The Quarry has 72 Collectible Locations (40 Clues, 10 Evidence, 22 Tarot Cards). Finding all Collectibles unlocks the following 7 trophies and achievements:
- What’s This? – Collected first clue
- It’s All Coming Together – Found a matching clue
- Meddling Kids! – Collected all clues
- The Truth is Out There – Collected first piece of evidence
- Conspiracy Theorist – Collected all evidence
- Forewarned is Forearmed – Got a Tarot reading
- Decked Out – Found all Tarot Cards
Some Collectibles are tied to making specific story choices and going to specific story areas that cancel out each other. Going to one area can lock you out of another area for that playthrough. Because of this it is impossible to get all Collectible trophies in 1 playthrough. It’s best to do Tarot Cards + Evidence on the 1st playthrough. Then do the Clues on the “Everyone Infected” playthrough. The reason is that in Chapter 2 you must pick between going to Rocky Road (1 Tarot) or Shady Glade (2 Clues). These are mutually exclusive and lock you out of each other. Going to Rocky Road makes it impossible to earn the trophy for all Clues on that playthrough. Likewise, going to Shady glade makes it impossible to earn the trophy for all Tarots on that playthrough.
You need all Collectibles of one type in one playthrough to unlock the trophy. Grabbing only the ones you missed via Chapter Select wouldn’t pop the trophy. You will need to recollect completely everything. Example: if you missed one clue in Chapter 2, grabbing this clue won’t pop the trophy, you will need to recollect ALL 40 clues in the same playthrough to unlock the trophy at the end in Chapter 10.
It is best to keep everyone alive during your collectible playthrough. This will allow you to get the maximum number of collectibles. You can also follow The Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives), it will get you the trophies for all Evidence + all Tarots. If you grab everything possible (going to Rocky Road in Chapter 2) you should only have 2 clues left after the first playthrough: Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
You can keep track of your Collectibles in the Pause Menu under Clues / Evidence / Tarots. They are all numbered and have unique names. Thus you can easily reference your missing ones in this guide. Some items are easy to miss when you advance towards the next cutscene. This is pointed out in the guide but if you miss anything you can get it in the next Chapter Select playthrough.
There are some important notes about Chapter Select:
- When using Chapter Select it resets your Collectible Progress to what you had at the start of that Chapter. To pop the trophies you must have ALL collectibles of one type in one playthrough. If you try to get the mutually exclusive Chapter 2 collectibles (Rocky Road/Shady Glade) via Chapter Select it won’t pop the trophies, you must recollect completely everything.
- When using Chapter Select to replay a Chapter, the Chapter Select becomes unavailable until beating the game again (from whatever chapter you start replaying you must finish all chapters until the end of the game again to re-unlock Chapter Select). For example, if after the story you replay Chapter 2, you would have to again finish Chapters 2-10 all the way to the end of the story. Only then you unlock Chapter Select again.
- You cannot jump between Chapters. This means you CAN’T change a choice you made in Chapter 1 to jump straight to Chapter 10 to see how it would change anything. In this case you have to replay Chapters 1-10 completely for your choice to update.
- Starting a “New Game” resets all Collectible Progress. None of your progress carries over into a New Game. When using Chapter Select it at least carries over what you had at the start of the selected Chapter (but nothing of what you collected in later chapters).
Other helpful Guides and Tips:
- The Quarry – Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- The Quarry – Walkthrough (Best Ending – Everyone Survives)
- The Quarry – Worst Ending Guide (How to Kill Everyone)
- The Quarry – How to Unlock All Paths
- The Quarry – How to Unlock Chapter Select
- The Quarry – Game Length: How Long is a Playthrough
#1 – Tarot #1: The Fool
Laura: After Laura helps her boyfriend Max with repairing the car, she wants to explore the woods. Max then guides her down a rocky slope and the two will split paths, you will now be in control of Laura walking in the woods. From where you start there’s a rock in front of you, take the path left of the rock and the Tarot Card will be seen when you walk past the rock.
