In The Evil Within 2 the Silenced Handgun is a reward for completing the side quests “Out in the Open” & “Getting Back Online” in Chapter 7.
They are both for a guy named Sykes. You find him fending off zombies in a parking lot, around the center of the map. You can enter the parking lot through the gate in the south. Kill all the zombies and rescue Sykes. Then talk to him in his safe house. This completes the side quest “Out in the Open”. Check the screenshot below for the parking lot location:

He now gives the quest “Gettin Back Online”. Go do that quest. You have to backtrack a little bit and use the computer in the northern safehouse. Then you get teleported back to The Marrow where you must access a terminal. Run back to Sykes and he will unlock a big orange box in his safe house. Inside is your quest reward – the Silenced Handgun.
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