This walkthrough for Seattle Day 2 – Chapter 35: Ground Zero in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).
For other Chapters see The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Day: Seattle – Day 2
Chapter: Ground Zero
- Artifacts: 5
- Coins: 2
- Workbench: 1
Get to the Oncology Center
At the start of the chapter, Nora lets you out of the situation you are stuck in and agrees to help you get to the lower floors to look for some supplies. Follow her until you get down to the cafeteria area after the first full flight of stairs. Go over to the left behind the counter to find the Washington Coin. Then continue following her until you reach the Oncology Center.
Search for Supplies
When you reach the door to the Oncology Center Abby will proceed on her own. Continue down the path into the Atrium, then stop when you reach the first staircase. Before going down look to the right to see a spot that you can crawl under. Directly in front of where you crawl through there is a body that will have Artifact #1: Annex Letter beside it.
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Crawl back through, then go down the stairs. At the bottom drop down to the lower floor. Look to the right beside a body to see a brown bag. Interact with it to get Artifact #2: Soldier’s Letter. In the same room you can go around behind the boxes you dropped down on to and find 14 Parts sitting on a FEDRA box on a shelf.
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From those parts turn around and enter the room that has the altar at the front. On top of the altar you can find Artifact #3: Chapel Note, then on the left side of the room on a cart there are 12 Supplements.
Go back to the main hallway, then through the yellow door on the Quarantine barrier to progress. Go all the way to the end of the tunnel into the next area.
Grab Supplies
This next area you will need to search around for the supplies you need. Starting out go to the second door on the right with the “24” beside it, and break the window to get inside. On the stretcher, you can find Artifact #4: Patient’s Note.
Exit that room, then go left past the “Trauma Center” door to where you can find the gap to squeeze into the “Surgery” area. Turn around from there to a small examination room, then look in the cabinet to the left to find 12 Supplements. Then squeeze through into the “Surgery” area to continue.
Turn the Power On
The surgery area is full of a large number of Infected, but there are also things in here you need to collect, as well as turn on the power. Go forward and look into the open room to the left first, not moving too far in. Look to the wall on the left and you’ll see an Infected stuck in the wall that you should shoot or avoid going near. Go back in the hall and into the next room, and on the counter you can find Artifact #5: Doctor’s Note. Check the drawer to the left of it and you can also find 6 Supplements.
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In that same room, look directly above the cabinet to see a hole in the wall. Climb through to the other side, then directly in front of you there are 9 Parts in a FEDRA container. Go through the door to the left to find a Workbench, along with another 27 Parts total on the shelf to the immediate left of the workbench and a shelf to the right of the door you came in.
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When you’re finished dealing with those, use the nearby generator, then interact with the power box to turn on the power for the area.
Deal With Infected
Go back out and through the now powered door, and you will be back in the prior area but now the doors are open. There will now be three Clickers in this area that you will want to deal with so you can grab more items. One of the Clickers wanders into the room to the right where you might have dealt with the wall Infected before, then wanders back out which is the likely best time to deal with it. The second will have gone down the hallway the way you entered this area, then will come back towards you. Once those two are dead, the third will break out of the far room. If you’ve made noise killing the first two it will basically sprint down the hallway in your direction, so it might be best to just shotgun it right as it’s coming towards you.
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Now that the Clickers are dealt with you can grab the items in the now open rooms. Take the first door on the left into the “Recovery” room. On the left side on a shelf, you can find 18 Supplements. Note that the wall growth in the middle of this room is another trapped Infected that will attack if you get close.
Now go into the room at the far end of the hallway on the right. In here you can find a total of 40 Supplements. 2 on the shelf in the middle of the room, then 19 each in two of the cabinets that you can smash the glass to get into. After grabbing them go out of this room and back through the door you originally entered this area from.
Obtain Supplies
Coming back into this area, you might notice the large fleshy hole that now exists in a previously closed door. Follow the blood trail on the floor into the now opened new area.
In the garage area go to the left side and search the ambulance to finally obtain the needed medical supplies.
Follow the linear path through, going through doors as needed. When you reach a spot where you are able to turn left instead of going straight towards another door. Interact with the axe in the door to pull it out, then mash when prompted.
Kill the Infected
Now you’re stuck down in one area with this big guy and nowhere to run away to. This large Infected is the closest you come to an actual boss fight in this game. You cannot get away from it, and it will very actively find you at all times if you run away from it to another room, so you need to always keep aware of where it is. You can basically abuse its size to put distance between you and it though if you need to regroup. If you go through the tight spaces or around things it will struggle to get through spots or slowly walk around things.
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If it gets close enough to you it will spray out acid similar to a Shambler, and if you get within reaching distance of it it will instantly grab and kill you like a Bloater, so it’s just the best of both worlds. After you do enough damage to it, one of the Infected that is stuck to it will pull off of it, then run around acting like a Stalker at the same time you have to deal with the big guy. You should primarily be focusing on the big guy at all times though, as once you kill it the Stalker will run away. Your best bet for it will be explosives and flamethrower if you have ammo for it. The Incendiary Shells can also be good if you have them. but if you’re crafting items mid-fight you’d be better using the supplies to make more pipe bombs.
Find Your Way Out
After the Infected is dealt with, check the area for any ammo or crafting supplies you might not have used. You can then head to the marked exit door to continue out.
Take a right and climb up into the ceiling space. Midway down, you’ll get jumped by the Stalker and dragged down to the lower floor, where you will now have to kill it for good too. The shotgun and flamethrower are your friends here, as the Stalker is a lot quicker to get away so you can’t as effectively hit it with explosives, but it lights on fire very easily and is stunned momentarily by shotgun shots. After it is dead you can again double-check this room for supplies, then go through the garage door to continue out.
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Now in the flood garage, take an immediate left to the small security booth. To the left of it you can find 20 Supplements, then smash the window on the booth to pick up the Hawaii Coin.
Continue around the garage to where there is a truck that you can climb into the back of. Inside you can find 16 Parts, then squeeze beside it to get out of the hospital and end the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 35: Ground Zero in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 36: Return to the Aquarium.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
rednelleb says
excellent guide, thank you powerpyx
Dogbert says
There is a glitch for this part of the game. Before turning on the generator, there is a Wall Infected. If you kill it before turning the generator/power on, AND die/reload a checkpoint, the Wall Infected will respawn. This makes it difficult to stealth kill a few of the Clickers later on, as they like to wander into that same room. And killing the Wall Infected with a gun will alert all the Clickers…! :/
Just an FYI…
Jay says
Just aim for the head with crossbow, for the wall infected(if you cant see their head, shoot where the radar circles are)
Dogbert says
Another “glitch”. If you beat the Super Bloater thing, then die to the Stalker mini-boss, if you reload a save/checkpoint all the gun ammo will disappear!
I had to fight the Stalker with just pipe bombs, fists , 1x bottle and a shiv. What a waste…!
Savannah says
I have the last of us part 1 and part 2
tbone says
tbone says
I must of played the Kingrat level about 50 times before figuring out in what order of weapons to beat him. I forget which order, but make sure you have enough pipebombs, definitely enough fluid in ur flame thrower and a few other incendary items, also making sure to keep moving about. Also once it got frustrating enough, I put the settings in a way from moderate to easy so that I could have a better chance of beating the boss and then putting it back to moderate. I wanted to also mention that even if you defeat the Kingrat in his tough shell form, he becomes a stalker and just be mindful when going into the next room that he will await you there to get you when you do not expect him as he did to me, snuck up on me and attacked and killed me a few times before I found a way to kill him ultimately. Once you get thru this level, you feel more confident about what is thrown at you.