The Last of Us 2 Remastered: No Return DLC Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (using PS+ Cloud Saves for Daily Run on Grounded – see Exploit)
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 10+ Hours (highly skill-dependent for Daily Run on Grounded Mode)
- Offline Trophies: 11 (11
- Online Trophies: 2 (1
, 1
) –
May Your Survival Be Long,
May Your Death Be Swift (Daily Runs are online-only)
- Total Trophies: 13 (1
, 12
- Number of missable trophies: The 2 trophies for daily runs are semi-missable, if you fail the daily run you must wait until the next day for another attempt (
May Your Survival Be Long,
May Your Death Be Swift). However, there is a workaround, see Step 5 of Roadmap.
- Glitched trophies: 1 –
Modded, is obtainable but the counter gets stuck at 25/26 mods for some players. A fix is to play Mystery Encounters that have various mods active.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must do Daily Run on highest difficulty ‘Grounded Mode’. Everything else is doable on lowest difficulty ‘Very Light’.
- Hardest Trophy:
May Your Death Be Swift (beat Daily Run on Grounded difficulty, but can make it easier by using accessibility options)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 11 full runs minimum (win 1 run with all 10 characters + 1 daily run on Grounded Mode). You will also need additional partial runs to unlock all characters and complete all challenges and practice for the daily run on Grounded Mode.
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, it autopops all trophies including Platinum & Grounded Mode DLC from the PS4 version. Simply copy the PS4 save to your PS5 console (via USB or PS+ cloud), it will automatically recognize the saves and autopops all trophies when loading the Platinum save.
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: No, the No Return DLC & main game Remaster are only on PS5. If you own the PS4 version the PS5 upgrade is available for $10.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: There is no traditional free roam or level select in this DLC. It’s a roguelike with randomly generated levels on each run, but can be replayed infinitely.
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave. But you can quit to Main Menu in the Safehouse between encounters to create a save. This can also be backed up to PS+ Cloud. If you die you can copy back the save (especially useful before boss fights). However, this doesn’t work for the Daily Runs as these are online-only.
- Release Date: January 19, 2024
Welcome to the The Last of Us Part 2 Remaster: No Return DLC Trophy Guide! This DLC releases together with The Last of Us Part 2 Remaster on PS5. It’s a roguelike mode. The goal is to play through a series of 6 encounters without dying. The last encounter is always a boss fight. Deaths in this mode are permanent, if you die you must restart from the very beginning. However, there is a way to cheat this: in the saferoom between encounters you can quit to the main menu, then back up your save to PS+ Cloud. If you die, copy back the save to respawn in the saferoom. The saferooms let you quit without voiding the run. If you quit during an encounter it will count as a death and you’d have to start over. Making a backup save before the boss is advantageous as these are the hardest encounters. The mode consists of only 4 encounter types: Assault (kill 3 waves of enemies), Hunted (survive until time runs out), Capture (kill enemies and loot a safe), Holdout (defend an NPC). There are 10 characters total, 5 aligned with Ellie and 5 aligned with Abby. There are also Mods that add special modifications to encounters. All trophies are doable in Custom Runs, allowing you to select what match types, mods, enemies, and boss you want. This makes several trophies easier and faster to do, especially if you only select the ‘Capture’ mode as it is the fastest and easiest. All game modes, mods, and characters are unlocked gradually from playing runs and encounters. The only really difficult thing is beating a daily run on the highest difficulty ‘Grounded Mode’, due to these runs being randomly generated and you only getting 1 try per day at it. Luckily you can get around the 1 attempt per day limit by reinstalling the game. Everything else can be done on the lowest difficulty and by backing up & restoring your save through PS+ Cloud.
Step 1: Let Yourself Die 9 Times in First Encounter to unlock all Game Modes
The first thing you should do is let yourself die in the first encounter 9 times. The reason is that various trophy-related modes are gated behind having played a number of runs. You don’t need to finish the runs, so dying at the first opportunity is the quickest way to unlock everything. This will make trophy hunting more efficient because you will have access to all modes when you start playing properly. You can see the unlocks from this under Challenges > Core. You especially need the trophy-related game feature “Gambits” (2 runs), and the game modes “Holdout” (5 runs), “Capture” (7 runs), and the Daily Run (9 runs).
Step 2: Unlock All Characters
The next step is to unlock all 10 characters. 2 are unlocked from the start (Ellie & Abby). You must win a few encounters with each character to unlock the next character. This also completes the first challenge of each character (you must finish all challenges for all 10 characters for Team Ellie &
Team Abby).
