The Division 2 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 80 hours
- Offline Trophies: 0
- Online Trophies: 43 (1
, 4
, 5
, 33
) – Online-only game, constant internet connection required
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 3 – if you encounter an unearnable glitched trophy, try reinstalling the game and redoing the requirement. If that doesn’t work, unlink your Uplay account from your PSN account. Then create a new Uplay account and link that to your PSN.
- A Friend in Need – not unlocking for some players
- Big Game Hunter – not unlocking for some players
- Hard as Nails – if you get disconnected during a hard difficulty mission it won’t count, you have to replay it for it to count
- Hardest Trophy: Hard as Nails
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat all missions on hard difficulty for “Hard as Nails”
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free Roam After Story?: Yes
Welcome to Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Trophy Guide! This is an easy platinum and quite similar to the first Division game but with fewer collectibles. Nothing is missable. Just enjoy the game! In total you’ll be playing through the main missions and strongholds 3 times. Once for the story. A 2nd time in the endgame to upgrade the world to “Tier 04” (which is needed to unlock strongholds on hard difficulty). Then a third replay on hard difficulty for “Hard as Nails” trophy.
Step 1: Play through all Story Missions, Start to Farm Suits of Cards, If you find a High-End (yellow) D50 Handgun keep it!
Story: Your first priority should be to finish the 16 story missions and reach Level 30 (the maximum level). Along the way you can already work on upgrading all settlements and do side missions. It’s not recommended to waste any time in the Dark Zone or other modes. The reason being that any low-level gear you earn will quickly be obsolete. It’s better to play to Level 30 first, which you must reach to start the last main mission anyway. After Level 30 you’ll get some worthwhile gear from the remaining tasks.
Cards: One major trophy you should work on early is “Suits You, Sir!” for getting a full set of cards. These cards are dropped by named elite enemies with yellow health bars, only in the open world (not missions or dark zones). The reason to start with it early is that only 1 named enemy can spawn every 30 minutes (real time). They always spawn in the same spot and are guaranteed to drop one new card. However, it’s random for which set the card will be. This is semi-level related. In the endgame they will always spawn there but at lower levels they might not spawn every time, due to the fact that Black Tusk (enemy faction) can’t spawn until the endgame. You can simply go to the farming spot after every main mission. This will reduce the grind later on. There are 52 cards divided into 4 sets (13 cards each). However, since it gives a random card you’ll likely need 40+ cards to get a full set of 13. To put that in perspective: 52 cards x 30 minutes spawn gap per card = 1560 minutes (26 hours). After you killed one named enemy all the others will disappear from the game for 30 minutes so you can’t simply farm multiple spots. Please read through The Division 2 Card Farming Guide for the best spots and more info. It will save you a long 26 hour grind later on.
High-End D50 Pistol: Another thing to watch out for throughout the game is keeping a high-end (yellow rarity) D50 Pistol (Desert Eagle). If you find one, be sure to keep it! Just put it away in the item box so you have it for later. You need this weapon to craft it into an Exotic D50 for trophy “Taste of the Exotic”. If you don’t have one you might potentially be farming this forever to drop it when you need it. To go even one step further, just keep one of every type of high-end (yellow rarity) weapon you find. In case future patches add more exotic blueprints you will have more choices. To make exotics (orange) you always need the same item in high-end (yellow) rarity first.
General Gameplay Tips: After a while your inventory will get full. Don’t just sell everything, also dismantle items from the inventory. You need materials to upgrade the crafting workbench (needed for trophy “Taste of the Exotic” and they can be used to donate to settlement projects and to craft new items. This is often better than selling it for just a few credits. Also get the perks early that give you more XP and more items from dismantling (via Quartermaster). For skills it’s highly recommended to unlock the Reinforcer Chem Launcher first, it has the best healing in the game. For second skill pick the Reviver Hive to revive yourself and others or the Bulwark Shield to guard yourself when getting flanked by enemies. For weapons an MG with mod for faster reload and Sniper rifle are recommended. When playing solo, the hardest enemies are heavily armored hammer guys that one-hit you with melee attacks. Enemies can’t go outside the mission area so you can simply lure them until they hit an invisible wall and then they get stuck and can be shot without risk.
Step 2: Reach Endgame World Tier 04, Play through all Story Missions & Strongholds again on Hard
After you have beaten a mission for the first time it can be replayed on Hard difficulty. It’s best to wait with this until you have been through all main missions, reached Level 30, and also reached World Tier 4 in the endgame. Strongholds are also required on hard. In order to unlock all Stronghold’s hard difficulty you must reach World Tier 4 in the endgame, which means you must do so-called “Invaded Missions” and recapture the Strongholds on Normal difficulty first. Each World Tier requires you to capture 1 Stronghold. Each Stronghold has a few “invaded main missions” linked to it. See trophy “Hard as Nails”. It takes about 3 hours to reach the next highest World Tier (9 hours from Tier 1 to Tier 4). If you don’t have a yellow D50 Desert Eagle yet, watch out for it and keep it. Also keep one of every other unique yellow rarity weapon you find so you can craft them into Exotics later. As the game receives patches, more exotic blueprints will be added so it’s good to have the base weapons ready for then.
While you play through all invaded missions & hard missions again, stick with one and the same specialization so you get enough points to upgrade it for trophy “Best of the Best“. You only earn points for the equipped Specialization. If you switch a lot you could end up short on upgrade points.
Step 3: Dark Zone, Bounties, PVP, Clan War
There are various trophies tied to the different game modes. You may already have done a bunch of these during the story. Now is the time to finish up anything to do with Dark Zone, Bounties, PVP, Clan Wars.
Step 4: Buy Specialization Upgrades, Finish one Set of Cards, Craft Exotic Item
After reaching World Tier 4 you should have enough Specialization Points to upgrade each branch once. If not, keep doing bounties and earning XP. See trophy “Best of the Best”.
If you followed the advice for trophy “Suits You, Sir!” in Step 1 but are still missing some cards, refer to The Division 2 Card Farming Guide.
Among your last trophies will be to craft an Exotic item. See trophy “Taste of the Exotic”. As mentioned in Step 1 you should keep a D50 Desert Eagle Pistol in high-end (yellow) rarity so you can craft it into the exotic (orange) version.
