The Last of Us 2 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-30 hours
- Offline Trophies: 26 (1
, 7
, 8
, 10
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0 (can get everything via Chapter Select)
- Glitched trophies: 1 – Sightseer (but it’s obtainable by redoing the trophy requirement in Chapter Select or New Game+).
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, there are no difficulty-related trophies or collectibles. Everything can be done on the lowest difficulty “Very Light”.
- Do Accessibility Options affect trophies?: No, you can turn on as many accessibility options as you like (e.g. auto-aim, invisibility while prone).
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1.5 (1 Playthrough on any difficulty + half a Playthrough of New Game+ on any difficulty to finish weapon upgrades / player upgrades).
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, but only from PS4 to PS5. It autopops all trophies including Platinum & Grounded Mode DLC. Simply copy the PS4 save to your PS5 console (via USB or PS+ cloud), it will automatically recognize the saves and autopops all trophies when loading the Platinum save.
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No, the PS5 upgrade is available for $10.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, there is Chapter Select after the story. But make sure you keep a Manual Save from the last Chapter to not lose access to Chapter Select!
- New Game+?: Yes, there is New Game+ and all of your progress carries over (all your upgrades, supplements, weapon parts, collectibles).
- Release Date: June 19, 2020
- Last Guide Update: January 16, 2024 – updated for The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (PS5 version), the guide applies to both PS4 & PS5 version. Nothing trophy-related changed in the PS5 version.
Welcome to The Last of Us 2 Trophy Guide (aka TLOU2 / The Last of Us Part II). There are no difficulty-related trophies and nothing missable. The trophy list consists almost entirely of Collectibles. It’s impossible to unlock all upgrades in a single playthrough, some New Game+ is required. You have two options to approach this platinum: A long 1st playthrough with Collectibles, followed by a partial New Game+ speedrun for remaining upgrades. Or skip Collectibles on the 1st playthrough and get them in New Game+. The first option is faster because you only need a partial New Game+ run for the last upgrade, while the second option would require a full New Game+ playthrough. It comes down to personal preference so approach it how you like.
Step 1: Story (Very Light Difficulty) & Collectibles = 20-25 Hours
The fastest way to platinum is to get all collectibles on the first playthrough and play on the lowest difficulty “Very Light”. The trophies are dead simple: just get all collectibles and the rest will come automatically along the way.
Follow The Last of Us 2 – All-in-One Collectible Guide and you’ll get all collectibles and trophies. There are no difficulty-related trophies and nothing is missable. After the story you can use chapter select to get missing collectibles. There’s also a collectible tracker in chapter select. You don’t need all Collectibles on the same Manual Save or in your Backpack at the same time. They only need to show as found in Chapter Select to unlock the trophies.
If you prefer, you can skip the collectibles on the 1st playthrough and do them in New Game+. In this case, make sure you get at least 30% (ideally 50%+) of the Player Upgrades & Weapon Upgrades or else you’ll need a third playthrough to fully upgrade everything.
Tip to find Collectibles / Supplements / Parts more easily:
Supplements (Player Upgrades) & Parts (Weapon Upgrades) can be hard to spot and are scattered everywhere. To make these easier to see, go to Options > Accessibility > Navigation and Traversal > Enhanced Listening Mode = ON, Scan Range = 30M, Scan Time = 1S. Now you can press +
in listening mode to highlight all collectibles / items in a 30 meter radius around you! Spam this everywhere you go and it’ll be like a sonar pulse showing you everything nearby.
Should you still have trouble finding a Collectible, go to Options > Accessibility > Magnification and Visual Aids > High Contrast Display = Setting 1. This marks all collectibles and items in yellow color from far away and makes them super easy to see.
WARNING: Be sure to make a Manual Save in the last Chapter (Chapter 45) and DO NOT ever overwrite this save! The chapters you have available in Chapter Select are based on your last autosave. When you replay an earlier chapter, it will lock you out of chapters past your autosave. The only way around this is to reload the Manual Save from the last chapter each time, then quit to the Main Menu. Doing so updates your Autosave to the last chapter, making everything available in Chapter Select again. Example: You completed the story and go to replay Chapter 4, it will lock you out of everything past Chapter 4. But if you have a save from the end of the game, you load it and all Chapters are unlocked again.
To get missing Collectibles via Chapter Select:
- Load up the Manual Save from the Last Chapter (this unlocks all Chapters via Chapter Select).
- Quit to Main Menu (Title Screen)
- Via Chapter Select, replay the Chapter you need.
- Get your missing Collectible.
- Load your Manual Save from the Last Chapter (Chapter 45) again and repeat Steps 2-4. No need to reach the next Checkpoint or finish the Chapter. The Collectibles are saved instantly. You don’t need them on the same Manual Save or in the Backpack at the same time. They just need to show up in Chapter Select to unlock the trophies.
Step 2: New Game+ to finish All Player Upgrades & Weapon Upgrades = 5-8 Hours
A single playthrough can only get you 80% of the required Supplements (Player Upgrades) & Parts (Weapon Upgrades) to fully upgrade everything. To get the missing 20% you will have to play through New Game+. At a minimum you will need 1.5 playthroughs to platinum. It’s impossible to finish the upgrades any sooner than this.
If you got the collectibles in the first playthrough you can now rush through the game and skip all cutscenes. In case you ignored collectibles on the first playthrough, get them now (in this case you’ll need a full 2nd playthrough).
The platinum will be yours after this step. If you missed anything you can get it via Chapter Select.
Useful Tips, Tricks, and Guides:
- The Last of Us 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide
- The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough
- The Last of Us 2 – All Collectible Locations
- The Last of Us 2 – Weapons
- The Last of Us 2 – Weapon Upgrades
- The Last of Us 2 – Player Upgrades (Skills)
- The Last of Us 2 – Craftable Items (Crafting Recipes)
- The Last of Us 2 – Safe Codes & Gate Codes
- No Return DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
The Last of Us 2 Trophy Guide
DLC Trophy Guide:
No Return DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Every Last One of Them Collect all trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in The Last of Us 2 to unlock Platinum (DLC / Grounded Mode / Permadeath Mode not required). | ||
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What I Had to Do Complete the story |
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Simply finish the story on any difficulty. You are allowed to play on “Very Light” which is the lowest difficulty. You can also make full use of the accessibility options, such as invisibility while prone and auto-aim. The accessibility options do not void any trophy. | ||
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Survival Expert Learn all player upgrades |
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To unlock new Skill Trees you must find Training Manuals. To unlock Skills you must spend “Supplements” (Skill Points) on them. Both the Training Manuals and Supplements are collectable items throughout the game. The Supplements are just about everywhere, similar to the “Parts” you can find for Weapon Upgrades.