After playing the required number of encounters, you can already work on the character’s next challenge and try to finish the run. Make sure you write down with which characters you won a whole run as this can’t be tracked in-game. Alternatively, combine the 10 full playthroughs with the character challenges in the next step.
Step 3: Win a Run with All 10 Characters, Defeat All 6 Bosses, Challenges & Mod Encounters
- Win Run with all 10 Characters: After you have unlocked all characters, win a full run with each one of them. This means playing the run from start to end including the boss fight. Make sure you write down which characters you finished a run with. It can’t be tracked in-game.
- Defeat All 6 Bosses: While doing 10 full playthroughs you will automatically defeat all 6 bosses. You get a new boss each run, they are in a fixed order until you defeated each of them once.
- All Challenges: Along the way do the Character Challenges. Unless it specifically says the challenge can only be done with a particular character, they can be done with ANY character. You don’t have to do the challenges with the character they are for, it also counts when you complete the requirement with any other character. This allows you to work on multiple challenges at the same time. Many things can be combined in a single run and will count for the challenge progress across all characters. This will save you a few extra runs.
- All Mods: Make sure you write down which mods you completed. These are seen on the encounter board in the safehouse. Under the encounter it says “Mods”. There are 26 mods total, you must finish an encounter with each type of mod. These can’t be tracked in-game so it’s important you keep track manually. For an alphabetical list see
Modded. Either write these down by hand and cross them off, or print it, or copy it into a document and mark which ones you completed. Otherwise it would get very frustrating to figure out what you’re still missing. Play the encounters that have mods you still need.
Tips (play Custom Runs, Use Accessibility Options, Back up Saves): The 10 full runs and mods count via Custom Runs! The most efficient way is to create a Custom Run. Select ‘Very Light’ difficulty > Mechanics = only ‘Capture’ mode > Enemies = only Seraphites + the newest boss you haven’t defeated yet > Mods = disable the ones you already completed.
Also enable all Combat Accessibility Settings (Pause Menu > Options > Accessibility > Combat Accessibility). This makes it much easier. Set “Slow Motion” to “Toggle”, then for bosses you can swipe Touchpad right to play the entire boss encounter in Slow Motion. Trophies unlock fine with accessibility options enabled.
Before the boss at the end of each run, it’s recommended to make a save game backup (PS+ subscription required). At the safehouse before the boss quit to the main menu to automatically save the game. Now go to PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS5) > Upload or Delete from Console Store > Upload to Cloud Storage. Also click on Saved Data (PS5) > Sync Saved Data = disabled auto-sync (to avoid it overwriting your PS+ save when closing the game next time). The bosses are the hardest part. If you die, you can download the save from PS+ to respawn in the safehouse before the boss. This way you don’t need to replay the whole run. The other encounters shouldn’t pose a challenge on ‘Very Light’ difficulty.
Step 4: Daily Run
After you did 10 runs you will be well acquainted with the No Return DLC. Now finish a Daily Run from start to end, including the boss. This can be done on ‘Very Light’ with accessibility settings enabled. Daily Runs give you only 1 attempt. If you die, you must wait until the next day for a new daily run. These are randomized each day. Unlike offline runs it won’t let you retry if you simply back up & restore your save. But if you uninstall the game & save + power cycle the console for 2 minutes + reinstall the game + restore the save it works!
Step 5: Daily Run on Grounded Mode
This is the real challenge. You must complete a daily run on the highest difficulty ‘Grounded Mode’ (Custom Difficulty doesn’t give the trophy). Due to the runs being randomly generated and only having 1 life per run and only 1 attempt per day this can be very tricky. You should first practice regular runs on Grounded Mode. When you are able to consistently beat regular runs on Grounded Mode you’ll have a much better chance during the daily runs. This is highly skill-dependent and also requires some luck with what character and boss you get that day. You can also enable all accessibility options for this (Pause Menu > Options > Accessibility). Especially anything under Combat Accessibility like “Enemies don’t flank”, “Reduced enemy accuracy”, “Invisible while prone” are useful for this. You can also turn on High Contrast Mode under Visual Aids to highlight enemies in red. There is also a trick to get around the “1 attempt per day” limit:
Exploit to get multiple tries per day:
Method #1 (Using Activity Cards): Start a Daily Run > as soon as you’re in the safehouse, pause the game and “Quit to Main Menu” > back up your Save to PS+ Cloud. If you die, close the game, download your save from PS+ Cloud, click the Activity Card “Bonus Modes – No Return”. By clicking the activity card it will continue where you made the backup save, completely skipping the 1 run per day limit.
