Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has an easy Duplication Exploit/Glitch. It allows you to duplicate anything in the game – all your money, weapons, legendaries, or any other item that goes in the inventory. This is particularly helpful to get the 306.2 Million gold to buy all inventory upgrades for trophy Mule Character.
Short Version: Basically, you can exploit the game’s save mechanic. Because it saves all weapons and items in an offline save you can back up your save, send the items to a friend or your 2nd account (using 2 controllers in offline splitscreen), copy back the save. Then you have your items back and the second player has them too.
The Exploit works best on PS4/PS5. On Xbox One and Series X/S it’s better to have an online friend helping you and having the joining player quit out of the game in the trade menu before the hosting player accepts the trade, thus the joining player keeps all items and can come back with the items. If you’ve never done this before or are unsure of any step please test it on a dummy account first to avoid any loss of progress or messing up save files on your primary account.
Duplication Exploit Explained
Prerequisites: This method is easiest to do by yourself using a 2nd controller. If you don’t have one you can ask a friend to help you do this in online co-op.
Step 1: Place the items you want to duplicate in your inventory (can’t have them equipped). You can duplicate EVERY item in the game, not just weapons! You can duplicate all your money too, which is very helpful to buy all inventory upgrades for trophy Mule Character (requires a total of 306,173,000 gold).
Step 2: Back up your save game. This is the crucial step for the duplication exploit as it allows you to give the item to another player, then copy back your save to get your items back and repeat.
- PS4/PS5 Save Backup: Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Console Storage > Upload your save to PS+ Cloud [PS5/PS4] or USB flash drive [PS4 only]. If using PS+ cloud (only option on PS5) make sure you have automatic save sync uploads disabled or else it could automatically overwrite your cloud save (PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data PS5 > Sync Saved Data > Auto-Sync Saved Data = Disabled). To copy it back after doing one ending: Console Settings > Saved Data Management > Saved Data > Cloud Storage / USB Drive > Copy to Console > Overwrite console saves.
- PC Save Backup: C: \ Users \ [Your Username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands \ [Folder with 17-digit number]
- Xbox One/Xbox Series Save Backup: On Xbox it’s safer to do this with an online friend rather than save backups (see Step 5). If you still want to try the local splitscreen method – Be warned, this can mess up your save or wipe all your progress, proceed at your own risk: Disconnect yourself from the internet > move around in-game whilst disconnected from internet for a few seconds > reconnect yourself back to the internet > now it will force a cloud save > (double-check that it really uploaded to the cloud) > dupe the item with exiting the game (exiting the game may overwrite cloud save) > when done, press Home-Button > scroll down to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync/download your backup save from cloud to get your items back before duping them.
Step 3: Load up the game again.
While in-game open the pause menu, in the bottom right it will say “Split Screen: Add controller, press to join”.
With a 2nd controller press the PS-Button , you need to sign in with another user profile on the console (if you don’t have a 2nd user you must create one first in the PlayStation bootup login screen, or in the console settings under Users and Accounts).
After the 2nd controller is signed into another user profile, press with 2nd controller to join and you’ll get the popup “Splitscreen Join”.
You will now enter Splitscreen with both controllers. If your 2nd account hasn’t created a character yet you will be prompted to create one, do so and you’re ready to go! It will spawn you in the same place as the 1st controller user.
Step 4: Approach the other character and hold to send a trade request, the other player/controller must hold touchpad
to accept the request. Add any item or amount of money to the trade offer menu. Then both players must click “trade” at the bottom, then it takes a few seconds for the trade to complete and the trophy will pop. For money enter the maximum amount you have available in your inventory. You want to give this from your main account where you have all the money to your secondary account for storage.
Step 5: Quit the Game Application, copy back the save game from Step 2. Now both accounts have a copy of the item.
- On PS4/PS5: Go to Console Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Date on USB / PS+ > Copy to System Storage (overwrite)
- On Xbox: It’s easier to do with an online friend on Xbox. Whoever is giving the money/gear will join the host. Then go to trade, the person that joined will put what they want to duplicate in there. Then the person that joined clicks on trade and dashboards/quits game via Xbox Menu (not in-game menu). Then the person that left lets host know they’re gone. At that point host will accept the trade. Host has approximately 10 seconds to accept it before it disappears. Alternatively, if you want to do it by yourself with 2nd controller in splitscreen (highly risky, can potentially mess up your cloud save and make you lose all progress): As soon as items are traded, disconnect from Internet (so it can’t overwrite your cloud save) > press Home-Button > scroll down to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > go back online so it can redownload your previous save > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync / download your save from cloud. Again, on Xbox this is a lot more trouble and not really worth doing, and the cloud save complicates things, this has a chance of losing you some game progress if the cloud save wasn’t up to date before deleting it!
