The Last of Us PS5 Remake has 254 Collectible Locations. This updated All-In-One Collectible Guide for the Remake will show you the locations of all collectibles, across both The Last of Us Part 1 and Left Behind. There are new collectibles in TLOU Remake and some locations have slightly changed from the original PS3 version. There are also new collectible types required in the PS5 Remake that were not in the PS3 original, namely Safes and Workbenches and new Trophies. Locating all Collectibles is required for the following trophies:
- 30 Firefly Pendants – Look for the Light
- 13 Comics – Endure and Survive
- 97 Artifacts – Chronicles
- 54 Optional Conversations – Getting to Know You
- 6 Ellie’s Jokes – That’s all I got
- 12 Training Manuals – Something to Fight For
- 13 Shiv Doors – Master of Unlocking
- 11 Workbenches – Prepared For the Worst
- 4 Safes – Sticky Fingers
- 5 Workbench Tools – Sharpest Tool in the Shed
- 9 Chapter-specific Trophies
Artifacts, Firefly Pendants, Comics and Training Manuals are traditional collectibles that can be picked up throughout the game, the Training Manuals will also upgrade your gear. Optional Conversations and Ellie’s Jokes can be triggered by interacting with certain objects or people while standing in certain places. Shiv Doors are rooms that can be opened with shivs that hold loot and occasionally other collectibles, as do Safes which will require a code to open (however the codes are always the same and shown here in the guide). Workbenches are where you can upgrade your gear, and Workbench Tools allow you to upgrade gear to higher levels.
Always be sure to carry shivs for upcoming Shiv Doors, and don’t waste them all on killing enemies, as you do not want to reach a door but be unable to open it. For Workbenches, make sure to interact with them to them to register, but you do not need to upgrade anything. For Safes, be sure to grab the items inside to make sure it counts.
All collectibles types (except Workbench Tools) are tracked in Chapter Select, both at a chapter level and sub-chapter level. Jokes will be listed as Optional Conversations, but they count separately. If you miss any collectibles, you can load up the respective sub-chapter to collect them. All collectibles count immediately, so you do not need to complete the chapter for them to register.
All trophies (except Sticky Fingers ) will have trophy tracking enabled, so you can also check your total amount of collectibles via the trophy trackers. That’s all I got
incorrectly lists it as having only 3 Jokes, but there are 6 Jokes total. The trophy tracker will only update upon getting the 4th, 5th and 6th Joke. For Comics there will be 14 total in the inventory but only 13 add towards the trophy tracker (1 is automatic from a cutscene and doesn’t count).
Chapter Select can be used to get remaining Collectibles. Nothing is missable. When chapter selecting, all chapters after the current one will be locked out. To fix this, the game will create a backup of your “Story Complete” save, so you can simply reload this Autosave Backup to restore all the chapters, while keeping the collectibles registered. If you wish you can create a manual save at the end of the game as another backup and also back up your finished story save in the PS+ Cloud as a precaution.
Potential Bug & Fix: There are reports of some collectibles bugging out for a small number of players (either can’t interact with them or they don’t count in chapter select/trophy tracker), if this happens reinstalling the game should fix it.
Table of Contents for Chapters and Sub-Chapters
The Last of Us:
- The Quarantine Zone
- The Outskirts
- Bill’s Town
- Pittsburgh
- The Suburbs
- Tommy’s Dam
- The University
- Lakeside Resort
- Bus Depot
- The Firefly Lab
- Jackson
Left Behind:
All-in-One Video Guide
The Last of Us
There are no collectibles found in this chapter.
The Quarantine Zone
7 Artifacts | 3 Firefly Pendants | 4 Optional Conversations
20 Years Later
Optional Conversation #1
As you walk towards the checkpoint, talk to the man leaning on the red box on the right of the street.
Beyond The Wall
Artifact #1: Military Pamphlet + Artifact #2: Boston Q.Z. Map
Automatically acquired when grabbing your backpack.
Optional Conversation #2
After climbing into a store, Tess will be waiting to talk outside.
Firefly Pendant #1: David Michael Vigil
Once you climb into a building, there will be a room in the side you can enter. The firefly pendant is on the ground next to some mattresses.
Optional Conversation #3
While crouching through a spore-tunnel, after putting on the gas mask, there’s a prompt on a corpse on the right.
Artifact #3: Note to Brother
After going upstairs in a spore-infested building, there is a room with a closed door to your left. Enter here to find the Artifact on a table.
Firefly Pendant #2: Ben Glueck
Leave the infested building, in the next yard push the pallets out of the way to proceed, go through the next building (use wooden plank to get over the gap). After leaving this building you go through an alleyway. As you come out the other side, the firefly pendant will be hanging on a tree. Shoot it down to grab it.
The Slums
Artifact #4: Drafting Notice
After going through the bus in the survivor encampment, head forward instead of following Tess to find this Artifact on the ground near a dishwasher.
Artifact #5: Wanted Poster
Immediately in front of you after the previous Artifact, on a bulletin board.
Artifact #6: Shipping Manifest
After going through the warehouse and arriving at the docks, this Artifact will be visible to your right, by the fence.
Artifact #7: Dock Note
Head further into the dock where the red boat is hanging and this note will be behind a blue trolley.
The Cargo
Optional Conversation #4
Once Marlene joins you, there will be a group of soldiers blocking your way forward. Kill them all, then follow Marlene onto the bridge with the dead fireflies for this optional conversation.
Firefly Pendant #3: Philip Liu
Once you’re with Ellie, head forward to find this firefly pendant next to a dead firefly.