You can make a new backup save after EVERY encounter. Each time you finish an encounter you will be back in the safehouse, pause the game, “Quit to Main Menu”, upload save to PS+ Cloud. Then if you die you don’t need to replay the whole run, only the last encounter. Do this especially before the boss encounter. In case this gets patched try the method below.
Method #2 (Reinstall Game): Back up your save in PS+ Cloud BEFORE attempting the daily run > if you fail the run DELETE the game & save from the console > Shut off your PS5 and pull out the power cord for 2 minutes to make the console power cycle > turn PS5 back on > REINSTALL the entire game > download save from PS+ Cloud. Now enter the game and you can start another Daily Run!
Reinstalling the game after power-cycling the console is the trick here, this deletes your “Seed” for the daily run. Even if you already placed on the leaderboards that day it will overwrite your score and you can earn the trophy this way! This is even more efficient if you have 2 x PS5 consoles and the disc version of the game. While one reinstalls you can play the game from the other console, always alternating between consoles (it also gives you 1 try per console each day without reinstall). If your download speed isn’t very fast it’s better to get the disc version for a faster install time. Of course it also works with a single PS5 but will be less efficient as you must wait for the reinstall each time. If you just copy back your save without reinstalling it won’t let you restart the daily run, but if you delete game + power cycle + reinstall + restore save it does work! The method might not be 100% consistent and sometimes it still says you completed that day’s run, if that happens simply repeat the uninstall / power cycle / reinstall. It’s important that you turn off the console and unplug the power cord between each reinstall, otherwise it might still say you completed that day’s run already.
The Last of Us 2 Remastered: No Return DLC Trophy Guide
Main Game Trophy Guide:
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (Main Game) Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Mixed Bag Get kills with 5 different weapons in an Assault encounter in No Return |
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“Assault” is a type of encounter where enemies spawn in waves. You must get 5 kills with DIFFERENT weapons in a SINGLE Assault Encounter. Do kills with your equipped weapons, then pick up the melee weapons from enemies and do more kills with those. Each type of melee weapon counts as a different weapon kill (e.g. machete, baseball bat, axe, piece of wood, hammer etc). | ||
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Become The Hunter Kill 12 enemies in a Hunted encounter in No Return |
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“Hunted” is a type of encounter where enemies spawn in waves and rush towards you. The best option is to do it in encounters with Infected enemies (not humans) because they will run towards you quickly, whereas humans like to hide behind cover which makes them slower to kill. A good character for this is Abby, on ‘Very Light’ difficulty. Abby heals with every melee hit, which can even be upgraded via the skills. Just melee attack all Infected in an encounter to get 12 kills before time runs out. Encounters in small areas are better for this, on large maps it will take longer for enemies to reach you. Just keep playing until you get a good encounter and kill the enemies as fast as possible. It’s important you kill 12 in A SINGLE encounter. | ||
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Got Your Back Win a round of Holdout without your ally falling below 70% health in No Return |
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“Holdout” is a type of encounter where you have to guard a friendly NPC from enemies. Defeat all enemies without the NPC dying to win the encounter.
Holdout encounters are unlocked after playing 7 runs (don’t need to complete the runs, can let yourself die in the first encounter). Then the Holdout encounters will spawn in future runs. |
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Burglar Open the safe in Capture without killing any enemies in No Return |
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“Capture” is a type of encounter where you have to loot a safe without getting spotted by the enemies before time runs out. Enemies will patrol around the safe. For this particularly trophy, you must reach the safe in complete stealth WITHOUT killing a single enemy.
Capture encounters are unlocked after playing 9 runs (don’t need to complete the runs, can let yourself die in the first encounter). Then the Capture encounters will spawn in future runs. |
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Roll Call Win a run with every character in No Return |
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For this you must WIN a full run all the way to the end once with every playable character. If you die during the attempt it won’t count. You have to successfully defeat the boss in the last encounter. This can be done in Custom Runs to make it easier. The fastest method is to play Custom Run > Very Light difficulty > Mechanics > Modes = Capture only (disable all other modes). Under enemies turn on Seraphites and disable all others. For boss you can pick whichever one you find easiest. Under Mods turn off all mods. Now you just need to kill the enemies around the safe, loot the safe and repeat this in every encounter. It only takes 1 minute per encounter and there are only 4-8 enemies total. Custom Runs count towards the trophy, you don’t need to do Standard Runs (you can also confirm it counted via the trophy progress before and after each run). Daily Runs also count towards it.