There are 10 Skill Trees total, 2 of them are unlocked automatically throughout the story. For the other 8 you must find 8 Training Manuals (each unlocks a Skill Tree). There are more spawns of them than you need. To buy the Skills open your backpack using Touchpad You must have all Upgrades at the same time for the trophy to pop and can’t use Chapter Select to get missing ones. In total you need 1900 Supplements to buy all Skills. This is impossible in a single playthrough because there aren’t enough Supplements. You can only finish around 80% of upgrades in a single playthrough. To fully upgrade all skills you have to do at least half a playthrough in New Game+. During the second half of New Game+ you will be able to finish the last upgrades, not sooner than that. If the Parts & Supplements stop spawning for you, it means you’ve fully upgraded Ellie (not a glitch). Player Upgrades:
» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide (Also contains Parts / Supplements) |
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Arms Master Fully upgrade all weapons |
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Weapons can be upgraded at Workbenches using “Parts” (collectable items you find everywhere, similar to “Supplements” for Player Upgrades).
There are 12 Weapons in total. The Weapons, Workbenches, Parts are also listed in The Last of Us 2 All-in-One Collectible Guide (also linked below). You must have all Upgrades at the same time for the trophy to pop and can’t use Chapter Select to get missing ones. In total you need 1920 Parts to fully upgrade all Weapons. This is impossible in a single playthrough because there aren’t enough Parts. You can only finish around 80% of upgrades in a single playthrough. To fully upgrade all weapons you have to do at least half a playthrough in New Game+. During the second half of New Game+ you will be able to finish the last upgrades, not sooner than that. It’s best to upgrade the late-game weapons first. Then on your 2nd playthrough you can upgrade the weapons that unlock earlier into the game, which means fewer chapters to replay. If the Parts & Supplements stop spawning for you, it means you’ve fully upgraded Ellie (not a glitch). Weapon Upgrades:
» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide (Also contains Parts / Supplements) |
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Archivist Find all artifacts and journal entries |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Master Set Find all trading cards |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Numismatist Find all coins |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Prepared For the Worst Find all workbenches |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Mechanist Fully upgrade a weapon |
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See trophy “Arms Master”. | ||
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Specialist Learn all player upgrades in one branch |
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See trophy “Survival Expert”. | ||
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Safecracker Unlock every safe |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Sightseer Visit every location in downtown Seattle |
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*Glitched Trophy* You will automatically earn this trophy by following the All-in-One Collectible Guide, because each of the locations for this trophy also contains Collectibles! If you follow the Collectible Guide, don’t even worry about this trophy. Before starting, you must get the Artifact Collectible “Map of Seattle”. The first opportunity to find it is in Chapter 8: The Gate. When you reach the overgrown highway at the start of Chapter 8, there’s a construction trailer on the left side. It has the map in a drawer (if you miss this, it will respawn at the end of Chapter 8 in the trailer with the power generator you need to turn on). Now advance to Chapter 9: Downtown where this trophy actually takes place. Chapter 9: Downtown (Seattle Day 1) is the largest open world chapter in the game. In this chapter you will have a map that you can open at any time with The map below shows what the finished map should look like for the trophy to unlock (visit all 10 blue “?” Question Marks). The red numbers show the order I visited them in. The only locations I explored to have them checked off the map are Ruston Coffee (northernmost building) & Barkos Pet Store (you get the key for it from the bathroom in Ruston Coffee). Also, for the Courthouse to count you have to enter it through the window, just marking it on the map won’t count. For any of the other locations going near them and having them circled on the map is enough, no need to explore them. If you still have issues with this trophy, replicate the steps from the video above. |
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Journeyman Find all training manuals |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Survival Training Learn 25 player upgrades |
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See trophy “Survival Expert”. | ||
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High Caliber Find all weapons |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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In the Field Find 12 workbenches |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Tools of the Trade Craft every item |
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There are 12 items in total that you must craft for this trophy. Crafting materials are scattered everywhere, but they are more plentiful on the lowest difficulty. The list below shows all craftable items, the required materials, and how to unlock the crafting recipe. Most of them are unlocked automatically from the story or by buying a Player Upgrade. A few are unlocked by finding certain weapons.
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Tinkerer Upgrade a weapon |
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See trophy “Arms Master”. | ||
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Apprentice Learn a player upgrade |
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See trophy “Survival Expert”. | ||
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Starter Set Find 5 trading cards |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Mint Condition Find 5 coins |
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» The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide | ||
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Looks Good On You Put a hat on your companion |
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When Ellie and Joel enter the Wyoming Museum, immediately turn to the right to find a hat hanging in the gift shop area. Grab the hat and proceed to the next exhibition hall where all the dinosaur skeletons are. Put the hat on the first dinosaur skeletons on the left and right. After putting the head on both these skeletons, you can put it on Joel to unlock this trophy. If you miss it you can redo it via Chapter Select. |
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Sharpshooter Win the marksmanship competition |
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After you get your Semi-Auto Rifle from the armory, you can enter a shooting range on the right side (before hopping into the truck that ends the chapter). You need to get a highscore by hitting the red markers (body / head) as often as possible. If you have trouble with this, turn on Auto-Aim (Options > Controls > Assistance > Lock-On Aim = ON / Lock-On Strength = 10). Getting over 85 points should suffice. If you missed this opportunity you can replay it via Chapter Select. |
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Put My Name Up Earn the high score in the archery game |
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At the start of the chapter, in the first room of the Aquarium, you can find a purple bow on the left side with a scoreboard above it. Interact with the bow to start this minigame. The highscore is 10 targets. You need to hit more than 10 before time runs out. You are allowed to move around the area freely and shoot the targets from close range. No need to do any long-shots. If you have trouble with this, turn on Auto-Aim (Options > Controls > Assistance > Lock-On Aim = ON / Lock-On Strength = 10). If you missed this you can replay it via Chapter Select. |
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Relic of the Sages Find the Strange Artifact |
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The “Strange Artifact” is an Artifact Collectible. You’ll automatically get it while going for all of the Collectibles. Just follow the Collectible Guide and you won’t have to worry about this. |
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So Great and Small Find the Engraved Ring |
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The “Engraved Ring” is an Artifact Collectible. You’ll automatically get it while going for all of the Collectibles. Just follow the Collectible Guide and you won’t have to worry about this. |
Grounded Mode
Grounded Mode & Permadeath was added as a free update in Patch 1.04. Very simply put: play in New Game+ so you start out with more upgrades, enable all Combat Accessibility Options (especially “Invisible While Prone”). Then you can simply run > go prone > repeat. You can combine both trophies in 1 playthrough, or do 2 playthroughs to do the Permadeath run on “Very Easy”. It’s really easy with the Accessibility Options, not as daunting as it sounds!
