Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 hours (including all trophies in The Lost Legacy, which you need for
Don’t Ruin The Moment to unlock Platinum in Uncharted 4. About 20-30h for Uncharted 4 and 10-20h for The Lost Legacy).
- Offline Trophies: 101 (1
, 4
, 20
, 76
- Online Trophies: 0 (Legacy of Thieves Collection has all Multiplayer trophies removed)
- Number of missable trophies: 2 (Sharpshooter
, Charted! – Speedrun
- Glitched trophies: 2 (Peaceful Resolution
, Treasure Master
) – unlockable, but can glitch for a small number of players
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you must beat the game on Crushing difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2 (1 x Crushing with Collectibles, 1 x Speedrun)
- Do trophies stack?: Yes, beating Crushing (highest difficulty) unlocks all other difficulty-related trophies.
- Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No. Cheats are unlocked after beating the game on any difficulty (infinite ammo etc.) and can be enabled to unlock all trophies.
- Level Select after Story?: Yes, can use Encounter Select after the story to replay sections and earn remaining trophies. Kill-related trophies can be farmed via checkpoint restart.
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, Trophies and Saves transfer over, see note below Roadmap for instructions.
- Release Date: January 28, 2022
Welcome to the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophy Guide! This is the upgraded PS5 version of two classic titles Uncharted: 4 A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. It comes with DualSense haptic feedback, faster loading times, 3D audio, 4K support or alternatively 120fps support at 1080p resolution.
The trophy setup of this “PS5 Remaster” is quite unique. There is only 1 shared Platinum between Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. The way it’s set up is that The Lost Legacy is a “DLC” list and doesn’t have a platinum of its own. Only Uncharted 4 has a platinum, but for Don’t Ruin The Moment you must have earned all trophies in The Lost Legacy first. So while you get a total of 101 trophies (52 trophies Uncharted 4, 49 trophies Lost Legacy), there’s only 1 platinum for the both of them.
Another difference to the original is that there is no Multiplayer mode and as such all Multiplayer trophies have been removed.
There are two ways you can go about earning the Platinum: Start on Crushing right away to save time and get there quicker or start on a lower difficulty and then replay Crushing with Cheats enabled (obviously easier but you have to do one more playthrough). This leads to the next point – Cheats! They are unlocked after beating the game for the first time on any difficulty but most importantly, they do not disable trophies. Therefore, you can use infinite ammo during your speedrun or Crushing difficulty run or for whatever trophy you want.
Step 1: Complete Story on Crushing, Get All Collectibles, Keep an Eye out for Story-Related Trophies
Crushing is available from the start. It is grayed out in the difficulty options, but you can select it anyway. For Uncharted veterans this is recommended as it is the fastest way to get the Platinum and saves you another playthrough.
Collectibles are never found during enemy encounters, only in climbing and exploration sections. So the difficulty is completely irrelevant for all the collectibles. Follow the collectible guide along the way, see:
Uncharted 4 All Collectibles Locations Guide – Treasures, Conversations, Journal Entries, Notes
If you miss a collectible you can grab it via chapter select afterward.
There are also plenty of story-related trophies that can only be done at one specific spot. Keep an eye out for these, in chapter order:
- Still Got It! (Chapter 4)
- Ghost in the Cemetery (Chapter 8)
- Trials and Tribulation (Chapter 9)
- Not a Cairn in the World (Chapter 10)
- Don’t Feed the Animals (Chapter 11)
- I Can See My House From Here (Chapter 11)
- Glamour Shot (Chapter 11)
- Stage Fright (Chapter 11)
- Marco Polo Returns! (Chapter 12)
- On Porpoise (Chapter 12)
- Peaceful Resolution (Chapter 13 & 14)
- Just Floor It! (Chapter 17)
- Swordmaster (Chapter 22)
- Best Score! (Epilogue)
You can do a playthrough on Explorer difficulty first to unlock Cheats, then use Cheats (infinite ammo, one-hit kill weapons etc.) to get through Crushing difficulty. Cheats don’t disable trophies and make Crushing difficulty a joke.
Step 2: Speedrun & 70% Accuracy
After completing the first playthrough, you unlock Cheats. You can (and should) use them for the Speedrun trophy. See Charted! – Speedrun for all the relevant information. Most importantly, cutscenes add to your time and must be skipped.
When you enable auto-aim in the options and use the Barok .44 revolver with infinite ammo, you should very easily reach 80%+ accuracy for the Sharpshooter trophy.
Step 3: Kill-Related / Miscellaneous Trophy Farming
At this point you will already have unlocked a fair amount of kill-related and miscellaneous trophies. Just mop up what you are missing. You can do all of the kill-related things very quickly by restarting checkpoints in encounter select so this won’t take long at all.
Step 4: Get All 49 Trophies in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
In order to get the final gold trophy in Uncharted 4, Don’t Ruin The Moment, you must earn all 49 trophies in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. This will take about 10-20 hours. Refer to the full trophy guide here:
» Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Trophy Guide & Roadmap
PS4 > PS5 Save Transfer & Auto-unlocking Trophies
Follow these steps to import your old saves and autopop the trophies. If you don’t have your old saves anymore, check PlayStation Plus Cloud as it might have created an automated backup when you played the games on PS4.
- Transfer your Uncharted 4 & Uncharted The Lost Legacy saves from PS4 to PS5 via USB or via PlayStation Plus Cloud. On PS4 go to PS4 Settings > Saved Data Management > Console Storage > Select the saves for the games and either upload to PS+ Cloud or to a USB flash drive.
- On PS5 go to PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS4) > USB Drive / Cloud Storage > copy the save to your PS5 console.
- Launch Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on the PS5.
- Select either Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End or Uncharted: The Lost Legacy from the menu.