Fix for Bugged Trophies
If you encounter a bugged trophy, first try to reinstall the game and redo the trophy requirement. If that doesn’t work Unlink your Uplay Account from your PSN / Xbox Live. Then sign up for a new Uplay Account and link that to your PSN. You’ll lose all progress but it lets you start over from scratch so you can redo the bugged trophy.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- The Division 2 How to Create & Join a Clan
- The Division 2 How to Unlock Crafting
- The Division 2 How to Fast Travel
- The Division 2 How to Use Photo Mode
- The Division 2 How to Unlock All Dark Zones
- The Division 2 How to Start Skirmish & Domination PVP Matches
- The Division 2 How to Unlock & Use Specializations (Grenade Launcher, Crossbow, Sharpshooter)
- The Division 2 All Suits of Card Locations
- The Division 2 All Crafting Materials Guide
The Division 2 Trophy Guide
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Platinum Agent Unlock every Trophy in Tom Clancy’s The Division®2. |
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Earn all other trophies in The Division 2 to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Checking In Rescue Eleanor Sawyer from the Hyenas in the Grand Washington Hotel. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Opening the Vault Discover what the Hyenas stole from Air Force One. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Bunker Buster Recover essential SHD Network equipment from the Federal Emergency Bunker. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Sick Note Shut down Outcast activity at the DCD Headquarters. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Jailbreak Recover interrogation data from the American History Museum. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Global Communications Reestablish the SHD Satellite Network at the Space Administration HQ. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Getting the Word Out Seize control of the ViewPoint Museum from the True Sons. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Season Ticket Eliminate the Hyena council in the District Union Arena. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Strategic Extraction Capture the Outcasts’ Chief Strategist at the Potomac Event Center. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Into the Wilderness Take down the Outcast stronghold on Roosevelt Island. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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State of the Union Drive the True Sons out of the Capitol building. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. | ||
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Hard as Nails Finish all missions on hard difficulty or above. |
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*Bugged Trophy*
After completing all main missions & strongholds, you must replay them again on hard difficulty. Hard is not available on first playthrough (only on replay). You do this by scrolling over the mission on the world map and holding For the 3 strongholds it’s a bit more complicated to unlock their hard difficulty. After finishing the story they will be retaken by enemies. To unlock their hard difficulty you must capture them a second time. This means you have to reach World Tier 4 in the endgame first. On each tier you get to retake one Outpost. The way the endgame works is that some main missions get invaded. You redo those main missions and can then retake one outpost. After this the map upgrades to the next highest tier. Tier 4 is the highest tier at time of the game’s release (as of March 15th, 2019). It takes around 3 hours per world tier, meaning 9 hours to World Tier 4 after the story. Workaround to do it without this grind: If you have a friend who’s already World Tier 4, you can simply have them host the match and let them invite you to the hard difficulty strongholds / main missions. Even if you haven’t unlocked those missions on hard it will still count, that’s how I did it. I hadn’t cleared a single invaded main mission. I was still World Tier 1 and a friend invited me to his game. Me and my friend both got the trophy, even though hard difficulty was still locked in my game (missions were invaded / colored red and strongholds unavailable). Here’s the full list of main missions you need to beat on hard. Make sure you write down which ones you have completed on hard so you don’t lose track (or cross them off on a sheet of paper):
Trophy Glitch Warning: If you get disconnected during a mission it will NOT count for you! If it happens you have to replay the mission from scratch on hard difficulty. Same goes for any friends who play with you, if they get disconnected it won’t count the mission for them either. So when you write down which missions you did, also note if you got disconnected or redo the mission right away. Also watch out that it shows the “Mission Complete” at the end of every mission and also run out to the exit. Especially in Lincoln Memorial this is easy to miss because the mission doesn’t complete until you run out of the building and gather in front of the Lincoln Statue. If the “Mission Complete” doesn’t show it didn’t count so keep track very carefully. |
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Rebuilding DC Fully upgrade all settlements. |
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For this you must reach level 4 with the two settlements “The Theater” & “Campus”. Other settlements cannot be upgraded. You have to go to both settlements as part of the story. To upgrade them simply do main missions and side missions that are given by NPCs at the settlement.
You can check the progress at the door of the camp leader. It will show a green circle. This circle must be filled and show the number “04”, then the camp is upgraded to the maximum. At the Theater you find that door on the rooftop. At the Campus you find the door at the market square near the vendor. Projects (which require material donations) are NOT needed to fully upgrade camps. It’s solely reliant on mission progress. |
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Undressed to Kill Destroy every piece of a tank’s armor, then eliminate the tank. |
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Tanks are heavily armored enemies. They are the biggest enemies in the game and have this icon above their health bar: They have armor around every body part. Shoot off the armor around the arms, legs, upper body, head. This is best done in solo play. When playing with others they might kill the tank too soon. After one piece of armor is destroyed focus on the next armor part. Don’t shoot unprotected body parts as it will result in the tank dying before you can shoot off all armor. Fully automatic weapons (Machine Guns, Assault Rifles, SMGs) work best for this. An easy spot is in Main Mission “American History Museum” on Story difficulty. Here during the objective “Defeat True Sons reinforcements” you encounter one tank that shoots grenades at you. Make sure you’re playing solo for this! Take out all other enemies first. Then dodge his grenades until he needs to reload. Get really close to him so you can aim precisely and shoot a body part with a fully automatic weapon. Dodge his next grenades until he needs to reload again and repeat. Be very careful only to hit armor, never any unprotected parts. If you defeated him but missed an armor part, kill yourself with a grenade to restart the checkpoint. |
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Command and Control Discover 20 control points in DC. |
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Control points are marked by a red flag icon on the map ![]() |
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Group Therapy Take over a control point in a group without anyone being downed. |
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Control points are marked by a red flag icon on the map ![]() After capturing a control point it will be gone in your game until you beat the story. After the story, enemies will start to recapture Control Points. You can also simply join a random person in free roam or join a friend who still has control points left. It always shows you the remaining control points from the hosting player. Furthermore, any control points you captured in someone else’s game don’t transfer over to your own story progress. To join a random group, press |
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A Friend in Need Respond to a call for help and revive the agent. |
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*Bugged Trophy*
As you play, you will sometimes hear a voice say “Incoming Backup Request” and in the bottom left corner it will show “Incoming call from Agent”. This is random but happens quite frequently. When you see this come up, open the map and press Simply revive that person (or anyone else in their game) at any point while playing together. This will unlock the trophy. The person doesn’t have to be dead on the ground when you join. It’s okay if they or their teammate die after you join and you simply revive them when it happens. Also, they don’t have to be completely “dead” (unable to move). It still counts when you revive them while they are bleeding out (being able to crawl). Alternatively, you can also use the Matchmake function. Open the map and press Potential Fix if trophy glitches out: Answer a Call for help, kill yourself with a grenade, and use the reviver hive to revive yourself. This has worked for a lot of players. If it’s still bugged, start a new character and try there. Here’s another potential fix, discovered by Pound_of_Life89:
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Help Me! Put out a call for backup. |
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Press ![]() ![]() |
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Suits You, Sir! Collect any suit of cards in the open world. |
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» The Division 2 All Suits of Cards Locations | ||
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TV Cop Perform a slide across the hood of a car. |
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Press |
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Negative Ramos! Shock enemy medics by shooting their defibrillator. |
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One place to get this relatively early is in the Main Mission “American History Museum” on Story Difficulty. Here a medic with purple health bar will spawn during the objective “reach the archive room”. Medics have a “+” sign above their health bar. On their backs they carry a defibrillator. While a medic revives a dead enemy, shoot his backpack to make the defibrillator explode, thus shocking the medic. It only works while the medic is in the process of reviving an enemy! On the way to platinum you’ll be fighting lots of medics and this will most likely come naturally without worrying about it. |
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Patchwork Get 10 patches from commendations. |
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Press Options-Button ![]() ![]() ![]() You should get 10 of these from natural gameplay without even trying, by the time you’re done with all other trophies. |
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Resourceful Agent Help friendlies in resource gathering. |
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Step 1: Fast Travel to The Theater Settlement. Run around the streets (outside settlement) once and look for a group of friendlies that have “En Route to Gather” above their heads when you aim at them. If you can’t find anyone, fast travel back to The Theater and run around the settlement once again. Repeat this until you find a group that’s on their way to gather something. Step 2: Follow them to their destination. Step 3: Wait for them to enter the location. One of the looters will have the option to press a button prompt. This gives them materials and unlocks the trophy for you. You can also encounter groups of friendly gatherers randomly while exploring the world. By following them from the settlement it’s less random though. If you can’t find anyone around the settlement then just keep playing normally and watch out for friendlies running across the streets. Aim at them to check their status. If it says “En Route to Gather” then follow them. |
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Dark Zone: Safe House Access a hidden safe room in a dark zone. |
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This does NOT work in the daily Occupied Dark Zone (Red Dagger Icon Go to a Dark Zone that’s not Occupied that day. There will be hackable SHD Network Terminals around the map, on the walls of buildings and alleyways. Most frequently they are found in little side alleys. Hold Here’s what these the hackable terminals look like: |
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Dark Zone: Extraction Extract an item from each dark zone. |
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There are 3 Dark Zones:
To unlock them you must recruit staff member “Senait Ezera” from the Theater district, then talk to her in the White House. She will give you a tutorial mission for DZ East. Do it to get the tutorial for DZ South and after that get the tutorial for DZ West. This fully opens up all Dark Zones. Extract an item from each of these zones. How this works will be taught to you during the DZ East tutrial mission. You simply find an item (weapon or armor) in the Darkzone and bring it to the extraction point (which is marked on the map). Then shoot a flare to call for an extraction helicopter. Attach collected items to it and defend your loot so nobody steals it until the helicopter leaves. |
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Dark Zone: Takedown Eliminate a disavowed agent in each dark zone. |
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A disavowed agent will be marked with a red skull. First they must have turned rogue and then kill someone to turn disavowed. You must kill such a player (red skull) in each of the 3 Dark Zones (Dark Zone East, Dark Zone South, Dark Zone West).
