Pell Los Plateau is the second area in The First Berserker: Khazan. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Pell Los Plateau in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies & achievements is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected via mission replay as long as you don’t start New Game+ after the credits.
Collectible Overview:
Traitor Revealed (Main Mission)
Fire Disruption Parchment
After falling through the bridge, head into the open area and go up the slope on the right to reach one of the rooftops with the collectible behind the fire.
WANTED: Knivesveil Bandits
After kicking the cart out of your way, the collectible will be on the board directly ahead of you.
Ghost Relic
From the Burning City Blade Nexus, progress until you get ambushed by some enemies breaking out of the door and head inside of the tower they came from. Go up the ladder and go out onto the balcony. You then want to use your Javelin to break the rope to lower the platform with the item.
From the previous collectible, go back outside and climb up the other ladder leading to another. Afterwards turn around and you’ll see the Soulstone on a ledge. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Nomad’s Scroll
From the previous collectible, drop down from the other side of the roof and follow the road to encounter an Elite Enemy. Defeat the Elite Enemy and he’ll drop the scroll.
From the previous collectible, follow the main path across until you reach another open area that has a giant door. Go into the small alley on the left and you’ll be ambushed by an enemy breaking through a door. Go inside and climb up the ladder and the Soulstone will be at the very top.
The Emperor’s Tarnished Letter
From the Fallen Citadel Blade Nexus, follow the main path and the collectible will be on the ground directly on your path.
Bard’s Scroll / Jarling
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you reach a room with a small set of stairs going down to your right. You’ll see a wall with loose stones directly ahead of you. Attack it to reveal a hidden room. The scroll is directly in front of the forge and the Jarling is inside the pot in the top right corner.
From the previous collectible, go down the stairs to reach the jail area. Go to the left and follow the path until you reach a door blocked with loose stones. Attack it to reveal a hidden room with the Soulstone.
Earth Summon Scroll
From the previous collectible, progress until you get to the sewer-like area and keep going until the path splits into left and right. Go down the right path and the collectible is in front of the coffin. Be careful of the enemy ambush.
After opening the shortcut back to the Fallen Citadel Blade Nexus, progress down the main path until you reach an elevator. look behind the elevator and you’ll see the Soulstone on a wooden beam. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Kaleido (Bonus Mission)
From the Temple’s Underground Passage Blade Nexus, once you go up the first flight of stairs into the open room, look up at the top of the giant circle in the center of the room, just past the pillars that block the entrance to it. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Fallen Lord’s Scroll
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you’ve gone up another massive flight of stairs. Drop down the ladder in the top left corner of the area and the collectible is near the ladder you can kick down for a shortcut.
Magic Scholar’s Log / Jarling
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you reach the big open room. The collectible is near the giant broken chandelier to the left. Afterwards, break the pot near the rightmost pillar.
Veiled Knives (Main Mission)
From the Quarry Camp Site Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you reach the area with all the spiders. Kill the giant spider that summons smaller exploding spiders, then drop down onto the ledge with the Soulstone.
Man-Eating Spider’s Scroll
Directly from the previous collectible, go down the hill and then instantly turn to your right. Break through the spider web and the collectible is inside.
Chaos Disruption Parchment
From the Cave Leading to the Citadel Blade Nexus, go into the open area and climb up the rock.
Poison Summon Scroll
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you reach another room full of spiders. Halfway through the area look to your right and the collectible is on a small wooden platform.
From the Bandits’ Citadel Blade Nexus, go up the stairs on the right side to enter the small building with some enemies inside. The Soulstone will be right behind them.
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you drop down onto a staircase. Go down the stairs and break through the wooden barricade. The Soulstone is at the end of the room, guarded by some enemies.
After opening the shortcut back to the Bandit’s Citadel Blade Nexus, go up the giant staircase nearby. Once at the top, look to your left and you’ll see the Soulstone on a ledge. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Letter from a Spy
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you get inside the enemy barracks. Go down the left path and go into the first room on the right.
After opening another shortcut leading towards the Bandit’s Citadel Blade Nexus, go past the Elite Enemy and into the next area. Go into the little room in the middle of the area and break the small pot inside.
Human Xilence (Bonus Mission)
From the Cavern Corridor Blade Nexus. follow the main path until you climb up a ladder to a wide-open area. Go to your right and the Soulstone will be sitting on a statue’s hand. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Butcher’s Scroll / Soulstone
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you go down a flight of stairs, leading to a long corridor. Enter the first room on the left and the scroll will be directly ahead. Go down to the other part of the room and the Soulstone will be at the end.