- The Story, Options, Extras screen appears (no matter which title you select).
- Select Story, Import Game from PS4.
- The game will look for save game files transferred using the above method.
- *Select the save game file that you wish to import from the list of saved games that appears.
- Your save game file is imported to PS5.
- On the Save screen, select New Game Data to create a save file for Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.
- Continue your adventure from where you left off in the PS4 version.
There are some reports that for some players it doesn’t autopop a few trophies, even from a 100% platinum save. It is believed that this happens for trophies you did via Chapter Select on your original save. The autopops seem a bit buggy but in theory you should be able to autopop everything if nothing bugs out. As long as you get all tedious trophies to autopop you could redo combat-related trophies pretty quickly via chapter select. Alternatively, see if you still have other saves you can retry, or try reinstalling the Collection and re-importing the saves.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophy Guide
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A Thief’s Legacy Collect all the Trophies |
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Earn all trophies in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy & all trophies in Uncharted 4 (aka “Legacy of Thieves Collection” trophy list) to unlock Platinum! Because the Uncharted 4 list includes a gold trophy for also having gotten all trophies in The Lost Legacy, you must complete all trophies in both games to get the Platinum in Uncharted 4. | ||
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Charted! – Explorer Complete the game in explorer mode |
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Unlocked by beating the game on Explorer difficulty or higher. See ![]() |
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Charted! – Light Complete the game in light mode |
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Unlocked by beating the game on Light difficulty or higher. See ![]() |
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Charted! – Moderate Complete the game in moderate mode |
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Unlocked by beating the game on Moderate difficulty or higher. See ![]() |
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Charted! – Hard Complete the game in hard mode |
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Unlocked by beating the game on Hard difficulty or higher. See ![]() |
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Charted! – Crushing Complete the game in crushing mode |
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Crushing mode is available from the start. It is greyed out in the difficulty options, but can be selected anyway. Beating the game on Crushing unlocks all the other difficulty-related trophies. You have to complete every single chapter on Crushing. Doing only the last chapter won’t unlock the trophy.
The damage you take is about the same as hard difficulty. The main difference is that the enemies have better weapons, armour and equipment and spawn in greater numbers. There are plenty of additional enemies that don’t spawn on lower difficulties. You also get less ammo. If you played previous Uncharted games on Crushing there’s no reason why you shouldn’t start on Crushing right away. It will save you another playthrough and reduce the time to platinum. If you don’t mind another playthrough and want to make things easier on yourself, then beat the game on any other difficulty to unlock Cheats and weapon select. With Infinite Ammo, the Barok .44 and Auto-Aim, Crushing is really easy to beat and you can rush through it quickly. Cheats do not disable trophies. You can change the difficulty in the game options at any time. So if you decide Crushing isn’t the right fit for your first playthrough you can still change it later on. For shooting sections keep in mind you can aim “around” the cover by standing behind it and switching the shoulder, rather than leaning against it. This way you can shoot enemies even though they can’t shoot you. Aiming while hanging off a cliff also gives you good cover. The hardest part is the endboss. He can kill you in one hit and his attacks are really fast. The spoiler contains some tips for this fight: You must evade his attacks by pressing My strategy here was to quickly press Some of his attacks (especially spin attacks) are really confusing and it’s hard to see from what side he will attack. After a while you’ll get the hang of it. You just need to learn all his attacks patterns. To make the fight easier you may want to activate the Slow Motion cheat in the bonus menu (under Gameplay Modifiers). It will give you a lot more time to block and you shouldn’t have much trouble beating the boss this way. |
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Charted! – Speedrun Complete the game in 6 hours or less |
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All in all, beating the 6 hour requirement isn’t too difficult with Auto Aim and Cheats. Just remember to skip every cutscene. My Chapter times for reference: Prologue – 0:00 Below are all of the puzzle solutions so you can quickly look them up in the video walkthroughs:
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First Treasure Find a Treasure |
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Treasure Hunter Find 50 treasures |
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Treasure Master Find all Treasures |
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There are 109 pieces of treasure in the game. They are glittering items hidden around the game world.
The following chapters do not have any collectibles in them: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 7. You can keep track of your collectible progress in Chapter Select. There’s a collectible counter for each chapter. The treasures can also be tracked in the pause menu. After getting a collectible it will be saved instantly. You don’t need to reach the next checkpoint and can quit out of the chapter right away. All progress carries over to the next playthrough and you can get missing collectibles via Chapter Select at any time. This is what a treasure looks like: For a full text and video guide refer to: » Uncharted 4 All Collectibles Locations Guide – Treasures, Conversations, Journal Entries, Notes |
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Relic Finder Find the Strange Relics |
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There are 3 Strange Relics you must find for this. They all count as treasures. Chapter 9: Strange Pendant Chapter 12: Strange Relic Chapter 21: Strange Fruit |
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Jot This Down Find a Journal Entry |
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Lost Art of Journaling Find all Journal Entries |
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There are 25 Journal Entries in total. For the entries, you must inspect certain objects in the game world. A ![]() You can keep track of your collectible progress in Chapter Select. There’s a collectible counter for each chapter. In the statistics you can also see your total progress for each collectible type. After getting a collectible it will be saved instantly. You don’t need to reach the next checkpoint and can quit out of the chapter right away. All progress carries over to the next playthrough and you can get missing collectibles via chapter select at any time. This icon will be shown when you can collect a journal entry: Here is a complete Text & Video Guide: » Uncharted 4 All Collectibles Locations Guide – Treasures, Conversations, Journal Entries, Notes |
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Take a Note Find a Journal Note |
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Lost History Find All Journal Notes |
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There are 23 Notes. They are simply pieces of paper you can pick up. Most of them are found on old Skeletons. They aren’t hidden so well, most of them are directly on your path. After getting a note it will be added to your journal where you can read it at any time.