There is no way to check in-game with which characters you completed a run. To keep track, write them down and cross them off when you complete them. Otherwise it could get confusing to remember which one you’re missing. You must first unlock all characters. This is done by playing a few encounters with each character to unlock the next one. Here are all characters and how to unlock them:
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Modded Complete an encounter with each Mod in No Return |
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In total there are 26 different Mods (Modifiers). On the Encounter Board these are shown in the “MODS” section below the “REWARDS”. You must successfully win one encounter of each mod type. More Mods unlock gradually by having completed a certain number of mod encounters. This can be seen under Challenges > Mods. You must have completed a total of 12 encounters with mods to unlock all mod types. Before this it’s impossible to get all mods.
There is no way to track in-game which mods you already got and still need. The trophy tracker only shows how many you got in total, but not which specific ones you still need. It’s highly recommended to keep track manually which mods you have finished. Below is a list of all 26 (sorted alphabetically). Either copy this into a text document and mark which ones you got, or write/print this and cross them off by hand. The best approach is to first complete a run with each character and complete all challenges. Along the way try to do one of each mod encounter. Keep track manually and note which ones you completed. After you’re done with everything else, start Custom Runs and enable only the mods you still need. It counts the Mods via Custom Run, doesn’t need to be in Standard Runs. Because you can select the available Mods in Custom it’s much easier this way. All 26 Mods Checklist (sorted alphabetically):
Potential Glitch & Fix: Some players are reporting their trophy counter gets stuck at 25/26 despite having done all mods multiple times. A fix for this is to complete a mystery encounter that also has various other mods. This can be done in a Custom Run, activate all mods and complete a Mystery Encounter and it should unlock the trophy. |
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Risk Taker Complete five gambits in one run of No Return |
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“Gambits” are bonus challenges displayed in the top left corner during encounters. These are little tasks, for example: killing 1 enemy with a melee attacking, doing 3 headshots, doing kills with 3 different weapons etc.
More types of gambits unlock gradually based on the total number of gambits you have completed (all are available after completing 15 gambits total). The total available gambits are seen under Challenges > Gambits. For this trophy you must do 5 gambits IN A SINGLE RUN. During every encounter, pay close attention to the display in the top left corner if there’s a bonus challenge. Always complete this in every encounter. Initially, you may not get a gambit in every encounter. But after you’ve unlocked all gambits you will get them more regularly so this will be easier to do. |
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Good Riddance Beat all bosses |
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There are 6 bosses total. To defeat all of them you must successfully finish 6 full runs from start to end. Each run will give a new boss in a fixed order. You can combine this with winning a run with every character.
All 6 bosses:
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Team Ellie Complete all Ellie faction challenge tracks |
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For this you must complete all Challenges for all 5 Ellie-aligned characters (Ellie, Dina, Jesse, Tommy, Joel). You can keep track of these in the “Challenges” Menu. Even though the challenges are listed under different characters, they can actually be done with ANY other character of any faction, unless a specific character is specified (e.g. collecting every gun as Ellie requires playing Ellie, but killing 4 enemies with Molotovs works with any character). This allows you to work on multiple challenges for different characters in the same run. It’s best to unlock all characters first, their first challenge is for simply playing a few encounters to unlock the next character. Then the “real” challenges become available. After you have unlocked all characters you can combine these challenges more efficiently. Also combine these with winning a run as every character and defeating all bosses.
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Team Abby Complete all Abby faction challenge tracks |
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For this you must complete all Challenges for all 5 Abby-aligned characters (Abby, Lev, Yara, Mel, Manny). You can keep track of these in the “Challenges” Menu. Even though the challenges are listed under different characters, they can actually be done with ANY other character of any faction, unless a specific character is specified (e.g. collecting every gun as Ellie requires playing Ellie, but killing 4 enemies with Molotovs works with any character). This allows you to work on multiple challenges for different characters in the same run. It’s best to unlock all characters first, their first challenge is for simply playing a few encounters to unlock the next character. Then the “real” challenges become available. After you have unlocked all characters you can combine these challenges more efficiently. Also combine these with winning a run as every character and defeating all bosses.
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True Strength Get an S rank on an encounter |
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After each encounter you are given a rating based on your performance. “S rank” is the highest possible rating. This will come naturally while you work on finishing all character challenges, you will get “S ranks” quite frequently from normal gameplay. Pick encounters with a high score multiplier, displayed on the encounter select board. The ones with a x2.0 or higher multiplier pretty guarantee S rank if you don’t take damage and kill all enemies. The main criteria is the amount of damage you take and that you kill the maximum amount of enemies in the encounter. Just use firearms and play on ‘Very Light’ difficulty to defeat everyone from a safe distance.