This will only work with 2 Dark Zones per day. It won’t work in the daily Occupied Dark Zone. Each day 1 of 3 Dark Zones becomes occupied (real calendar days, not in-game days). This is shown by the red dagger icon on the map above the Dark Zone: How to boost this: Invite a friend to your group. Fast travel to the same gate in a Dark Zone. Have your friend hold Touchpad |
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First Among Equals Win a match of skirmish or domination. |
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Open the World Map (press Touchpad) then press ![]() |
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Clan War With your clan, face off against another clan in conflict. |
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Create a clan or Join a Clan (see how to create and join clans). Then start a match of PVP Conflict. To do so, open the Map and press ![]() You can do this solo, no need to have other clan members playing with you. You also don’t need to have a full clan of 4 people on the other team, just one player on the opposite team must be in a clan. |
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Big Game Hunter Complete a bounty from each safe house. |
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Go to every safe house and look at the message board inside, from there you can start bounties. The ones you must play specificially for this trophy are the Project Bounties. Do one project bounty in each safe house (9 Safe Houses total). They get marked on your map automatically when you visit the district. This trophy is bugged in multiple ways. There are reports that way more bounties were needed (it unlocked for some players after doing all bounties), and for some it still hasn’t unlocked after completing all bounties. If it doesn’t pop just do all remaining bounties. If you die during one after you kill the boss but not the other enemies it doesn’t count it as complete but doesn’t let you replay it, but if you can join another player to do it and complete it then that will pop the trophy.
Below they are ordered by district:
The bounties are timed tasks where you have you track down and kill one enemy. These enemies get marked for you on the map of course. *Bugged Trophy* There are multiple reports about this trophy not unlocking. If you die during one after you kill the boss but not the other enemies it doesn’t count it as complete but doesn’t let you replay it, but if you can join another player to do it and complete it then that will pop the trophy. Bounty targets are guarded by weaker mobs of enemies. It’s recommended to clear out the mobs first so nothing can kill you anymore after defeating the bounty target. This can help ensure proper tracking of the completed bounties. Another issue often reported is that it requires way more bounties than just 1 per safehouse to unlock it. For some players it unlocked after doing all available bounties so give that a try. If the trophy doesn’t unlock even after doing all bounties, your best bet is to start a new character or make a new Uplay account. |
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Autograph Hunter Kill one enemy with each of the signature weapons (crossbow, sniper rifle & grenade launcher). |
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Specializations unlock after beating the story (earned trophy “State of the Union”). Simply talk to the Quartermaster at the White House after the story and equip 1 of the 3 specialization options. You can switch between them at any time. To actually use the selected special weapon hold ![]() Here are the 3 Specializations and how to get ammo for them:
All of these have a small chance to drop ammo, not a guarantee. It’s like a 10% drop chance. You will see this ammo in form of orange pickups that you must walk over. |
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Arrow to the Knee Shoot 10 enemies in the leg with a crossbow. |
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The Crossbow is one of the three Specializations that you unlock for beating the story. After the story, a new desk will be available at the Quartermaster in the White House (table on the right side of Quartermaster). Select the “Survivalist” specialization. This one gives you a crossbow. To equip it hold ![]() While enemies are moving around this is really tricky and you might just waste your ammo. The easiest way is to collect ammo during Invaded Missions. Then get the Leg-Shots in Free Roam against enemies that are standing still and haven’t seen you. After you got one kill, fast travel back to safehouse and look for another group of still-standing enemies for an easy leg-shot. Repeat this cycle. Get more ammo from missions and after the mission always do a few leg-shots in free-roam. You can change between the specializations at any time, they are not permanent. |
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Next Level Operative Reach Level 30. |
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Level 30 is the highest level. You must reach level 30 in order to start the last main mission anyway, so this is an automatic story trophy. You level up fastest by doing Main Missions, Side Missions, and liberating Control Points. | ||
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Strength in Numbers Create or join a clan. |
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To create or join a clan you must first recruit the staff member “Grace Larson” from the Theater settlement. Keep doing main missions and side missions for the people in this settlement until she becomes available. Then you can talk to Grace on the rooftop of the Theater settlement. Now travel to the White House and there she will spawn in the East Wing (ground floor). Talk to her and she will unlock the feature to make and join clans. Either option unlocks the trophy. | ||
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For Posterity Photo mode: take a photo of a group of 4 agents. |
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First you must be in a group of 4 agents. This is easily done via matchmaking. Then press ![]() ![]() Here are some options for easy matchmaking:
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Crafty Collector Collect 20 blueprints. |
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Blueprints are awarded from Side Missions, Projects, and can also be bought from Vendors. Simply do all available Side Missions and buy the rest from Vendors. | ||
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Taste of the Exotic Craft an exotic weapon or item. |
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The easiest way is to craft the exotic D50 Desert Eagle. It’s important that you have a high-end (yellow rarity) D50 Pistol because it’s needed to craft it into the Exotic version. Watch out for this from the beginning of the game! Otherwise you might end up having to farm for it forever. There are multiple steps to craft the exotic D50.
Note: This info is based on the day-one version of the game (as of March 15th, 2019). Higher World Tiers will be added in the future and new Exotics will be introduced. Just at time of release this is the only reliable method to craft an exotic. There are also exotic bounties in the game that can drop ingredients for exotic crafting (you get exotic bounties after clearing all other bounties). |
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Specialized Equip your first specialization. |
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Specializations unlock after beating the story (earned trophy “State of the Union”). Simply talk to the Quartermaster at the White House after the story and equip 1 of the 3 specialization options. You can switch between them at any time.