#2 – Freakshow Fire Clue #1: Harum Scarum Poster
Laura: Immediately after picking up the Tarot Card it’s on a tree on the right side. You’ll see the /
/ left-mouse button prompt as you walk past it.
#3 – Freakshow Fire Clue #2: Escapology Trunk
Laura: Immediately after the previous clue take the next turn left and it will be in a chest at the end.
#4 – Freakshow Fire Clue #3: Broken Cage
Laura: From the previous clue, take the next turn right to find this at the end of the path.
#5 – Camp History Clue #1: Bloodied Collar
Laura: After arriving at The Quarry Summer Camp, nobody will be there and the main door is locked. Go downstairs and then towards the left side of the screen and move toward the yellow door (bunker). Break into the bunker. Once inside move forward and you’ll automatically pick up the Bloodied Collar.
Chapter 1
#6 – Camp History Clue #2: Hunting Notice
Jacob: After Chapter 1 starts and you walk around as Jacob (guy in green sweater), turn to your right and walk between the two parked cars to find a Hunter’s Sign at the edge of the area. Inspect it.
#7 – Camp History Clue #3: Camp Plaque
Jacob: From the previous collectible go upstairs, then to the left of the camp’s main door you’ll find this plaque on the wall.
#8 – Tarot #2: Temperance
Jacob: From the Plaque head left and enter the window, go into the next room that looks like a big dining hall. In here turn right and head into the kitchen, next to the main entrance door. As you enter the kitchen you’ll get the prompt to pick up the Tarot Card.
IMPORTANT: Preparation for Evidence #3 (to make it spawn in Chapter 3)
Jacob: After Jacob picks up the bags from the lodge, he will head back outside to the cars and you can choose whether to steal the rotator arm or sabotage the fuel line. Choose: “STEAL ROTATOR ARM”. Stealing the Rotator Arm is mandatory to reach Evidence #3 in Chapter 3. If you were to sabotage the fuel line you’d miss it and would need another playthrough to recollect all clues again. Don’t mess up on this decision.
#9 – Freakshow Fire Clue #4: Newspaper Headline Scrap
Abigail: When Abigail and Emma are talking about getting their bags from the locked cabin you can choose to leave your bags (left) or break in (right). Choose must choose the RIGHT option BREAK IN. Then inside the cabin you can find this between the 1st & 2nd row of bunk beds on the left side of the screen. While you’re in here also pick up the teddy on the left in front of 1st bunk bed and choose to “KEEP” it, it’s not a collectible but you need it later for trophy “The Final Girl”.
#10 – Camp History Clue #4: Camp Song Recording
Abigail: From the last collectible head outside the cabin. Facing the swing in the center, look to the right, this is sitting in front of the cabin that says “Room 08” above its door, on the ground, looks like a radio.
#11 – Evidence #1: Empty Vial
Abigail: Same area as the previous clue. Check out the big tree in the middle, behind the swing. There’s a carving in the tree and a vial that counts as evidence.
#12 – Camp History Clue #5: Information Signpost
Abigail: Same area as before, behind the tree is a signpost you can interact with.
Chapter 2
#13 – Freakshow Fire Clue #5: Damaged Memorabilia
Emma: When playing as Emma for the first time, it’s in the storage area, behind the first shelf on the left.
#14 – Camp History Clue #6: Lodge Renovation Plans
Emma: Same area as before, at the end of the storage room, on the right side on a shelf (to the right of a big wooden table).
#15 – Evidence #2: Torn Bags
Emma: After entering the locked storage room where Jacob grabs the beer, check the corner on the right side for some torn bags. There’s also a shotgun next to it on the floor.
#16 – Hackett History Clue #1: Family Photo
Dylan: When playing as Dylan for the first time you will have to look around Chris’ office. From where you start, check the family photo on the desk on the left.