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Dig Two Graves Complete the story on Grounded. |
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Grounded difficulty got added in patch 1.04 as a free update (no extra purchase required). You don’t need this trophy for the platinum.
It’s the new highest difficulty in the game. There are two ways to approach this: you can either combine it with “You Can’t Stop This” (Permadeath Mode) to get both DLC trophies in 1 playthrough (using “Per Chapter” Permadeath option), or you can do two separate playthroughs to make it easier (but this may take longer). Also be sure to do this in New Game+ after having finished the story at least once so you start out with upgrades and get access to all of Ellie’s weapons in Chapter 9: Downtown. Regardless of how you approach it, here are the key things you have to know:
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You Can’t Stop This Complete the story with any Permadeath setting. |
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Permadeath got added in patch 1.04 as a free update (no extra purchase required). You don’t need this trophy for the platinum.
You can pick from 3 options “Per Chapter” (respawn at start of chapter if you die), “Per Act” (respawn at start of act if you die), “Whole Game” (respawn at the very beginning of the prologue if you die). The “Per Chapter” option is the easiest because you lose the least progress in case of dying. For the purpose of the trophy it doesn’t matter which of the 3 options you choose, so go with “Per Chapter”. The difficulty setting doesn’t matter either, you can play on “Very Easy” for this trophy! There are two ways to approach this: you can either combine it with “Dig Two Graves” (Grounded Difficulty) to get both DLC trophies in 1 playthrough, or you can do two separate playthroughs doing one on “Very Easy” with the “Per Chapter Permadeath” enabled. Also be sure to do this in New Game+ after having finished the story at least once so you start out with upgrades and get access to all of Ellie’s weapons in Chapter 9: Downtown. If you combine this with Grounded Mode, refer to “Dig Two Graves” above for tips. The most important thing is enabling Accessibility > Combat Accessibility > Invisible While Prone. Using Accessibility options is allowed and doesn’t void any trophies. You can also back up & restore your save to make things easier. Follow these steps:
It’s a bit of extra work but can save you from additional replay time, especially for difficult encounters late into the chapter. |
DLC Trophy Guide:
No Return DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for helping in the creation of this guide:
dalailama1989, Gage, DK, NicoFantasy, LiquifySolid
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide & Collectible Guide are all 100% done. Enjoy!
Edit: Be careful of Spoilers in comments. The trophy guide is as spoiler-free as possible, but some user comments below may contain endgame questions and therefore spoilers.
Matheus França Pinheiro says
New Game + keeps collectables already taken or reset then?
PowerPyx says
It keeps everything, collectibles carry over and don’t need to be found again (see the bullet points at start of guide about New Game+).
Michael says
I started my new game plus for survival expert and arms master trophies just finished weapons and supplements part for Ellie so is there a way I can just skip to abby’s part now or do I have to finish Ellie?
PowerPyx says
No, you have to play all chapters in succession.
AbbaBlack says
If I play the game on Normal without going for all Collectibles on first playthrough how long roughly would it take me to gather all the collectibles via Chapter Select?
Welshness says
Hi! I’m not sure if anyone else has had this problem but I changed my difficulty from normal to light during Seattle Day 1 and it didn’t save any collectibles from that part on so I now have to go through and redo each level!
B. King says
I followed the guide like a book on my first playthrough. The journeyman trophy didn’t pop. I clearly have all the training Manuel’s. Is it glitched?
B. King says
Journeyman trophy is glitched. Didn’t work for me.
PowerPyx says
Haven’t heard of it being glitched. Could be a rare instance of it being bugged. If you got a save before the last manual, reinstall the game and reload that save to collect the last Manual again. Could also try reloading the last Manual’s chapter via chapter select. Reinstalling the game can often help with trophy bugs (in rare incidents, any trophy can bug at random if there was an error during trophy set installation, which a reinstall of the game should fix). If that doesn’t help, deleting all saves and redoing everything from scratch might be the only solution.
Double-check that you really got all skill categories unlocked. All the skills / skill categories are outlined here in the trophy guide.
Anthony says
Does cheats disable grounded trophy?
Darran1927 says
Hi I’ve got all collectables now and completed the game I still need to max weapons and player upgrades I was going to do New game plus on easy to clear but wondering is it possible to do this instead with grounded and permadeath trophy? Is there enough parts to pick up and supplements in grounded difficulty?(my first playthrough I played normal and would have missed some parts as I played without guide)
manigamer says
ALRIGHT no online trophies yessss
ImAPirateSoSueMe says
Considering the game doesn’t have online, I mean.
JL says
The most snooze-fest trophy list ever for a triple A game. Hopefully a grounded dlc trophy will be added in later on.
LiamRobertson (Dr.CupCakes) says
I’m sure you are used to it by now, considering your “Yah-Wah-Hoo” games are pretty much that.
Aldo says
Snooze fest trophy for a **** game
Mahin says
Can someone please explain the manual save PowerPyx mentioned? I am a bit confused….
PowerPyx says
You should keep a Manual Save from end of game and don’t overwrite it. The Chapter Select in this game is very weird. If you have completed the game and go to replay Chapter 5, it will lock you out of everything past Chapter 5. But if you have a save from the end of the game, you load it and all Chapters are unlocked again. It will all make sense when you get there.