The 3 available Specializations are:
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Best of the Best Invest in each type of upgrade available for a specialization. |
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Specializations unlock after beating the story (earned trophy “State of the Union”). Simply talk to the Quartermaster at the White House after the story and equip 1 of the 3 specialization options. You can switch between them at any time.
Pick and specialization and stick with it. The reason being that you only earn points for the one specialization that you have equipped. E.g. if you pick Demolisher (Grenade Launcher) you’re only going to get points for that class and not for other classes. Since you need 10 Leg-Shots with the Crossbow for “Arrow to the Knee” it makes the most sense to pick the Survivalist class. You gain Specialization Points by leveling up, by doing Bounties and Invaded Missions (marked red on the map). Technically, level 30 is the maximum but the XP bar keeps going up. Instead of levels it will award you with Specialization Points and Proficiency Caches. For this trophy you only need to invest in the first level of each upgrade. Some upgrades have multiple levels, i.e. you can buy the same upgrade 5 times to make it better. This is not needed, only the first level of the upgrade is needed. And you only need to do this for ONE Specialization class (Demolisher / Survivalist / Sharpshooter). After the story just keep doing Invaded Missions and daily Bounties to get specialization points quickly. |
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Project Management Complete a project for both the Theater and Campus settlements. |
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Theater and Campus are the two main settlements in the game where you accept quests. After doing enough Main Missions & Side Missions for a settlement it will upgrade automatically and add “Projects”. There will be an NPC in the settlement that gives you the Project requirements. There are lots of different ones, they typically involve donating a certain amount of crafting materials + items + doing some random world events.
Resources are mainly found from containers throughout missions and open world exploration. Some are also from dismantling gear. Random world events you’ll likely complete through natural gameplay. They are found at the “?” icon (question marks) on the map. After everything is done, talk to the Projects vendor and make the donations to complete the Project. At the Theater you find the Projects vendor on the rooftop. At the Campus you find the vendor near the sick bay, in a corner of the settlement. |
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King of the Skill Equip and use each skill. |
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For this trophy you only need to unlock ONE skill in each category (the first skill only costs 1 skill point). You do NOT need all of the sub-skills.
These are the skill categories. Buy 1 skill in each category and then use the skill once. It doesn’t matter which of the sub-skills you buy, any one will do for this trophy.
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Dress to Impress Equip high-end gear (or above) in each slot. |
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High-End Gear is colored yellow. Equip one yellow rarity item in each slot. After reaching level 30 these will be very common drops.
The required slots are:
When you find a yellow-colored item keep it in your inventory, don’t sell or dismantle them until you have this trophy. |
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Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack Hijack an extraction in any occupied dark zone. |
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Step 1 – Go to the Occupied Dark Zone Extraction Point: Each day 1 of the 3 available Dark Zones will be “Occupied”. This is random and changes every day (real time calendar days, not in-game days). The Occupied Dark Zone is always the toughest but also has the best loot drops. The Occupied Dark Zone will have a red dagger icon on the map: Step 2 – Cut the Rope of Helicopter: After another player has attached their contaminated loot to the helicopter, hold Easy way to boost this: Invite a friend and go to the Occupied Dark Zone together. Kill enemies until your friend gets contaminated loot (in inventory top right corner where it says 0/5). Go to extraction point, call helicopter. Your friend must now leave the group before attaching his loot to the helicopter. Then you simply cut the rope to get the trophy. *Note: this trophy was changed with a patch. It used to say “Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack – Hijack an extraction in any dark zone during a blackout.” which meant you had to defeat a robot dog during occupied dark zone extraction to make it explode for an EMP blackout. Since this was tricky without boosting they changed the trophy to make it easier and now you no longer need to kill the robot dog, just cut the rope of the extraction helicopter with loot on it. |
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips:
Infamous__Dan = Info for “Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack” & “Taste of the Exotic”, tips for Card farming, and doing the hard difficulty missions with me
LMO_DarkBiG_BR = Various info
SlySinatra = Additional tips for card farming
vvinushan = Potential Fix for bugged trophy “A Friend in Need” (use reviver hive to revive yourself)
Lionel says
I really hate those team trophies. The others looks fun though. Thx for this guide
michael enochs says
Game time sounds about right. It took me casually playing for a month just having fun on division one before I tried getting the trophy’s. But I remember it took me about a week to grab all the collectibles and finish off remaining trophy’s. I hope the collectibles aren’t mixed up like it was for me. The name of the collectibles were wrong for three of them located in the Southwest corner and one showing it was available but nothing was there near the southeast dz in light zone. That was a bitch to figure out. Otherwise, not a difficult game to platinum so I imagine division 2 won’t be any worse. Just grindy. Can’t wait to play this tomorrow!
James K says
How much harder is this solo? Still entirely doable, and a 4/10?
PowerPyx says
Well first of all, you can always use matchmaking for any activity in the game. The game is meant to be played with 4 people on higher difficulties.
You can complete hard difficulty solo, it’s doable and yeah puts the platinum at around 4/10. The downside is that you can’t revive yourself. When playing with others they can revive you. Solo if you mess up once you have to replay from the last checkpoint. The upside of playing solo is that enemies die much quicker and you get a little extra armor. In co-op the enemies have 2-4 times more health depending on the number of players and you lose the extra armor bonus. The damage you take is still the same though, no matter how many players.
When playing solo it’s important that you pick skills that can heal you.
Jens says
Hey, if you want help with the online online trophies, add: JensWind21.
Good luck.
Carlos Guillen says
i can use some help with my las 3 trophies
Toddy says
Need help with online trophies.
Embrace says
Regarding Suits You, Sir!:
There are 52 named bosses in the game, 13 for each faction. You have to kill one to make him drop his card. For the trophy you need to defeat all 13 named bosses of one faction.
These named enemies do only respawn when all 52 of them were killed.
Thomas125 says
A Friend in Need seems like it’s buggy, at least on PS4. Revived multiple people calling for backup and no trophy yet.
jstjohn83 says
I agree. Same here. This trophy is bugged
MaSc says
The Trophy A Friend in Need seems to be glitched.
I have tried it twice and revived a teammate after joining his session after the call for help and no trophy.
PowerPyx says
I added it to the list of glitched trophies. I have had multiple reports of this not unlocking, happened to a friend of mine as well.
Also added the trophy “Hard as Nails” to glitches. Funny that the exact same trophy was glitched in the first game already. If you get disconnected during a hard difficulty mission and rejoin, it might not track the progress for it.
Benny says
Hello Agents, know someone how to start a clan war?
Kal EL says
Hi guys the trophy ( friends in need ) is bugged it’s not popping the trophy I did every possible thing but it’s not working some how if you do get it please massage me how you got it PSN: ManOfSteelLv99
LukasOxik says
Any tip how to do Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack trophy? I tried when I was rogue did not pop. Or how to start black out ? :D
ASH says
So what can we sell
Bo3alwa says
Hi guys
for the trophy ( clan war ) just create or join clan & play conflict ( Skirmish or Domination ) & make sure one of the players against you also in clan.
Ben says
Hi guys, info for Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack trophy?
Its me! says
Yeah, “A friend in need” is definitely bugged. I joined & stuck around in multiple groups. Revived people who sent the call for help at least 5-6 times (different agents), still no trophy.