#17 – Camp History Clue #7: Counselor’s Ledger
Dylan: Same room, after Dylan and Ryan find the trap door in Chris’ office (I chose the right option to “CLIMB DOWN” the ladder), Dylan will sit down at Chris’ desk. Here choose the LEFT option “PLAYFUL”. Dylan will pick up the phone, afterward he automatically picks up the Counselor’s Ledger from the desk drawer.
#18 – Tarot #3: The Hanged Man
Nick: When playing as Nick, you will walk with Abigail and have to decide which path to take. Pick the RIGHT choice ROCKY ROAD (recommended for your 1st playthrough when having everyone survive). This leads to a new area. Here take the left path to see this Tarot on the mountain ridge above. This and the Shady Glade collectibles are mutually exclusive, you can’t get them all in the same playthrough! Taking the Rocky Road path allows you to get the trophy for all Tarot Cards in this playthrough (if you don’t miss any). However, you will miss out on the 2 clues from the Shady Glade which means you can’t earn the trophy for all clues in this playthrough. Remember, you need to find ALL collectibles of one type in ONE playthrough to get the trophy (chapter select doesn’t work because it resets your collectibles). Just remember to recollect all clues from the entire game on your next playthrough when going to Shady Glade. Getting only the missing collectibles on your next playthrough won’t be enough to pop the trophies.
#19 – Hackett History Clue #3: Trail Camera
Nick: On your next playthrough, pick the LEFT choice SHADY GLADE. From where you start walking as Nick, head to the right edge of the woods (follow the little path between the grass), there on a tree you can find a camera, interact with it. It’s at the very right edge of the area. Sometimes the button prompt for it doesn’t come up, just keep pressing and walking around until it works. Note: picking SHADY GLADE is necessary for this collectible and the next but cancels out “Tarot #3” which requires picking ROCKY ROAD. Remember when replaying the game and going to Shady Glade you must recollect all other clues from all other chapters as well to get the trophy in the end! If using Chapter Select it resets your Collectibles too, requiring you to recollect everything from that point onward. You get another chance to collect the trail camera at the start of Chapter 3 when Abi is walking around in the dark woods (but the next collectible “Ranger Box” won’t be there, so going to Shady Glade in Chapter 2 is mandatory to get all clues in 1 playthrough).
#20 – Hackett History Clue #2: Ranger Box
Nick: Same area as before (Shady Glade), from the tree with the trail camera follow the path to the left, keep going straight on this path until you see a metal box in front of you. Interact with this metal box. Note: if you get a cutscene with Abi getting scared by birds and falling into Nick’s shoulders for protection, turn LEFT immediately after this cutscene and stay in the starting area of Shady Glade (DON’T advance to the next section which would trigger a cutscene and makes you miss out on the collectible). If in doubt make a manual save backup here to be sure. This one will no longer be there in Chapter 3 when Abi roams the woods, going to Shady Glade in Chapter 2 is the only time to collect it.
Chapter 3
#21 – Tarot #5: The Tower
Abigail: When walking as Abi in the dark woods, follow the main path in front of you, always go straight along the path and you’ll see the camera change to the Tarot Card hanging in a tree above, after another mini-cutscene. It’s easy to miss this if you trigger the next cutscene. To be safe make a manual save backup at the start of Chapter 3.
#22 – Tarot #4: The Star
Jacob: After Jacob and Emma finish their talk at the lake, Jacob is supposed to find some towels. Immediately after you take control of Jacob walk forward to leave the jetty, then the first time the camera angle changes you can press /
to pick up the Tarot Card.
#23 – Hackett History Clue #4: No Swimming Sign
Jacob: Same place as the above Tarot Card. After picking up the Tarot, go left towards the railing facing the lake. You can interact with it to spot a sign in the lake.
#24 – Freakshow Fire Clue #6: North Kill Gazette
Jacob: Same area as before, it’s directly opposite the last clue, just a few steps away, check the newspaper on a table.