The Outskirts
9 Artifacts | 4 Firefly Pendants | 1 Workbench | 2 Shiv Doors | 1 Safe | 4 Optional Conversations
Optional Conversation #5
Talk to Tess at the beginning of the chapter.
Artifact #8: Tess’ List
As soon as the chapter starts, this will be in front of you. If you are loading the chapter or reloading the checkpoint, it will be in the room behind you.
Artifact #9: Patrol Routes Map
Once you go down an elevator, it will be on the floor to your right.
Artifact #10: Evacuation Leaflet
Once outside, you will climb up a broken road to reach street level. This Artifact will be on the footpath to the right between a lamp post and a bin.
Firefly Pendant #4: Joseph Lenz
Eventually you will reach The Goldstone Building, which you have to traverse through. Outside the entrance are two trees, and the firefly pendant is hanging from the right tree. Shoot it down to collect it.
Optional Conversation #6
Head inside the building and in the hallway is a corpse. Interact with it for the conversation.
Artifact #11: Field Ops Log
Head up the stairs to find another corpse on the landing, with the Artifact next to it.
Shiv Door #1
After encountering the first clicker, the shiv door can be found through the next room.
Artifact #12: Firefly Map
Once you leave the building, you’ll be in a subway area where Tess instructs you to grab a molotov off a corpse. Move past this to some stairs where another corpse has this Artifact.
Artifact #13: Note to Derek
In the shopping section of the subway with lots of clickers and runners, head into the shop to your left. Check the draw behind the counter for this Artifact, which has the code for the safe.
Safe #1
Head to the opposite side of the shopping area and enter Round Note to find the safe behind the counter. The code is 03-43-78.
Artifact #14: Medical Pamphlet
After dealing with some runners, you will need to move a wooden crate to climb over a truck. Once over, go inside the truck to find this Artifact.
Workbench #1
Go through the garage door and this workbench will be next to the door forward. You must interact with it to count, but don’t need to upgrade any weapons (same for all 11 workbenches).
Firefly Pendant #5: Michael Kiper
Continue forward and you will enter the museum. Walk up the broken section to the next floor where you can shimmy across the ledge to the left to find the firefly pendant in a display case.
Shiv Door #2
Once you get separated from Tess and Ellie, you will encounter some clickers. In the kitchen area to the left will be the shiv door.
Optional Conversation #7
After reuniting with Tess and Ellie, you will fight some runners. Once dead, Tess will have an optional conversation at the window.
Optional Conversation #8
Immediately after speaking to Tess, you can speak to Ellie.
The Capitol Building
Artifact #15: Firefly Orders
After crossing the rooftops, you’ll be at the top of a staircase. Head down and turn around to find this Artifact next to a dead firefly in the corner.
Firefly Pendant #6: Melinda Davidson
Continue until you reach the front of the Capitol Building, with lots of water. There will be a gazebo to the left which contains the pendant.
Artifact #16: Smuggler Note
Once you return into the subway, you will be introduced to swimming. Swim through the trains and join Ellie on the platform to the left to find the Artifact next to a body.
Firefly Pendant #7: Shiyao Jiang
From the corpse, you can swim through to passage to the left to find another area. Swim into the building to find the firefly pendant on a shelf. This can be hard to see due to the lack of lighting in here.
Bill’s Town
11 Artifacts | 3 Firefly Pendants | 1 Training Manual | 1 Workbench | 1 Workbench Tool | 2 Shiv Doors | 1 Safe | 5 Optional Conversations
The Woods
Artifact #17: Pills Note
After using a plank to cross a building, you’ll arrive in Bill’s Town proper. Head into the building on the right to find this Artifact on the floor upstairs.
Shiv Door #3
Drop down the ledge outside to the left to find this shiv door.
Optional Conversation #9
Once Ellie opens the gate for you, head into the building opposite and wait for Ellie to talk about the arcade machine for this conversation.
Safe #2
Slightly down the street will be a pickup truck to the right with a safe next to it. The code is 05-17-21.
Firefly Pendant #8: Hui Wang
Further down the street is an RV. Climb on top of it to find this pendant.
Artifact #18: Note to Bob
From the RV, head to the end of the road where the fence is for this Artifact, which contains the code for the safe.
Artifact #19: Perimeter Note
Next to the RV is Marquis Music Store. Head into the back office to find an Artifact on a cabinet.
Shiv Door #4
Go behind the music store to where a clicker will set off a bomb. Behind the building is the next shiv door.
Artifact #20: Note to Rachel
You will climb across some rooftops before dropping back down to street level. Head down the alleyway to the left to find a building with a runner inside. Upstairs will be the note.
Artifact #21: Bill’s Map
Once you arrive at Bill’s Safehouse, this Artifact will be right next to you.
Artifact #22: Fences Note
Turn around to find this note in the room behind you.
Optional Conversation #10
Interact with the chess board on one of the tables for this conversation.
Training Manual #1: Shiv Sharpening
Found on the end of the bar next to Bill.
Artifact #23: Hunters Note
Head upstairs and go into the room behind the stairs to find the note on a table.
Firefly Pendant #9: Alex Raymond Vincent
Once outside, you will have an encounter with runners and clickers. After dealing with them, you can shoot down the firefly pendant from a lamp post.
Workbench Tool #1
In the room to your left when you arrive at Bill’s Armoury.
Workbench #2
At the back of Bill’s Armoury.