You can keep track of your collectible progress in Chapter Select. There’s a collectible counter for each chapter. In the statistics you can also see your total progress for each collectible type. After getting a collectible it will be saved instantly. You don’t need to reach the next checkpoint and can quit out of the chapter right away. All progress carries over to the next playthrough and you can get missing collectibles via chapter select at any time. This icon will be shown when you can pick up a note: Here is a complete Text & Video Guide: » Uncharted 4 All Collectibles Locations Guide – Treasures, Conversations, Journal Entries, Notes |
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Head of the Class! Defeat 20 enemies with headshots |
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You Have a Head for this Business Defeat 50 enemies with headshots |
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This is very easy and will almost certainly come naturally over the course of your first playthrough. If you have any trouble with it you can farm headshots via encounter select by restarting the checkpoint. After beating the game for the first time you can also activate the “Bullet Speed Mode” Cheat which slows down time while aiming. | ||
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Hangman’s Bullet Perform 20 headshots from the rope |
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Encounter: Drawbridge (Chapter 10) Select the Drawbridge encounter from the main menu (Chapter 10). Make sure you put it on Explorer difficulty and disable Auto-Aim in the control options. There are two ropes in this encounter. The one on the right side works best. Use the rope and wait until it stops swinging. Then shoot the enemies in the head. The AK-47 (or any other assault rifle) work really well for this. You can fire in bursts and should easily get a headshot. The enemies aren’t far away. Some will be standing right in front of you on a building. After killing a bunch of them restart the encounter. Do not complete the encounter! Leave one alive and restart the checkpoint! Each time you load up an encounter your kill counter resets. This means you must do 20 rope headshots in a row via checkpoint restart. If you quit out to the main menu your progress will be lost. This should only take ~5 checkpoint restarts as you can get multiple headshots on each run. |
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Stealth First Ask Questions Later Stealth take-down 5 enemies |
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Shh Sleep Now Stealth take-down 30 enemies |
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Encounter: Bridge (Chapter 8) The bridge encounter in Chapter 8 is perfect for this (you can select it from the main menu). Doing a vertical stealth takedown (drop onto enemy below you) automatically counts as a “normal” stealth takedown at the same time. So when you get the I Thought I Heard Something trophy you will automatically unlock the Shh Sleep Now trophy with it. The very first enemy of this encounter is perfect. After a few seconds he will walk towards you. Then you can drop onto him for an instant knockout. Restart the checkpoint and repeat 30 times. Be aware that if you quit the encounter you’ll have to do 30 takedowns again! You must use checkpoint restart 30 times. Your kill counter resets every time you load up an encounter. |
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I Thought I Heard Something Perform 30 vertical stealth takedowns |
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Encounter: Bridge (Chapter 8) The bridge encounter in Chapter 8 is perfect for this (you can select it from the main menu). Doing a vertical stealth takedown (drop onto enemy below you) automatically counts as a “normal” stealth takedown at the same time. So when you get the I Thought I Heard Something trophy you will automatically unlock the Shh Sleep Now trophy with it. The very first enemy of this encounter is perfect. After a few seconds he will walk towards you. Then you can drop onto him for an instant knockout. Restart the checkpoint and repeat 30 times. Be aware that if you quit the encounter you’ll have to do 30 takedowns again! You must use checkpoint restart 30 times. Your kill counter resets every time you load up an encounter. |
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Run-and-Gunner Defeat 50 enemies from-the-hip or blind-firing |
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Simply run up to enemies (preferably on Explorer difficulty) and press ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Leapfrog Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating gunplay and hand-to-hand |
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Encounter: Ruins (Chapter 8) Select the Ruins encounter from the main menu (Chapter 8). This is a very good place early in the game to get the trophy done. Play on a low difficulty. Always kill one enemy with gunfire, then one with melee attacks and repeat. You need 10 kills total (5 gunfire, 5 melee). All the enemies in this area are really weak so it should be easy. Use Melee kills on the enemies on the ground and gunfire on the ones on the ruins. You can’t reach the enemies on the ruins, so you must reserve your weapon kills for them. If you shoot too many on the ground you might run out of enemies. |
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Unstoppable! Defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying in combat |
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Encounter: Ballroom (Chapter 7) In this encounter you can farm infinite kills. After leaving the ball room, enemies will respawn infinitely on the balconies of the courtyard. Just don’t go to the car or the encounter will end. Two enemies spawn on the left and two on the right balcony. You may want to activate the Infinite Ammo Cheat / Gameplay Modifier from the bonus menu for this. Cheats are unlocked after beating the game for the first time (any difficulty). There’s also a very good chance you will unlock this trophy on your speedrun. You are allowed to die in climbing sections, this won’t reset the kill count. Just don’t die in combat and all will be good. If you want to get this super early in the game you can farm kills in the prologue by ramming boats. Each boat counts as 3-4 kills. Ram three to five boats, restart checkpoint before getting rammed by the big boat, rinse and repeat. |
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Sharpshooter Complete game with 70% or higher shot accuracy |
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*Glitch Warning* There’s a glitch that makes your hit ratio carry over into the new game. If this happens to you, start encounter select and Chapter Select a few times on different difficulty settings. Then start a new game again. Now your accuracy should be at zero. Your accuracy stat has to be 70% at the end of the game for the trophy to unlock. So if you start out with 20% accuracy from a previous playthrough due to this glitch it will be hard to pull off. Make sure your stat is at 0 when the new game begins.The trophy should come naturally on your speedrun. Enable auto-aim in the control options. This pretty much guarantees 70%+ accuracy. I got 83% accuracy without even trying, just because I had Auto-Aim enabled. Make sure you do this in a new game.Auto-Aim is available from the beginning. Later in the game you will come across heavily-armored enemies. Those are perfect to boost your hit rate. Take an automatic rifle and shoot their armour. Even if your hit rate isn’t that great you can easily boost it up at the end by doing this.A perfect farming spot is in Chapter 15, after the tower collapses. There are two heavily-armored enemies that shoot at you with miniguns (after using the rope to save yourself from falling down the tower, before opening a door with Sam). Shoot them with an Assault Rifle and restart the checkpoint or let them kill you.After beating the game for the first time you will also unlock Cheats. There is a Cheat called “Bullet Speed Mode”. It slows down time while aiming, so you can easily hit your targets. If you want to play it safe, enable this Cheat as well as Auto-Aim. The Barok .44 revolver is a very accurate weapon that kills almost everything in one hit. And if you miss a few shots you can easily compensate for it by shooting enemies in the torso with an assault rifle. |