Let me know what part is confusing you, perhaps I can reword it so others don’t get confused 🙂
Kieran says
Wouldn’t reloading the Manual save from the end of the game take you back to how many collectibles you had back then tho each time?
HellOfaHunter says
after collecting your missed collectibles just reload the complete save file no need for manual save the collectibles saved on separate file automatically without any problem or act from you.
James Sorensen says
With the ability to play on easy and use “cheats” how is this a 2/10 Difficulty LOL
PowerPyx says
A 1/10 would be a Telltale game where you get all trophies automatically. At least here you need to go out of your way to pick up some Collectibles.
But yes, might as well call it a 1.5/10. Nothing difficult to it.
LiamRobertson (Dr.CupCakes) says
Because not everyone is going to play on the easiest difficulty? Hence the multiple levels of difficulty.
A journalist pleb like you, I’m sure you are jumping for joy!
FattassXD says
Hey, what chapter is end of game (for manual save). Keep up the good guides.
Attila says
So if you do a chapter select then go back to your manual save does that still log the collectables you got from chapter select. It seems if you go to chapter 4 for example complete is for collectables then load you end game save wouldn’t it erase the collectables you just got?
PowerPyx says
The Collectibles are still saved through chapter select.
The reason being that they are stored on the “Profile Save” which is kept separate from the “Autosave” and “Manual Saves”. Hence, using chapter select works just fine for getting missing collectibles.
The whole Chapter Select/Save Game system is overly complicated for a game that prides itself for having the most accessibility options.
nizzuee says
Hye powerpyx. Is it ok if I just go through with the game first just to enjoy the beauty of it and I’ll collect all the collectibles in the new game+?
PowerPyx says
Yes – this is also explained in the Roadmap 🙂
You can do a run for fun and get collectibles in New Game+ if you prefer it that way.
Iames says
Amazing. This series went from being the hardest platinum trophy I’ve achieved to this crap.
Games are getting way too easy nowadays without the inclusion of difficulty trophies.
LiamRobertson (Dr.CupCakes) says
You can play on the hardest difficult right from the get-go, if you need to show off your e-p**n to your fellow Xbro/Nintendudes.
Richie says
What are you talking about? I hate difficulty trophies. This is the way to go! Only need one trophy for completion of the game. Period. First Last of Us game had a useless trophy setup…4 trophies for difficulties and 4 more for New Game+. No sir. Glad they realized the error of their ways.
Ryan Makhoul says
Hello the game just unlocked for me and something is definitely wrong – upon starting a new game i can hear the characters talking but the game is actually frozen in a black screen.
If i close the application the game crashes
I tried opening the model viewer and the game freezes as well
Anybody else?
TheReactr says
You might have figured out a solution by now, but in case you haven’t, try reinstalling. If that doesn’t work, try clearing your system cache, by booting into safe mode. Best of luck
Maddy b says
wait so when i make the manual save at the end do i load that one when im going back to get collectibles or do i just go in chapter select? Bit confused sorry. Also will your collections guide spoil the story if i use it along the way while i play? Thanks.
Ahmed says
What recommended accessibility options to make getting the trophies easy?
Robin Taxis says
But if you choose chapter select, the collectibles you missed do not carry over to Manual save do they? So if you missed something and replay in new game plus you cannot simply collect the say 2 Cards you missed. To have everything in your backpack you would have to collect everything again Right? What kind of fuckery is this?
They are checked as found in chapter select but you do not have them in your backpack in your furthest Manual save?
PowerPyx says
It’s all explained in the Collectible Guide.
Kosik222 says
Hi PowerPyx,
trophy guide is done? How is it possible? ??
By the way thanks for this!
rabidcow says
there are beta testers in the gaming industry
Joel says
I don’t get the part about the chapter select and manual save,,, i should load up the manual save quit and then overwrite it??? Or i should overwrite the autosave one?? And should i do it everytime??
PowerPyx says
1. Make Manual Save in last Chapter (Chapter 45, it will be obvious when you get close to the end)
2. Don’t EVER overwrite it or you lose acccess to chapter select
3. When you want to replay a chapter, load that Manual Save > Quit to Main Menu > Chapter Select > Get your missing collectible.
4. After you got what you needed in Chapter Select, load the Manual Save again.
Repeat step 3-4 when you need to replay chapters.
Yes, the Chapter Select is this convoluted in an AAA game in the year 2020. No idea why Naughty Dog made it this overly complicated. I hope they patch it so Chapters stay unlocked after the story without all the unnecessary save loading.
Woozy045 says
I pre ordered the game which gave me a capacity upgrade for the pistol. That means I’ll have to spend 50 less parts to upgrade everything. Will this bonus mess up the trophy?
PowerPyx says
No worries, this won’t mess up any trophy. You’ll be fine 🙂
The trophies only care that you have fully upgraded each item, not necessarily how many parts you have found in total.
OTPYG says
*potential spoilers*
For the Arms Master and Survival Expert trophies, do you have to play fully from chapter 1 in NG+ until they unlock? Eg if I unlock all of Ellie’s by chapter 10, can I then chapter select to Abby’s chapters to unlock hers? Or do all chapters need to be done in succession? Cheers.
PowerPyx says
You need to do all NG+ chapters in succession. You’re not allowed to skip any chapters in NG+.
OTPYG says
Thanks for confirming, PP.
Chris Radford says
*Potential spoiler below*
Thanks for the guide! For all player and weapon upgrades, do you have to upgrade all of Ellie and Abby’s weapons/skills? Or is it just Ellie? I have yet to finish the game, just wondered. Thanks.
PowerPyx says
Both characters need to be fully upgraded. All required upgrades/skills are listed in the trophy guide.
Paris says
Potential spoilers below!
Hey PowerPyx. I’m very thankful for the guide you created for this game and I think it’s almost perfect, but in it I think you should also mention whether or not the player upgrades for Abby are also required for the Survival Expert trophy. I haven’t gotten too far into Abby’s section of the game yet, so I’m not sure if I’m also going to be able to upgrade weapons through Abby. If so, are those upgraded weapons required for the Arms Master trophy as well? I assume since you didn’t mention her at all, she probably isn’t required for the trophies so I’m just gonna upgrade what I can with Abby. Again, thank you for the wonderful guide!