Artifact #24: Bombs Note
Head upstairs into the church and go into Bill’s room on the right to find this Artifact.
Firefly Pendant #10: Peter Mrozik
After getting past the graveyard, there will be more runners and clickers. In the first house on the right you will find a pendant in the bathroom.
Artifact #25: Boy’s Diary
You will pass through a house with clickers and drop into the backyard of a house with a pool. Head upstairs into the kid’s bedroom to find this Artifact.
Optional Conversation #11
In the same room as the last artifact, stand there until Ellie asks you a question, make sure to talk to her before Joel dismisses it.
High School Escape
Optional Conversation #12
After escaping the High School, you will make your way into another house. After the cutscenes, wait by Ellie until you can talk to her.
Artifact #26: Note from Frank
Head into the room on the opposite side of the house to find this note on a desk.
Optional Conversation #13
Return to Bill and give him the note for this conversation.
Artifact #27: Note from Frank (crumpled) + Trophy: In Memorium
After Bill drops the note, head around the truck to pick it up.
17 Artifacts | 3 Firefly Pendants | 3 Comics | 4 Training Manuals | 3 Workbenches | 1 Workbench Tool | 4 Shiv Doors | 1 Safe | 10 Optional Conversations | 4 Jokes
Alone and Forsaken
Artifact #28: Siphon Hose
Automatically in your inventory at the start of the chapter.
Optional Conversation #14
After dealing with the hunters, head into the garage and talk to Ellie by the pile of clothing.
Workbench Tool #2
On the bench next to you.
Artifact #29: Tourists Manifest
On a metal cage behind you.
Training Manual #2: Health Splinting
Head upstairs and into the side room to find this on a mattress.
Artifact #30: Ambush Map
Go into the backroom to find this map on the wall.
Workbench #3
In the same room.
Comic #1: Termination Shock
Once outside on the highway, go into the bus in front of you to find this comic.
Optional Conversation #15
Continue up the highway to a body leaning against a hatchback. Ellie will walk up to it for a conversation.
Joke #1
After killing the hunters, wait in front of the bus but do not climb onto it. After a minute or two, Ellie will put out her joke book. Initiate the conversation and wait for her to complete her jokes.
Optional Conversation #16
Climb over the bus and you will see some graffiti on the wall. Wait for Ellie to approach it for a conversation.
Artifact #31: Lost Hill Note
Jump over the sandbags to find this Artifact immediately behind the booth.
Artifact #32: Traitors Flyer
Once inside the checkpoint, go through the gate in front of you and turn around to find this on the wall.
Firefly Pendant #11: Kazden Risk
Head to the back of the checkpoint area and go down the alleyway next to the bookstore. Behind the cabinet at the end will be this pendant.
Joke #2
After killing all the hunters in the bookstore, wait about a minute or two and Ellie will pull out her joke book again. Initiate the conversation and wait for her to complete her jokes.
Artifact #33: Applicant Checklist
In the corner of the bookstore with the staircase closest to the front entrance, you will find this Artifact on a bookshelf.
Artifact #34: Abandon Zone Note
Head along the wall of the store into the kitchen area. The note will be on a counter.
Shiv Door #5
Go upstairs to the barista area. The shiv door will be next to it leading into the restroom.
Artifact #35: Lost Areas Map
Inside the restroom will be this map.
Optional Conversation #17 [Requirement for Joke #3]
After leaving the bookstore and seeing the cutscene with the hunters, turn around and walk up to the picture of the woman in the broken storefront. Wait for Ellie to come over to start this conversation.
Joke #3
After completing the above conversation, wait around for a minute or two for Ellie to pull out her joke book. Once again, listen to them all before continuing.
Shiv Door #6
From the taxi where you started, head left to find this shiv door.
Artifact #36: Mother’s Letter
Once through the shiv door, this Artifact is on a chair.
Artifact #37: Stash Note
Swim through the semi-trailer into the coffee shop and go upstairs to find this Artifact on a bench.
Hotel Lobby
Optional Conversation #18
Once inside the hotel, head left to the bar and interact with the coffee machine.
Artifact #38: Note to Staff [Requirement for Joke #4]
Use the ladder to climb up to the balcony, then shimmy across the broken ledge to reach this Artifact, which contains the safe code.
Safe #3 [Requirement for Joke #4]
Return back downstairs and head behind the reception desk into a room with the safe. The code is 22-10-56.
Training Manual #3: Shiv Reinforcement [Requirement for Joke #4]
Found inside the safe.
Joke #4
After the above three collectibles, climb back up the ladder and wait here for Ellie to pull out her joke book. Listen to them all.
Optional Conversation #19
Once upstairs, you will encounter more hunters. Deal with them on both floors, then head down the hallway upstairs to the last ←SJTP graffiti on the wall. Head right instead of left to reach Room 304. Head inside and go through the broken wall to find some bodies in a bathtub. Wait for Ellie and interact with her.
Artifact #39: Hotel Keycard
In the hotel basement, go upstairs next to the generator and go into the hallway behind you. Enter the security room to find the keycard. Automatically acquired as part of the story.
Workbench #4
After escaping the basement, inside one of the rooms on your right.
Comic #2: Accretion
Once you reunite with Ellie, climb up the ladder and head through the room to reach the other side of the balcony. Shimmy across the ledge to find this comic on a coffee table.
Firefly Pendant #12: Colby Reed
Continue on until you drop down some broken stairs. On your left will be some restrooms, head into the women’s restroom. The pendant will be on the ground in the corner stall.
