – Newspaper Fragment: Right after you enter the building, turn left and enter the door on the back left side of the room. The clue is on the shelf.
#8 Loss Totem 1: From the previous collectible, exit the little storage room, and go to the corner on the other side (opposite where you entered the building) to find the totem on the ground.
#9 The Twins Clue 4 – Family Portrait: You find this shortly after you enter the corridor from the previous room with two collectibles, on the left side.
#10 The Twins Clue 3 – Prom Night Photo: After you leave the corridor, immediately turn right and enter the big open room. Go straight forward to find the photo on a table next to the big staircase.
#11 Mystery Man Clue 3 – Answerphone Message: After picking up the previous collectible, go right and enter the dining room and interact with the phone.
#12 The Twins Clue 2 – Beach Photo: Go down the big staircase and the photo will be in front of you on the shelf.
#13 The Twins Clue 1 – Film Trophy: Now go upstairs, on top you can turn right or left. Turn left twice. You will find the trophy on a shelf at the end of the path after you pass an entrance.
#14 Guidance Totem 2: Now enter the entrance next to the shelf, turn left, and go through the door. Follow the path around to find the totem on the ground.
#15 Danger Totem 1: After a cutscene where you let everyone into the house and after a conversation between Matt, Mike, Emily, and Jessica you will play as Mike. Jessica will go downstairs, before you do this go past the stairs to find the totem on the ground.
#16 Fortune Totem 1: Mike and Jessica will enter a mine, and shortly after you will pushing a cart. After this go straight forward and don’t go left. You will find the totem at the end of the path.
#17 Mystery Man Clue 5 – Cigar Stub + #18 Mystery Man Clue 6 Mystical Symbol: Right after the previous collectible, follow Jessica and go upstairs and turn right. You will find the Cigar Stub on a barrel and the Mystical Symbol on the wall next to the barrels.
#19 1952 Clue 1 – Mine Danger Map: Right after the previous collectibles follow Jessica. After a little jumpscare, you will see the map on a table to the right.
#20 Loss Totem 2: Shortly after finding the map you will exit the mine. After a little walk, Jessica will look through a telescope, and soon after she will go downstairs. After a jumpscare turn around to find the totem on the ground.
#21 Mystery Man Clue 8 Postcard: Shortly after the previous collectible a cutscene with Sam in the bathroom will start. After the cutscene exit the bathroom and turn left to enter the bedroom. The postcard is on the bedside table.
#22 1952 Clue 5 – Tattoo Card: In the same bedroom as #21. The card is on the table next to the TV.
#23 The Twins Clue 6 – Compatibility Test: Same bedroom as #21 and #22. Go around the bed and enter the closet to find this test on the ground.
#24 Mystery Man Clue Clue 32 – Cigar Stub: After you get out of the basement with Sam and Josh a cutscene will start. After this cutscene, you will play as Matt. Don’t follow Emily here, instead turn around and go behind the lodge. You will find this Cigar Stub on the ground next to where collectible #6 was.
#25 Interactable: After you follow Emily for a bit and after a little jumpscare with a light turning on, you will have a small conversation with Emily in front of a gate. After this, don’t follow Emily, instead turn around and follow the path. The interactable is behind a swing on the ground.
#26 Death Totem 2: Soon after Collectible #25 you will reach a picnic table and a small cutscene starts. The totem is behind the table on the ground.
#27 Mystery Man Clue Clue 31 – Pig Head Note: At the end of the chapter you have to interact with a note below a pig head, flip it over for the clue to count.
Chapter 3
#28 Hunger Totem 1: At the beginning of chapter 3 you will play a game of Oujia. After this, you will control Mike. Move forward until you reach a vehicle. To the left of it, you will find the totem on the ground.
#29 Guidance Totem 3: Shortly after you meet Jessica again, you will come across a tree with a heart carved into it. Stick to the left side of the path and move forward until you can go left again. Follow the path to the left until the end to find the totem on the ground.
#30 Interactable: Soon after #29 you will reach a wooden bridge. Just in front of it is a bench with the interactable in front of it.
#31 1952 Clue 3 – Old Mask: After a jumpscare with a deer you will reach a cabin with Jessica. The clue is inside the cabin on the right side.
#32 Mystery Man Clue 7 – Native American Book: After being chased by the monster, you will reach a big cabin where you have to lit a fire. The book is on the left corner of the cabinet on a little table next to the fireplace.
#33 The Twins Clue 7 – Tennis Photo: From the previous collectible go to the other side of the cabin into a small corridor. The photo is at the end of the corridor on a table.