The boss encounter at the end of each run almost always gives an S-rank too. Another easy strategy is to play as Abby on ‘Very Light’ and only do melee kills. Melee kills gives bonus points and Abby heals on each melee kill. So even if you take damage the bonus points you get for doing only melee kills makes up for it. |
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May Your Survival Be Long Win a Daily Run of No Return |
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First, you must play 9 runs to unlock Daily Runs. You don’t need to win any runs, just starting the run and dying in the first encounter is enough to count towards the 9 total. After doing this, go to new Run > Daily Run (must be online connected to PSN Servers). This is a randomized run that changes every 24 hours. You must WIN the daily run. Meaning, you must play it from start to end and defeat the boss. If you die it won’t give the trophy. It’s best to attempt this after doing a few full runs, then keep trying this daily while working on the other trophies until you finish it. You can play on the lowest difficulty for this, which makes it significantly easier. On the encounter board you will see all upcoming encounters so you can better plan your approach and prepare for the endboss. On the lowest difficulty you have plenty of ammo and resources, just make sure you go into the final boss with full ammo. At the start of the final boss, stun him with a Molotov or Stun Bomb or Pipe Bomb. Then lay 3 traps in the same spot, get away and let him walk into the traps for massive damage (don’t blow up yourself with the traps). Then throw more pipe bombs or molotovs to finish him quickly. Also see Exploit to remove 1 daily run attempt per day limit. |
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May Your Death Be Swift Win a Daily Run of No Return on Grounded difficulty |
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This is the hardest trophy in the No Return DLC by far. First, you must play 9 runs to unlock Daily Runs. You don’t need to win any runs, just starting the run and dying in the first encounter is enough to count towards the 9 total. Then you must WIN a Daily Run on the highest difficulty “Grounded” (Custom difficulty doesn’t unlock the trophy). This means you must play it from start to end, defeat the boss at the end to successfully win the run. If you die it won’t give the trophy. Daily Runs can only be started while being online connected to PSN servers. Daily Runs are randomly generated and force you to play a specific character. Due to the randomness involved it’s harder. If you die, the run is voided for the day. Normally, you must wait to make a new attempt on the next day (it will completely change the run every 24 hours), but you can get around this by reinstalling the game (see method below). While this isn’t very practical it does make things significantly easier as you can practice the same run over and over again. The only limitation is the time it takes to reinstall the game. Be sure to activate as many accessibility settings as you like. These are found in Pause Menu > Options > Accessibility. Especially the “Combat Accessibility” can make it easier, turn on all of them. “Invisibility while prone” can be used to sneak up to enemies, do a stealth kill, then sneak to the next one and repeat. If you’re spotted run away and hide until the enemies stop chasing, then it can be used again. Activate Slow Motion while aiming or when swiping touchpad right. Other accessibility settings like “Enemies don’t flank”, “Reduced enemy accuracy” all should be enabled. You can also activate Magnification and Visual Aids > High Contrast Display – this will outline all enemies in red, making them easier to see. If you have accessibility options on it will ask you at the start of the run if you want to disable them, just click “No”. At the start of the run, check the encounter board and carefully map out your run, picking the easiest encounters that don’t have severely negative modifiers. A lot of it can be completed in stealth. In Hunted encounters you can hide from humans the entire match, and from Infected you can run away the entire time. Everything else can be stealthed. If you are spotted you can run away and hide until the enemies stop looking for you. Easiest method is to stay prone with the “Invisibility while Prone” accessibility enabled, sneak from one enemy to the next, grab them with The easiest boss is “Seraphite Elites”. At the start place 3 trap mines on the ground, quickly get away and let the big guy walk into them. Then hide behind the shelves and use Slow Motion to headshot the remaining enemies with a long distance weapon, and throw molotovs of pipe bombs. This boss encounter has relatively few enemies. The Infected bosses are the hardest and have a lot of health. The Rattler boss is the next easiest, he’s a human boss with low health but unlike Seraphite Elites he uses dogs and has a lot more enemies swarming you. Exploit to get multiple tries per day: Method #1 (Using Activity Cards): Start a Daily Run > as soon as you’re in the safehouse, pause the game and “Quit to Main Menu” > back up your Save to PS+ Cloud. If you die, close the game, download your save from PS+ Cloud, click the Activity Card “Bonus Modes – No Return”. By clicking the activity card it will continue where you made the backup save, completely skipping the 1 run per day limit. You can make a new backup save after EVERY encounter. Each time you finish an encounter you will be back in the safehouse, pause the game, “Quit to Main Menu”, upload save to PS+ Cloud. Then if you die you don’t need to replay the whole run, only the last encounter. Do this especially before the boss encounter. In case this gets patched try the method below. Method #2 (Reinstall Game): Back up your save in PS+ Cloud BEFORE attempting the daily run > if you fail the run DELETE the game & save from the console > Shut off your PS5 and pull out the power cord for 2 minutes to make the console power cycle > turn PS5 back on > REINSTALL the entire game > download save from PS+ Cloud. Now enter the game and you can start another Daily Run! |
Main Game Trophy Guide:
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (Main Game) Trophy Guide & Roadmap
PowerPyx says
Have fun! Grounded Mode is pretty challenging, especially the bosses. Everything else is easy.
