To get the Double-Barreled Shotgun in The Evil Within 2 you must complete all side quests in chapter 7 & chapter 13. The shotgun is a reward for completing the side quest “Getting Back Online” in Chapter 13, but this is only available if you did the side quests in Chapter 7.
Step 1 (Chapter 7):
In Chapter 7, go to the parking lot in the center of the map and save the man there. Talk to him in his safe house afterwards.

Step 2 (Chapter 7):
Complete the resulting side quest given to you by the man you saved. It is called “Getting Back Online”. You must backtrack to the safe house in the north and use the computer there to get back to The Marrow (the area from the previous chapter). It will mark the side quest waypoints on your map. Just follow them. You must activate PC terminal and then return to the quest giver in his safe house. Be sure to fully complete the “Getting Back Online” side quest by talking to the quest giver. This also unlocks the silenced pistol as a quest reward.
Step 3 (Chapter 13):
You must now keep playing until you reach Chapter 13. If you did the “Getting Back Online” quest you will automatically receive a new quest called “The Last Step” during chapter 13. This is only available when you’ve done the aforementioned quest.
Again you must do a few tasks for the guy you saved earlier. So just follow the waypoints and complete the quest. At the end you’ll see the guy going in an escape pod and a room fills up with smoke. Then the side quests ends (Sykes Out Trophy Unlocked). Step into the room after the smoke has cleared and look for the Double-Barreled Shotgun in a box in the corner of the room.
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