#34 The Twins Clue 9 – Hannah’s Glasses Case: After a cutscene where Jessica is kidnapped you will control Ashley. Don’t follow Chris downstairs, instead turn around and go right. You will find it on a table.
#35 Guidance Totem 4: From #34, go downstairs now with Chris. Before you enter the next room you will find the totem on the ground right next to the stairs.
#36 Mystery Man Clue 10 – Light From Below: From #35, just enter the room next to you and immediately turn left to find the light on the ground.
#37 The Twins Clue 8 Portrait Photo and #38 Mystery Man Clue 9 – Threatening Letter: For story purposes, you have to press a secret button on a shelf. Inside the secret room, you get both clues with one photo. Pick it up from the table and flip it around.
#39 Mystery Man Clue 11 – Native American Letter: From #37 and #38 leave the secret room and turn left, leave the room and turn left again. Turn left one more time and enter the now open door. At the end of the hallway turn left to find the letter on a table.
Chapter 4
#40 Fortune Totem 3: As Mike you have to rescue Jessica, you will reach a building. Go downstairs here. You are supposed to go to the left. Go right to find the totem on the ground.
#41 Interactable: A little bit later into the mine, after you find Jessica, you will go after the killer. You will either slide under a gate or crawl through a tunnel to the right of the gate. Either way, move forward and you will reach a little hut. The interactable is on the table inside the hut.
#42 Hunger Totem 2: From #41 turn around and go right up the little three steps staircase. Immediately turn left and go into the little passage. The totem is at the end on the ground.
#43 Mystery Man Clue 15 – Pig’s Head: Once you play as Chris you have to leave the lodge and go downstairs. Follow the long snowy path and stick to the left side, take the first left you can, and follow the path to the end. You will get a jumpscare and also find the pig’s head on the ground.
#44 Death Totem 4: From #43 go back on the main path. Move forward and stick to the right side until you see a lantern in the distance. To your right side, you will see a little area with some crows. The totem is between the crows on the ground.
Chapter 5
#45 Danger Totem 2: At the beginning of chapter 5 you will control Mike. Move forward until you reach a fountain area. The totem is behind the fountain on the ground in front of the fence.
#46 1952 Clue 3 – Administration Notes: When you enter the building through the front door, a cutscene will play. After the cutscene, turn around and back to the door where you entered the building. Look on the left side to find the clue on the table.
#47 1952 Clue 6 – Clocking-in Cards: Near #46 is a door with an Admin sign above. Enter it and immediately turn left. You will find a safe, open it, and interact with the letters in it.
#48 1952 Clue 4 – Broken Camera: From #47 turn around and go to the other side of the room, you will find the clue on a little filing cabinet.
#49 Interactable: From #48 turn around move forward and leave the room through the door on the left side with a Morgue sign next to it. After a little crow jumpscare immediately turn right and enter the first room on the right side. Inside the room turn right again to find the interactable below a first aid kit.
#50 1952 Clue 8 – Old Newspaper: From #49 turn around and move forward and enter the next room through the hole in the wall. You will find the clue on a table on the right side.
#51 1952 Clue 5 – Medical Notes: From #50 leave the room and turn left. You will see a door with the Admin and Morgue sign. Don’t go through it, instead go right here. Enter the first door on the right side of this hallway. You will find the clue on the left side of the room on a table.
#52 1952 Clue 9 – Restraining Chair: Soon after #51 you will get a machete through story progress. Right after picking it up, turn right and move forward into the next room. Open the curtain on the left side to see the Restraining Chair.
#53 Guidance Totem 5: Go back to where you picked up the machete, this time turn left and enter the next area, stick to the left, and pick up the totem from the ground.
#54 1952 Clue 10 – Telegram About Miners: From #53 cross the room, and you will see the shadow of a wulf in a corridor on the other side of the room. This is the exit, but don’t enter the corridor, instead enter the room next to it and you will find the clue on a table.
#55 1952 Clue 12 – Strange Skull: Once you enter the Morgue you will see a trap with a waving hand. Pass it and enter the next room. Here you will find a shelf with some skulls in jars.
#56 1952 Clue 11 – Name Tag: From #55 turn around move forward and open the drawer on the right side. Pull out the wear and interact with the name tag.
#57 1952 Clue 13 – Death Certificate: From #56 turn around, then turn right. You will see two more drawers. Open the right one to find the death certificate.
#58 Mystery Man Clue 12 – Cigar Box: Soon after #58 you will enter the chapel. After a little sequence with a wulf, go to the middle of the room to find the cigar box on a table.
#59 Mystery Man Clue 13 – Clipping Wall: From #58, turn right and move forward into the office to find the wall.