Training Manual #4: Melee Knots
Down the hallway, sitting on a desk.
Optional Conversation #20
Head inside the dining room and walk up to the backdrop in the corner. Wait for Ellie and interact with her three times.
Financial District
Optional Conversation #21
After defeating the hunters, walk over to the corpse hanging from a tree and interact with it. (Note: in the PS3 version you used to interact with Ellie after she looks at the corpse but in the Remake you must interact with the hanging coprse instead). This can sometimes bug out, if the icon doesn’t come up on the corpse try rebooting the game/console and it should work.
Artifact #40: Fireflies Note
In the back right of this area is Don Fiocchi Sandwiches. Head inside and go into the freezer room in the back to find this note.
Workbench #5
Head through the garage door and then climb over some debris. The workbench is right next to you in this area.
Artifact #41: Final Attack Note
After the cutscene, head upstairs to the Bank of Meridian where 2 hunters will be. Head into the office and the Artifact will be on the floor in the corner.
Artifact #42: Mob Attack Note
In the next area with hunters, there is a building on the right you can enter. Head upstairs and go behind the desk with the water cooler to find this on the floor.
Artifact #43: Truck Note
Inside the Ration Depot at the end of the street, on a desk.
Shiv Door #7
Head into the backroom of the Ration Depot for this shiv door.
Bonus Conversation (doesn’t count as Collectible)
Head out the Ration Depot store, Ellie will be staring at a wall, talk to her. This doesn’t count as an “optional conversation” (doesn’t increase the number in trophy tracker). It’s included here for sake of completion, but doesn’t impact the collectible trophies.
Optional Conversation #22
After Ellie helps you to climb over the wall, she will walk up to the Military Prepatory School gate to your right. Walk up and interact with her for the conversation.
Optional Conversation #23
Turn around and head into the carpark to the Dawn of the Wolf Part 2 sign, then wait for Ellie to come over.
Escape the City
Training Manual #5: Molotov Construction
After the cutscene inside the apartment, head into the kitchen to find this on the counter.
Shiv Door #8
Head downstairs to Room 201.
Comic #3: Deep Phase
Go inside Room 201 to find this comic in the back bedroom.
Firefly Pendant #13: Lucas Rios
After dealing with the hunters and climbing up into a new building, head into the restroom to your left. The firefly pendant is sitting on a toilet. Make sure to grab this before going into the office with Henry, as he will close the door.
Artifact #44: Trial Note
Head through the door that Henry is holding open and continue into the next office to find this note on the ground in the corner.
Trophy: Lights Out
When you encounter the hunters, you must reach and turn off the generator without being spotted. Kill the first two in front of you with Henry, then crouch sneak around the barriers clockwise, watching out for the spotlight. You should be able to reach it and turn it off without having to kill the roaming hunter.
The Suburbs
10 Artifacts | 4 Firefly Pendants | 2 Comics | 2 Training Manuals | 1 Workbench | 1 Workbench Tool | 1 Safe | 3 Optional Conversations | 1 Joke
Comic #4: Antiparticles
Head towards the beached boat and climb aboard, then head into the cabin. The comic will be on the controls.
Artifact #45: Boat Note
Turn around to see this Artifact on a seat.
Firefly Pendant #14: Josh Scheffler
Jump down the hole in the middle of the boat and this pendant will be on the ground.
Firefly Pendant #15: Robert Righetti
Once inside the sewers, climb into the drain to your right to find a firefly pendant hanging from a corpse.
Artifact #46: Sewers Note
At the split in the path, follow Ellie to the right and open the vent so that Ellie can go inside the room and unlock the gate. Go inside to find the note on a desk.
Firefly Pendant #16: Eddie Fuentes
Continue forward to the water room, the firefly pendant can be found at the base of the sunken car.
Artifact #47: Trading Note
After clearing the blockage and swimming under the gate, climb up to the catwalk and go through the door. Deal with the 2 clickers and grab the Artifact by a sleeping bag.
Trophy: Waterlogged
After using the pallet to ferry Ellie across the water, she will turn on the generator that turns on the sewer contraption. As soon as she jumps off the pallet, quickly swim back to Henry and Sam so that you can board the contraption before it moves.
Workbench Tool #3
Once you cross the water, there will be a storage room on your left as you progress. Head inside to find the tools.
Training Manual #6: Bomb Containment
After triggering a noise trap, head forward to find this training manual on a metal shelf.
Artifact #48: Rain Catcher Note
You will encounter a few clickers and runners shortly thereafter. In the room to your right you will find this Artifact.
Artifact #49: Cornered Note
Continue forward to find another door to your left, behind some shelves. Head inside to find this note in the corner on the floor by some corpses.
Artifact #50: Kid’s Drawing
Once you’re in the area with clickers and stalkers, head to the classroom in the back of the area to find this Artifact in front of the chalkboard.
Artifact #51: Looting Note
Head inside the first building on your right and go upstairs into a bedroom. This Artifact will be on a set of drawers.
[Requirement for Joke #5]
At the house where the road turns, head inside through the broken hole. Listen to Henry’s story.
Optional Conversation #24 [Requirement for Joke #5]
Head across the street to the house on the corner to initiate an optional conversation with Henry.
Optional Conversation #25 [Requirement for Joke #5]
Continue down the road to an ice cream truck. Wait for Sam and Ellie and initiate this conversation.
[Requirement for Joke #5]
Head down to the end of the street where 2 dogs are, you will find some firefly graffiti. Henry will talk again.