Discocage says
Can’t you use accessibility options to make the daily run easier like grounded mode for the single player?
PowerPyx says
Accessibility Options are available and can be enabled.
Sixela says
Can you use the accessibility options on this? There’s one if i remember correctly where you are invisible to the enemies when you’re prone, this could be very useful. Thanks for the guide.
PowerPyx says
Yes and can use invisible while prone but it only works if you haven’t been discovered yet. As soon as you’re discovered it stops working. But good for initially sneaking up to enemies. Other settings like enemies not flanking are also useful.
ObservadorPt says
Yes you can use it, powerpyx say that if you are discovered it stop working, its not the case because i got discovered a few times and when i crouch again they stop seeing me.
scyrax says
If you delete the DLC through data management. This should help?
PowerPyx says
I tested this but reinstalling just the DLC isn’t enough. It will say the daily run has already been attempted that day. Has to be full game reinstall.
PhantomFear94 says
I absolutely love this game, but I’m not sure I’ll bother doing this. Not a huge fan of rouge-lites and I’m not sure TLOU Part 2 needs it. Feels a bit of a kooky concept to me and a Sony trends I’m not vibing with.
BridgeToClarity says
I’m the same. I gave this a try. Pure rage inducing garbage. imo At least it’s not tied to the plat. Like Mercenaries in RE Village. I got all the RE Village trophies but no plat because I hate Mercenaries.
I was doing a run in this and all the enemies were invisible. On the easiest mode. I couldn’t even heal. I have no interest in modes like this. These will be the only TLOU 1 or 2 trophies I won’t get.
PhantomFear94 says
I like Mercs because it wasn’t random, and the difficulty was that sweet spot of tricky but doable with practise. Roguelites in games not designed to be roguelites feels like the 2023-2024 equivalent of when games were adding battle royale modes. Hate the trend. God of War Ragnarok was my 2022 GOTY and I hated Valhalla. Not that hard or anything, but just felt unneccesary and got very tedious very quickly.
Rafael says
Damn I can already see the May Your Death Be Swift making me rage when I die at the final boss 355 times. Lol
Michael says
Hiya odd question but do you know if the trophies auto pop PS5 to PS4. So if I play the PS5 version and earn the Grounded and permadeath trophies, will they then autopop on the PS4 version?
TM411 says
Doubtful. There’s no mechanism in the PS4 release to import a save from anywhere.
Trophies on the Remaster auto pop once a save is imported from the PS4 version, not from the trophy data
jjnet123 says
The ps4 version is already 1440p 60fps on ps5 anyway so just play that for the trophies then autopop ps5 once you’re done.
Delken says
Hey y’all.
Does the upgraded version come with its own Platinum? Like, I have the physical disc and will upgrade this weekend if it has its own platinum.
PowerPyx says
Yes it’s an extra plat different from the PS4 plat. You can earn PS4 plat + PS5 plat.
CxlIe says
For me, only the base game trophies auto-poped. I also imported my PS4 autosave from the grounded and permadeath runs, but these two DLCs trophies don’t unlock?
PowerPyx says
Did you import the save on which you had completed Grounded? It has to be that save, otherwise it won’t autopop.
CxlIe says
Yes, I imported my Grounded+ save and my permadeath save (with corresponding logo in save information screen). Both are the autosaves after completing the campaing were the image in the import screen is the black/white image of Ellie. I don’t know if that’s the problem? I unfortunately don’t have saves close to the ending of the story to import
VoltFieber says
Found a fast and easy Run Seed:
111111111 (fill it with 1)
Modes: Capture only
Enemies: WLF only
Bosses: whatever you want
Mods: The good ones
Route: Logging Camp, Houses (Lower), TV Station, Houses (Lower) and again Houses, Boss
Just rush towards the Safe, kill everyone, loot the Safe, collect random items and done. (I used short timer)
Also, use Auto collecting items under Accessibility Options and Slow Motion via Toggle Swipe Pad (extremely helpful).