#25 – Hackett History Clue #5: Old Camp Photo
Jacob: Same area as before, from the previous clue head all the way to the left until you reach the end, behind some wooden chairs and tables you can find a photo on a wooden beam.
#26 – Evidence #3: Bloated Corpse
First of all, in Chapter 1 as Jacob while sabotaging the car, you must have chosen “STEAL ROTATOR ARM” (didn’t BREAK FUEL LINE). Then in Chapter 3 after Jacob and Emma are swimming in the water, Jacob will hear Abigail screaming from the woods. At this point Jacob drops the Rotator Arm in the lake, the evidence is a bloated corpse you can find while diving. You must choose this: DIVE IN > GRAB > > Jacob swims after the rotator arm and bumps into the bloated corpse underwater > evidence unlocked. If you didn’t steal the rotator arm, you can use chapter select after the story to replay from Chapter 1 onward.
Chapter 4
#27 – Tarot #7: The Magician
Emma: As soon as you start playing as Emma on the Island, turn around and go downstairs to the end of a docks. A short cutscene will play where Emma spots someone using binoculars in the boathouse. After this head to the very end of the docks to change the camera angle where you can pick up the Tarot.
#28 – Hackett History Clue #7: Box of Matches
Emma: Playing as Emma on the island, when you get to the staircase leading up, you can choose whether to take those stairs or to continue on the ground path. STAY ON THE GROUND PATH (GO RIGHT). DO NOT GO UP THE STAIRS YET! Follow the ground path and when you see a ladder turn left to inspect a campfire. DO NOT GO UP THE LADDER YET, IT WOULD MAKE YOU MISS THE NEXT COLLECTIBLE!
#29 – Hackett History Clue #6: Police Car Keys
Emma: From the last collectible backtrack to the staircase (DON’T USE THE LADDER NEAR CAMPFIRE!). Now go up the stairs. At the end of the staircase path you find a hut (“tree house”), interact with the window left of the door to find car keys. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE DOOR OF THE HUT YET (CUTSCENE)!
#30 – Evidence #4: Attack Photo
Emma: From the last collectible interact with the door to the hut (cutscene). Then pick the RIGHT choice “SEARCH BAG” (if you pick the other you will die). Afterward a monster will jump out the hatch, pick the RIGHT choice “USE TASER” > during timed event press /
to “TAKE PHOTO”. This will make a photo of the monster as evidence. Easy to miss as it’s dependent on those choices.
#31 – Tarot #6: Strength
Cutscene: After finishing Emma’s part, you will be back with the group. During the first cutscene where everyone helps Nick into the building, keep hammering /
quickly at all times. The Tarot Card shows up briefly during the cutscene when opening the door to the building, it can only be collected for a few seconds. It’s very easy to miss. If you miss it, you’d need to get it on the next playthrough or grab it via chapter select after the story (quitting out to main menu and continuing doesn’t work because it makes an autosave right after missing out on the Tarot).
Chapter 5
IMPORTANT: Preparation for Hackett History Clue #9 (to make it spawn in Chapter 10)
Kaitlyn: At the very start of Chapter 5, Abi and Nick will be talking in the lodge. They hear some noise, then Kaitlyn goes to check it out in the next scene. Here, as Kaitlyn, you must do a very specific series of QTEs: (succeed this QTE) > FAIL NEXT QTE (DON’T PRESS
) > The Hunter will find Kaitlyn hiding on the stairs and throws a bottle at her > FAIL NEXT QTE (DON’T PRESS
TO SHOOT). This makes him drop a collectible. This will spawn Freakshow Fire Clue #9 in Chapter 10. If you mess this up you’ll need another playthrough to complete all clues.
#32 – Hackett History Clue #8: Triggered Bear Trap
Dylan: While playing as Dylan, after you arrive in the area with the camp lodges with Ryan, head to the far left to find a bear trap on the ground.