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Rushing Roulette Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in 15 seconds |
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Encounter: Drawbridge (Chapter 10) Select the Drawbridge encounter from the main menu. You will start out with an AK-47, a pistol and a grenade. There are many enemies close together here. Just like the trophy description says, you must do the kills in a specific order: Pistol, AK-47, Grenade. Kill 3 enemies very quickly with the different weapons and the trophy will unlock. Very easy. |
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Ghost in the Cemetery Get through Scotland cemetery combat encounter without killing or being seen |
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Encounter: Dormitories (Chapter 8) Select the Dormitories encounter from the main menu (Chapter 8). This is the graveyard section of Chapter 8 after solving the puzzle in the catacombs. Getting past all enemies unnoticed is pretty easy. The trophy pops when you’ve opened the gate at the other end of the graveyard. You are not allowed to attack anyone and may not be detected. First, climb around the cliff near the catacomb exit. Then go through the bushes / tall grass. Enemies cannot see you while you’re moving in the bushes. You can climb the wall on the right when all enemies have walked away. Now you hear two guards talking to each other in front of the gate. Hang at the back of the wall while they talk. When they’re done talking, climb up and hide for about 5 seconds until the third guard walks away. When all 3 guards on the upper area are facing away you open the gate. If you are being detected simply restart the checkpoint or encounter. |
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Butterfingers Make 10 enemies drop their grenades |
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Encounter: Market Escape (Chapter 11) The perfect place to do this is the start of the Market Escape encounter of Chapter 11. Make sure you put the difficulty on crushing! Enemies throw a lot more grenades on Crushing. On lower difficulties it won’t work so well. Crushing is unlocked from the beginning. You can change difficulty anytime in encounter select or in the pause menu. At the start of the encounter there are 3 enemies. Kill the two on the left that come running. Once they are dead, the remaining enemy on the right will fire his gun at you and follow up with a grenade. Before he throws the grenade (while he is holding it in his hand) you must shoot him. Then he drops the grenade and blows himself up. Restart the checkpoint to farm more kills. If you quit the encounter your kill progress will be reset. So make sure you do 10 in one sitting. To make things easier it is highly recommended that you enable the cheat “Bullet Speed Mode” from the bonus menu. It will greatly slow down time while aiming. This makes it much easier to time your shot. Usually, after the two other enemies are dead, he shoots at you once, goes back into cover and then throws the grenade. Try to kill the other 2 enemies as quickly as possible with clean headshots. If you take too long, Sully might kill the enemy on the right. If you have trouble with Sully killing enemies, try to switch to the cover on the right instead (where Sully starts). |
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Boom County Defeat 4 enemies with the same explosion (all explosive items and weapons apply) |
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Encounter: Showdown (Chapter 20). The easiest place for this is the Showdown Encounter from Chapter 20. Select it in the main menu and play on Explorer difficulty. After killing the first 3 enemies of this area, 4 new ones will spawn close together on a rock. There is a rocket launcher sitting on one of the boxes here. Pick it up and shoot the 4 enemies after they jump down the rock. Aim at the enemy that carries a rocket launcher, he has the strongest armor. This should easily kill all 4 of them. If you don’t get it on your first try simply restart the checkpoint. |
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Defeat 10 in 60 — China Lake GL Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds with the China Lake Grenade Launcher |
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Encounter: Drawbridge (Chapter 10) First you should beat the story to unlock weapon select and the infinite ammo cheat. Without infinite ammo this will be very hard to do because the grenade launcher comes with only 3 shots. You can buy Cheats from the bonus menu and they don’t disable trophies. Now load up the Drawbridge encounter in Chapter 10. It’s important to note that the China Lake Grenade Launcher can only be selected during certain encounters. The Drawbridge encounter is one of them. Activate the infinite ammo cheat and use weapon select to get the China Lake GL. Now shoot the enemies and you should get this easily. You can kill 10 of them in less than 20 seconds. Without the infinite ammo cheat you would run out of ammo too quickly. |
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Hang Tough! Destroy 10 vehicles while being dragged from the rope |
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Encounter: Convoy (Chapter 11) Select the Convoy encounter in Chapter 11 from the main menu. Here you will get dragged by a rope. At the very start of the encounter you can shoot vehicles with your pistol while being dragged. If you shoot them often enough they explode. Put the difficulty on Explorer for this and enable Auto-Aim. Then it’s very very easy. Destroy the first two cars and repeat the checkpoint. Keep repeating this until the trophy pops. When you quit the encounter your progress towards this trophy will be lost. So make sure you destroy 10 vehicles in one sitting. |
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Run the Table Defeat enemies with a stealth attack, melee attack, headshot, and explosives, in that order, in 15 seconds |
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Encounter: Dormitories (Chapter 8) Select the Chapter 8 Dormitories encounter from the main menu. Any difficulty from Explorer to hard is fine for this. The timer starts when you do the stealth kill. Remember you must do kills in a certain order: stealth, melee, headshot, explosive. As soon as the encounter starts, rush to the enemy on the left wall as quickly as you can. Do a stealth kill on him, then roll away and do a melee kill on the other enemy on the wall. If you’re fast enough and roll away he won’t see you. If you’re too slow and don’t roll away you might get spotted and Sam will kill the enemy. After the melee kill you’ll want to jump down into the large enemy group. Use the AK-47 to go for a quick headshot and immediately do a quick throw with dynamite (press It may take a few tries to get the timing down. If you didn’t get the trophy simply restart the encounter to try again. If you have too much trouble with it you may even activate the slow motion cheat in the bonus menu (unlocked after beating game on any difficulty). The game counts time differently in slow motion. |
