This walkthrough for Seattle Day 1 – Chapter 13: The Tunnels in The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives. It also includes Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals, Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).
For other Chapters see The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: The Tunnels
- Artifacts: 5
- Trading Cards: 3
- Journal Entries: 1
- Workbenches: 1
Navigating the Tunnels
When this Chapter starts, we will take our masks on, because there are spores ahead.
After squeezing through some rubble, we find ourselves in a train station with Infected to our left and soldiers to the right. Lure them together and let them decimate each other, leaving you just a few behind.
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At the end of the station, we need to interact with a train door to get ourselves away from more Infected coming our way.
In the train, there are a 12 Supplements to pick up along the way. At the very end of it is an Artifact hanging on a wall to your immediate left.
After exiting the train and crawling underneath it from the other side, make sure to head along the blue train left to the door with red light shining through. A Trading Card is very well hidden between some garbage.
Continuing the obvious way through the aforementioned door, we need to climb up a ladder. Head right and into the room to find a Workbench and 7 Parts.
Now we can use the rope to throw it over the air duct to swing across the gap.
Head into the room to the right to pick up 8 Supplements and continue through the small gap in the wall.
The Shambler
The what? You’ll see. Ellie and Dina spot a sort of Infected they’ve never seen before and it seems they will cross paths in just a second.
Not only one, but two of these tanky enemies are in the rooms we have to go through now. They will emit acid spore-clouds which will damage you. They release them when you get too close, or will throw them at you from a distance.
Choose your favorite tool of armed combat and introduce yourself.
Once the encounter is over, make sure to make a Journal Entry about your new pals.
Escaping the Tunnels
The Shamblers give us all the more reason to leave the tunnels and get back to the surface again. After going through the chain-door and heading along a corridor, head into the first blue door to the right.
Inside, you can climb behind the desks on the right side to crawl into the fenced area in the middle, which contains a Trading Card and 12 Parts.
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In the area behind the next door are 3 Artifacts. The first is located next to a Microwave.
The second and third are almost next to each other. On a table and inside the vending machine.
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You’ll find a clue for the code to the locker-room, which is a separated room within this one. The code is 15243 and you can find some Supplements behind these doors.
After the next short encounter with Infected, Ellie and Dina will close a double-winged door behind them and find themselves in a Metro Station. Heading through, you will need to climb a red box. But before doing so, check underneath the train next to it to find a Trading Card.
Shortly after that, you will walk right through a train from side to side. Directly inside to the right will be the final Artifact of this Chapter.
After a short cutscene, the Infected will come from nearly all sides and it is very much time to pick up the pace and run!
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After heading the obvious directions of where the Infected are not coming from, we can head through the turnstile and back outside.
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This finishes Chapter 13: The Tunnels in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 14: The Theater.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough.
Bryan Danek says
FYI you missed 15 supplements in The Tunnels between the Double Wing Doors and climbing the red box. It’s to the right of the train car after passing through.
Amber says
I was going to respond the same.
After: “Ellie and Dina will close a double-winged door behind them and find themselves in a Metro Station.”, take a right on the other side of the blue train and there are 15 supplements on the ground.
Dogbert says
I also confirm with Bryan and Amber, there are exactly 15 supplements (I’m on hard difficulty).
scott harris says
Can someone help with getting Ellie through the gap at the start of the tunnels ? i cannot for the life of me get her to squeeze through it
Dogbert says
Forward and x.
Or just x should work.
Peter says
I’m on grounded permadeath mode and the tunnels are driving me crazy. I’m doing just fine until the last cut scene, but when heading up those damn escalators I always get grabbed! I’ve tried running as fast as I can behind Dina, I’ve tried throwing a bottle at the runner, i’ve tried hitting with an axe. Every time I get caught – any advice anyone?
Ryley says
Anyone have any issues with not being able to select the artifact in the vending machine? I restarted twice and it’s just not clickable.
Sleepy Sloth TV Guy says
You have to break it open; use a bottle or brick!