Paris says
Nevermind, I see that they’re also required for the trophies as well.
PowerPyx says
Abby’s upgrades are required too. The trophy guide shows the full list of weapons and skills you need.
Dragos says
Spoilers ahead!
Hello, ive seen you mention multiple times that chapter 45 is the last one, the one with the beach. Isnt the farm epilogue the last chapter? The one i have to make a manual save in, to reload all chapters after using chapter select? Thanks!
PowerPyx says
Epilogue is just a cutscene, you can’t manual save there.
The last “real” (playable) chapter is 45 (Beach). That’s the one where you need to Manual Save.
SRTV says
I thought you meant the farm, because I made a manual save there and reload it each time after chapter select – still allows me to chapter select after loading of the farm manual save but the collectables are not carrying over. Thanks- now I will make a save at the beach instead.
AFK gamer says
Why are you saying in the Guide, that we need 1 and a HALF walkthrough to get the Platin trophy, when you also have to maximize Abby’s weapons. You can only play Abby after HALF of the game. So you almost have to play 2 complete runs.
PowerPyx says
Not quite. 1.5 playthroughs are enough if you did the 1st playthrough thoroughly.
In NG+ I only had to play the 2nd mission of Abby to max her out. I got 95% of upgrades done in her 1st playthrough. As long as you find ALL parts/supplements with her in the first playthrough, you won’t need a full 2nd run. That’s why I recommend going for Collectibles on 1st Playthrough. Unfortunately it’s impossible to max out Abby on the first playthrough so you’ll have to play some NG+ chapters with Ellie unnecessarily until you reach the Abby Part. Then finish at least 2 Chapters with Abby for her missing upgrades (maybe more, depending on how thorough you were on 1st playthrough). 2 full playthroughs aren’t needed if you are thorough, only 1.5 until Abby part begins.
sessho says
When u die do you need to go pick the collectibles again ?
PowerPyx says
No, they are saved instantly.
sessho says
hmm i was in Hillcrest died from the Shamblers and the safe i had opened before in the garage where the infected where trapped is closed again. I suppose for some parts i need to be careful or i could loose the ? trophy of the safes etc . Anyway thanx for the guide powerpyx! You are the best !
Harsh Agarwal says
You can mention that the save file is automatically saved as a backup once you load a level from chapter select. You can exit the level and load that backup to unlock the chapters. So you won’t be locked out.
JargoChan says
Thanks for the guide PowerPyx! Just one question hopefully you or someone can answer, do the supplements and parts carry over from Ellie to Abby once the switch happens? I’m about to start my NG+ playthrough and I’m 90% sure it doesn’t but I just want some confirmation so I can run past everything once Ellie and her weapons are fully upgraded to get to the Abby chapters quicker. Thanks!
PowerPyx says
They don’t carry over. After you’ve fully upgraded Ellie they stop spawning for her. Abby needs to find her own parts/supps.
VVidow says
Can you swap between NG and NG+ saves while keeping collectible progress? Like say I get all the player and weapon upgrades but need to go back and get a safe I missed on a later mission with my NG save so I don’t have to play more than I need. Sorry if this is complicated.
PowerPyx says
Yes, you can swap between NG & NG+ for collectibles. The collectibles are stored on your “profile save” and count across all playthroughs and difficulties. They only need to show as collected in Chapter Select, that’s all that matters for the trophies.
Tre says
Hey everyone I just beat the game. Can someone let me know if I should be doing chapter select for collectibles first or if I have to to new game plus first to fully upgrade? Would hate to do chapter select and then have my chance at new game plus ruined.
PowerPyx says
Either way is fine (as long as you kept a Manual Save from Beach chapter). You could also grab the missing collectibles in NG+, this way you save yourself some replays 🙂
Baz says
I missed one for “Tools of the Trade” I wasn’t sure which one I never crafted so I tried to go through with chapter select to the specific chapters your able to craft the individual items. However I did not get the trophy, I take it the items crafted does not stack?
PowerPyx says
The Weapons / Player Upgrades need to be on the same Manual Save. You can’t use Chapter Select for them, they don’t stack. I’ll add that to the guide, thanks for your question!
Baz says
Is it possible to get this during NG+ seeing as you wont be able to craft a a Stun Bomb at all as it would now be a smoke bomb. (I’m pretty sure it was the Stun Bomb I didnt Craft)
Baz says
PowerPyx says
Yes you can still do it in NG+, just craft all items again. Craft them all within the same playthrough and it should be fine. The Stun Bomb and Smoke Bomb count as one in Ellie’s backpack (crafting menu). When you’re done it’d be nice if you can confirm whether it worked despite not crafting Stun Bomb 🙂
Baz says
Ahh ok so I dont need to craft the stun bomb and the smoke bomb? Just the smoke bomb should do?
I’ll be able to confirm shortly, at the end of Ellies part.
PowerPyx says
I think they count as the same so just smoke bomb should suffice (they count as one in the crafting backpack at least).
Baz says
Weird, I crafted everything as Ellie and when switching to Abby you automatically pick up the materials to craft a pipe bomb. After a little while looting ipicked up a few materials to see what I can craft, Icould only craft Hunting pistol ammo so I did. The trophy popped immediately.
So I created everything with Ellie, and 2 things with Abby on NG+ and the trophy popped.
PowerPyx says
Glad to hear you got it in the end 🙂
sessho says
I had the same issue. Luckily i had a previous save file with Abby so i loaded this ,shooted 2-3 rounds with the hunter pistol and then crafted some more shell bullets and trophy magically poped up. 100% i had crafted everything but it simply got stuck.In some forums where other people had the same issue,they said that it can be cause of you apply the preorder bonus.
Tom says
Hi, unfortunately during my first playthrough it seems I missed one safe somehow. Can I go back in chapter select to get the one safe and thus get the trophy?
Also what if I didn’t do a manual save in chapter 45. I read this guide after finishing the game.
PowerPyx says
1) Before you do anything, restart Chapter 45: The Beach via Chapter Select. Make a Manual Save there (NEVER overwrite this or you’ll lose access to Chapter Select!)