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Hitting a Brick Wall Defeat 5 armored enemies with melee only |
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Encounter: Avery’s Tower (Chapter 10) Select the Avery’s Tower encounter from the main menu (Chapter 10) and play it on Explorer or Light difficulty. There are two armoured shotgun enemies here. First you need to do a jump takedown to take their helmet off. Then follow up with melee attacks. You are not allowed to shoot them at all (not even the helmet). You can jump on them from the ruins. Simply restart the checkpoint and repeat until you have 5 takedowns. |
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Peaceful Resolution After being marooned, leave everyone alive until the Treasury |
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*Potentially Glitched Trophy* This trophy takes place over the course of Chapter 13 & Chapter 14. It will unlock at the start of Chapter 15. You cannot unlock it in encounter select. It has to be via Chapter Select or in story mode. Make sure you are playing on Explorer difficulty so enemies don’t detect you as quickly. There are 3 enemy encounters in total. One in Chapter 13, two in Chapter 14. In Chapter 13 you can simply rush past the enemies. Just be careful that the enemies don’t kill themselves with explosives (watch out for the grenade launcher enemy on the hill). In Chapter 14 Sam will be with and if you get spotted he will start killing enemies. Neither you, nor Sam are allowed to kill anyone. If you do, you must restart the checkpoint. In Chapter 14 you have to get through all encounters in full stealth. Otherwise the enemies spot you and then Sam kills them. Sometimes, when restarting a checkpoint some enemies simply disappear. This is nothing to worry about and won’t void the trophy. In some sections you may actually want to restart checkpoints just to make more enemies disappear. Just stay stealthy and play it safe. |
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Wingman Perform 10 combo buddy takedowns |
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Encounter: Laundry Fight (Chapter 2) A good place for this is during the fist fight in the prison laundry room (end of Chapter 2). You can go there via encounter select. When one of your friends punches an enemy you must attack that same enemy. Then you will see an animation where both of you knock out the enemy together. There are infinite enemies spawning in that room, so you can take your time (just don’t attack the boss enemy or the encounter will end). |
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Cliffhanger Pull 20 enemies over when hanging from a ledge |
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Encounter: Evasion (Chapter 7) Select the Evasion encounter from the main menu. The first enemy in this encounter can be pulled while hanging from a ledge (press square while you’re on the ledge under him). Restart the checkpoint 20 times and repeat. Be aware that your kill count resets each time you start an encounter. So if you quit the encounter you need to do 20 kills again. You must use checkpoint restart 20 times in a row. |
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Ludonarrative Dissonance Defeat 1000 enemies |
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This trophy will unlock automatically while going for the other trophies. No need to worry about it. Your kills from story mode and encounter select count together. Even though it shows 0 kills when loading up an encounter it will keep counting the kills in the background anyway. The stats are a bit glitchy in general. They may show you less kills than you really have. Worry not, while farming for other kill-related trophies and doing 2 playthroughs this will unlock somewhere along the way. You can also farm kills at the end of Chapter 7, encounter “Ballroom”. There are infinite enemies spawning. Alternatively, you can farm at the start of the prologue by ramming small boats. Each boat counts as 3-4 kills. Restart the checkpoint after destroying three to five boats and repeat. | ||
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Don’t Feed the Animals Play with the lemur in the market and let it steal your apple |
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Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight At the very start of the chapter go to the left of the market square. There are two ladies here who want to sell some apples to you. Buy an apple and go to the man with the lemur at the end of the market. Press |
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I Accidentally All the Guns Use every gun |
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Story-related ones excluded from video (shows first 28 weapons).For this trophy you must kill an enemy with every weapon. There are 30 weapons total, but 2 of them are story-related (a toy gun and a sword). You can select 21 of the weapons in the bonus menu after beating the story. The next 7 you must find yourself and then there’s the 2 story ones.You can get all the weapon kills in encounter select. Your progress will be saved instantly and will be saved when you quit the encounter.The following 21 weapons you can get from weapon select in the bonus menu:1. Aegis 9mm 2. Fossa R-81 3. Raffica 4. Pistole 5. Barok .44 6. Flintlock 7. Para .45 8. AK-47 9. XCR 10. FAL 11. ARX-160 12. HS39 13. Mettler M-30 14. Copperhead SR7 15. MP34a 16. Mazur LDR 17. M14 Custom 18. Spezzotti 12 Gauge 19. Condor 20. China Lake GL 21. RPGThese weapons you must find by yourself: 22. DShK (Machine Gun that is used by heavily armored enemies, some of them have it in chapter 20, encounter “Ship Graveyard”). These weapons are story-related: 29. Toy Gun (Chapter 4 starting room, just shoot around with it) Some people have reported that they had to shoot the propane tank and powder keg mid-air after throwing them. For others this wasn’t necessary. In case the trophy doesn’t unlock for you, try shooting them mid-air. |
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Not a Cairn in the World Knock over all rock cairns in Madagascar |
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For this you must knock over all 16 rock cairns (rock piles) with your car in Chapter 10. Simply drive over them and they will fall apart. All of them are in Chapter 10. Their locations are as follows: #1 – In front of where you start. |
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I Can See My House From Here! Climb to the very top of the Clocktower in the City |
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Chapter 11: Hidden in Plain Sight As the trophy description says you must climb to the top of the clocktower. This can be done when you have to ring the bell near the top of the tower, but the handle breaks. Before you jump on the bell you must climb the wall outside the building. On the area above the bell is a treasure and some wooden beams. Go across the beam in the middle and you’ll be able to climb the back of the wall all the way to the top. Now just stand on the pillar on the rooftop and the trophy unlocks. |
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Trials and Tribulations Solve the first Trial in Scotland in 10 moves or less |