#60 1952 Clue 7 – Mine Rescue Photo: You exit the chapel by shooting up a lock, after that you are supposed to go downstairs. Before you do that, go behind the stairs to find the photo on the ground.
#61 Danger Totem 4: Once you play as Matt follow Emily to the cable car station. You are supposed to enter it, instead, from the entrance turn around and move straight forward. You will find a break in the wooden fence. Pass it and immediately turn right to find the totem on the ground.
#62 Mystery Man Clue 16 – Axe: When you enter the cable car station, you will pick up the axe automatically. Make sure to turn it around, or else it won’t count.
#63 Guidance Totem 6: After you exit the station, you are supposed to follow Emily uphill. Before you do that, turn right and move forward to a little area where you find the totem on the ground.
#64 The Twins Clue 10 – Beth’s Phone: After going uphill, don’t go to the cliffs on the right side. Go left first and enter a little wooden building. Inside you will find Beth’s phone under some planks.
IMPORTANT: Sam MUST escape from the psycho at the end of this chapter. Simply run all the time when you have the option, if there’s no Run option it does not matter what you choose. At the end of the chase, Sam will fall down, then move a little bit forward, at this point, you must hide or you can’t find all the collectibles in chapter 7. Be aware that a quick time event and a don’t move part will occur when you hide.
Chapter 6
#65 Danger Totem 3: After the deer section at the beginning, follow the path until you get blinded by the tower. At this point, don’t go upstairs yet, instead take the right path and stick to the right side until you find the totem on the ground.
#66 Interactable: From #65 move forward to the cliffside, Interact with the right pillar.
#67 The Twins Clue 11 – Hannah’s Poster: After you are inside the tower, open up the locker to find Hannah’s Poster.
#68 Loss Totem 5: Exit the tower through the door and turn right twice to find the totem in the corner on the ground.
#69 The Twins Clue 12 – Beth’s Poster: After you restore the power with the fusebox, enter the tower again and interact with the printer on the right side.
#70 Mystery Man Clue 14 – Business Card: After the tower gets destroyed, you will control Ashley. Right after you control her, turn around and go into the next room near the fireplace. The card will be on a small table.
#71 Mystery Man Clue 19 – Lightbulb Catalogue: After you open the dollhouse a door will open, go through it, and after a jumpscare immediately turn right to find the catalog on a table.
#72 Mystery Man Clue 17 – Hidden Camera: From #71 immediately turn right, it’s behind two boxes.
#73 Hunger Totem 3: Shortly after #72 you will reach an intersection, the same one from chapter 5 ending where you have to hide with Sam. Turn right here to find the totem on the ground.
#74 Mystery Man Clue 18 – Faked Newspapers: Soon after #73 you will have to go downstairs, but before that, go into the room on the right side to find the newspaper in the corner.
#75 Mystery Man Clue 20 – Batteries and Timers: After going downstairs and having a little conversation with Chris, move forward and turn left twice to find the batteries on the ground.
#76 Mystery Man Clue 23 Shortly after #75 you will enter a big room, immediately after entering it, turn left and interact with the hooks on the wall.
#77 Mystery Man Clue 22 – Photo of Friends: After #76, turn right and move straight forward to find the photos on the wall.
#78 Mystery Man Clue 21 – Dead Pig: From #77 turn around and go to the middle of the room to find the dead pig.
#79 Interactable: You can leave the room with #76, # 77 and #78 through a door or a hallway. Take the hallways to the right and at the end go right again to find the interactable and the end of the hallway on a shelf.
Chapter 7
#80 Mystery Man Clue – Death Machine Plans: As soon as you control Sam, turn right to find these plans on the wall.
#81 Mystery Man Clue 30 – Psychiatric Report: Move forward into the room, you will find a desk on the right side in the middle of the room. Open the desk to find it.
#82 Mystery Man Clue 27 – Josh’s Cellphone: From #80 turn around and you will see a shelf on the right side with the phone on it.
#83 Mystery Man Clue 28 – Remembrance Board: From #82 go on the other side of the shelf with the phone, it’s behind two boxes.
#84 Interactable: From #83, turn right move forward, and leave the room through the door on the left side. Immediately after, turn right to find the Snow Globe. Shake your controller to get Carnival of Solitude.
#85 Mystery Man Clue 29 – Voice Recording: Soon after #83 you will reach a closed metal door. Turn left here, pass the stairs and you will see a table on the left side with the clue.
#86 Mystery Man Clue 24 – Video Camera: From #85 go up the little staircase and move forward, You will see another closed door, turn right here and enter the blueish door on the right side. You will find the camera on the right side.