Shredder’s Scroll / Jarling
From the Main Cavern Stairway Blade Nexus, defeat the nearby Elite Enemy for the scroll. Then go into the top right corner of the room and break the jar.
Final Conquest (Bonus Mission)
From the Destroyed Corridor Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you climb up a ladder. Afterwards, go down the stairs to the right and follow the path to the end. Be careful of the ambush.
Chaos-Ridden Scroll
From the previous collectible, go back up into the open area and enter the small house to the left of the stairs. The scroll will be inside the chest. The chest is trapped, so after opening it make sure to move away.
From the Rain-Drenched Training Ground Blade Nexus, go into the next area and break the pot near the path leading to the right.
From the Silent Ground Blade Nexus, look up at the gateway opposite the boss door and the Soulstone will be up top. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Devoured Village (Main Mission)
At the very start of the mission, turn around and go back the way you came in the cutscene. The Soulstone will be at the end.
Deep Shadow Scroll
From the Village Entrance Blade Nexus, go into the open area and go into the tower on the left. Climb to the top and drop down onto the roof. Drop down the hole in the roof, landing on the beam that has the scroll.
From the Underground Water Facility Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you exit one of the pipes. Head straight ahead and then turn left. Break the wood blocking the door and the Soulstone will be inside.
Netherworld Energy Upgrade
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you climb up into another pipe. After going up the ladder take a left whenever you can and you should end up in a room, do not drop down anywhere if you come across it. Be very careful of the spider ambush on the ceiling as you go towards the item in the center.
From the Sinister Prison Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you reach the area with all the corpses on stone beds, then break the pot in the top left corner of the room, just past the pipe.
Soulstone / Tanya’s Research Document 1
After opening the shortcut back to the Sinister Prison Blade Nexus, go up the stairs and then enter the hallway straight ahead to the left and you’ll be in a room with a bunch of bookshelves. Interact with the glowing book on one of the bookshelves and it will reveal a hidden area with the Soulstone. Afterwards, enter the other room where the purple switch is and the collectible is on the floor.
Ghost Hilt / Soulstone
From the Underground Laboratory Entrance Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you reach an elevator. Go into the elevator and face the way you came in from. Activate the elevator and then start walking into the wall and you’ll walk onto a ledge. Carefully follow the pipe to the collectible. From here, turn around and carefully follow the pipe to the other end. The Soulstone will be near the purple level.
A Scout’s Log
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you’ve defeated the Failed Creation. Enter the hallway to the left of where it was and then instantly turn left. The collectible is behind the explosive plague tanks.
Lightning Disruption Scroll
Directly after the previous collectible go towards the main path and then instantly go left. Attack the very suspicious-looking wall and it will disappear, revealing a hidden room with the collectible near the ledge.
Guardian’s Scroll
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you find a giant room on your left. Going into the room will spawn an Elite Enemy and defeating it gives you the scroll.
Tanya’s Research Document 2
After deactivating the giant orb and being teleported, the collectible will be on the ground.
Pavel’s Final Words (Bonus Mission)
From the Path to the Citadel Blade Nexus, Follow the main path and once it splits into going forward and going right, go forward into the small room.
Jarling / Assassin’s Tomb
From the Overrun by Bandits Blade Nexus, go past the Elite Enemy and turn left. Enter the first room on the right side of the hallway and break the pot. Afterwards, enter the second room on the right side and the collectible is on the ground.
Furious Bandit’s Scroll
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you reach the room with a bunch of circular pillars. The collectible is on the ground in the top left of the room.
Bandit’s Order / Soulstone
From the previous collectible, turn around and go down the stairs to encounter an Elite Enemy. Kill him to get the collectible. Afterwards, look up on the ledge opposite of the elevator to see a Soulstone. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Inconceivable Truth (Main Mission)
From the Imperial Army Lookout Post Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you exit the first building. Turn to your right and loop around to the other side of the building to find the Soulstone.
Imperial Post Guard’s Log
From the Technician Labor Camp Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you reach the elevator. In the room right before the elevator the collectible is on the ground near where the enemies were.
Defector’s Scroll
From the previous collectible, after going down the elevator enter the open area just ahead and turn left. Enter the cell and the collectible is on the ground.
Yulian’s Necklace
From the previous collectible follow the main path down the slope and enter the room on the left. Open the jail cell on the left side and the collectible is inside.
Labor Camp Behavioral Correction Manual
From the Underground Shaft Blade Nexus, go into the area with the Elite Enemy and the collectible is on a small hill on the right side.
