This walkthrough for Seattle Day 1 – Chapter 30: The Forest in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).
For other Chapters see The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Forest
- Artifacts: 1
- Workbench: 1
Deal With Infected
As soon as you gain control at the start of the chapter you will be fighting against a number of Infected with two other people. You won’t have any of your weapons, just a single hammer to deal with the first three enemies.
Follow the Others
After the first group of infected are dealt with, follow the two people who helped you. Focus on following after the girl with the torch at all times, only stopping if they do. After a short while she will fall over and another handful of infected will attack, so take them out to progress further. In this area there are a number of bricks and bottles you can grab to takes out the enemies more efficiently, so make sure to use them.
When you reach a wall the other two will go into an opening and underneath a road, follow them in right away, don’t worry about other enemies outside. On the other side pull the fence open to let the other two through.
Defeat Your Attacker
On the other side you will be attacked again by the woman who knocked you other at the end of Chapter 28. You only have your fists here, so make use of dodging as much as you can. Wait for her to attack, then dodge and get some punches in yourself. After a while she’ll drop and you’ll get your gear back from her body.
Search the Shop
Once she’s dead, go over and open up the door to the auto shop to go inside. Go to the left immediately to find the Workbench for this chapter. You should also search around the shop for supplies and a total of 27 Parts scattered all around.
When you’re finished with the workbench, head through the door the two kids are standing near. Go into the room on the right first. On a cabinet at the back of the room you can find Training Manual: Firearms, then you can open the drawer underneath it for 7 Supplements. Then go out into the kitchen area, and on the table, you can find Artifact: Failed Truce, as well as another 11 Supplements in the cabinet below the microwave.
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Continue through the building into the large open room. In the main shop area, there are another 18 Parts total for you to pick up: 1 on the wall to the right of where you enter, 17 at the back right by the cash registers, then another 1 in the bathroom by where you need to go to exit this room.
Deal with More Infected
As soon as you get outside again you will be attacked by another 2 Infected that run at you from down the stairs in front. Deal with them, then continue forward up the stairs and another two will run at you. After they’re dead continue all the way up until you enter another building, but don’t drop down to the lower level yet.
Go into the room on the left and you can find a total of 12 Parts and 8 Supplements on the desk.
You will then need to drop to the lower floor and deal with a total of 3 Infected spread around the area. Drop down in the first room and the Infected will become aware of you, but you can take them out relatively well since they will basically funnel towards you one at a time.
Search the area for supplies, making sure that before you interact with the door to exit you check the room to the left of it in the back corner for another 9 parts.
Survive Infected Attack
After you interact with the door you will boost the two kids over so they can unlock a gate to let you through. Before they can do that though you will be attacked by a number of infected all running into this room. There will be three runners that come in first, two from the front then a third from around where you picked up the parts. They like trying to squeeze through the gaps in the walls which slow them down, so use that opportunity to shoot them. After those three a Clicker will come from the central hallway by itself, and can be made quick work of if you are able to have it lose track of you by being quiet as it’s running in.
Next waves will be two Clickers followed immediately by a single Runner, then one single Runner and Clicker from the right. After them, a Shambler will drop down from the right side. As soon as you kill it Lev will break through a truck window on the left of the room, allowing you to escape before more infected come in.
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Escape the Area
Once outside, Abby will pick up the girl with the broken arm and carry her forward. Follow Lev into the area with the buildings, then go to the one on the right side to end the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 30: The Forest in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 31: The Coast.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Kate says
Bruhhhh. Your “Survive the infected attack” section killed me (literally). I saved enough bullets for one shambler, but on hard mode there are two. Oy.
Vico says
I hate the shambles they put me off the game,is there any possible easier way to kill these.mothers, so f annoying makes you feel like giving up this game
Adam says
How the f*** can I get out of this …I’m on hard mode stuck in the collapsed building with the infected jumping down at me…do you HAVE to kill one of the shamblers to enable the cutscene or Lev to smash though the window!!??
Dogbert says
This Act is beyond BRUTAL on Grounded.
Like damn, I can’t believe I survived this with so little ammo. The devs took the first part (the melee only fights) too far, and the last area holding off all the small guys and 2 bloaters!
FFFFFF – if I didn’t have patience, I’d throw this game’s disc out the the window, lol.
Karen says
I got eaten so many times on grounded. It was brutal. I persevered though. Stalkers are so difficult to go fisticuffs with. At least it is easier to learn the moves for human enemies.
wayneG says
The demons in the forest is the hardest part of this game, on hard mode, I have died about thirty times now. I’ve tried running endlessly, fighting and dodging, hiding behind the bowman, and nothing works. Last time, not hjard node, I survived by running around the burning car endlessly, but that is NOT working in HARD MODE. On EASY, these DEMONS are no problem. They hit you three times and you are done. I don’t see anyone talking about this, but no one musty be playing this on HARD. I need a trick to progress.
tbone70 says
I tried it on moderate and if it got too much I just switch over to easy just enough so I can get thru the level. Call me a casual gamer I guess.
Wes Duer says
I spent 56 minutes trying go get Lev to break the windshield, after 11 errors and starting the game over and over I finally got out I used a pipe bomb on the shamblers – I also see they will die with one shot to the head – exact spot but who can really see where that is. Lol.
At the beginning of scene I make a pipe bomb, changed weapon to rifle ran to the left through a door way picked up a few things off the top shelf and jumped through the kitchen window into the kitchen and stood by the cabinets In the corner. Clicker fell into kitchen – head shot, infected dropped same spot – head shot, 8 seconds later 5 feet to the right clicker comes through wall head shot- straight ahead infected runs in – head shot, that’s when shambler drops into kitchen and one clicker in the hall by the window -head shot, run and jump.through window away from shamler “ they are fast” in main room used pipe.bomb on shamblin then Lev broke the windshield, ran and jumped in while several more infected chased – there are two shamlins in this scene – 7 infected and 5 clickers. The more I died the more I played – i’m competitive that way LOVE THIS GAME even at 52 years old and second ps4 game ever played just started gaming due to pandemic. Seemed like the appropriate game to play at the time. Fortnite is my second go to.
tbone70 says
Just turned 53 myself last month, and been PS gaming since 1996. Welcome to the world of Playstation. I found after 20 times of getting defeated, in the survival part of this chapter, I just switched to easiest and made it harder to get killed just enough so I could get thru the rest of the section of the chapter and make it out alive. Fun game all around. Hope you played the first one (TLOU) which is a classic.