2) You can now try getting your last safe via Chapter Select. I’m not 100% sure if the trophy for all Safes will pop via Chapter Select (since they are a bit different from collectibles that go in your inventory). If it doesn’t pop, start New Game+ and open all safes again on that playthrough.
US_Chrono says
Spoiler ahead
Example, if I did all ability and weapon of Ellie, and if I have 300 parts a suplements with her, does theses 300 carry over to Abby? If yes, I’m just going make a lot of points and parts and use on Abby!
PowerPyx says
No, they don’t carry over. They are counted separately for each character.
US_Chrono says
I see, Thanks man, btw, u r the best of the best trophy guider!
BodyChipper says
I started the game on Easy but then upped to Normal after getting used to things again. I noticed in a few spots of your guide that I actually got more parts/supplements than what you listed while still on Easy. I didn’t think difficulty affected those components, only crafting parts or ammo, but wondering if anyone else can confirm any difference.
Mike says
when i check chapter select to see if i have all the collectibles, it says that i dont have both of the patrol chapter journal entries even though i got them both and they are written in ellies journal. I even tried the chapter select trick to get thme again but still nothing. Any help?
PhantomFear94 says
Hey PP, thanks for the amazing guide. Really appreciate the detail of the WT from you and your associates.
Can I ask how you found the game after the long wait? Did you enjoy it? You’re so busy creating content for us all, so I thought I’d ask how you enjoyed the actual game!
P.S. I used to really like your reviews of games, hope for them to make a return one day!
abdo says
thanks for the guide. and i would like to add something about “sightseer” trophy: what happened to me is that i missed Location number 9 in my first playthrough, if someone missed a location or two don’t worry. in the NG+ …. just go to the missed placed and you will get the trophy ” no need to revisit all 10 locations”
Rodney Coots says
Tools of the trade did not pop for me even though I crafted everything on the first play through. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a glitch? Do you have to craft both a smoke bomb and a stun bomb?
PowerPyx says
There was someone else in the comments earlier who had the same issue. Popped during NG+ for him while recrafting everything. He didn’t have to craft Stun Bomb, only Smoke Bomb. Seems a bit glitchy for some players. In the crafting menu / backpack the Stun Bomb & Smoke Bomb count as one (Smoke is just an upgraded variant of Stun) so they should count as one.
Brandon Wertz says
Unfortunately I didn’t come here until after beating the game so I’m too late to have a manual save from the last chapter. If I choose Encounters and skip all the way to the beach can I do a manual save and it work the same?
Brandon Wertz says
Ok, so the encounter thing is wrong. I didn’t realize it was literally only the encounter. I see above many ppl asking the same question as I am and I’m still not sure its clear for me. I have done what you said and loaded Chapter 45 and created a manual save. When I exit back to the menu, the old start screen returns of the boat in the water. New game + and Chapter select are missing. What am I not understanding? What’s the point in the manual save if doing so removes those options?
PowerPyx says
So you don’t lose access to Chapter Select for missing collectibles. Doesn’t do anything for NG+, it’s just for mopping up missing collectibles.
manigamer says
didn’t your game do an autosave backup after ending ? if so you can load that up and its like the manual save thingie
Rodney Coots says
If you go into you load save game menu you should find an auto save file that says complete load that save file and it will take you back to your start screen that has all the chapters and your NG+
PowerPyx says
The problem is it will overwrite the auto-save automatically while replaying Chapters, so this is no good. That’s why you need to still make a Manual Save.
Tina says
Hello, i am following your tips about doing a manual save on beach chapter to reload previous chpaters. I’m working my way backwards on collecting collectibles. I load my manual save, quit to main menu, go to chapter select, in my case, Seattle day 3 (Abby) to get a coin in the marina. It’s not saving towards my summary count under Seattle day 3 when I picked up the coin. It should say 2/2 instead of 1/2. Is it being saved elsewhere or am I doing it wrong? Thanks!
manigamer says
it does save, it goes to your profile save. so yeah ingame shows you might be missing some but in actual its all being tracked in profile. i think this is what it does.
Thisaccountsfake says
Wondering if anyone has come across the same issue as me, I was playing as Ellie, went back to the main menu, and started a previous encounter to show a friend. This changed all of my weapons (maxed out pistol having no upgrades, non-upgraded hunting pistol getting maxed out, etc.) as well as losing all progress with skill upgrades. So I proceeded to upgrade as much as I could, made it through Abby with no problem, then Santa Barbara chapter hits, and my guns and skills reset again. So now. I’m in NG+ with no upgrades as Ellie again (waited til Seattle day 1 to confirm). Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem? Are encounters glitched, because it seems like the root of my problem. Thanks in advance.
AbbaBlack says
How long roughly would it take me to get all collectibles via Chapter Select if I don’t go for all collectibles on my first playthrough? Also how long to fully upgrade all weapons and skills on New Game+ not including cutscenes ?
PowerPyx says
Depends on how many things you missed :p
Could be 20h if you missed something in each chapter, could be 30min if you only missed one or two.
5-8h for NG+ skipping cutscenes and not collecting anything (as said in the Roadmap).
u4icsmith says
“WARNING: Be sure to make a Manual Save in the last Chapter (Chapter 45) and DO NOT ever overwrite this save!”
How to tell what chapter I’m currently playing?
PowerPyx says
Where you make Manual Save it says the Chapter on last Autosave. It will be obvious when you reach the end / Beach (because it looks like a Beach). For obvious spoiler reasons I’m keeping it a little vague and not spoiling what exactly heppens at that point in the game. If you follow along the Collectible Guide it will mention the Chapter number.
Joe says
Doing chapter select won’t lock me out of NG+ right?