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Chapter 9: Those Who Prove Worthy Shortly after the start of Chapter 9 you come to a room with a puzzle. There’s a big wheel with a switch to the left. Activate the switch to get a water bucket. Fill it with water and bring it back to the wheel. Now the part for the trophy starts. You may only rotate the wheels 10 times to complete the puzzle. The puzzle is randomized, it’s different on each playthrough regardless of difficulty settings. So it’s impossible to give detailed instructions. I was able to complete mine in 6 moves because I got a lucky starting combination, but yours will likely be different. The final picture has to look like this: White cross on left, big cross in the middle, black cross on the right, water bucket in middle of top wheel. Just try around and restart the checkpoint when you know the solution for your puzzle. |
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Best Score! Beat the best score in the retro videogame |
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Chapter: Epilogue You can only do this in the Epilogue (last chapter). It doesn’t work in Chapter 4 when you play the Crash Bandicoot game for the first time. The reason being that you have an extra life in the Epilogue which gives you 500 bonus points. You must beat the highscore of 3500 points. With a few tries this is quite doable. You need to pick up most of the apples, don’t die, and complete the game as quickly as you can. If you are short a few points it’s because you didn’t pick up enough apples or missed the bonus life from one of the boxes. The bonus life is found in a wooden box relatively early in the level. If you don’t pick up the bonus life you cannot beat the highscore. Should you still have trouble with this you can enable the “Slow Motion” cheat in the bonus menu (unlocked after beating epilogue). |
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Gift of Gab Listen to all optional conversations in game |
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There are 36 Optional Conversations. When a conversation is available you will see a bubble over your buddy’s head and a ![]() After getting a collectible it will be saved instantly. You don’t need to reach the next checkpoint and can quit out of the chapter right away. All progress carries over to the next playthrough and you can get missing collectibles via chapter select at any time. This icon will be shown when a conversation pops up: For a full text and video guide refer to: » Uncharted 4 All Collectibles Locations Guide – Treasures, Conversations, Journal Entries, Notes |
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Marco Polo Returns! Play in the ocean near the sunken ship |
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Chapter 12: At Sea From the start of the chapter drive to the left of the big island. There’s a sunken pirate ship here. Swim in the water by the ship and the trophy unlocks. Nice and easy. |
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Stage Fright Just prior to City Chase, stand perfectly still for 30 seconds (stage demo fail) |
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Chapter 11: In Plain Sight After completing the Founders Puzzle in the church you will go back outside to the market square. After opening a door, Sully and you will lean over a balcony (cutscene). Put your controller down and don’t do anything for 30 seconds. Then the trophy pops. |
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Just Floor It! Drive away in the jeep with Elena without killing any enemies |
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Chapter 17: For Better or Worse (Encounter: Get to the Car) During the first enemy encounter in Chapter 17 you must steal a car. Neither you, nor Elena can kill anyone! If you are detected Elena will kill enemies. So you must do it in stealth. Climb around the cliffside and use the rope to get past the enemies unnoticed. On Crushing difficulty they will likely spot you, so put the difficulty to Explorer. Drive off in the car and make sure you don’t run over anyone. If Elena shoots someone during the car ride it will count as a kill too. So do your best to enter the car unnoticed and it should be fine. |
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On Porpoise Get three dolphins to follow the boat |
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Chapter 12: At Sea When the chapter starts you will be driving a boat. Drive it to the back of the main island. There are three dolphins in the water here. We will start with the one closest to the tower island. #1 – Far out in the water (at the back of the tower island) you will see 3 rocks. Near those rocks is a dolphin (to the left of the rocks when you come from tower island). #2 – When you drive in a straight line between #1 & #3 you’ll find this dolphin. At the back of the large island far out in the water. He is swimming around a lot, so his location varies slightly. Sometimes he is further out, sometimes closer to the island. #3 – Near the island with the sunken pirate ship. Basically, you just need to drive in a straight line and should get all 3. Because they are swimming around a little bit their location varies. They are always in the same distance to each other, but sometimes they are further out in the water, sometimes closer to the main island. Sam will also lean over one side of the boat to point you to the next dolphin. Drive in the direction Sam is looking at. |
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Still Got It! Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun |
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Chapter 4: A Normal Life At the very start of Chapter 4 you will pick up a toy gun. There are 4 red targets hanging from the ceiling. Shoot all 4 with the toy gun to unlock the trophy. |
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Glamour Shot Take a photo of Sully |
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Chapter 11: In Plain Sight After ringing the bell at the top of the tower in Chapter 11 you will come to a puzzle room. After inspecting 3 pirate portraits Sully gives you his phone. You are supposed to take a picture of the pirate sigils, but instead you need to aim the camera at Sully and take a photo when he says cheese. If it doesn’t let you move the phone you must increase the sensitivity in the game options. |
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Swordmaster Perfectly parry Rafe in the sword fight without getting slashed or stabbed |
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Encounter: The Duel (Chapter 22) For this trophy you must beat the endboss without getting hit. You can do this via encounter select on Explorer difficulty. If you do get hit you can restart the checkpoint and still get the trophy in the end. Your opponent’s attacks are very slow on the easiest difficulty (Explorer). If you try it on a higher difficulty it will be very hard to do. After beating the game you also unlock the Slow Motion cheat. The cheat does not disable the trophy. So if you have any trouble, enable the cheat and all attacks will be in slow motion, giving you enough time to react. You must evade his attacks by pressing My strategy was to quickly press For some of his attacks it’s hard to see from what side he’s gonna attack (e.g. spin attack). It will take some practice to get to know all his moves. After a while you’ll get the hang of it. Some of his attack combos are always the same at certain points of the fight. Most of the advanced attacks (like the sword spin) hit from the right side. Because you’re allowed to restart checkpoints it’s not so bad. There are several checkpoints throughout the fight. |
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Don’t Ruin The Moment Collect all the trophies in Uncharted™: The Lost Legacy |
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For this you must earn ALL 49 Trophies in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which is part of the “Legacy of Thieves Collection”. This means to earn the platinum in Uncharted 4, you must first have earned 100% all trophies in the second game “The Lost Legacy”.