Joke #5
After having the four previous conversations, wait in the firefly graffiti until Ellie pulls out her joke book again. Listen to them all. It can take 1-2 minutes until she starts telling the joke, don’t move away.
Workbench #6
Head back to the ice cream truck and head inside the open garage of the red building to find this workbench.
Artifact #52: Father’s Note
Go inside the red building next to the garage and go upstairs into a bedroom to find a note.
Training Manual #7: Melee Techniques
As you leave the bedroom, interact with the ceiling hatch, then help Ellie climb up. She will come back with this manual.
Optional Conversation #26
Head inside the white house next to the red one. Wait a minute for your friends to enter the house, go upstairs to the top floor, immediately go back downstairs, watch the kids playing darts on the bottom floor, after they finish you must pick up the darts and throw them – this counts as the “optional conversation”.
Artifact #53: Survivor’s Note
Same house, go up one floor, in the first bedroom.
Safe #4
The safe is in the same room. The code is 08-21-36.
Comic #5: Messenger Particle
Same floor as the safe, in the 2nd bedroom on desk.
Artifact #54: Matchbook
Same place, go up one floor (top floor), after the stairs it’s on the right.
Firefly Pendant #17: Matthew White
Exit the white house the same way you came in. Go in the backyard next to the white house, at the end of the street, just before the firefly graffiti where Ellie told her joke. There on a tree hangs the firefly pendant, shoot it down.
Tommy’s Dam
2 Artifacts | 2 Firefly Pendants | 2 Comics | 1 Training Manual | 1 Workbench | 1 Shiv Door | 4 Optional Conversations
Hydroelectric Dam
Comic #6: Foreign Element
As you head down towards the river, before you go under the bridge you will find this comic by an unturned car to the right.
Shiv Door #9
Head up to the Hydroelectric Dam and the shiv door will be right in front of you as you go up the stairs.
Trophy: Left Hanging
After using a pallet to ferry Ellie across the dam gate, she will raise it for you to cross. After crossing, she will ask for a high five. Simply ignore her and continue.
Optional Conversation #27
After crossing the dam with the help of Ellie, drop off to the left and hop over the log to inspect a grave.
Artifact #55: Power Plant Map
Continue forward until you reach a bulldozer. Head past it into a small office to find this map on the wall.
Optional Conversation #28
Once through the gate, walk towards the horses and interact with Ellie.
Optional Conversation #29
As you follow Tommy inside, he will go to a bag to grab something. Interact with him for this conversation.
Optional Conversation #30
After going upstairs to the top of the dam, head along the right side and speak to the woman on guard.
Trophy: Who’s A Good Boy?
Before entering the building on the other side of the dam, Buckley the dog will be sitting outside. Simply interact with him to pet him.
Training Manual #8: Smoke Chemistry
Once you enter the building on the other side of the dam, this training manual will be sitting on a turned-over locker.
Workbench #7
Right next to the training manual.
Firefly Pendant #18: Ryan Oliverio
Head downstairs and enter the room to the right to find this pendant on the ground in between two machines.
Artifact #56: Plant Schematics
After the hunters attack, head back through to the room where the workbench was located and this Artifact can now be collected from the large table.
Ranch House
Firefly Pendant #19: Brent Pino
At the Ranch House, go into the room in the back right to find this pendant on a cabinet.
Comic #7: Zero Point
Head upstairs into a bedroom and this comic will be by a window.
The University
9 Artifacts | 5 Firefly Pendants | 1 Comic | 2 Training Manuals | 2 Workbenches | 1 Workbench Tool | 1 Shiv Door | 3 Optional Conversations
Go Big Horns
Comic #8: Free Radicals
Turn around at the beginning and ride up the road. The comic will be inside an SUV.
Workbench #8
Same room as the flamethrower.
Artifact #57: Snipers’ Nest Log
Go upstairs and out onto the balcony to find this Artifact in the corner.
Optional Conversation #31
Immediately after leaping over the barbed wire in front of the previous building, look at the ram mascot on the wall for a conversation.
Firefly Pendant #20: Hope Pino
Go up the stairs and head around to the right to find a dead end with several trees. The right tree will have a pendant on it, shoot it down and grab it.
Artifact #58: Wall Panel Note
When you are separated from Ellie and Callus, walk over to the closed gate and grab the note next to it.
Firefly Pendant #21: Alex Rohner
Continue forward after opening the gate until you reach the next barbed wire and get off the horse. Turn right and climb into the broken window to find a pendant on a desk.
Training Manual #9: Health Sterilisation
Jump over the barbed wire and head around to the right to find some broken windows you can jump over. Go up the stairs and onto the balcony, then re-enter the building from the next window. This manual will be on a desk.
Optional Conversation #32
As you move forward past this area there will be firefly logos painted on a few walls. Approach one of these to initiate a conversation.
Artifact #59: UEC Campus Map
You will need to leave Ellie and Callus again to open another gate. Go into the dormitory and this Artifact will be on the desk in front of you.
Artifact #60: Student’s Journal
Go upstairs and enter Room 200-B, this Artifact will be in the drawer of a desk.
Firefly Pendant #22: Joe Warren
When you drop down, you will encounter several clickers and a bloater. This firefly pendant is dropped by the bloater, so you must kill it.
Artifact #61: Newspaper Clipping
After going back upstairs, head right into Room 205-B. This Artifact will be on a minifridge.
Firefly Pendant #23: Erik Griggs
As you approach the Science Building, there will be many tents. In the last tent, you will find this pendant on a table.