I made a manual save on Chapter 45 and now want to go for missing collectibles using chapter select, but I’m not sure if it’ll remove the NG+ option for me.
manigamer says
it will lock you out of new game+ but once you have collected what you want from chapter selects just reload the manul save and get new game plus game back. for me the game had to auto back up saves after i ended my game, i did also manually saved at the last chapter and i missed one coin, so after ending game i did the chapter select and got the nusamist trophy and when i quit i did not have the ng+ option so i loaded my auto saved backup save when game ended and i had ng+ again
Michael J Prymula says
Thank you so much! I only had to do steps 1-4 in order to get the Archivist trophy.
manigamer says
i just finished the game and happy i was going to get to do 1.5 playthrough but guns aren’t unlocked from start in new gameplus 🙁 i mean if in order to do the arms master trophy ill have to wait for abbys last gun to fully upgrade that 🙁 ahh man its almost 2 runs here. oooofff
manigamer says
also when i was starting to play new game + there was someting about weapons i dont know what it was but it did say something about weapons available at start can someone tell me exactly what it said maybe there’s a way to get all weapons from start perhaps
PowerPyx says
The in-game info box for NG+ says “Ellie’s weapons will become available at the start of Chapter 9: Downtown” (I’m paraphrasing). So you get all her weapons a little early, in Chapter 9. But doesn’t really help with trophies as you still need to play till Abby part and can’t skip any chapters in between.
manigamer says
ahh thanks for the paraphrase just what i missed, hopefully abbys guns are given similarly for abby as i have to upgrade both abby and ellies guns just 2 guns more for each.
gamerkomt says
Maybe a small detail. When you upgrade all the weapons early on game, the parts no longer appear. You cannot collect extra parts on the Abby gameplay.
Aliim2 says
3 trophy is glitched for me i do anything but its doesn’t pop up
Looks good on you
What should i do now only this 3 left for me o try chapter select but its doesn’t give me the trophy
Jean says
same problem for me, escpecially Look good on you trophy, simply reinstall the game but don’t delete your save
reinstall the game is solution for me.
s.s says
hi powerpyx in Newgame+ my Collectibles from Newgame are still COUNT or I should find them all again ??
nizzuee says
Got the platinum after 35 hours playing WITH the big help of yours PP. Thanks a lot.
bigbooler says
Can I go backwards during the NG+ run? Like start with the Abby chapters and make my way back since the Chapter Select only seems to disable all the chapters that come afterwards
manigamer says
no in ng+ you must play the game normally as in sequence wise as it is without skipping any chapters.
manigamer says
if you are going for the player upgrades and weapon upgrades trophy you must do it as is form beginning of ng+ for other trophies some which are collectibles etc u can do chapter select with the manual save thingie at the end. so you can collect each trophy reload manual save and do it again via chapter select and yeah the backwards thingie might work if you are only going for the missed collectibles or other trophies than full player and weapon upgrade
PhantomFear94 says
Interesting that you had more upgrades left for Abbie than Ellie, PP – I only have 2 weapon upgrades and 4 abilties as Ellie but 3 weapon upgrades and 6 (ish) abilities as Abby heading into NG+. In terms of parts/supplements it is about the same, but overall I got more of Ellie done.
Hyyyp says
I simply can’t get sightseer to proc. I have done the chapter 10 times on chapter select now. And have completed EVERYTHING on the map i see here. But still no trophy 🙁
Detroit says
So, I completed the game the first time, came back to check the guide for how to 100% the game and see I needed to make a manual save on the last chapter, can I just go into Chapter select, choose the last chapter, manual save it, quit and go to the main menu and begin going chapter to chapter looking for the items?
AFK gamer says
Platinum! Perfect Collectibles Videos. Thanks a lot!
Dan says
Okay, so i’ve gone through the game and picked up all trophies and collectables, except for one, “Master set”.
One of my Trading Cards has “glitched” on my first playthrough and has not counted on the counter.
The card in question is BEYOND, it is located in the theatre, up one floor and all the way round at the end of the corridor.
The in game collectable tracker marks it with a tick when I go to pick it up, meaning it has been logged, however the trophy still will not pop when picked up.
Any solutions?
I fear my only remaining option is to delete all saves and replay as a fresh game following the guide for all cards. 🙁
Dan says
BodyChipper says
Thanks so much for the guide and walkthrough. Since 90% of the trophies are related to collectibles your walkthrough guide pretty much IS the trophy guide. I really enjoyed this game as dark, gritty, and hard hitting as it is. The story kept me playing. I didn’t read any of the stupid negative buzz about the game prior to playing and felt that everything that happened in it was earned and for a good reason. I honestly liked the exploration and travel more than the combat situations, and just wanted to get to the next cutscene to see what would happen.
I would say my only gripe with the trophy list itself is the like 1.5x playthroughs required. I was very close to maxing out Abby when her side ended. But in order to even get back to her you have to play at least half the game over again. I wish they made NG+ where you could start at Day 1 for either character. As it stands, even if you max Ellie early in the NG+ run, you still have to play the rest just to get to Abby.
Slicee-of-Lifee says
Does anybody know whether difficulty affect loot? I’m doing my first run on survivor but I don’t think I’ll be get %80 of upgrades. Thanks.
Dalini says
Please help, I forgot to do a manual save in chapter 45 like you said. Should I go to the epilogue now and save it manually? Will it work? Right now my “complete game” is in auto save.
PowerPyx says
Restart the Beach chapter via Chapter Select to make a Manual Save.
Areeb says
I just finished the game in moderate and just require Survival expert and Arms master. So my question is do i have start the new game+ in moderate+ or I could start in very light+. I’m just confused about this.
Space says
You can start on Very Light+. Difficulty can also be changed at any time in the options menu.
godsglaive says
Hi Powerpyx, thanks for this guide. Quick question, will i lose chapter select if do game+ or i should clear the missed collectibles via chapter select before Game+ for player & weapons upgrades
bigbooler says
I’m adding myself to this. Not sure if I should do chapter-select and get all the remaining collectibles FIRST and then do NG+ or if I can do NG+ and clean up the collectibles and weapon upgrades at the same time
u4icsmith says
“It’s best to upgrade the late-game weapons first. Then on your 2nd playthrough you can upgrade the weapons that unlock earlier into the game, which means fewer chapters to replay.”
When starting a NG+, I was under the assumption that all weapons collected during my first playthrough carried over. Or am I mistaken?
PowerPyx says
The upgrades carry over, but you don’t have access to all weapons right away.
