The Inpatient on PSVR has 21 Memory Locations (Collectibles). Finding all of them unlocks the trophy “The Disturbing Truth”. These memories also explain the game’s backstory.
All memories are missable. You have to get all of them in one playthrough! There is no chapter select after the game. When starting a new game all your collectible progress gets wiped. Be sure you don’t miss anything (but if you do, the game is only 2,5 hours long so it can be repeated quickly).
Your choices have no impact on the collectibles whatsoever. No matter how you play the game, you will always be able to find the memories in the same place. There’s also a collectible tracker in the pause menu.
After finding a memory you have to reach the next checkpoint to make it count. The collectibles are saved with the next checkpoint, not instantly.
Memories Video Guide
Memory Locations Text Guide
#1 [14/01/1952] – Unmissable, at the very start of the game you will see a memory (you are trapped in a closed, someone is coming for you, then there’s a bright light). No way around this, the memory is part of the story.
#2 [30/01/1952] – This memory collectible is found when you enter your cell for the first time. The guy who pushed you in the wheelchair will put some papers on the cupboard by your bed. When he tells you to stand up and walk around the room, grab his papers and turn them around to trigger the memory.
#3 [29/01/1952] – When you first get to meet your cellmate and nurse Victoria brings you a piece of bread to eat, you can walk around the room again. Touch the shimmering maple leaf in the window to trigger the memory.
#4 [21/01/1952] – This is a little while later in your cell (after you’ve gone back to bed twice). Your cellmate will get mad and punch the food tray out of nurse Victoria’s hands when she walks in. After he does that, get up from your bed and pick up the coffee mug sitting on the table left of the cell door (together with a sandwich).
#5 [20/01/1952] – When your cellmates starts smashing the wall with a spoon, the door of your cell will start to shimmer. Touch it to trigger the memory.
#6 [16/01/1952] – After your cellmate gives you the cockroach, stand up and wait for him to finish his monologue by the window. As soon as he sits on his bed, the calendar will begin to show a white shimmer. You can now interact with the calendar (to the right side of the door) to trigger a memory. It only works after your cellmate sits down on his bed. You gotta be quick though because after a little while you can no longer interact with the calendar.
#7 [14/01/1952] – After a dream sequence be back in your room and have to pick up a flashlight (there’s a spider walking in front ot if, casting a big shadow on the wall). The door of your room is now open and your cellmate is gone. Exit your room and find the corpse of the guy who pushed you in the wheelchair earlier. To the left of his corpse is a lit-up room with a calendar. Investigate the calendar for the memory.
#8 [14/01/1952] – Just a few meters away from the last memory location! Check the cells on the right side of the corridor. In the cell of “William Bates” you can see a white glowing object inside that triggers a memory (patient names are written on the cell doors). It’s the same corridor as the last memory.
#9 [14/01/1952] – Still same area as before. From the last memory location, walk down the hallway and into the common room. In the left room on the table sits a patient chart you can pick up with your right hand. Turn the chart around to trigger the memory.
#10 [14/01/1952] – After the last memory you will have to use and elevator to get to the ground floor. Once there, walk to the end of the long corridor and take a left to enter the treatment room (where the game started). In the backroom behind a window sits a patient chart on the table. Interact with it to see the memory.
#11 [14/01/1952] – Very close to the last collectible. Leave the treatment room and go to the next area. Immediately take a left to a room with many empty beds. On one of the beds is a muzzle, highlighted via a white shimmer on it. Pick it up to see the memory.
#12 [14/01/1952] – This is roughly 30 minutes after the last memory. After you meet the 4 survivors in Doctor Bragg’s office you are going to have to follow two Survivors through a dark corridor (Suzanne the nurse & David). There’s a path going left with a single cell door that has a white shimmer as you approach. Touch the door to trigger a memory in the room behind it. This is just BEFORE going up the stairs. So remember: Leave Dr. Braggs Office, follow Suzanne & David, when you reach the stairs you need to turn around and look for the cell door.
#13 [14/01/1952] – When you have to cross the courtyard with the other 3 survivors, there is a signpost on the left side. Touch it to trigger the memory (this is in the outside section, BEFORE entering the church).
#14 [14/01/1952] – Once you enter the church, go to the back of the building to find two open doors leading upstairs. Go upstairs and walk halfway around the church. There on a balcony you will find a candle with a white shimmer on it. Pick up the candle to trigger the memory collectible.
#15 [14/01/1952] – This is in the service tunnels, after the police shoots up the church. You’ll sit in a wheelchair because a bullet scratched your head. After Ted helps you up, IMMEDIATELY turn to your right. There in the dark are some metal cages next to old barrels. Inside the metal cages sits a tiny camera. When you get close and look at the cage it will be highlighted in white color. This is the easiest collectible to miss. So remember: very start of the dark underground service tunnels.
#16 [14/01/1952] – A little further into the service tunnels, when Ted (the priest) says “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” there will be a newspaper on the desk in front of you. It’s almost impossible to miss, you will walk straight into it. The newspaper shimmers like the other collectibles so it’s very easy to see.
#17 [14/01/1952] – Still in service tunnels, just 1 minute after last memory location. You will walk through a dark corridor with a closed-off elevator and shelves on either side. If your cellmate (now in a doctor’s coat) is still alive he will be sitting on the floor banging his hands against the wall and Ted will have a talk with him (you can get the collectible regardless of whether he’s alive or not). After this point, there’s an optional path on the right, leading to the caferteria. In there is a bottle you can pick up, again with a white shimmer on it. From the previous memory location always check if there’s a path leading to the right and you’ll find it.
#18 [14/01/1952] – Just 30 seconds after last memory location, this is when you go up some stairs with your group. Then on the left are some dirty doctor’s clothes in the laundry. Touch them to trigger a memory.
#19 [13/01/1952] – At the very end of the game, when you reach Floor 2 with the elevator, get out and investigate the poster by the cable car. DO NOT ENTER THE CABLE CAR YET!
#20 [13/01/1952] – From the last memory location, backtrack to the elevator and take it down to Floor 1. Exit the elevator. On the left side is a glowing door you can touch for a memory.
#21 [13/01/1952] – Get back in the elevator. Now go to Floor L (Lobby). Exit the elevator and stare at the butterfly painting on the left side.
That’s all the memories! The Disturbing Truth unlocked!
A special thanks to antogenny91 from PlayStationBit for helping with location #15.
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