Surgical_Assault says
Just a tip for the clan war trophy you dont need to have a full team of your clan vs a full team of another clan, Just played a game then where it was just me with 3 other people in a different clan and the other team had 1 person in a clan and the trophy popped, so I would think that as long as you are in a clan and atleast one person on the other team is in a clan the trophy will unlock.
Fkfkfkffk says
Need partner to do dark zone trophies with.
Add or message me Rival_MRX
Thomas125 says
Tried both things you mentioned to fix the glitched trophy, but still nothing. Tried with two different characters too.
PowerPyx says
I think the best hope at this point is to wait for a patch from Ubisoft. It could also be something server-side that is messing up a statistic tracker for the tasks linked to certain trophies. Something is definitely off with the trophies in this game. A Friend in Need is the most bugged one so far.
J says
Add me Redlinesi10
Luciofrenetico says
A Friend in Need still don’t pop after the today’s maintenance
Neo_Tachihoma says
Just earned this trophy couple minutes ago, I can confirmed no bug for this trophy. All you need to do is respond a call for help & have the call for help agent downed. This moment the downed agent need to press d-pad down button to “request for help” or so call “request revive”, when you revive the agent the trophy will pop out for you.
Thomas125 says
People, if you don’t get these certain trophies, please send Ubisoft a bug report on their support site. Bigger chance that they will fix it.
Luciofrenetico says
Please up my discussion about bugged trophy on the Ubisoft official forum =
PowerPyx says
Quick moderation note: the original link was too long and messed up the website width on mobile devices. I shortened it to a link. The link is clean (goes to Ubisoft forum thread).
Frustratedgamer says
The Game is beyond unfair solo and the matchmaking never works as it should.
PowerPyx says
Even solo it’s easy enough, I got through it just fine and the trophies are really simple. Matchmaking might not be working too well yet because you are either too far in the game and people aren’t as far as you (game just released) or general server overload at release. That’s more a tech issue, once they fix their server stuff that will work better. Personally I had no issues with matchmaking, you can always call for backup when in tricky situations.
I found it easy solo because enemies die faster. With two people you can revive each other though. With 3 or 4 people it’s the hardest, wouldn’t recommend that.
For Weapons just use an MG and put mods that increase reload speed. A rifle or sniper as secondary. For skills use the healing chem launcher and bulwark shield or reviver hive. Shield is great for blocking when enemies flank you, Reviver hive auto-revives you in solo play.
The trickiest situations are with heavily armored hammer guys in solo play. Easy trick for them is to run outside the mission area. Enemies can’t follow you beyond a certain point, there’s an “invisible wall” for them that they can’t pass. So these guys will get stuck and can easily be baited to the edge of the mission and shot without them being able to attack you. Other enemies are fairly easy, MG kills almost anything with one mag. Sniper kills almost everything in 1-3 headshots from a safe distance. Just don’t get flanked, stay as far back as possible.
Surgical_Assault says
I don’t know if this is a constant spawn but I found a real easy way to get the undressed to kill trophy. A little bit north-east from the center of the downtown weest area, there’s a tank who has a chainsaw, its real easy to dodge out of his path and it gives you a few seconds to attack a body part before he goes for another attempt. Again I don’t know if he constantly spawns here its the first time ive been in this area and just came across him I took a screenshot of exactly where I killed him and can post it if wanted.
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide is now complete!
Boss says
If you matchmake to do some mission on hard and you join when mission is already started, middle or at he end of it, it will still count you as a completion. Just make sure you will get “Mission completed” at the end.
When i did on hard, that worked to me.
LukasOxik says
And if I have purple one D50? Can i possibly craft gold from this one and than exotic? Or its not possbible and I really will have to be lucky and get a gold one to drop.
Hawkwind666 says
I am slightly confused about the requirements for crafting an Exotic. Do I need to fully upgrade the crafting bench to tier 5 to be able to craft Exotics? My bench is currently only Tier 3 but I am in world Tier 5.
PowerPyx says
You don’t need the endgame bench upgrades. Only the one that unlocks at player level 29 and lets you craft high-ends (yellow). The other upgrades just let you craft higher gear levels but not higher rarity.
LukasOxik says
Btw to get gold D50 just apply D50 perk in “Survivor” specialization and u will get one in your inventory.
PowerPyx says
This one cannot be used for the upgrade. You need a normal D50. The one you get by buying the skill has the prefix “Survivor” D50 and CANNOT be upgraded to Exotic.
Jabba says
Add me for dark zone trophies.
Username – JabbaBeanbag
Amelie91 says
Do we need to do all the side missions to have the platinum?
Thank you, and thank you for your work.
PowerPyx says
No, the only purpose of side missions is for some blueprints (but there are other ways to get them and more than the 20 that you need for a trophy) and they are good to earn XP. A few are also tied to camp upgrades.
You can skip the side missions if you want.
Katze says
For the big game hunter trophy you need to complete all tasks for all save houses. If you completed all tasks for 1 save house, you will get a bounty in your mission log for that specific save house. Do it for all 9 save houses. Bountys on the wall board are daily bounties and doesnt affect trophies. It’s not glitched.
Katze says
Quick note. Press options -> Progress (Right side) -> bounties (Down right). Bounties you‘ve unlocked are listed here. If you finish them, they are marked as finished. No need to track progress by yourself.
Benjamin says
Big Game Hunter isn’t bugged. U must finished the Projects where u get a Bountymission. This one counts! Not the rest
Hawkwind666 says
I completed all projects and bounties from each safehouse and the trophy still has not popped for me. It seems to be a bugged trophy.
PowerPyx says
Yeah same for some of my friends. Something is definitely up with this trophy.
A few people here have commented they had to do all bounties but I know plenty people who did that and it still didn’t unlock. It bugged for me too. This trophy is very confusing. If anyone here got it and could write what bounties exactly were done that’d be great to narrow down the issue.
At this point I think the trophy description for it is wrong and on top of that it’s also bugged.
Get_JPW says
19/3/2019 I just obtained “A Friend in Need” trophy.
Maybe it’s has been fixed.
Thomas125 says
Can you tell us how you got it and what platform? I’ve tried multiple times today, no trophy still. But I have been in touch with Ubisoft support that promised me to send this onward to the developers.
Luciofrenetico says
unfortunately it is still bugged
Get_JPW says
*playstation platform*
In my case first time I’ve tried it, I answer the call for back up, join a team and revived dead teammate (can not move) the trophy didn’t pop up. So I’ve tried again do it all the same but this time I revived bleeding teammate (can crawl ) and the trophy pop up.
Hawkwind666 says
The big game hunter achievement won’t unlock for me. I did all the bounties from completing the projects in each zone, and I also did at least one bounty from the wall in each safehouse. I have done multiple bounties from each safehouse but still no achievement. Not sure what else to do at this point.
SprayActy says
The Big Game Hunter Trophy is definitely bugged. It is the only trophy left for me and caused me not being one of the world top #10 or even top#3 platinum players, as I didn’t focus on trophies anymore since I realised that this trophy was glitched )=
Thomas125 says
I finally got the trophy A Friend in Need after probably 100 tries. But, when it popped it didn’t make much sense to me. It was me calling for backup, someone joined. He downed himself with a grenade so i had to revive him, and trophy popped for me. If this was working as intended it should’ve been the other way around. But yeah, just keep trying joining other people, and/or call for backup. Sooner or later it seems to trigger the trophy.
vvinushan says
Hi PowerPyx, I was hoping you could update your guide with a possible trigger for the ‘A Friend In Need’ trophy. It has been confirmed to be working for a few people and I’ve got it myself using this method. The method is: have the reviver hive perk equipped and join a backup call, down yourself with a grenade as soon as you join and you will be automatically be revived. Wait a few seconds to see if the trophy will pop, if not then rinse and repeat the method. It personally took me about 5-10 attempts, it’s not a for sure fix but it worked for me and I almost lost hope!