#87 Mystery Man Clue 25 – Dummy in Sam’s Clothes: Right next to #86 interact with the dummy on the seat. This will unlock You Opened Their Eyes if you found all the Mystery Man Clues.
#88 1952 Clue 15 – Miner’s Photo: After you meet Mike while playing with Sam, there will be a cutscene soon after and after this, you will play as Emily. You will be in the mines. Move forward until you see a bunch of minecarts in line. You can not miss that. Right next to the second minecart, there is a green box with the photo in it.
#89 Loss Totem 3: From #87 just follow the path and at the end, you will find the totem on the ground.
#90 1952 Clue 14 – Clocking-in Machine: After you pushed on of the minecarts to open a new path. You will light up a fire automatically. From here turn right to find the machine.
#91 1952 Clue 16 – Miner’s Family Photo: A little while after #90 you will break through a barrier, move a little bit forward and you will see a stranger with a fireball above you. Immediately turn right after this to find the photon in a box on a barrel.
#92 Death Totem 5: Right after #91 you have to climb a wall, do this, and follow the path after. You will reach an intersection. Turn left here and at the end, you will find the totem on the ground.
#93 The Twins Clue 17 – Tattoo Photo: Soon after #92 you will turn on the power in the mines, and shortly after that Emily will try t climb a wall to exit the mine. This will fail, right after that move straight forward to a barrel in fron of you with the photo:
#94 The Twins Clue 13: Hannah’s Glasses: From #93 Turn around and move straight forward to find the glasses on the ground.
#95 The Twins Clue 15 – Marks on Rock: From #94 go around the corner and you will find some metal plates. Move them away to find the clue.
#96 The Twins Clue 16 – Beth’s Cross: From #95 follow the path next to you. You will reach an intersection, go right here and around the corner to find the cross on the ground.
#97 The Twins Clue 14 – Hannah’s Locket: From #96 turn around and move forward into the next section. Move until the end to find the clue on a green barrel.
#98 The Twins Clue 18 – Beth’s Head: From #97 turn around and go through the metal door on the left. You will interact with the head for story purposes. You won’t get a notice you picked it up.
Soon after #98, you will be pursued by a stranger. In the end, you can turn back or hide. You MUST hide in order to get a collectible in chapter 8.
Chapter 8
#99 1952 Clue 17 – Romantic Postcard: After the beginning just move forward and you will see a little opening on the right side. The postcard is on a table.
#100 Fortune Totem 4: Right after #99 you will jump down a ledge. Turn around here and walk till the end to find the totem on the ground.
#101 Danger Totem 6: From #100 go back to where you dropped down and continue with the path, you will pass some minecarts on the left side, and shortly after you will seemingly reach a dead end with the totem on the ground.
#102- #106 1952 Clue 18-22: After you escape the Wendigo as Chris, you will be in the basement of the lodge controlling Ashley. She will automatically pick up a book from the stranger. Each page is a clue. Swipe one time to the left first, then swipe all pages to the right to get all the clues.
Chapter 9
#107 Loss Totem 4: At the beginning of chapter 9 you’ll be in the sanatorium as Mike.Close the door at the beginning and follow the path until you reach the chapel, the same chapel where you found #58 in Chapter 5. You will enter the chapel on the left side, turn right and pass the table where you found #58, and turn right and enter the storage room to find the totem on the ground.
#108 1952 Clue 23 – Makeshift Graveyard: From #107 Turn around and leave the storage room, turn right, and open the metal door. Move forward and leave the building, outside on the right side you will see some little graves. Interact with them.
#109 Hunger Totem 4: From #108 go around the corner and move forward, pass the barrels and you will find some more graves. Interact with the grave next to the barrels.
#110 1952 Clue 24 – Doctor’s Report: A little while after #109 you will have to pull a lever and squeeze through a door. Right after that, go downstairs, turn left, and go into the room to find it on a table.
#111 1952 Clue 25 – Old Film Reel: A little while after #110 you will go through a broken wall. You are supposed to go to the right after, instead turn left and enter the first room on the left side to find the reel.
#112 1952 Clue 27 – Case Study Dossier: From #111 exit the room and turn left, move forward until you see a room on the right side. Enter it and find the clue in the table.
#113 1952 Clue 26 – Suicide Note: From #112 turn left and destroy the wooden wall. Move forward and you will see a dead guy on a chair. Interact with it to get the note and also The Fateful Descent if you found all previous 1952 clues.
#114 Death Totem 3: After a long sequence where you escape some Wendigos, you walk up some stairs. Shortly after that, you can choose to take a left or right door. Take the left door first to find the totem on the ground in the corner.