#33 – Camp History Clue #8: Letter to Camp Nurse
Dylan: Same area as before, in front of the loge that says “Room 03” above its door you can find a piece of paper on the ground. From where you’re coming this lodge is on the right.
#34 – Tarot #8: The Devil
Dylan: Same area as before, in the center of the area is a swing. Walk between the swing and the tables to change the camera angle for a few seconds, allowing you to pick up this Tarot (pinned to side of table).
#35 – Evidence #5: Claw Marks
Dylan: Same area as before, go to the radio hut at the end of the area past the lodges but DON’T enter yet. To the left of the entrace is a fan you can inspect for clawmarks evidence.
#36 – Tarot #9: The Hermit
Dylan: Same area as before, to the immediate left of the last collectible go around the corner of the Radio Hut (still outside, DON’T enter the hut yet). As you go around the corner the camera angle will change and you can pick up the Tarot, sitting on a stone fundament that has a metal structure on it.
Chapter 6
#37 – Evidence #6: Memory Card
Jacob: At the start of the chapter when walking around as Jacob, go up the wooden stairs in front of you and then always stick to the far right side of the walkway. When there’s a fork in the walkway check the far right side, on the ground you find a camera with a memory card that counts as evidence.
#38 – Tarot #10: Justice
Jacob: Same area as before, exit the walkway, then immediately head left until the camera angle changes and you’ll be able to pick up the Tarot.
#39 – Camp History Clue #11: Campers Photo
Abigail: Playing as Abigail, when you have to search for something to help comfort Nick (inside Pool House), check the board on the wall in the corner of the room.
#40 – Tarot #11: The Moon
Abigail: Same area as before (inside Pool House). From the last clue, head left and enter the 3rd changing room on the left (not the toilet rooms). In the 3rd changing room walk forward until the camera changes to where you can see the Tarot Card.
#41 – Camp History Clue #10: Spooky Drawing
Abigail: From the last Tarot, exit the changing room and interact with the locker at the end of the hallway to find a drawing. IMPORTANT: THERE’S A HIDDEN TIMER THAT TRIGGERS A CUTSCENE IN THIS AREA SO BE QUICK TO GRAB EVERYTHING HERE!
#42 – Camp History Clue #9: Kid’s Letter Home
Emma: For this Emma must have survived and escaped the island. When playing as Emma (starting at the campfire), immediately turn to the right of the campfire, in front of a yellow tent is a letter on the ground.
Chapter 7
#43 – Tarot #13: The World
Laura: Playing as Laura, in your prison cell move toward the bed and then back towards the cell door. The camera will change to show the Tarot Card under the bed.
#44 – Hackett History Clue #9: Scrawled Limerick
Laura: Same place as before, inside Laura’s prison cell check the wall.
#45 – Tarot #12: The Chariot
Laura: While exploring the police station as Laura (happens later into the chapter after you leave your cell and can free-roam), walk between the tables in the lobby to see this card.
#46 – Evidence #7: Cease & Desist Letter
Laura: Same section as before, after picking up the Tarot walk up the little stairs in the corner of the lobby (not the big wooden stairs). In the corner, opposite the wooden door, is a piece of paper for you.
#47 – Freakshow Fire Clue #7: Charred Sheriff’s Badge
Laura: Same section as before, head up the big wooden stairs now. Enter the 2nd office on the left, then on the right side grab the charred badge.
#48 – Hackett History Clue #10: Bizzare Yet Bonafide Podcast
Laura: Same section as before, upstairs head into the first office on the left to find a birthday card on the wall that reveals Travis’ year of birth. Next, head into the third office (also upstairs) and find a calendar on the wall that reveals the month and day of birth. Now head back downstairs where you found the Cease and Desist evidence and enter the office there. Interact with the Travis’ computer, Laura will be able to access it automatically using Travis’ date of birth as the password. She will play an audio file to get the clue.
Chapter 8
#49 – Hackett History Clue #11: Old Quarry Tools
Laura: As soon as you start playing as Laura in the cave, turn around and find this on the ground left of the staircase.