Science Building
Workbench #9
Once you climb into the Science Building, walk into the room to your left to find the workbench.
Shiv Door #10
Head to the end of the corridor to the Lecture Room for this shiv door.
Training Manual #10: Molotov Deployment
Inside the lecture room, on the right table.
Workbench Tool #4
Inside the lecture room, on the left table.
Optional Conversation #33
Progress towards the next floor and there will be a clipboard you can interact with for another conversation.
Artifact #62: Office Recorder
Once you reach the next floor, go through the door and head to the room on the far left to find this Artifact.
Artifact #63: Fungal X-Rays
Go through the tented area and head left to grab this Artifact on a bench.
Artifact #64: Lab Recorder
Head inside the Biology Lab and grab this Artifact on one of the tables.
Firefly Pendant #24: Sadie Pearle Hickman
In the corner of the room next to a fridge.
Artifact #65: Firefly’s Recorder
Automatically in your inventory after the cutscene.
Lakeside Resort
10 Artifacts | 2 Firefly Pendants | 2 Comics | 1 Training Manual | 1 Shiv Door | 1 Optional Conversation
The Hunt
Artifact #66-#73: Switchblade, Walkman, Sam’s Robot, Note from Mom, No Pun Intended: Volume Too, To Get To The Other Side, No Pun Intended, Joel & Sarah Photo
Automatically in your inventory at the start of the chapter, do no need to interact with them for them to count. There will also be a firefly pendant in your inventory but this doesn’t count towards the trophy counter (Riley’s Firefly Pendant).
Comic #9: Uncertainty
When you track the deer to a building, head into the left room to find the comic inside a drawer of a desk.
Firefly Pendant #25: Travis Kristof
After being helped up onto a catwalk by David, head around it to a room that a clicker will come out of. Head inside the room to find this pendant.
Optional Conversation #34
In the final room of this building with all the supplies and weapons, go up the stairs to the landing and inspect the corpse.
Cabin Resort
Firefly Pendant #26: Paul D. Braun
After the horse section, head outside the first building and go into the gazebo to the right to find this firefly pendant.
Comic #10: Negentropy
Once you get past the hunters, you will crawl through a pipe. Once through, turn around and head up the small staircase to find a comic on the bench.
Artifact #74: Lake Resort Map
When you take control of Joel in the snowstorm, this will automatically be in your inventory.
Shiv Door #11
In the snow storm, go across the street to find a motel. Go through the motel and there will be a shiv door behind it.
Training Manual #11: Smoke Shaping
Inside the shiv door, sitting on a crate.
Artifact #75: Meat Ledger
After entering an open door and grabbing Ellie’s backpack, this Artifact will be on a shelf to the right.
Bus Depot
4 Artifacts | 3 Firefly Pendants | 2 Comics | 1 Training Manual | 2 Workbenches | 1 Workbench Tool | 1 Shiv Door | 6 Optional Conversations
Highway Exit
Optional Conversation #35
At the beginning of the chapter, Joel will be talking to Ellie. Eventually he’ll ask her a question, prompting this optional conversation.
Artifact #76: Family Photograph
Head inside the RV to find this Artifact on the sink.
Optional Conversation #36
Approach the dead bodies at the rear of the RV, then head outside. Ellie will be waiting next to the bus with another optional conversation.
Firefly Pendant #27: Katerina Perich
Continue down the ramp until you pass a school bus. Head behind it to find this pendant by some orange cones.
Artifact #77: Note to Wife
Once you arrive at Logan James Bus Station, head inside and search some open luggage in the back left for this note.
Optional Conversation #37
Ellie will be sitting on the bench, talk to her for this conversation.
Optional Conversation #38
After climbing the ladder, follow Ellie into the room with a grazing giraffe. Interact with it.
Optional Conversation #39
On the rooftop, Ellie will be leaning against the ledge. Speak to her for this conversation.
Comic #11: Precipitate
Go downstairs back into the bus station and there will be a restroom next to you. Go inside to find this comic in front of a stall.
Workbench Tool #5
Once you leave the bus station, you will be in front of some medical tents. Head into the large tent to find these tools.
Firefly Pendant #28: Nicole Hoo
Walk past the tents and look left to see a floodlight near a fence. The firefly pendant is hanging off the floodlight, shoot it down.
Workbench #10
Head over to the right to enter another tent, with the workbench inside.
Artifact #78: Salt Lake Q.Z. Map
Directly opposite the workbench.
Optional Conversation #40 + Artifact #79: Joel & Sarah Photo
Continue forward to the bus and Ellie will approach you to talk. Speak to her, then accept her gift for both the conversation and Artifact.
Underground Tunnel
Firefly Pendant #29: Natalie Hoo
After passing through the bus, you will pass another bus leading into a tunnel. Go behind the bus to find this on the ground.
Training Manual #12: Bomb Shrapnel
Inside the tunnel, you will encounter multiple clickers and bloaters, with a tunnel on the side. Head through the tunnel and when you come out, there will be a truck in front of you. Climb on top of it to find this manual.
Comic #12: Catalysis
Progress until you have to drop a ladder to help Ellie climb onto a truck. From the truck, walk onto the venting and grab the comic at the end.
Workbench #11
Ellie will assist you in opening a gate. Once open, go through the gate to find the workbench by the next door.
Shiv Door #12
Immediately through the door, turn right for this shiv door.
The Firefly Lab
4 Artifacts | 1 Firefly Pendants | 1 Shiv Door
The Hospital
Artifact #80: Surgeon’s Recorder
Eventually you will go up some stairs to Floor 6. On the reception desk is this recorder.
