This Uncharted The Lost Legacy Puzzle Solutions Guide shows how to solve all story-related and optional puzzles in the game. Only chapters 4-7 have puzzles in them.
Puzzles Video Guide
This video contains all puzzles:
Chapter 4 Puzzles
Trident Fort Puzzle
The trident fort is in the south-east of the map, at the top of the waterfall. After killing all enemies you must find 5 wheel symbols hidden around the area. Nadine may also find one or two for you.
After interacting with the wheel door, turn around. The locations are as follows:
#1: In front of the wheel door on the ground.
#2: On the right side, in the ruins on the ground.
#3: On top of the building the middle after the area (from the wheel door move roughly 15 meters in a straight line). On top of the building check the wall.
#4: On the left side, on the left wall of a building at the end of the area.
#5: On the left side, on the building closest to the wheel door. Found on the rooftop.
Axe Fort Trials
The axe fort has 3 trials in it. You must jump on some platforms in the correct combination. If you mess up a statue will hit you with an axe and it resets the platforms. This is scripted, so the solution below will work every time.
Trial #1: Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Left, Up
Trial #2: Up, Right, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up
Trial #3: Up, Up, Down, 5 x Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up
Horse Dial Puzzle (Optional)
This is in the north-west of the chapter 4 map. You have to solve this puzzle for one of the Hoysala Tokens. It’s a dial / disk that you have to spin around, with the picture of a horse.
The trick is to press to push the pieces from the left to the right so you can fit the smallest piece in the inner ring. Once this center piece is in place it gets easier. You now have to put the second smallest piece in place and keep the biggest piece (outer ring) for last. Once you have all 3 pieces in the dial you must align everything to get a horse picture.
- Insert big piece into outer ring.
- Turn outer ring to the right and press
to push the big piece to the right.
- Turn the outer ring and middle ring with the opening to the left. Then insert the medium piece in the middle ring.
- Turn the outer ring to the right, insert the biggest piece in the outer ring again.
- Turn the outer ring to the left, push the biggest piece back to the left.
- Turn the outer ring and middle ring to the right. Put the middle piece on the right.
- Turn outer ring to the left, insert biggest piece into outer ring again.
- Turn outer ring to the right and put the biggest piece on the right side.
- Insert small piece from the left into the middle ring (turn all 3 rings with their opening pointing to the left).
- Push biggest piece from the right back to the left.
- Insert medium piece into middle ring.
- Insert big piece in outer ring.
- Put the picture in place so it looks like a horse and you’re done.
Chapter 5 Puzzles
Shadow Puzzle
You’ll come to a room where statues cast shadows on the walls. There are 12 levers around the room that you can use to put the statues in place. There aren’t really any good reference points here, I recommend you refer to the video for this one. It starts at the 6:58 mark.
Chapter 7 Puzzles
Mirror Puzzle
After climbing the Shiva statue there will be a beam of light coming from Shiva’s third eye. There are 5 mirrors on the other side of the room. The light needs to shine on all 5 mirrors.
- Turn middle platform around. Now align the beam of light with the statues on the left.
- Turn the statue on the left so the light from the middle statue can shine on it. Then fine tune the position so that the light goes in a 90° angle in the direction of the second statue on the left.
- Swing over to the second statue on the left and move it in place, so that the light can reach it.
- Now go to the right side. The statue here is missing. Interact with the mirror and Nadine will pick it up.
- Put the moveable statue on the right in place, so that the blue beam of light can reach it. This triggers a cutscenes and completes the puzzle.
Dial Puzzle
You’ll come to a puzzle room after an enemy encounter. First, you must pull 2 levers. Then there’s a dial with Ganesh on it. The starting position of the dials is random.
Start with the outer rings and put them in place from the outside to the inside. Moving the inner ring moves the other rings, too. But you can readjust the position easily with the third ring. Once all rings are aligned you just need to turn the other ring to put the picture in place. This is what it looks like when done:
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