#50 – Hackett History Clue #12: Miner’s Lunchbox
Laura: Same area, after picking up the previous clue instead of going up the stairs turn around and go to the end of the cave (around the water). At the end you find a metal box.
#51 – Tarot #15: The Lovers
Laura: Same area, go up the metal stairs in the cave, then there will be a short cutscene where the walkway crumbles. After this, in the next cave section, go left of the path where a railing is. The camera angle will change to the Tarot card sitting on a ledge above. EASY TO MISS! DO NOT MOVE TO THE END OF THE PATH WHERE THE NEXT STAIRS LEAD UP, DOING SO TRIGGERS A CUTSCENE WITH NO WAY BACK!
#52 – Evidence #8: Scarred Flesh
Laura: After the Tarot Card, move on to the next metal staircase. It will break and there’s a quick-time event. In the next section after this (still playing Laura) you can find it on the ground pretty much in plain sight before the next metal walkway.
#53 – Tarot #16: Wheel of Fortune
Laura: From the previous collectible advance on the linear path until you come to the next section, a tunnel. Move forward in the tunnel and the camera will automatically change to an angle where you can pick up the Tarot Card. This camera angle happens automatically and is unmissable while walking through the tunnel.
#54 – Tarot #14: The Empress
Ryan: After the cutscenes where you make choices as Kaitlyn, you will be playing as Ryan/Laura in the basement of Hackett’s House. From where you start, turn left to enter a side room and the camera will change to the Tarot. DO NOT MOVE TOWARDS THE RED LIGHT TUNNEL YET (CUTSCENE)!
#55 – Hackett History Clue #13: Rum Still
Ryan: Same room as the previous Tarot Card, check the big rusty distillery machines on the left side of the room. DO NOT MOVE TOWARDS THE RED LIGHT TUNNEL YET (CUTSCENE)!
#56 – Tarot #17: The Emperor
Ryan: Same area, from the last clue head back to where you started the area, then move to the end of the straight tunnel, as you go through it the camera will change to the Tarot pickup. DO NOT MOVE TOWARDS THE RED LIGHT TUNNEL YET (CUTSCENE)!
Chapter 9
#57 – Evidence #9: Kaylee’s Letter
Ryan: When playing as Ryan, walking around in the Hackett House, immediately turn right from where you start and inspect the cupboard in the corner of the room next to a mirror.
#58 – Tarot #18: Death
Ryan: Same room, from where you picked up the letter walk towards the bed (walk diagonally through the room) and you’ll see the Tarot Card.
#59 – Hackett History Clue #15: Hunting Trophy Wall
Laura: Playing as Laura, you will end up in a room with blue wallpaper and a piano. Check the wall to the right of the staircase.
#60 – Hackett History Clue #16: Hackett Family Tree
Laura: Same section, go upstairs and then straight to enter an office. Check the corner in the left, next to an armchair on the wall is a framed family tree.
#61 – Tarot #19: The Sun
Laura: Same section, enter the next room upstairs, walk towards the windows to see this Tarot.
#62 – Hackett History Clue #14: Scrapyard Note
Dylan: At the scrapyard when playing as Dylan/Kaitlyn, enter the garage on the right, head upstairs to find a note at the end of the upper floor.
#63 – Tarot #20: Judgement
Dylan: Same section, use the button in the garage to open the gate to the next scrapyard area. Head straight until you come to a staircase leading up to the roof of a container. Walk on top of these containers until you see the camera change to the Tarot Card. DO NOT GO TO THE STAIRS BELOW THE BIG YELLOW CRANE YET (CUTSCENE)!
#64 – Freakshow Fire Clue #8: Discarded Signage
Dylan: Same place, from the Tarot Card go down the container stairs on the other side. Then between the two sets of container staircases find a sign with a green orb painted on it. DO NOT GO TO THE STAIRS BELOW THE BIG YELLOW CRANE YET (CUTSCENE)!