Devin says
I’m very confused. I have a handful of collectibles left in the first half of the game and some weapon upgrades/supplement upgrades. I started NG+ with the interim of mopping up collectibles and finishing upgrades. According to my NG+ save I have 4 collectibles meaning they reset. How should I go about this differently?
bigbooler says
You figure it out? Lol
cory says
before i finish game do i need to upgrade abby for the upgrade trophy or no? can i save parts n supplements gotten by abby on ellie?
themis says
hey everyone im a bit there any way to check which collectibles i missed.I mean i know in chapter select there is a checklist but how do i know which cards or journal entry i missed?Eg 10/15 cards which 5 do i have to get?Is there any way to check this or i have to go through everything again even the already collected ones?
PowerPyx says
They will be in your backpack, so you can check the name to see which ones you got and which ones you don’t. Or simply collect all of the missing category again in the level, the easiest option and faster than trying to figure out which you missed and which you didn’t.
themis says
For example if i check my backpack on seattle d1 it will show everything i have from all chapters or the ones i have until this moment?
alireza says
hey everyone , i’ve just came up with question , when i started new game + , i dont have acceess to weapons that i get later in the game, like submachine gun ( that acquire nearly end of the game , so it means i have to go all over the game , until chapter 44 to get it and start to upgrade ???? if is that so , it does not mean 1.5 playthrough , so basically it is 2 playthrough , am i right ???
alireza says
another question , if i miss weapon like Pump Shotgun in chapter 9 , i’m not able to upgrade it anymore ????
BodyChipper says
You’re probably already done but:
The submachine gun has no upgrades. And you won’t get your weapons until chapter 9, I believe, for Ellie, and you don’t get access to Abby’s until you get through Ellie’s half of the story. You can get the shotgun on the second playthrough if you missed it the first time around, but it will already be in your inventory in Chapter 9 when you play on NG+ if you got it the first time around.
Alex says
Just maxed everything out with Ellie (Supplements and Weapons) in NG+, and I’m still at day 1 with her. Can I just save and chapter select to Abby’s day 1, or I do have to finish the rest of Ellie’s chapters?
alireza says
hey bro , let me know if you are successful with that idea
BodyChipper says
You have to finish all of Ellie’s chapters to get to Abby….it’s my biggest gripe with the trophy list. Wishing you could start at either characters “chapter 1” to save time.
Charlie says
That’s where I’m at now, fully upgraded Ellie and I’m still only about halfway through Seattle Day 1! I now have a huge chunk of game yet to play before I can get to Abby and finish upgrading. At least I can just rush through levels now without having to worry about collectibles and can skip cut scenes.
Cyril says
Thanks ! I appreciate your work!
Bulldawg says
I decided to play the game again because I absolutely loved the game but my New Game+ is having me collect ALL collectibles again. I even turned the option on to show what I’ve collected and it doesn’t work.
Bulldawg says
Everytime I do chapter select it makes me start a new game.
themis says
Hi i have a bit of a problem in chapter THE GATE.I picked the last note and card in the roof with the rope and after the cutscene with dina i quit to the menu.When i checked in the chapter select it didnt count them for some reason and i replayed it again an when i picked them up for the second time they had the checkmark when you already picked them and when i went to the menu again it didnt count them.WTF is this are they counted or is ti bugged does anyone know?Should i collect the rest collectibles or am i screwed?
anvilcofffff says
you can get collectibles that you missed backwards.
this way you do not need to do manual save part.
AHZ says
Can we use the infinite ammo option to unlock the trophies?
Adam says
Thanks! Will you be doing a guide for the new Grounded and Permadeath trophies? I’d love to know if we can do it on Grounded+ and whether we can activate cheats.
mitch says
Cheats wont work on grounded or permadeath.but id also like to know if the 2 new trophys will pop on new game plus +…
mitch says
Hi ! Im curious to know if the 2 new trophys for completeing on grounded mode and perma death setting can be done on new game + with all the perks and weapons maxed ?? I think alot of us would like to know.any idea ? Thanks powerpyx love the guides.
Dogbert says
See you all at Part 3/Finale guide 🙂
In Naughty Gods, we trust – let’s gooooo!!!
Col-Crazy88 says
Darran1927 says
August 28, 2020 at 3:47 pm
Hi I’ve got all collectables now and completed the game I still need to max weapons and player upgrades I was going to do New game plus on easy to clear but wondering is it possible to do this instead with grounded and permadeath trophy? Is there enough parts to pick up and supplements in grounded difficulty?(my first playthrough I played normal and would have missed some parts as I played without guide)
–> I would like to know this also. Surely because all upgrades for Listening mode are gone on grounded mode! so do they count? because i got them on a previous playtrough. I only need 160 supplements total. thx powerpyx!
Jake says
For the people.who are struggling on grounded you can activate listen mode!!! Options- navigation amd traversal – Enhanced listen mode on
Boom.helps alot to locate and tracl where the enemies are
Arıkhan says
Thank Youu İts a Perfect Guide :)))
Saad mujtaba says
I have upgraded all the weapons for both Ellie and Abby and didn’t got the trophy plz can someone help me?power pyx? I am really frustrated
Random127 says
I had the same problem with the skills upgrades. I gad to do another 1.5 playthroughs to unlock the trophy. I didnt spend a single supplement until the very last moment with Ellie and as soon as I reached 950 supplements with Abby. I dont know if that actually made a difference I just wanted to be able to put a save down before upgrading Ellie and another before upgrading Abby so I had some options if the trophy didnt pop again and maybe I could try loading those saves on PS4 or after another patch (I played on PS5 after the PS5 patch)
On very light difficulty following the supplements guide on here it took about 13 hours.
Raymond Alvarado says
If you haven’t upgraded all listening skills during your first playthrough, then Survival Expert will not be possible on Grounded+. Listen mode upgrades are unavailable on Grounded playthroughs and would necessitate starting a third playthrough.
Heads up for others that want to 100% the game in two playthroughs.
Omer says
Playing on very easy is not a thing for me, so i wanna ask. Can i get platinium trophy with 1 easy and 1 medium playtrough?
MJ says
Just dinged the Plat – gotta say thanks a million mate. I’ve used a bunch of your guides now and they’re always very good… but this one takes the cake- not only because it is very thorough and precise, but because of how much detail here yet all is kept spoiler free! Some kind of genius here. All the best!
Clint says
Will this auto ding the trophies on my PS4 version if I Plat the PS5 version?
Noah says
Curious about this as well.