Artifact #81: Marlene’s Recorder 1
Turn around and enter the room behind you for this recorder.
Shiv Door #13
Behind the reception desk is this shiv door.
Firefly Pendant #30: Bryony Stewart-Seume
On a desk through the shiv door is this firefly pendant.
Artifact #82: Marlene’s Journal
Head through the next door and enter a green medical tent. This Artifact is on a bench.
Artifact #83: Marlene’s Recorder 2
Once you go through another wave of fireflies, you enter Pediatrics. Go into Room 608 on your right to find this recorder on a table.
1 Comic
Comic #13: Singularity
Go through the fence, then head towards the right through the trees to find this comic inside a car.
Left Behind
Back in a Flash
4 Artifacts
Artifact #84: Combination Note
Head into Weston’s Pharmacy and grab this note on the ground behind the counter.
Artifact #85: Pharmacy Key + Artifact #86: Pharmacist’s Note
Go back outside and open American Princess next to the pharmacy. Head into the back and interact with the corpse to receive the key, and then pick up the note that falls.
Artifact #87: Salon Note
As you head towards the military helicopter, you will crawl through some rubble in a building and appear in Rarity Nail Salon. Walk around the corner and grab the note by a corpse.
2 Artifacts | 12 Optional Conversations
Artifact #88: Wanted Poster
Follow Riley upstairs and crawl through a door. The Artifact is sitting on a desk.
Optional Conversation #41
Continue until you climb up some rubble to enter a new room. Head through to the bedroom and interact with the firefly logo.
Optional Conversation #42
As you enter the mall, go down the escalator and turn around. Walk towards the Hawaii poster and interact with it.
Optional Conversation #43
Continue forward from the escalators for a conversation at the Typhoon Blitz sign.
Optional Conversation #44
Go down a second set of escalators and Riley will be waiting with a conversation.
Optional Conversation #45
Go inside the tent and interact with the items in the back.
Optional Conversation #46
After either accepting or rejecting the drink, walk out of the tent and interact with the horse saddle on the bench.
Optional Conversation #47
Once inside the halloween shop, head to the back and turn right to find a jar you can interact with.
Optional Conversation #48
Follow Riley until she puts on a vampire mask, then speak to her.
Optional Conversation #49
Head into the middle aisle and put on the witch mask, then speak to Riley.
Optional Conversation #50
Head into the back aisle and put on the Triple Phoenix mask for another conversation.
Optional Conversation #51
Interact with the Skeleseer skull in the corner for a conversation. Continue interacting with Skeleseer until it runs out of conversations and Riley picks it up, listen to her.
Trophy: Brick Master + Optional Conversation #52
After leaving the halloween store, Riley will challenge you to a brick throwing contest. You must destroy all seven windows on the red car before Riley destroys all of her windows. Simply grab bricks and take your time to aim, so you don’t waste time on missing. Rotate around the car hitting the closest windows.
Artifact #89: Warning Note
After the brick throwing contest, you will head downstairs. Go into the room on your left to find this note on a bench.
So Close
4 Artifacts
Artifact #90: Atrium Note
At the start of the chapter, head right to find this note by a medical bed.
Artifact #91: Generator Note
Once underground, head towards the generator to find this note next to it.
Artifact #92: Atrium Recorder
After returning to the atrium and opening the gate, head up the escalator and turn left to find the recorder by a mattress.
Artifact #93: Medical Supplies
Automatically acquired after entering the military helicopter.
Fun and Games
2 Artifacts | 2 Optional Conversations | 1 Joke
Optional Conversation #53 + Artifact #94: No Pun Intended Volume Too
At the beginning of the chapter, head towards the carousel and interact with it for this conversation. Afterwards, Riley will give you the Artifact.
Joke #6
Immediately afterwards, you will be able to tell jokes. Exhaust all the jokes.
Optional Conversation #54
Head forward underneath the escalator to the photo booth. Complete this interaction for this conversation.
Artifact #95: Kitchen Note
Next to the carousel is Fast Burger. Go in and head to the kitchen to find this note on a bench.
Trophy: Nobody’s Perfect
In Raja’s Arcade, interact with the Jak X Racing machine in the back left corner for this trophy. Do this before interacting with the arcade machine.
Trophy: Angel Knives
In Raja’s Arcade, you will play The Turning arcade machine. You will need to win the fight without getting hit. The match is just a sequence of quick-time events with plenty of leeway, so simply hit all the inputs correctly and you won’t take any damage.
Trophy: Skillz
After the Arcade, Riley will challenge you to a best-of-3 game of water blaster tag. You have to hit her once to win a round. Keep your blaster loaded and remain stealthy, and you should be able to hit Riley whenever she starts looking for you.
The Enemy of My Enemy
2 Artifacts
Artifact #96: Crew Photo
At the beginning of the chapter, there will be an open door to your right as you move forward. Enter here to find the Artifact on a corpse.
Artifact #97: Duct Recorder
After your first encounter with hunters, go down the path beside the store and enter the vent. Follow the vent left to find this Artifact on a corpse.
Trophy: Live Bait
After going through the vents, you will be standing above a group of runners and clickers, with some hunters searching in the room. Throw a brick or bottle in between them and the clickers and runners will attack the hunters.
Escape from Liberty Gardens
There are no collectibles found in this chapter.
That’s all Collectible Locations in TLOU1 Remake.
Dreamcrawler says
Great Work!
Will there bei a full Wiki to TLOU?