#65 – Tarot #21: The Hierophant
Abigail: When you play as Abigail/Emma in the dark cellar, immediately after starting head right towards the staircase. When you approach the staircase you can see the Tarot Card.
Chapter 10
#66 – Camp History Clue #12: Camp Letter
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: After you start playing as Kaitlyn in the lodge, go up the stairs to your right. Then turn left and find the bedroom with some bunkbeds in it. On the floor is a note.
#67 – Tarot #22: The High Priestess
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: Same area, leave the bedroom, go up the stairs outside the bedroom. Walk around upstairs to see this Tarot. That’s the last Tarot Card!
#68 – Hackett History Clue #19: Ancestral Portrait
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: Same area, from the last tarot go down one floor and walk towards the other side of this floor. Halfway to the other side you can see a portrait hanging on the wall, inspect it. CHOOSE “KEEP SEARCHING” OR ELSE YOU MISS THE OTHER COLLECTIBLES HERE.
#69 – Freakshow Fire Clue #9: Ticket Stub
This will be next to the Ancestral Portrait, if Bobby picked up the table at the stairs in Chapter 5 and Kaitlyn shot at him (see note in Chapter 5 Collectibles). While playing as Kaitlyn in Chapter 5 when Bobby (muscular hunter guy) was roaming the lodge, Kaitlyn must succeed the first QTE, fail the second & third QTE, then Bobby spots her and picks up a table, Kaitlyn must shoot at him. Then he leaves behind this collectible for you to pick up later in Chapter 10. If you missed the steps in Chapter 5 you can use Chapter Select after the story to replay from Chapter 5 onward.
#70 – Hackett History Clue #17: Chalkboard Doodle
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: Same floor, enter the class room and inspect the whiteboard for a doodle.
#71 – Hackett History Clue #18: Inscribed Jewelry
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: Same area, leave the class room and immediately turn left to find some stairs. Go up these stairs, interact with the sofa upstairs.
#72 – Evidence #10: Trail Cam Footage
As Kaitlyn/Ryan: Same floor, just a few steps away from the last clue you can find some blue boxes on the right, inspect them to have Kaitlyn make a photo of the trail cam recordings. This is the last piece of evidence!
That’s all of the Collectibles in The Quarry.
Brandon says
You can get Evidence #3 by having Jacob remove the Rotor Arm early in the game. When he drops it in the water have him go after it. There he’ll encounter the Bloated Corpse which is Evidence #3
PowerPyx says
Thanks, that worked for evidence #3! Added it to the guide 🙂
Jeff says
In chapter 5 I failed the second QTE with Kaitlyn but didn’t fail the third one where I dodged the can Bobby throws. I did shoot at the table though. Hopefully I will still get the collectible,
PowerPyx says
It should be fine. As long as you shot him holding the table it should have dropped the item.
GPAP360 says
Some info about the collectibles on the forest on chapter 2, MAYBE we can find a way to obtain all in just 1 playtrough.
When you get there on Chapter 2 select ROCKY ROAD (right choice). Then pick Tarot #3: The Hanged Man as normal.
Keep playing normaly till Chapter 3, when you play as Abigail on the forest at night pick the Tarot #5: The Tower as normal AND YOU CAN PICK Hackett History Clue #3: Trail Camera too if you go to the same place (that little tree on the side of the way) BUT the Hackett History Clue #2: Ranger Box is not in his original place (the same one if you pick this way on chapter 2) or at least i can’t find there.
Could it be that if you follow this “route” the Hackett History Clue #2: Ranger Box appear somewhere else?
PowerPyx says
It’s a good idea and yes the trail cam can still be found in Chapter 3 (added a note about that here now too). But the Ranger Box is no longer there. As far as I can tell there’s no way to find the Ranger Box anywhere other than Chapter 2 Shady Glade. It makes some sense for story purposes because the hunters would use the box for resources at night and that’s why it has gone away after nightfall.
