In The Division 2 you can unlock crafting to make your own items and weapons from blueprints. To unlock the crafting workbench we must recruit a staff member called Inaya.
Here’s how to unlock crafting:
- Recruit Inaya al-Khaliq from the Theater Settlement. She can be recruited after the first Main Mission “Grand Washington Hotel”. Talk to her on the rooftop of the Theater Settlement.
- Return to the Base of Operations (White House) where Inaya will wait on the ground floor for you. Talk to her once more to unlock the Crafting Station.
That’s all there is to unlocking the crafting station in The Division 2. You will still need materials and blueprints to make items. The materials are found by looting objects in the game world or by dismantling items from the inventory. Blueprints are mainly awarded from side missions and bought from vendors. Always check the vendors and fast travel between settlements to see what they have for sale. To craft higher level items you must first upgrade the Workbench with the Bench Upgrade Blueprint – which you get automatically from story progression. Then simply interact with the workbench and hold (PS4) /
(Xbox One) to upgrade it (requires various materials).
Hector says
My crafting table is still at 2:50 I am at tier four already and And my crafting table is still the same at 2:50 please help me
Agent#100192 says
upgrade your crafting table by holding the interact button but only if you have the required mats
Victor says
I’m at world tier 4, I’ve upgraded the crafting table to the max but I’m only at 300-330. What am I missing? It say no more upgrades available. I’m super confused as to what I’m missing. I checked my side missions and nothing… anyway me else having this issue?
Hawn says
I’m level 29 and I still can’t craft above Specialized Tier – I do not have the option to upgrade the bench. “No Upgrades Found”
david Palmer says
I didn’t recruit her during the mission and now she’s not there. How do I recruit her now? Do I have to start over?
Hawkins says
I think the quest is bugged after the new update. I’ve just picked it back up after a long lay off and couldn’t recruit her either. Nor did I get NPC side missions or projects.