Archavia says
No, but the collectible guide and trophy guide cover everything.
Jay says
The workbench trophy popped for me when the triangle prompt popped up at the last one in the Underground Tunnel. I didn’t have to interact with it. Amazing guide though, just finished the base game and now onto Left Behind.
Theodosios Kreatsoulas says
same to me about the trophy
Evan says
The 4 optional conversations won’t proc in my game. No matter how many times I reset the password, one of the conversations won’t appear to complete the requirments for ellie to tell her final joke.
cole says
same for me it didnt count though I think its a bug if you continue youll still get the trophy
Chase Garrett says
Guys, please!! I’m desperately trying to get the platinum trophy for The Last of Us Part 1 and all I need is to be able to get Ellie to say her jokes. In order, it would be the fifth time she brought out her joke book to start telling jokes. I’ve done everything leading up to it and nothing. I know I’m supposed to pop a question with Henry, then the convo with the ice cream truck, and then the firefly logo, but I’ve only been able to start that entire sequence once and it was the first time I played it through and Ellie never told her jokes. Every time I go back it never pops up for the optional convo. Please. This is all I need for the Plat.
Deadlights82 says
I restarted the checkpoint then it worked.Thought I’d messed up but was missing jokes from left behind.
Kaveman says
I had to literally stand still for 4 minutes before she told her jokes.
Bearwolfz says
Did you ever get this done somehow?
Crylhound83 says
I have the same problem. I remember that I did the three conversations (BBQ, across the street and ice truck) but I forgot about the grafiti and the last conversation with the jokes.
So now, after I’ve did a clean up via chapter select I am only missing that one conversation and it does not trigger any more than the first BBQ one. No restart or replaying the entire chapter (incl. sewers) worked. Guess I have to do NG+ until I reach the suburbs…
RooRivera says
After waiting for a while for Henry to speak at the looting spot, I just figured I’d try for the trophy later on my grounded run, so the only conversations I had for Ellie’s joke were the bbq conversation and the last one by the firefly logo. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to wait around and see if she would say them by the logo anyway. Sure enough after 4 minutes and walking up to her, she said them. I didn’t need the ice cream convo or the looting house convo. Try it! Might work for you! All I need now are the jokes in left behind.
Deadlights82 says
Thanks for this awesome guide powerpyx got my platinum ?
J says
Going through chapter select and it says I have all Artefacts collected, but the trophy tracker is on 96 out of 97.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling like the guide says, but that didn’t work. Anyone else encounter this problem and have a fix? Or anyone got any ideas? I really don’t want to have to delete my save and start again.
J says
never mind, it took it’s time to pop up
Max says
I have the same problem and not sure what to do. It’s just do not popping up:(
Cormac says
I’m stuck on 2/3 convos in financial district but i’ve got them all and went back to chapter select to try see if that would fix it. Still stuck on 2/3?
Grenadeh says
I’ve gotten literally everything except for exhausting the jokes in Fun and Games and didn’t get the Firefly Pendant trophy or the Collectibles trophy. Doing a reinstall now and hoping it actually works. Quite annoying, I wouldn’t list difficulty as 2 when it takes a ton of effort.
Grenadeh says
Nope still nothing and I’ve replayed the entire game and gotten every item again still nothing.
Nick says
Awesome guide! I think my game is bugged though, despite getting all optional convos, 2 in Pittsburg won’t register (1 in Alone and Forsaken and 1 in Financial District). I’ve redone both sections and they wouldn’t register. Any tips?
PowerPyx says
Reinstalling the game usually fixes it, then recollect the bugged conversations again.
Cross says
I’m having problems with the collectables, there is a glitch. Im at bus depot sub chapter, and l collected two firefly pendants but one of them is not counting, and the collectable tracker always says one of them is missing. I’ve reinstall the game 2x and it keeps glitching. Please can anyone help me?
John Brant says
Yeah I’ve followed this guide to a T, and yet I’m at the end of the left behind just did last joke #6 no trophy still says 1/3. Makes no sense I did every joke waited for completion reinstalled game and nothing is fixed. I hate doing double the work
PowerPyx says
Your best bet is redoing them through Chapter Select. Some of the trophy tracking is a bit broken in this game unfortunately.
Ashley says
Do all of the collectables in left behind count towards the trophies as I have not got the trophies to pop but also have not completed left behind yet
PowerPyx says
Yes, everything from Left Behind is required.
Brandon Wertz says
Really confused.. the flamethrower is not on the forklift and there is no Snipers’ Nest Log on the balcony. The flamethrower shows up for me in the next area where Joel and Ellie split with the generator. What do I do about the Snipers’ Nest Log though?
Kate says
I have beat The Last of Us probably about 20 times but had never gotten platinum. I decided to go finally go for it and I succeeded thanks to your walk-through! It made it super easy to find all the collectibles I missed. Thank you!
DaveM says
The medical pamphlet in the Museum cannot be done via chapter select because it is actually collected prior to the start of the chapter.
So you have to do it as part of Downtown (as i just found out when i quit downtown having done all of its collectables and tried to then start at Museum)
OGG1993 says
I collected everything following the guide carefully, but I’m stuck at 96/97. Checked every chapters and nothing is missing. This is horrible.
PowerPyx says
I’d try reinstalling game if that fixes the tracking bug (back up save to PS+ before). May need to recollect an item to update the trophy tracker (ideally from an old save before collecting the final item). If that doesn’t work, only solution is clean reinstall + deleting saves + recollecting everything from scratch.