This walkthrough for Seattle Day 3 – Chapter 39: The Escape in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).
For other Chapters see The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Day: Seattle – Day 3
Chapter: The Escape
- Coin: 1
- Workbench: 1
Escape the Island
This chapter starts right after you leave the house you find Lev in. Follow the two down the path until you reach an area with more huts. When you reach the hut on the right that you can enter go inside and to the back. On a shelf, you can find 17 Supplements and 7 Parts.
Continue following the other two, and you will progress through a building. You’ll go out on to the street, then drop through a window into a second building. In here you can find 17 Parts and 8 Supplements on the lower floor, then upstairs another 9 Parts.
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Follow out of the building, then take an immediate left. Look behind the shopping cart to find the Arkansas Coin sitting on the ground. If you’ve collected every coin up to this point you will earn Numismatist .
Continue under the truck, then interact with the fence to help the others underneath. Go through the building, then climb out the other side.
Find A Way Out
After a cutscene, you will be in another building and need to find your way out. Before doing anything else look immediately to the left, and you can find 34 Parts sitting on a pallet. Now go over to the left of the door you came in from and there are 17 Supplements on the top shelf of the other locker. To exit the building, climb out the window to the left of the large white door.
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Get Past WLF
In the next area you will now have a number of WLF soldiers trying to kill you. When you drop into this area immediately move up to the wall of the building, as there is one soldier that will walk out into this area to look up into the building windows.
Inside the main building, there will be a large number of soldiers patrolling around, mostly on the bottom floor but there will be a couple up top. This area is very good for using the silenced handgun as well as stealth takedowns. If you can kill enemies on the lower floors without other ones noticing they typically won’t actually see the bodies because they will be hidden below the water. Keep moving around and using the plentiful cover to avoid enemy sightlines and everyone in here is relatively easy to take out. When you have there are a total of 11 Parts in here you can grab. A single on a register by where you enter, 9 on a counter to the back left by a meat grinder, then another single at the back on top of the bar area.
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When you have found everything and area ready to leave, go to the back of the building where you can exit out a white door. Outside continue following Lev. There is a split in the path shortly that goes around an overgrown truck. Check in the back to find 9 Parts.
Continue forward and boost Lev up to a building, then he’ll drop the ladder down for you to get up. Climb up and into the building, where you can find a bunch of supplies. There is the Workbench for this chapter in this room, as well as 16 Supplements and 11 Parts on the shelves.
Reach Haven
When you’re ready go out of this room, then drop down and follow the road. In front there will be a number of WLF and Scars fighting each other, and you can largely avoid them here and let them deal with each other. Your best bet is probably going to the right through the tall grass, as the Scars on that side will likely either be taken out or push up farther on the WLF soldiers blocking the path to the left.
Continue doing the same in the next area, pushing up the right side behind the other enemies. You’ll probably end up right behind some Scars, which you can shoot with your silent weapons to clear yourself some space. Your goal here is to get inside the restaurant building in the middle and out the back of it. When you get close you’ll probably have to gives the Scars some assistance, taking out a couple of the WLF that are just inside the building. You can effectively wait the entire fight out, then take out the couple enemies left over to get through.
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Check inside the restaurant for supplies, then go out the right side to find a horse you can use to proceed. Interact with it to get the body off, then you and Lev will start riding towards Haven. Here you just need to follow the path forward, avoiding enemies and fire when they are in front of you. If you have an enemy grab onto your horse mash to get them off.
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When you reach the open area there will be other enemies that come in on horseback trying to kill you. Aim and shoot towards them yourself, you don’t have limited ammo in this part. Continue through the burning town area until you’re knocked off the horse.
Get to the Docks
You now have to make your way through a large burning town to get to the docks, while another large number of Scars and WLF are fighting each other. You want to stick to the right side here as well, waiting out the fighting, only engaging if you need to. When you reach the narrow part where you’re blocked on the right, you want to move to the left through the next large house. Wait for any enemies to move farther up, or shoot a couple yourself to help them push farther.
When you move into that left house watch behind you, as more soldiers will come up from the rear to stop you backing up. Keep moving to the left, shooting any enemies that are on the ledge you need to climb to. When you reach the dead-end climb up into the building, then go across the beams to the other side. Drop down to the ground, then interact with the fallen wall to get out of the building.
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Outside you need to kill the man that is attacking Lev. This works similar to the prior one on one fight you had as able. Wait for him to swing, dodge it then attack. After a certain amount of damage, he’ll be knocked down and you’ll have a prompt, but that won’t be enough to take him out. Now he will do multiple swings at once instead of just one, so make sure to wait for at least 2 – 3 attack animations before you attack again. After a while he will grab you and you will get knocked down to the lower area, then you’ll have a prompt to break the arrow off from his shoulder and stab him with it, finishing him off.
Find a Boat
Lev will drop down, and you now need to proceed along the path to the end, then interact with the boat.
Go Inside
After the cutscene, you will be back at the aquarium. Go into the door on the side, then push through the next door. Continue into the main area of the aquarium to end the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 39: The Escape in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 40: The Confrontation.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
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