Prone Invincibility works even on Grounded, you can stealth kill as long as you go back to prone and not been detected. If you run away and hide, it still works.
Just be careful stealth killing Clickers,they have a tendency to turn around when you try to grab them.
HyperFuel says
Does gameplay modifiers cancel out trophies. I did the requirements for Become the Hunter and got an s rank but no trophy popped.
PowerPyx says
Trophies popped fine for me in Custom Run with customized mods, on custom difficulty & also accessibility settings enabled.
S-Rank I got on my first normal run from boss encounter. Try beating boss on normal run, it almost always gives S rank. If trophy still doesn’t pop try reinstalling game.
Savantir says
The Modded trophy can potentially bug and become unobtainable. I completed an encounter with every mod available active. Twice. Not sure if there’s a workaround or how others have unlocked it. Just a heads up.
Savantir says
Someone on PSNProfiles gave me a fix for this issue. If your counter is stuck at 25/26, then make sure you complete an encounter that has been given an additional mod from the mystery mod. Big thanks to Alex_R-13 for notifying me of this.
PowerPyx says
Will add a note about it to the guide, thanks for sharing!
G-SKI44 says
So I followed the instructions to a T, yet twice now when I jump back into the game it tells me I already made my run for the day. Any idea what I did wrong? Quite unfortunate as the run available really felt doable.
G-SKI44 says
The Daily Runs must be connected to an online server of some sort. I even signed into a second console, decided not to bring my save over, and just blow through 9 matches to have a clean start and it still hit me with the “you already made an attempt today”. Not sure if they patched it or not.
PowerPyx says
You need to download your save from PS+ Cloud. I tried too by starting a new save and had the same issue you described. When downloading the last save it works for whatever reason. But you’ll need another reinstall now, if on that install it already shows you completed it then downloading the old save won’t help. You’d need to uninstall, then power cycle, then reinstall, then download save. Then it has like a 50% chance of working on each reinstall.
When I tried on 2nd console it always let me redo the run immediately (backed up save on 1st console before the daily run, installed game on 2nd console and downloaded that save).
When reinstalling on same console it also lets me redo the runs but it’s not 100% consistent. E.g. 2 days ago I did 3 reinstalls and didn’t work, then I uninstalled, power cycled the console, and after 4th reinstall it worked. Previous days I got it to work after 1st reinstall without power cycling. I think power cycling before reinstall helps (maybe clears something in console cache). I was able to get it work on every daily run I tested, just the amount of reinstalls varied.
Could use more feedback to figure out how consistently it works, maybe we can optimize the method further.
G-SKI44 says
That may be where I messed up. My cloud save is from right when I failed the run. Might be easier to just make it right before I start the run. Might be more consistent from that point, but I’m just guessing. Just gotta keep at the trial and error I suppose!
PowerPyx says
Test again tomorrow with cloud save before the daily. Let me know if that works better.
PowerPyx says
I retested in today’s daily run and still works. I let it fail on 1st PS5, logged into 2nd PS5 and it let me redo the run right away (game was still installed with yesterday’s save on 2nd PS5).
I let the run fail on 2nd PS5, reinstalled as described in guide and it let me redo it a third time right away.
Ed says
Hello, for Tommy’s challenge 3 to use starting weapons only, are melee weapons like axe, pipe, etc allowed?
PowerPyx says
I hadn’t used any melee weapons when I did it. Only the starting guns + throwables.
Ed says
I just got it earlier and can confirm melee weapons picked up are fine. As the requirement specifically only says “guns”
dilkington says
Do you know roughly how many points you got for completing everything in No Return? I just imported my 100% save from my PS4 and I’m about 500~ish points shy of unlocking all the stuff in the extras/behind the scenes stuff. I had everything unlocked in the PS4 version, but obviously there were no skins/guitars then.
player1899 says
I did 2 runs on the ps4, one on grounded+, but i still miss some points for the last artworks. How can i get them?
Wicktor89 says
Permadeath mode perhaps.
Lacek84 says
I can confirm you can do a daily run again with just deleting your game save. I unplugged my PS5 for 3 minutes, re-download the game fomr PSN did 9 fast death runs and it just worked.
dzsoni says
Today’s daily run was pretty easy, boss was a bit harder (on grounded ofc).
ArsenicTrack20 says
Does method 1 of the exploit require you to delete the game and redownload it?