Anude says
I got the trophy the first time I tried this method. Thank you.
Cyrus says
This does not work. I have tired everything…it is permanently bugged for me.
PowerPyx says
Thanks vvinushan for the tip and everyone else for confirming.
I added it to the guide and credited vvinushan at the end of guide.
Hamshack says
Vvinushan you sir are a genius worked for me also
Manny says
Hey did anyone else experience a big where a lot of guns dissapeared from inventory? I was pretty upset that my 10k+ dmg weapons were gone when i logged in this morning.
David says
Looking to get disavowed kills, and get the blackout trophy. PSN: FYYASKO25
Dan says
Need help with the dissavowed dark zone trophy. I’ll be very grateful and willing to help others with trophies too. Add or message me Psn Kanudoit7
Luciofrenetico says
Need to do Blackout trophy in Dark Zone, add me.
Nagusaki says
So just got the bounty trophy yesterday and thought i would confirm its only needed to do ones you get from the project which include the shade tech cases. didnt run into a bug or anything but yeah you never know ofcourse. trying to do the friend in need now XDXD no luck sofar
InnesJack says
I can confirm that the information from vvinushan in regards to friend in need trophy. Worked for me first time. Respond to a call for help, use the hive reviver and then use grenade to kill yourself. Wait 25 odd secs and trophy will pop
Ferz says
Trophy A friend in need its impossible for me…Try a lot of times with revive an agent, with the hive reviver, with a new character and nothing…I thought even in change the language to the PS4…Powerpyx I need a video with the correct way to pop the trophy!!! THANKS
Dylan says
I have a question for Hard as Nails.
Would you recommend getting to WT4 before even doing the story missions on Hard.
Or do them all on Hard, get to WT4 and just finishing the Strongholds?
I’m not really sure the best way to go about it.
Thanks and great guide, as always.
vvinushan says
Thanks very much guys for the positive comments and thank you PowerPyx for adding to the guide, I’m glad its worked for you! I’ve also just unlocked ‘Big Game Hunter’ which also glitched for me, and luckily I remembered which one of the bounties I had glitched out on. I remember dying whilst trying to do the Downtown East ‘Meatwagon’ bounty, I had just managed to kill the target but the mob finished me off. It’s been driving me crazy so I spent time matchmaking on random bounty, and to my luck somebody was actually doing Meatwagon! As soon as I completed it with the group, the trophy popped. What I can suggest using this is if you have friends who still have the liberation bounties, it might be worth joining them and redoing the bounties you need (or all of them if you don’t know which one). Either that or do what I did and keep completing bounties with the matchmaking system. I know that once again I’m not giving a for sure fix but hopefully this would help at least some of you out 🙂
Nagusaki says
I got the trophy yesterday, i was trying the method where one joins a call for help via the matchmacking thing and downs himself with a grenade to be revived by his own reviver hive. BUT the moment i got the trophy was when i responded to the call for help via the ISAC MAP and i downed myself again and got revived by my own hive and then i revived my teammate who happend to be fully unconsious. Then it popped did this around 15 times yesterday, so i guess its just bad luck… I hope this helps and yall get it soon!
Lee says
This revive trophy does not want to unlock at all geeeeeessssssssshhhhhhhhh
Kingsley says
Looking to do the dark zone trophies my psn id is beattie96
Christian says
Hey are there any reports about Autograph Hunter being glitched? I’ve just earned of a commendation patch for getting 10 kills with each, yet the trophy hasn’t popped, but I haven’t seen anyone else having this problem online.
Sub says
you need 10 different commendations not 1 with 10 kills… 10 individual commandations! they come naturally w/o even trying….you look in your database once in a while.
Christian says
No, I’m talking about the autograph Hunter trophy which requires you to kill one enemy with each signature weapon. My reason for including the commendation part is to demonstrate that I have, in fact, killed several enemies with each signature weapon. Hence my thinking that it’s glitched.
Christian says
I’ve made a post in the division Reddit and have had one person so far also report the autograph Hunter trophy not popping.
Cobrame says
Here too to leave a feedback for A friend in need
i can confirm is relate to hive skill with resurrection perk but for what i’ve experienced is about throwing it far and remote ress someone else, done with myself and doesn’t work
chmielu125 says
Hello. Big game hunter isnt bugged you guys missing one bounty itd in campus laptop. Look on YouTube. Itd ten bounties then on each one map.
Kiorhs says
So about the big game hunter,you need to 100% the liberation and the bounty section on the progress menu.Me and my friends tried it and we all got the trophy.
PowerPyx says
Everyone has reported different things by this point. This is just completely broken lol. Thanks for writing what worked for you, it helps to narrow down the best way.
I did put in the guide to complete everything as that’s what has unlocked it for some people. Some have 100% in everything and still no trophy, something is up with it.
Kiorhs says
Also the order you complete them doesn’t matter.
PowerPyx says
Did you have to do anything from laptop in Campus settlement? Somebody wrote they had to do that for the trophy.
Kiorhs says
Well then we were lucky i guess.I hope they will fix these issues soon
Kiorhs says
No.I completed the projects on the liberation section and when i defeated the boss on my last bounty,a message poped up on screen saying Big Game Hunter(and it wasn’t from a ubifosoft challenge,it was in the middle of my screen)Hope i was helpful.
chmielu125 says
im stuck at 96% liberations? any help?
Hawkwind666 says
Hey Powerpyx. I have seen reports that for Blackout Hijack trophy, there is no need to kill a robot dog near the extraction. Some people are saying they got the achievement just by doing a normal extraction. Have not tried it myself yet.
Christian says
I’ve done it without it, so has my friend.
Kiorhs says
We just got the trophy and we didn’t kill the robot
Its me! says
Hey, there’s a new method of obtaining the bugged “A friend in need” trophy – different than the revive hive method. It requires coordinating with a friend, but from what people are writing on the PSNProfiles forum, it works 100% of the time (it worked for me at the first attempt after 5 hours of killing myself and auto-reviving with the hive).
1) Have a friend join your PS4 voice chat party, BUT NOT the in-game party – you need to be able to speak and give your friend a well-timed command.
2) Both people fast travel to the White House to minimize loading times.
3) Either wait for a call for help or open the world map section, where calls for help are displayed, hover over one of the exclamation marks.
4) The most important part: tell your friend to be ready to join you – have him select you in the social tab of the menu & just wait for your signal to press X to join you.
5) Accept the call for help and as soon as you do, IMMEDIATELY tell the friend to join your group.
6) If done right, your friend should join you and you both won’t join the agent calling for help (you’ll now be in a party), but the game will be stuck on responding to a call for help – this is the trophy trigger. You can check if the game is stuck on responding to a help request in the matchmaking section of the world map.
7) Exit the White House area and have your friend kill himself with his own grenades.
8) Revive your friend.