Meowserattack says
Is there any other way to kids letter home camp history #9
unequalized says
Thank you so much for the thoroughness — I’m going to have to re-do my everyone survives run for the tarot cards because of the card in chapter 4 not picking up even though I hit the prompt after reading your warning of the few second timeframe. (Unfortunately, dashboarding and restarting from the last checkpoint shows the tarot card but doesn’t give you the prompt to collect it.)
You said to go for all of the clues / Chapter 2 Shady Glade clues on the second playthrough (everyone dies), starting from Chapter 2 onwards, then re-grabbing all other clue collectibles for the rest of the game. If Emma dies in Chapter 4 and doesn’t escape the island, how are we supposed to get Camp History Clue #9 Kid’s Letter Home in Chapter 6? It seems like playing through and having everyone die could lock me out of the clues they pick up later in the game from where they die.
PowerPyx says
That’s true with the Chapter 6 clue and Emma death being incompatible. It would be better to combine the clues with the “Everyone Infected” run. I’ll adjust that part!
Umberlee says
I can confirm, if you dont install Update file, you can get Hard Pass trophy at the end of chapter 9. Havent picked up Hierophant card. There are also a choice to run with mom and Laura encounter which wasnt available with Update file.
Umberlee says
Also forgot to mention, at the scrapyard its Dylan and kaitlyn, not ryan.
If Emma doesnt get bitten on the Island from Max as werwolf and only gets bitten later in the scene in the forest with bobby and jedediah she will turn too late (in bunker with abigail) for the trophy where Jacob tells Emma the truth.
Cahyo says
I’ve completed my first run , for everyone survives. Which one that i need to complete first on my second run, everyone infected or everyone dies ?
PowerPyx says
See The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap for optimal order.
Mark says
So basically if you miss a single collectible there’s no more need to collect anything during that playthrough? Seriously, why they did that?
PowerPyx says
If you miss one you don’t need to collect any more of THAT TYPE. You can still go for collectibles of other types. Then you’d need to recollect all of the type you missed on another playthrough.
Carljthatsme says
If you miss a certain type of collectible, you’re doomed for that specific type and will have to replay the entire game to get those particular collectibles.
It’s absolutely awful.
Carljthatsme says
I’m having an annoying time with this trophy because this game likes to make unlocking trophies a massive annoyance.
So I’ve collected everything on the survive run and just need to replay the game for the last 2 collectibles (Shady glen/rocky Road replay). As far as I understand it, I have to collect every single clue in the game once more for it to count, not just the 2 that’s missing?
If that’s true, that’s a massive annoyance because the everybody dies run means I’ll miss scenes out right?
Okay I’m willing to accept it and do another survive run (or on the infected run). Basically as long as I finish the game and do Chapter select it’ll count my original run (where I got all tarot cards/evidence and all clues except missing 2)? As in as long it’s from the same root save file?
Hope I makes sense. This game is just a slog
J P Downs says
I think you forgot to include the Hackett History clue, Trail Camera, hanging on a tree in the first part (Abigail) of Chapter 3.
JJ says
That’s only if you missed out in Chapter 2 Trail Cam. You don’t need to worry
Jason B says
Got a problem with #19, I’m right on it, but it’s not doing anything, no matter how many times I press X, even after reloading the scene.
Khiladi123 says
Anyone encountered save file corrupted after finishing story ?
Dan says
The way the developers have designed the collectibles trophies is just terrible. I can see now why the Platinum is only at 0.8% on the trophy list. Trying to combine story trophies and collectible trophies is a pure headache meaning 6 or 7 playthroughs if you want to keep it simple.By the end of it ,it turns you against the game that you originally liked ?
Carol-Ann says
Hi, im loving ur trophy guide. Im really struggling with the world tarot card. Im not getting the world card. Ive mived the camera ever way possible and also i stayed still. No card is available. Can u help please? Thank u.