PowerPyx says
No. Deleting/reinstalling isn’t necessary for this. (only for the 2nd method in case the 1st method gets patched)
ArsenicTrack20 says
Update: Just finished the Daily Run with Yara on Grounded difficulty. I died twice on the run but using method 1 I finsihed the run and obtained both daily run trophies
JL says
With regards to Custom Runs, how come it won’t let me just set mode to Capture or Enemies to just Seraphites? The moment I turn off the third option it locks Capture completely or whatever Enemy type I want.
JL says
NVM I am dumb the lock just means it’s on because it’s the only one left. Thought I had to still toggle the Capture mode on lmao
Anna says
Hi! I am stuck on the “modded trophy@”. I tried to do the method with mystery encounter but it doesn’t work. I dpnt know what to do, it’s stuck on 25/26. 🙁
Robert says
I might’ve figured it out. I was also stuck on 25/26. The “Timer” mod doesn’t count if you fail. You have to win the encounter with “Timer” as the mod.
PowerPyx says
As the trophy says you have to COMPLETE an encounter with every mod. Failing the encounter doesn’t count for any of the mods. You always have to win the encounter.
Angel says
I couldn’t pop my trophies of Grounded and Permadeath after importing them.
I platinumed the whole game “normally” after that I wanted to simply pop the DLC Grounded and permadeath trophies, but they didn’t pop, I even tried by deleting all PS5 data and directly importing every single save file that I have to no avail. Any tip, suggestion or recommendation?
SamuriaGhost-72 says
Just a quick tip for Yara – defeat 3 seraphite brutes. This doesn’t have to be the 5th boss, can be the seraphite brutes you comes across in Assuault encounters and is how I got the challenge – again using the suggested custom run approach
Lacek84 says
All big seraphite enemies (biiig man or woman with a pickaxe) count of course.
YourHeroChris says
Should importing your platinum story save pop all trophies? For some reason it’s not popping the upgrade all weapons one for me. I’ve tried to import 2x and no luck.
PowerPyx says
Yes it should pop everything, that trophy included. If you have a different manual save near platinum, try importing that. Otherwise try reinstalling the PS5 version, delete the PS5 save, reinstall and reimport the PS4 save. Might be that something went wrong during trophy set install.
Stefan says
There’s a patch (v1.001.) Did they fix the exploit or is it still working? I immediately stopped the update because I can’t play right now. Didn’t find anything online yet. Lmk, thanks.
InnesJack says
Naughty dog site patch notes state: Fixed an issue where players could quit out during death in a No Return run without penalty. Haven’t had a chance to test but doesn’t sound promising for the daily run exploit.
InnesJack says
Quick follow-up: Just tested exploit method 1 for the Grounded Daily Run and thankfully still works
Stefan says
Thanks for clarifying!
Jason says
As of February 12, 2024 the exploit 1 still works, i hope this exploit stays forever ‘cuz the 2nd exploit feels kinda lazy thing to do
Nicklas says
Tried the save exploit, doesn’t worked for me can only pick new challenge and get a warning it will save over my ongoing run.
Nicklas says
Sorry, i can confirm it still works, missed the part with activity cards could even load my save from yesterday:)
Snake2410 says
As of August 5th, 2024 the daily run exploit still works.
I used it that evening, right after the 7pm CST change over, to get the Grounded Daily Run trophy with an Abby run. Boss was the Garage Bloater. Not ideally the best boss to go with, but I wanted it over with.
If kill the two shamblers ASAP, manage the enemy adds while keeping cars between the bloater and yourself, and use your resources smart it’s really not too bad.
Took me more attempts just to get there than it did to finish it.
MM says
Unfortunately due to the new game hub experience it isn’t possible to use the ‘resume game’ exploit anymore
GuigaHades says
Hello, friends
! I think I discovered a very simple work around to the activity cards not working anymore.
I’ve simply changed the date of my PS5 manually to 1 day in the future. And I could do the upload/download trick.
I’ve just finished today December 20th 2024 around 4-5 am (Brazil time).
I tried deleting everything from the game on my PS5 and reinstalling it after doing the “remove power cord trick”. I wasn’t successful with it. I was about to give up when I decided to change the day. My first intention was to change the timezone on my console. I didn’t need to and you can guess my big surprise when the game gave me the option to return my run as normal.
Even if my console was set to December 21st, my trophy has the unlocked date of December 20th.
I hope more people can test it out and confirm it as well. Since I didn’t see anyone talking about this method.
I’ll try to post in trophy related subreddits later today.
FeLPsKaT says
Can you teach me how to do this? I’m from Brazil too