The trophy should unlock after about 20-30 sec max.
wrog says
Worked first try, thanks!
Ferz says
Also works for me in the first try…I tried normal method and reviver hive but dont pop…with this method pop in first time
Wildkarrde23 says
For the Big Game Hunter trophy, I think that they are specifically talking about the bounties that are given to you immediately after completing the liberation project for that zone and not bounties that you pick up from the board.
Cameron Walker says
Dark zone trophies. Psn diazau on most night pm aest
Get_JPW says
Looking for all The DarkZone Trophy with boost please add PSN : Get_JPW
Nishith says
Can anyone explain exact details for Big Game Hunter Trophy ? I really don’t understand what to do exactly ?
Thanks in Advance 🙂
themuffinboyy says
I just unlocked Big Game Hunter after it was previously glitched for me. I died after killing the boss in Judiciary Square but i didnt kill the mobs. Randomly joined groups doing bounties in and one of them we killed the boss in Downton East. So if you’re glitched the same way with your liberation showing 100% but no trophy, I recommend trying to join someone else doing ANY of the liberation bosses. This seems to trigger the trophy.
Chris Porter says
is there anyway at all to get the D50? can i unlock blueprint or find a location to farm pistols? anything at all. been playing for over 80 hours and haven’t found one.
PowerPyx says
It’s completely random. The Survivalist D50 (the one from Survivalist skill tree) doesn’t work for bench upgrades, unfortunately.
Cameron Walker says
Australian time for dark zone trophies. On daily from 8pm. diazau psn
Vinnie026 says
Hey, how do I get the wasp hive for the SHD skill merit challenge?
Tbarnes214 says
If anyone is looking to boost Takeown and Blackout trophies, I’m on right now. Add Tbarnes214
IxXFinnyXxI says
Hey guys, I need some help getting the trophy, I been searching all day for someone with these bounties.
Kindled Front
Bully Buzzards
My trophy glitched and it’s the last I need for the plat.
Willing to trade dz trophies for bounties that i need
AdvancedHybrid says
Any one wanna boost DZ add me I’m on most nights round 11pm GMT AdvancedHybrid
Thundermunch says
Great guide but got a comment regarding the Taste of the Exotic trophy.
Doing the missions on hard do guarantee a drop, but you need to do them in a specific order. Being:
1. American History Museum
2. Viewpoint Museum
3. Jefferson Plaza
PowerPyx says
I never got a part from Jefferson Plaza, mine dropped at Space Administration HQ.
Did they change this?
Thundermunch says
Yeah it should be Space Administration HQ instead of Jefferson Plaza. My bad. But the order is right. I got all the parts straight away
Kalel says
Has ubisoft changed the requirements for DZ: blackout hijack?? I have the spanish versión of the trophy list and it never say you have to do it during a black out. Just have to be a daily occupied dz.
PowerPyx says
You are right! They seriously changed this trophy, wtf :D
Before (when I made this guide) it said:
“Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack
Hijack an extraction in any dark zone during a blackout.”
Now it says:
“Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack
Hijack an extraction in any occupied dark zone.”
This was well spotted Kalel! Explains why so many people wrote to me they didn’t have to kill the dog to get the trophy (which I definitely had to do at time of the game’s release). I’m gonna update this in the guide now. Makes the video guide for it kinda useless now, I’ll just throw that out then. Interesting they’d patch something like this.
Ash says
U know for the trophy King of the Skill
Equip and use each skill. do u have to buy all the skill in Each category like all of them for the trophy
Scojoe says
Anyone want to boost Occupied Hijack and Takedown in the Dark Zone? PSN ID scojoe
Sam says
Yep! Add me: samlogan
Pancetogafas says
Alguien interesado en sacar los trofeos de la Dark Zone?
Juego desde Barcelona (Spain)
PSN ID: febrero13
moonman says
tnx powerpyx great work … i’m in step 4 . wish me luck.
JoshGrav says
Anyone want to boost the Dark Zone Occupied Hijack trophy? Hit me up on PSN: JoshGrav
psykopunkzz says
anyone wanna boost occupied dark zone and takedown trophy ? add psykopunkzz
Jake says
Anyone want to help me boost dark zone trophies? Add Jakesansom19
JK says
Woud like to boost darkzone trophies, PSN: JKatarn
Timezone is GMT+8, thanks!
Raymond says
There is another tank later in the American History Museum level. I got the first one, but there is another later on. I had a lot of trouble with this trophy. It was either NPC’s blowing it for me, or hitting open areas by mistake. I had to blow myself up twice to restart, because as i was dodging the tank, he blew himself 1/2 way up!
On a side note, after endgame the damn drones are a pain in the buttocks. They need to be nerfed!
Ash says
I made a new UPLAY account but still no trophy
Echo says
Hi, I’m looking to complete the Darkzone takedown and hijack trophies.
I’m GMT+9 in Japan; usually available from 6pm in the evening.
ID: Echotana
Echo says
Oh, and I thought I’d need to also get someone to help with A Friend in Need, because it wasn’t popping, but I read a post on Reddit saying that you just have to keep trying. Answer other people’s calls and grenade yourself with the reviver and you’ll eventually get it.
I got mine during a mission and i’m not sure if it was because I revived someone or because I revived myself, but I’m sure that I revived someone else on a backup call way before then.
MadMardigan_88 says
A friend of mine got the Friend In Need trophy from reviving me. We had been playing for around 6 hrs. No call for help. No downing myself. It was kinda strange but she certainly wasn’t complaining. lol
Is the trophy for extracting from the 3 dz glitched in a good way? It popped for her and I after extracting from 2 dz locations.
Broscolo says
Can someone help me with Friend in Need and Hijack trophies? Last ones for platinum. Add me: Broscolo
James says
Need a hand with the dark zone trophies. Add me on psn JamesHolden92
Roberto Rueda says
The trophy A friend in need seems to be fixed after the last update (the big one for the raid).
I created a new character, responded a call for help from the map, downed myself, revived with the hive and the trophy popped as it should!
Slick-wing says
The Taste of the Exotic trophy doesnt necessary need you to obtain the high end D50 in order to craft the Liberty.
Instead, you could craft the Chatterbox and the trophy will pop. Got mine today using this method.
Tautauu140 says
Missing only dark zone takedown.
Looking for anyone to help, we can tarde kills
Playing in ps4
Add me on psn Tautauu140
CrispyBear_ says
Looking to finish up Dark Zone: Takedown for the Plat – let’s help each other out!
PSN: CrispyBear_
DeadLuckDojo says
Looking for help with dark zone trophies Occupied Hijack and Takedown.
PSN: DeadLuckDojo
DeadLuckDojo says
Got the platinum. thanks for the help guys.
SystemIDentifier says
Looking for help with dark zone trophies Occupied Hijack and Takedown.
PSN: SystemIDentifier
Brais says
Olly says
Is anyone able to help me with Dark zone: Occupied Hijack and a few missions that I’m struggling with on Hard for Hard as Nails please, add ollie95
Prototechno says
Hi, need to beat the last trophy. Please help me with it, I’ll help u2.
Psn: Prototechno
Prototechno says
Takedown trophy
vladiator011 says
Need some help with Dark zone trophies psn vladiator011
Heratros says
Need some help with Dark zone trophies psn Heratros
Fadi says
looking for someone to do multiplayer trophies
make sure to type TD2 in the friend request
PSN ID: xSc0rP10NK1lL3Rx
XxTazz1xX says
Looking to get Dark Zone: Takedown
PSN: XxTazz1xX
I have a mic.