See the full trophy guide below: |
For Uncharted The Lost Legacy DLC Trophies, see:
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Sam says
The question is now, if you did the exploit for Uncharted 4 to get the under 6 hour/Crushing trophies, will these unlock with save transfer?
Randy says
james says
It does not 🙁
Kimochi says
Shouldn’t the platinum difficulty be lower if you can use cheats?
Jack says
Do you need to have specific saves to transfer? For eg one after speedrun, after crushing? Or just last one is ok, where i got my platinum?
PhantomFear94 says
Someone on PSNP recommended you transfer your saves one by one, and that for them, a few didn’t pop on one file, then did on another, so I would go on the basis that you load them one at a time.
PhantomFear94 says
Thanks for this combined roadmap. I never did 4, have the Lost Legacy PS4 platinum. However, I have a horrible feeling I just deleted my save for “The Way of the Warrior” back in the day. I know for sure I did that last. Will need to wait until I check my PS4, which is at my parents, but I’ve seen others realise this too. Even so; 40 hours for both isn’t too bad I suppose and I’m excited for 4 either way!
PhantomFear94 says
Panic over, checked my PS4 and – although I never uploaded them to the cloud – on console, can clearly see several saves, including 100% ones. Worst case scenario is maybe some miscellaneous trophies if checkpoint re-loads doesn’t count them within the save.
Anonymous says
I wasn’t really interested in this 2 game collection before but now seeing how Naughty Dog have messed up the trophies just makes me lose all interest in ever playing this collection. The logical choice would’ve been to have 2 trophy lists and 2 Platinum trophies. Also, this is my first time seeing DLC trophies being required for a Platinum trophy (even if said “DLC” is a game that’s included in the collection).
Vince says
Aww, missing out on 210 points as 1 platinum is made gold is distressing I know, hope you pull through.
eag1z says
Can you please provide more details on autopop trophies? If I have both PS4 platinums will it autopop all PS5 trophies?
PhantomFear94 says
Yes, in theory. I’ve read on PSNP that if you have multiple saves that you may need to re-load 2/3 saves and that its a bit janky, but otherwise, should auto-pop everything.
Jay says
Don’t ruin the moment was the platinum on the lost legacy. So this has now been remove and replaced with 1 platinum which is uncharted 4 ?
PowerPyx says
Yup, The Lost Legacy no longer has a platinum. It’s now a DLC list containing 49 trophies without a platinum. They set up the trophies in a real weird way. Don’t think there has ever been a DLC list with 49 trophies before either.
Gotrek Fabian says
Auto-pop trophies occurred for me but many of them are still left for me to earn. After the auto-pop had completed it gave me 80% of the UC4 trophies and 81% of The Lost Legacy. Is this intended? Who knows right now.
It seems to be the combat based trophies which don’t pop such as 4 Enemies in a single explosion or killing with vertical takedowns.
Not a bad thing I suppose, I do want to enjoy the games as well as earn my trophies with them.
PowerPyx says
I have a theory about that… if combat trophies were done via chapter select on the original save, it might not remember them correctly. I think that *could* be the issue. Or it’s just really buggy with the autopops.
But anyway, those can be redone quickly. As long as the important stuff autopops (collectibles, crushing, speedrun, 70% accuracy) you have the worst part done.
Gotrek Fabian says
I think you’re right, I had the same train of thought myself. I had to do some of the combat trophies after completing the game and it may have been that I didn’t save after completing those.
I’m happy enough that the collectibles trophies popped. They’re my pet hate where trophies are concerned and, as time goes on, they seem to get more common and with more collectibles per game.
Bob says
Really bad trophy system/ saved data reliability for me. I accidentally overwrite some of the progress from time to time as I played the games so much. Sadly not even half the trophies worked. Naughty dog did a really bad job with this. Now all over again both games for 1 platinum? Just for a 60fps mode improvement really? Ehhhh idk call me crazy but this is my favorite game and I feel this was a big let down. I will go to sleep now.
Side note: Thank you powerpyx for the guide
PhantomFear94 says
The one platinum only thing isn’t defendable for me, either. The Lost Legacy isn’t DLC, it’s a standalone game which reviewed well, yet here it’s treated like DLC in this collection…which is odd.
If The Lost Legacy was entirely contained as DLC (i.e. you could platinum this collection just by doing 4, then optionally do TLL for the true 100% – a bit like Hitman 3 did, where you can platinum just by playing 3 and finish 1 + 2 for the 100%) it wouldn’t be quite so bad. However, you have to do BOTH for the Platinum anyway because they’ve added a single gold trophy for completing the DLC! It’s truly bizarre, and I really feel like these lists should have been split.