#115 Interactable: From #114 leave the room and go through the right door. Just go through the room and leave it through a broken wall. Turn left here and move forward. Now enter the first room on the right side to find the interactable on a table. This will unlock It’s Shining (If you found all new 10 interactables) and
Patient Sematary.
#116 Loss Totem 6 After Mike fights some Wendigos you will control Ashley. Follow the group until Sam tries to open a door. With the closed door to the left and the sewer entrance in front of you, turn right, and at the end, you will find the totem on the ground.
#117 Fortune Totem 2: Soon after #116 you will get a prompt to Investigate the noise or Rejoin the group. For the totem, you MUST investigate the noise. Follow the path until you reach an intersection, turn left here. At the end of the path, you will find the totem.
#118 Death Totem 6: From #117, turn around and pass the trapdoor, DO NOT OPEN IT OR ASHLEY WILL DIE). After you rejoined the group with Ashley, you will play as Sam soon after. After you climbed up a wall. Immediately turn left to find the totem on a dead end.
#119 Hunger Totem 5: From #118 turn around and move forward. You will see two ways. One on the left side, stairs to the right side, and another dead end in between them. Take the left one and jump down the ledge. Walk the path all the way to the end and it will split up again. To the right is a lantern and the story path. So take the left side first to find the totem on the ground.
Chapter 10
#120 The Twins Clue 19 – Beth’s Watch: After the Josh sequence at the beginning of chapter 10, you will walk with Mike as Sam. Shortly after you control her, you are supposed to jump into the water. Before you do that, turn left and move forward to find the clue.
#121 The Twins Clue 20 – Scrawled Journal: From #120 jump into the water now and move forward. You will see a water wheel in the middle of the area. Turn left here and climb up the ledge on the left side. Immediately after climbing up, look on the ground on the left side to find this clue. This will unlock The Tale of The Two Sisters if you found all The Twins Clues.
#122 Danger Totem 5: From #121 jump back into the water. This time pass the water wheel and climb up the ledge. After this turn left, walk up the little wooden ramp, and follow the path. The totem is behind the water wheel on the ground.
#123 Fortune Totem 5: Shortly after #122 you will find Josh, as soon as you control him turn around, and move forward you will find the totem inside a dead-end area.
#124 Fortune Totem 6: After the scene with Mike and Josh and the Wendigo in the water, you will play as Matt, Jessica, or both (depending on previous choices). Follow the path until you reach an intersection. You are supposed to go to the right, go left instead where at the end you will find the totem.
#125 Hunger Totem 6: A little while after #124 you will play as Sam again. After you climb a wall, follow either right or left path. It does not matter. You will reach a water section, jump into the water and pass it, climb out of the water, and then immediately turn left to find the totem on the ground in a small dead-end area. This will unlock An Omen? If you found all 36 totems.
That’s all of the collectibles in Until Dawn PS5/PC Remaster.
Serilthas says
Platinum difficulty?
Is this Until Dawn identical to the PS4 original release?
Afrim Zeneli says
In story yes the totems are in different areas and there are new interactions
Lucas Menegheti (biganhaofficial) says
Hey, collectibles guide walkthrough cronological order worked perfectly.
Two days ago did this to Brazilian Community on my channel and can confirm that’s it. Just an additional info, if you do not get #121 first (before #122).. you can’t get until via chapter select because making this will make Josh die and you can’t get it.
Ben says
thank you for this! is the trophy guide and roadmap coming?
InnesJack says
Thankyou for the collectible guide! Can we use the ps4 guide for the majority of the other trophies like save all etc.?
HardyBoy says
Yes, story wise barely nothing has changed and you can use the old guide.
Jayson says
The Twins Clue 6 is not in the guide. Any clues on where it is?
HardyBoy says
It’s #23 in the guide, i just wrote the wrong name there. Sorry. It’s fixed.
ImAPirateSoSueMe says
Yall should note that all 10 interactables have to be obtained in a single playthrough. The trophy will not unlock through Chapter Select, unfortunately.
HardyBoy says
Added. Thanks for the tipp.
Pete says
To add a little to this, while all the interactables need to be picked up in a single playthrough, you can use chapter select to an extent.
I got the first 9 but missed no.10. I then completed the game and used episode/chapter select to go from chapter 9 where the last interactable I needed was and the trophy popped. I’m guessing because the game still recognised me having picked up the other 9 before that chapter it counted as all 10 in a single playthrough. Obviously if you miss the first or second interactable you basically need to do a whole new playthrough, but for folks who only missed the last few they can start from the chapter they appear in.
Marco says
Are you gonna post this guide on YouTube?
Rambo says
The clue 17 – romantic postcard is only findeable if the end of the 7 you succesfully hide.