From the previous collectible follow the main path until you’re about to cross a wooden bridge, then look to your right to see a Soulstone on a wooden beam. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it. You can also wait until you reach the area where you can open the shortcut and destroy it there since you can walk across the beam, but using the Javelin is safer.
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you’re in an open room with a bunch of rocks that deal plague. Break the pot on the right side of the room, behind all the plague rocks.
From the Cave of Gloom Blade Nexus, go into the part of the cave where a bunch of enemies came from and then turn to your right as soon as you past the first crystal. The Soulstone is blending in with it.
Why Have You Forsaken Us? (Bonus Mission)
Warrior’s Scroll
From the Laboratory Wing Entrance Blade Nexus, progress until you head down a flight of stairs and you should see a glowing book on a bookshelf on the left wall. Interact with it to open a hidden path and the collectible is down the right hallway.
From the previous collectible, drop down the ledge and an enemy will break through the wall. After passing him and entering the next room, turn to your right and break the giant glass container. The Soulstone is inside.
From the Sector No. 4 Laboratory Wing Blade Nexus, walk out into the hallway and instantly turn to your left to see the Soulstone on the ledge next to the statue. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
The Day the Black Moon Rose 2 (Golden Collectible)
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you reach a big room with giant glass tubes. The collectible is on a table on the right side of the room.
The Day the Black Moon Rose 4 (Golden Collectible)
After opening the shortcut back to the Sector No. 4 Laboratory Wing Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you reach the area you have to drop down wooden to wooden platforms. For now, ignore everything on the right side and try to drop down to the lowest platform on the left side. If you have enough HP you can survive the fall straight down there, but you can use beams along the way. Afterwards, climb the ladder at the end of the path to the collectible, which will also lead you back to the top.
Beastslayer’s Scroll
After getting back to the top, you see the collectible on a small ledge just underneath you on the right side. You’ll need to sprint towards it in order to get enough distance to be able to fall and reach the platform, or else you’ll just fall to the one underneath it.
The Journey Towards the Creation of Life / Jarling
From the previous collectible, drop all the way down and once you enter the circular room, go to the left. Then go to the right from the door and break the jar.
Ghost Twin Blade
From the previous collectible, go down the nearby stairs and destroy the glass tube in the plague water to the right.
In the same room as the previous collectible, go to the other side of the room and you’ll need to fight off 2 Twisted Mage enemies. The Soulstone is behind one of the giant glass tubes the second one came from. Chances are you’ll accidentally destroy it while fighting them.
Escaping Linon Mine (Bonus Mission)
From the Mine No. 2 Central Management Hub Blade Nexus, follow the main path until you drop down into a large area. Go to the left towards the giant spider and then turn right onto the wooden platform and break the jar.
Soulstone / Soulstone
From the previous collectible, follow the main path until you climb up a big ladder. Head towards the stairs and then look to your right. You’ll see a Soulstone near another flight of stairs across from you. You can reach it with your Javelin right now, or just break it later when you get to that area. Afterwards, go up to the top of the stairs and you’ll see another Soulstone on the ledge. You can also reach this with your Javelin right now, or just collect it later once you get to that ledge.
Ghost Shield
From the previous collectible (or just right before the ledge of the second Soulstone if you chose to not use the Javelin), defeat the giant spider and then use your Javelin to knock down the corpse with the collectible that was right above it.
Frozen Mountain Scroll
From the Mine No. 2 High Ground Blade Nexus (or shortly after the first Soulstone if you chose to not use the Javelin), follow the main path until you’re in a small cave where you have to climb a ladder at the end. Look up and use your Javelin to knock down the corpse with the collectible.
Last Command (Bonus Mission)
From the Death Row Prisoners’ Camp Blade Nexus, progress through the level until you reach the second caged prisoner and break the pot behind the logs to the left of the cage.
From the previous collectible, exit to the other area through the house and you’ll see the Soulstone on the ledge to the left of the staircase. You’ll need to use your Javelin to break it.
Next Area: Heart of Pell Los
Jerry says
the elite enemie did not drop the Nomad’s Scroll,is it random ?
ObsiEez says
No it isn’t random, he’ll always drop it. Check to see if it’s in your inventory or if you can already craft it at Qazumaka or not. Either way if it some how bugged out on you it’s not required for the platinum, so there isn’t a need to worry.
Mustafa Shouman says
The elite enemy is not dropping nomad scroll in Traitor Revealed (Main Mission) coul you check