On Xbox lists are usually combined with elevated Gamerscore (not always, case in point BioShock/Metro Redux’s are split) but that is because there is no Platinum system. The gamerscore usually pans out equally – i.e. Spyro Trilogy has 3 platinum trophies on on PS, 3000G in one big list for Xbox. This feels like the equivalent to a 1000G list on Xbox for 2 games, which has happened before (The Walking Dead collection, Ace Pheonix Trilogy) and people were equally pissed off with.
JG says
I have the PS4 platinum for both 4 and the lost legacy. I want to start a new run and earn trophies/platinums again. However worried about the glitched trophies for 4. Was wondering can you import saves at a later date for the autopops if necessary.
PowerPyx says
I think that should work yes. Can still import saves later.
Lucas says
It is possible to do 1 playtrough on easy+collectibles and 1 playtrough on Crushing+speedrun with cheats on?
Lazypleb says
I tried this, clocked in at 6h45 , taking a break from this game as even my sharpshooter trophy didn’t register (the trophy actually popped but it’s not unlocked for whatever reason)
Lazypleb says
I did Crushing and sharpshooter together, use auto aim and Balrog pistol, it’s pretty easy
PhantomFear94 says
My auto-pop experience from PS4 platinum for The Lost Legacy (never finished 4, missed it, so can’t comment on that.
Auto-pop was kind of weird for TLL. I had 41/49 pop when transferring all TLL saves including several 100% files. All of the 8 which didn’t auto-pop were ‘misc’ trophies (all the hard ones, story, collectible etc. all popped thankfully). I unlocked 38/49 originally, then 3 more with a save for Way of the Warrior.
Pretty sure the one’s I didn’t unlock would have been because I reloaded checkpoint back in the day and rather than overwriting the save, although they only took about an hour to clean up so not a huge deal. Also, can categorically confirm “Don’t Ruin The Moment” (pseudo-plat for TLL, base game gold) popped fine. Seen some rumours this is bugged, definitely not.
kingem7 says
For me, everything auto popped in both games except for the trophies I got via chapter select (#of times doing a thing combat trophies but also things like swordmaster for perfect parries against Rafe), and the speedrun trophy. I had my speedrun save from the beginning of the epilogue and the end of the epilogue, neither popped it. I had to play through the save starting at the beginning of the epilogue (screen opens with Cassie playing crash) and it popped at the END of the credits
Blazinghellion says
Not sure why but even after transfering all save states from 4, I still didn’t get all the trophies to pop . I did get all collectibles, all difficulty, and most level specifics ones, and the accuracy. Still havnt loaded up lost legacy so will see how that goes.
PhantomFear94 says
Pretty certain from reports at this point that any miscellaneous trophy where you re-load checkpoints to ‘farm’ (i.e. kill X enemy 20 times in Y way) don’t auto-unlock. I unlocked 41/49 in The Lost Legacy, and all collectible, difficulty or condition trophies auto-unlocked, whereas any you’d feasibly use check-point restart to unlock didn’t (didn’t have progress to carry for Uncharted 4). Only took me an hour to mop-up the final 8 trophies (9 if you include the pseudo-platinum trophy ‘Don’t Ruin the Moment’) so not a huge deal.
KAdamsy1 says
Most of my trophies popped for uncharted 4, only ones that didn’t where kill X enemies and kill x enemies in a time limit. Also didn’t unlock beat high score on retro game or cemetary level without killing anyone, this was my platinum save aswell but overall not so bad.
Will have to replay lost legacy since i’ve lost my save for that one.
ChampionMagnus says
so when we load a ps4 save and pop trophies and all that, does that itself allow the cheats to be unlocked so we can start a playthrough with cheats right away?
ChampionMagnus says
oh also agree it stinks about no 2 plats, I think this is how they originally wanted the game to be/ship when they wanted TLL to be a DLC they originally wanted it this way, so now that’ why they are putting it out that way
BodyChipper says
yes, when you start a new game it asks you if you want to keep your bonuses and treasures etc. This implies that you imported a save that includes a cleared game in it though.
I imported my PS4 saves, went back and got whatever random combat trophies I was missing from that import due to using chapter select to get them originally, then I replayed both titles on explorer with cheats just to experience the stories over again with upgraded graphics and performance.
A Thief’s Legacy and Don’t Ruin The Moment these two trophies have popped up, but I don’t know why they are not recorded in the trophy, and now they are stuck at 95% unable to platinum
Tangy_Sauce says
I’m having the same issue. Were you ever able to solve this?
Lazypleb says
Make sure to reset your stats when going for Sharpshooter. I didn’t, but managed to finish at 80% anyway on Crushing, and the trophy popped (got trophy auto screenshot) but it didn’t unlock in my trophy list for whatever reason. I’m done with this
Dahdoh says
Does Aim Assist disable the Trophy?
Mad Dog says
@Dahdoh — No. I got both Sharpshooter and Uncharted! – Crushing trophies on runs with Aim Lock enabled.
Jack says
For how long does savedata for certain games remain in the cloud? I remember playing U4 on launch day back in 2016. Not sure if I’d be able to recover it.
KM Zero says
Sorry if this has been asked before but I was thinking of picking the physical copy up from the Days of Play sale and actually wanted to replay these games from scratch and get all the trophies again. Do I have to import my old ps4 saves or can I just start fresh and regain all the trophies again?
Observadorpt says
For sharpshooter trophy if you dont have 70% at the end of the game just repeat some chapters in chapter select and when you have 70% just finish that chapter, quit load the epilogue , finish the epilogue and in the end of the credits the trophy pop.
squidy says
is it safe to use chapter select in this game like there isn’t any bugs with it? happy to know
vjmdr says
For the Leapfrog trophy. On ps5 it isn’t easy on chapter 8. I use encounter chapter 7 ballroom. to make it easier.