Th33_iron_Monk3y says
I tried to get the Best of the Best trophy, but it’s after tier 5 I have 165 in all my weapon classes. I can’t get all of them cause some block out after I get so many number into the class, how do I get the trophy if they keep locking out?
Majky14 says
Currently this achievement, most probably, can be achieved only by steps described in this article:
Ubisoft Forums
it worked for me.
Seth says
Need help with all of the dz trophies.
Allan Blount says
I am having major pains with the “Hard As Nails” Trophy. According to the Commendation Merit Badges, I have completed all of the Missions on Hard at least once, some of them 2 or 3 times.
Also, there is a Specific Commendation Merit Badge that has you complete all the Story Missions and all 4 Strongholds on Hard. Well today I got that Badge, so I know I have completed them all on hard but I can not get this Trophy to Pop.
Any help would be deeply appreciated as this is the last Trophy I need to Platinum this game.
Allan Blount says
All sorted now, So I just carried on playing the missions that I had done the least amount of times. There were like 3 or 4 I had only previously completed once, after finishing the 3rd one the trophy popped. So I am not sure if the completion info is stored differently locally on your PS4 than that on the Division Servers.
s says
PSN: Svobic
Maneki-neko_x says
Need for help with Dark zone : Takedown and Occupied Hijack Trophy
PSN: Maneki-neko_x
Salvatore says
Need for help with Dark zone : Takedown and Occupied Hijack Trophy
I al italian
Abood says
Add me A3d344
panosv082 says
abood i send u a friend request
panosv082 says
need help for the Dark Zone: Takedown psn panosv082
PiggRoll says
Guys, for now (april 2020) its not possible to get the trophy “Dark Zone: Safe House”. This trophy is bugged and Ubisoft didnt solved yet. So if you dont got this trophy before, you will be unable to get the platinum in TD2.
PiggRoll says
Little Update: The Divison 2 is planning to fix it on the Title Update 9 (April 21 2020). The “pre” release note says that the trophy will be unlocked only by entering in any Dark Zone. Cross your fingers 🙂
PiggRoll says
Someone could update the Dark Zone: Safe House, the method to get it now is different.
The old method does not work anymore.
To get this trophy you need to enter in any safehouse in the middle of an Dark Zone. Doing that, after 5 seconds, the trophy will popup for you.
Skara says
Hi, i need help for dark zone trophy. Ma nick is skaraXXVI
ahmedshaheer900 says
Wanna do these trophies together?
My psn id:ahmedshaheer900
ahmedshaheer900 says
Anyone can help. Me with darkzone trophies?
Psn id:ahmedshaheer900
Matt says
You still wanna do these?
Matt says
Looking to complete DZ occupied hijack and takedown
^THE 0’s are numbers
Seth says
Need some help with all the multiplayer trophies. PSN: Sethydooo
Easter time zone
CJ De Ciantis says
Need partner for Dark Zone trophies (Takedown & Occupied Hijack)
PSN: gamerguy_21
CJ De Ciantis says
I no longer need a partner for them.
Kim says
Need help with the Dark Zone trophies.
PSN: kimmerliknudsen
Gavin Bampton says
Need help with dark zone takedown trophy
Psn = BarrySpatula
Trophy Hunter says
Aw, man. This looks more like a chore than a video game. Pass.
Need help with darkzone trophies
Psn: SunBroJohnny
Michal Andresen says
I still cant get the trophy with the Theifs Den in DZ. Anyone got any comments on this?
I played it on release, tried it again today, still couldn’t get it. It’s not showing % in the corner either.
Need help :D
Andygee1987 says
can anyone help me with
Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack & Takedown
will help you with any in return
FurryTacos26 says
messaged you. lmk. i need those trophies too.
Hinky_solo says
If either of you still need these trophies, hit me up. We can help each other as i need them for the platinum
Nitraat says
Need to boost the takedown trophy. Add me on PSN: Vlinderbommerje
Most of the time im available to play
JimNasty03 says
Still need help with this
Johnny Moesman says
Need help for trophy Takedown. Add Semmy2014
Gazza says
Need help with dark zone trophies, I help back.
PSN: gazza12wolf
Abdulaziz says
I need a group to get “For Posterity” trophy
If you need this trophy or can help, please reply so we can find a group
PSN: Abdulaziz14
colonelkilgore69 says
Need help with the Dark Zone trophies.
PSN: colonelkilgore69
Ukuniek says
I also need help with dark doze trophies pm me anytime: Ukuniek
Toddy says
Need help with DZ trophies.
Toddy says
Hi all,
Need help with these trophies…..
Dark Zone: Takedown
First Among Equals
For Posterity
Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack
Toddy says
Hi all,
Need help with these trophies…….
Dark Zone: Takedown
First Among Equals
For Posterity
Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack
PSN oo- -TODDY- -oo
Put your PSN name here if you can help, cheers.
Chris says
Hi not sure if you still Need
But I’m looking to do if anyone interested Psn CF_assassin
Just need help with
Dark zone takedown
And occupied hijack
Ivan says
Hi, looking for help on “Dark Zone: Takedown” and “Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack”. Please add me:
Ivan says
Just need “Dark Zone: Takedown” now.
Coop says
Your PSN account settings prevent a Friend Request from being sent for some reason.
Message or add me for help : Skyracing00
Coop says
Need help with “Dark Zone: Takedown”.
Apparently the boosting techniques used, will not work with one person completing the DLC and the other not even having it. However, I am down to try any techniques that anyone knows about.
PSN: Skyracing00
Alphawill says
Looking for help on 2 trophies .Darkzone Occupied Jack and Darkzone Takedown
Message me if you can help . Alphawill
Giacomo says
Hi, i need help for the dark zone trophies
I don’t have dlc
Psn ID : Giaki_94_Shooter
Dan says
Hi all. I need assistance with 2 Dark Zone trophies. 3 Rogue kills and the hijack loot trophy ???????? please add me: DLKits1
APPI says
If anyone is still playing i need DZ hijack trophy, please
Rootkit says
Hello, if anyone is willing to help with dz rouge kills we can do the trophy together
PSN : Rootkit_4K
Erdem says
For dark zone achievements if anyone wants we can do it together
Psn: erdemurut
Erdem says
Hello, if anyone is willing to help with dark zone trophies together
PSN : erdemurut
robs.992 says
Am I the only one who has trouble with the ‘Group therapy’ trophy? I took over a bunch of control points without getting down and without asking for reinforcements to make sure nobody got down anyway… but still no trophy? (i’m playing solo btw).
Ghostman says
Hi! I would gratitude if somebody help me with raid, I need 8 players for raid.. so if anybody need that trophy too, we can playing and help each other, my English is fine but no fluenty, so my id is ghostman-81
hotellsix says
Looking for help to get all Dark Zone trophies and any other multiplayer trophies. I will help back whoever helps me or vice versa
PSN: HotellSix
Ryan says
Looking for help with some coop and dark zone trophies. Anyone looking to help each other add me! Psn – Th3-L3gEndx
zsan says
looking for help whit some coop dark zone trophies and a friend in need
psn Atlanticao1