- On PC: Copy save from your backup folder back to original save game file path – C: \ Users \ [Your Username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands \ [Folder with 17-digit number]
Step 6: Send the same item(s) & money as often as you want by repeating Steps 3-5. For money, particularly for getting the 306.2 Million to buy all inventory upgrades, you’ll want to reach Chaos Level 20 first (endgame after story by playing Chaos Trials) to get at least 1-2 Million in your inventory. Then duplicate a few times to build up a bigger stack of 10 Million and trade it back from your second account to your primary account, back up the save again (Step 2), so now you can dupe 10 Million+ at a time. Do the same again after reaching 50 Million and 100 Million so you can dupe bigger stacks of money per run. This is obviously faster than duplicating 1 Million money 307 times in a row. Once you have 100 Million gold in the inventory it will go super quick.
Sharing Legendary Weapons with Friends can be great during the endgame to get through the Chaos Trials more easily. And of course duplicating money is essential to buy all Inventory Upgrades quickly without a long grind.
Outlawtorn says
You don’t have to wait until you get 1 or 10 million as you can essentially double your money each time you dupe. I did the following:
1. Had 250,000 to start with, made a backup save file on ps5
2. Gave 250,000 to player 2 on split screen
3. Downloaded backup save and received 250,000 back from player 2, giving me 500,000 total
4. Made a new backup save with 500,000
5. Gave 500,000 to player 2 on split screen
6. Downloaded backup save and received 500,000 back from player 2, giving me 1,000,000 total and so on essentially doubling my money each time. Took about an hour to keep doubling until I was over the 309,000,000 mark (ended up with 512,000,000 lol)
Outlawtorn says
Oh and thanks for the tips really helpful as always. Your guides have helped me with several platinum trophies!
Galleon says
hi, can you help me with this? i don’t have a second controller or friends willing to do this with me. 🙂
Marc says
hello, you described it really well. But it just doesn’t work for me. I do the same step by step. maybe you can help me? Thanks
BodyChipper says
Agreed, and if you start with 300k only, you just need to do this 10x to have over 306,000,000. But considering each duplication only takes about 5 mins and the growth is exponential, you could so this as soon as you have only ~38k and it would only take ~15 mins longer to complete.
I did it this morning during Zoom meetings lol
Ashley says
Any chance you can add me to dup 300m please PSN mash2924
PeterPan says
Please correct me if I’m missing something, but this method does not work with the ps5 version of the game since your profile save and your character save are both in the same save file, i tested it yesterday and it didn‘t work, because when you download the save, it overwrite the current save including the profile
PeterPan says
Oh wait i misread the method, what i tested was the solo method using the bank to storage your items, this method should work, my bad
But if I do this method, do I need to buy ps+ a second time just to use the other account in local splitscreen?
PowerPyx says
Glad you sorted it out 🙂
You don’t need PS+ for this method, it can be done offline.
Steve says
There’s a far easier way to do it on Xbox with two people. Whoever is giving the money/gear will join the host. Then go to trade, the person that joined will put what they want to duplicate in there. Then the person that joined clicks on trade and dashboards/quits game via Xbox menu NOT GAME MENU. Then the person that left MUST let host know they’re gone. At that point host will except the trade. Host has approximately 10 seconds to accept it before it disappears.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, that’s easier indeed! I’ll add that in 🙂
Rlyehs Lament says
This works on PlayStation as well!
Llamatrauma7 says
You don’t have to go offline for the Xbox glitch. You can simply sign out of the account You do have to make sure you’re not near a save point, but this method doesn’t risk your save file. This has been consistent throughout the franchise, and works in Wonderlands too. Mule quits after the transaction. Saves the cash. Log out of Xbox on the host. Then bring both back in, trade back to host. Save and quit. Saves both having the cash. Rinse and repeat.
Llamatrauma7 says
Oops. Sorry. Someone already pointed that out. Works with slit screen as well as a second player.
hawkwind666 says
It doesn’t work in split screen. It only works if you do it with another player online.