This walkthrough for Seattle Day 1 – Chapter 31: The Coast in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).
For other Chapters see The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Coast
- Artifacts: 3
- Coins: 4
- Workbenches: 1
- Safes: 1
Search the Building
This chapter starts immediately following the previous one, right after Abby exits the door to the building she leaves the two kids in. From where you are looking down the steps, go over and climb over the fence using the blue container.
Before going left into the building, go to the right side of it where you can find an open container, and inside you can find 10 Supplements.
Now you can go to the left of the building and through the door. Inside you will find the Workbench for this chapter, along with 18 Parts and some other supplies.
Go through the door into the large garage, then to the office on the left side. In here you will find either the Long Gun Holster or Short Gun Holster upgrade, whichever you didn’t get during Chapter 28. There are also 19 Supplements right beside it on the desk.
When you’re finished inside, climb the boxes stacked outside the office, then out the window above it to get outside.
Kill Infected
In the container area you drop into there will be a number of Infected that appear to attack you. There will be a Runner inside the container to the left standing still, and a Clicker over on the far right. At the back line of containers there will also be two Stalkers that move back and forth whenever you kill another enemy, so watch for them hanging around corners. If you get spotted or once you get far back enough, there are one more each of a Runner, Clicker, and Stalker in the area behind the fence.
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There are a couple things to grab in this area once you have killed all Infected. Go over to the right side and there will be a container to the right of a truck. On top of it you can find 9 Parts. You can also check in the container on the left by the fence line to possibly find some ammo and supplies. Once you’ve searched the area, head to the front where you go into a covered around and behind a concrete wall.
Continue to the Aquarium
Climb up the broken road sections to get up to the road. When you reach the top you are looking at a dead-end, but instead of turning around go forward and to the right to find the Alabama Coin beside a corpse on the ground. Then turn around and continue down the road.
Try to jump across, then climb up through the rubble to the other side. Across the water, you can see a crashed boat. Jump in and swim over to it. As soon as you enter the first room look down at the shelf on the left to find 6 Parts.
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Search the Ship
Continue in the ship into the next room where there will be a number of bodies on cots. Beside the skeleton on the right you can find Artifact #1: Infirmary Note, then if you check the last skeleton on the left before exiting the room you can also find 16 Supplements. Go through the door in the corner and up the steps in the next room. Push through the door, then you will automatically obtain the Crossbow.
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If you look down the hallway you can see a couple of Infected hanging out, not doing anything. Perfect time to try out your new crossbow on them for silent kills. After they’re dead go down this hallway to the end to where you can find a couple more cots. On the one at the back you will find Artifact #2: Mutiny Note, then if you look beside the turned over vending machine there are 16 Supplements on the ground behind a body. The mutiny note gives you the safe code 90-77-71, which you can use in a moment.
Go back down the hallway and up the flights of stairs. Watch for an Infected standing still just past the top, as well as for a Clicker potentially walking in the hallway directly to the right. The Clicker will come all the way through into the hallway behind the other Infected, so if you want to wait you can take it down from behind. After those, there are two more Infected, in the right and back right corner of the floor, and another Clicker that will be wandering back and forth in the farther hallway opposite where you came up the stairs.
When they are all dealt with you can search the floor for more supplies. Right near the top of the stairs where you came up there is a door leading into a small storage room. On the shelves you can find 17 Parts and 12 Supplements on the shelves. Go back out and down the hallway immediately right of the staircase. Go to the end then right turn again into a dead-end corner where you can find the West Virginia Coin on a suitcase beside a stuffed bear.
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Once you’ve grabbed those items you can turn around and go to the far end of this floor, outside the ship then up the stairs to the top floor.
Clear Out Infected
On the top floor there will be another group of Infected you want to clear out so that you can grab some items. If you look to the left there will be a Runner that walks back and forth around the corner of the wall, then to the right there are two Clickers, one standing still and one that walks in and out of the boat interior. Inside there will be three more Runners, as well as a Shambler. A fun trick you can do here if you have extra pipe bombs is wait for the Clicker inside to wander out and stand outside the door, and throw a bomb at it to blow it up. This draws over basically every other enemy in the area, and you can throw another pipe bomb to take them out, then clean up any left behind. As long as you are still a little ways down the stairs the Infected shouldn’t spot you, so can move back if you need.
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When they are all dealt with, take a left at the top of the stairs and go into the area with the ship’s wheel. Beside the consoles you can find the Safe for this chapter. Enter 90-77-01 to open it and find a number of goods, including 16 Parts, 18 Supplements, and Training Manual: Ordnance. If you got all manuals up to this point in the game you will also earn the trophy Journeyman for finding all 8 of them.
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After grabbing everything there, go all the way to the opposite side of this floor. Push through the door, then check on the ground beside the body to find Artifact #3: Ferry Log. Climb the nearby ladder to get up top, then instead of continuing turn around and go to the other side of the cabin rooftop. Just behind the wall beside a crate you can find the Utah Coin.
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Get into the Aquarium
Go onto the end of the fallen pillar and drop down back onto the highway. Continue down the road a short distance and climb the ladder on the right to get to the top level. Follow the road along, all the way until you drop off the road into an area with trees and the aquarium building off to the left. Go up to it, then climb into the fountain that’s in front. Underwater on the side opposite the aquarium you can find the Mississippi Coin in the water, the final thing to pick up in this chapter.
Go up and try the front door of the Aquarium, though it will be locked. Head around to the right side climbing over the fence, then climb into the broken window in the building to the right of the next locked door.
Inside there is cord you can use to climb. First, through an object through the window above to break it, then toss the cord out of it. Climb back outside, then use the cord to climb up onto the rooftop. Up top, toss something through the other window so that you can drop down into the room.
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When you drop down inspect the bag on the ground, then go through the door to the left. Go through the next set of doors, then interact with the radio. From there go down the lit hallway, through the final set of doors, then open the door on the boat for a cutscene.
The Hallway
You’re here again. Walk to the end of the hallway and through the door at the end to finish the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 31: The Coast in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 32: Return to the Coast.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Andy says
90-77-01 is the code